556 Center St. WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1923 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1923 21 HIGHWAY WHAT "The Judge"--ExtenuatingdCircumstances sv MADAM YOU ARE ACCUSED OF DRIVING A CAR FORTY MILES AN HOUR ON THE PUBLIC HAVE WELL JUDGE | DONT THINK IT IS FAR WHEN MRS SIMMONS WAS NOT WHO 15 MRS SIMMONS © pe TT 1 1 4 SHE 1§ THE WOMAN IN THE © WAS TRYING TO CATCH UP WITH WHEN OFFICER KELLY STOPPED MF AR AHEAD WHO | Pr-- rs . ~12 7.3 3 ae C NN Td pl i i) J ki: nly Il Ladliy WHAT DID YOU WANT TO CATCH ARs SIMMONS | WAS TRYING TO GET CLOSE ENOUGH To SEE HOW HER HAT WAS TRIMMED FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE Do You Own J) --, n : Classified advertisements will be charged General Notices-- only to persons living in the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, whose names appear in the tele- phone directory, or to persons who are regular subseribers to either Wilmette Life, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. R t 10 cents per line in one paper. «0 cents per line in all ates three papers. Minium charge 3 lines. Average of five words te the line. No black face type used. This size .type M charged as 2 lines. < 4 : aan ; This size type HH \ This size type charged as 4 lines. : I\ charged as 3 lines. . : Classified advertisements will be Deadline for Insertions-- accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for Wilmette Life or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glen- coe News. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT--FLATS = FOR RENT--4-ROOM FLAT; $50; 927 For Sale Ash St. Tel. Winn. 112. T31-1te 3 "FOR RENT APARTMENTS 6-ROOM' E. D. N. C. L.; DINING AND slpg. prch.; garage; for quick sale| pOR RENT--NEW 4 ROOM APT.; reduced to $15,400. z steam; janitor; also 2 room apt.; 7-Rooms; 3 prchs.; wooded lot; modern. Tel. Wil. 2399. w. h.; $16,500. LTN1-tfe Brick home; 5 bdr.; 3 baths; vap- - or ht; oil burner; attached garage;| FOR RENT--3-ROOM APARTMENT; want offer; $35,000. 3 3 $556 unfurnished, $65 furnished. Tel. All of these homes located in Win- Winn. 855. LTN2-1te netka near lake, schools and trans. - a rip F R t FOR RENT--GARAGES or © FOR RENT -- MODERN PRIVATE Opportunity for professional men; oné car garage; all conveniences; new 4-r. apt; centrally located in| Will lease space by month or year. Winnetka; can be used as home and 949 Spruce St. Tel Jvinn STIG 1 office; free rent to Nov. 1st. Three desirable homes in east Win- netka, 6, 8, and 9-rooms; all con- veniemwt; short or long eases; $150 to $300 per month. Small bungalow, west side; fine wooded lot; adults only; $75 per mo. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 790 Elm St., Winnetka Tel. Winn. 1800 Valuable Homes WINNETKA 1-ROOM. STUCCO; -85 FT. 1.OT; 8. B. section; Nokol ht.; $15,000. 7-room Dutch Col.; 2 car garage attached and htd.; lot 50x177; $20,000. WINNETKA HEIGHTS central location; §-room solid brick; 2 tile baths. garage attached. Large lot. Vapor ht.; $35,000. 6-rm. Eng. Brick; 2 tile baths; sun and slp. pchs.; beautiful lot; $23,500. HUBBARD WOODS New T7-room brick and stucco 2 tile baths; sun and slp. pchs.; h. w. ht.; large lot; attractive location; $22,500. HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. Exclusive Agents Winnetka 254 Open All Day Sunday °f LTN2-1tc 7-ROOM FRAME ON LOT 132 x 177; cement (state) rd.; 15 minutes from transportation; $9,000. - tracts for country 1 lly wooded, good roads, s ranging from $1,200.00 to ,000.00 per acre in parcels of 5 to 40 acres. homes Schaefer & Golbach 909 Ridge Ave. IPhone Wilmette 364 LTN2-1tc FOR SALE--A LOVELY HOME JUST across the street from the Skokie Country Club; 8-rooms; sleeping and sun porch; large fire place with crane in it; over 150 ft. front by 181. Apply Mr. KR. L. Davis, 501 Washing- ton Ave. Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 207. TN31-1tp FOR SALE--WINNETKA REMOD- eled 7 room house; 3 porches; No- Kol heat; garage; lot 60x187 fet; owner very anxious to sell has just cut price to $12,000. Inquire 877 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 1689. LTN2-1te FOR RENT OR SALE--HOUSES FOR RENT--OR SALE SMALL HSE.; convenient location; Hubbard Woods. Tel. Winn. 1096. LTN2-1tc FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--NEW- ly decorated, at- tractive, G-room Winter's supply of coal im basement. Gar- Furnished or unfurnished. Phone Winnetka 1882. ii TO RENT--UNFURNISHED HOUSE; 9-rooms; 2 baths; near transporta- tion; nice location. Tel. Wil. 2908. house. age. FOR RENT--GARAGE; FINE CEMENT driveway; convenient to Spruce and Birch Sts. Tel. Winn. 1894. T31-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE; $10. 114 Bert- ling Lane. Tel. Winn. 1367. T31-1te FOR RENT Winnetka's New Masonic Temple is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, en- tertainments, dances, etc. For rates and available dates see the chairman of the Temple House Commit- tee. Dr. J. E. Fonda Phone WINNETKA 1211 Meyer Bank Bldg. FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED RMS. and private bath; h. w. heat; near transportation; new home; Scott Ave., Hubbard Woods; A-1 references required. Address Winnetka Talk, A-362. T31-1tp FOR RENT--LARGE LIGHT ATTRAC- tive furnished double room, main floor; east of tracks; near lake and transportation; kitchen privileges. Tel. Winn. 1543. LTN2-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM IN private family; 1 block to North- western depot. Tel. Wil. 1949. T31-1tp FOR RENT--3 ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping with laundry and bath. 969 Willow St, Winnetka, Ill T31-1tp STEAM CENTRAL HOTEL -- ROOMS; a Ford? Don't forget that we are your headquarters for gen- uine Ford Parts, accessories and service. SkokieMotor Co. 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers FOR SALE--HUDSON 6-40, FIVE PAS- senger touring car. This is one of the best models Hudson ever built and this car is in excellent condi- tion. Price $225. Motors Service, Inc. 721 Main St. Wilmette LTN2-1tc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILE, EXCEL- lent condition; winter top, 2 bump- ers; new tires; well equipped; $350. Tel. Wil. 1898. LTN2-1tc INVESTMENTS Direct legal supervision and regulation by State officials of the interests of members of our association : The law protects you against 08S. OUR EARNINGS HAVE NEVER BEEN LESS THAN 7% 9% SAVINGS ARE SAFE IN THE WINNETKA BUILDING ASSOCIATION E. E. ADAMS, Sec. 2 Prouty Annex T31-tfc HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--TOOL-ROOM MAN; MID- dle aged. Apply to superintendent heat; hot and cold running water. Cadillac Motor Car Co.; 1810 Ridge Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St, Wil. Ave. Evanston Branch; Evanston LT1-tfe 4841. LTN2-1tp FOR RENT--4 ROOMS; MODERN; WANTED 5 WHITE CHAUFFEUR; h. w. ht.; also garage. 353 Adams careful driver; city references. Tel. St.,Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 338-J. Wil. 176. . LTN2-1te T31-1te WANTED DRIVER. TEL. WINNETKA FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT; 1870. Rapp Brothers Grocery, Win- suitable for two; steam heat; run- netka. TN31-1te ning hot water. Tel. Winnetka 1186. - T31-1tp SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR RENT--ROOM; GENTLEMAN OR business woman preferred; near trans. Telephone Winnetka 589 af- ter 5 P.M. T31-1tc FOR RENT--2 NICE ROOMS; CON- necting if desired; also one extra large room; 1204 Forest Ave. Wil- mette. Tel. Wil. 2031. LTN2-1tp FOR RENT--LARGE WELL FURN- ished front rooms; east side; near transportation. Tel. Wil. 1940. LT2-1te FOR RENT--WITH BOARD, PLEAS- ant front room; for 2 adults. Tel Wil. 992-J. 731 10th St, Wilmette. LTN2-2tp FOR RENT--PLEASANT FNRNISHED room; near station; telephone Win- netka 415. LTN2-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M; near all transportation. LT1-tfc FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED room, new house; 603 Provident Ave. Tel. Winn. 911. T22-tfc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED TO RENT--3 OR 4 ROOMS with kitchen or will take care of a house for winter; 3 in family. Tel. Winnetka 1902, T31-1tp FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES LTN2-1té WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES DESIRABLE TENANT WISHES TO lease a small house between north- west Evanston and Glencoe. Ad- dress P. O. Box 66, Kenilworth, 111. LTN1-2te FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT ---8-ROOM FURNISHED unfurnished there- Address Wilmette Life, A-358. LTN2-1tc house tn May 1st; after. | USED CARS' FOR 'SALE 122 DODGE TOURING; 1922 DODGE roadster; 1916 Dodge touring with winter top; 1921 Dort touring. Wersted Motor Co. Tel. Winn. 165 LTN2-1te ELECTRIC 562 Lincoln Ave. FOR SALE DETROIT Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers J. B. MacFarlane Interior Decorator Formerly with Mandel Bros. 117 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 G. A. PETERSON Shrub pruning,--planting, Trees taken down and sawed up. Call Glencoe 514 T30-2tc. ANNOUNCEMENT WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER HAVE LEASED STORE Linden Ave. Watch and Jewelry in all Branches. Jxperienced, Reliable Work- man. AT 962 Repairing PARK BRADFORD T31-1te FURNACES CLEANED AND TAKEN care of by reliable man. Tel. Winn. 1783. T27-6tc SITUATION WANTED BY GARDENER. Will take care of furnaces; can do some driving. Telephone Glencoe, 332-W-X, TN31-1tp HELP WANTED--FEMALE Stenographer Wanted A LFVEL HEADED girl stenographer wanted to fill position with a reputable North Shore firm; in applying give references, age, etc. Ad- dress Wilmette Life, 360. LTN2-1te WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general housework; no washing; own room, bath, and living room, with large fire place. No objection to husband working elsewhere. Call 850 Sheridan Rd., or telephone Glen- coe 440. LTN2-1tp W ANTE D--EXPERIENCED MAID for general housework; small family. A. J. Weisberg, 388 Woodland Ave. Winnetka. Tel. Winnetka 1931. LT2-1te WANTED -- GIRL OR WOMAN TO care for child 2, three afternoons a week from 1 to 6. 1370 Scott Ave, Hubbard Woods. Tel. Winnetka 1954. T30-tfc WANTED -- COMFETENT PROTES- tant maid for light housework and cooking; no laundry; good wages; references required. Winnetka 1481. T31-1te WANTED--IST AND 2ND COOK FOR Glen Gables Tea Room; married cou- RELIABLE HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WILL take care of children evenings, after school. Tel. Winn. 1723. T31-1tp IF YOU WILL BRING YOUR WASH- ing to me I'll do it at home. Tel. Winn. 1902. T31-1tp WANTED--LAUNDRY TO BE TAKEN home. Tel. Winn. 1468. T31-1tc HELP WANTED---MALE OR FEMALE WANTED DISHWASHER, GIRL OR man; steady work; Sheridan Cafe, 601 Main St, Wilmette, Ill. T31-1tp FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--WALNUT DINING ROOM set; 10 pieces; oriental rug, 10x14 ft.; 2 metal table lamps with art glass shades; 1 large art glass shade; 1 oak dining table; mission settee; 1 oak settee; mission dining room set, 7 pieces; bed and springs; oak davenport upholstered in Spanish lcather; 1 upholstered parlor chair; congoleum 9 x 9 ft.; stair carpet 15 ft.; electric washer and wringer; oak rocker; 7 radiator air moisteners; 3 lady's coats; 6 pairs lady's shoes, 5 B, 1 gallon ice cream freezer. For Sale--carpenter's horses; scaftold horses; scaffold planks; tinner's charcoal burner; 200 ft. marble flooring; 1 inch brass railing fitting. Tel. Wil. 1070. LTN2-1te FOR SALE -- REASONABLE, OAK furniture including dressers, book cases, desk, china cabinet, variety of chairs and small tables. Odd china, 2 double iron beds complete, 2 sanitary couches. Telephone Win- netka 887. 530 Cherry St. T31-1tp FOR SALE--SOLID BOG OAK BLACK dining table and chairs; victrola like new; small Divan sewing machine; combination water heater and laun- dry stove; auto charcoal foot warm- er; pictures. 1093 Elm St. TN31-1tc FOR SALE--BREADMIXER, KITCHEN cabinet table, bird cage, mahogany dresser, baby walker, dark oak din- ing room set. Tel. Kenilworth 1625. LT2-1tc FOR SALE--DINING TABLE WITH 6 chairs; buffet, rocker, library table, dresser, chiffonier, writing desk, pic- tures; quick for cash. 225 Sylvan. Rd., Tel. Glencoe 130. LTN2-1te FOR SALE--85 GAL. TANK, PITTS- burgh hot water heater; laundry stove; proceeds will be donated to Rummage Sale; 790 Bryant Ave. Tel. Winn. 167. : T31-1te FOR SALE--FIFTY INCH PAINTED extension dining table and six chairs to match; $35. Tel. Winn. 143. T31-1tp FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE MAHOG- any book case, 5 ft. wide, 50 in. high, perfect condition. Tel. Winn 602. 3 T31-1te WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos. pianos, anything useful. 808 Oak St. LTN1-TFC. N. FELL--DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. LTN1-TFC. FOR SALE--QUARTERED OAK CON- sole with 32x54 inch plate-glass mir- ror; reasonable. Tel. Wil. 1679. LTN2-1tp FOR SALE--1 BRASS BED COM- SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE FRENCH DESIRE SEVERAL ADDITIONAL pupils in Winnetka, Wednesdays. Mme. Bourgeois, 775 Buena Ave., Chi- car. Tel. Wilmette 497. LT2-1tp ple; mother and daughter, or 2 plete with springs and mattress, $10; friends: no exception to colored. Tel. 108 Church Road, cor of Winnetka Miss Hall, Glencoe 474. TN31-1tc Ave. Tel. Winn. 81. LTN2-1te WANTED--GOOD PLAIN COOK IN|FOR SALE ---OAK DINING ROOM small family; adults. Tel. Winnetka table, 3 leaves, 4 chairs; $10. 9x12 203; Mrs. J. R. Montgomery. Call at blue rug, $10. Tel. Winn. 892. 15 Green Bay Road, Hubbard cols. TN31-1te -1te FOR SALE---GAS STOVE IN EXCEL- WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL lent condition; left hand oven and housework; small house; 3 in fam- h-oiler; $25. Thone E. 8. Barber, ily. 792 Foxdale Ave. Tel. Winn. Winnetka 245. T31-1te 1196. LTN2-1te FOR SALE KIMBALL CONCERT WANTED -- LAUNDRESS, WHITE grand piano; good condition; bargain. preferred; best washing machine; Tel. Kenilworth 1625. LT2-1te every convenience; good references. Tel. Glencoe 768. TN31-1tc | FOR SALE--CHILD'S CRIB, IVORY enamel, with mattress. Tel. Kenil- WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- worth 1851. LT2-1te eral work; 3 adults; no washing; must be good cook; references re-| FOR SALE--8 PIECE OAK DINING quired. Tel. Winn. 1330. T31-1tc set at $35. Tel. Winn. 249. T30-tfe QTICK SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture, reasonable; leaving town. Tel. Winn, 1720. TN31-1te FOR SALE--LARGE ANTIQUE ROSE- wood table, marble top; $35. Tel. Glencoe 207. TN31-1te - 3 FOR S! o--¢ CCE by ] KK XPERIENCED MAN WANTS HOUSE cago. Tel. Lake View 2608. T31-1te ror El SIRCE pre Roow and lawn work; references. Walsh, 316-W. : TG te Winn. 1613, call between 5 and 9 P. M. | YOUNG WOMAN WITH UNIVERSITY : ' T31-1te eftieation, 3 years Duyiness and so- POR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO. TEL. = cial experience, widely traveled in Wilmette 407, LTN2- R YR BLE MAS YAnrs AL Europe and America, desires position EE SME C , care ( haces. el. as companion or social secretary. "ANTE y 5, Winnetka 430 or Glencoe 1095. Tel. Dearborn 6421. Room 1301: 15 WANAED ud om NovSEaMLD TN31-1te E. Washington St. TN31-1tp - NTT = ------ WANTED JY--SECOD ENE a woh Sore Ray | STUSTION MANTED, BY ELIA | "haiti tha Sie ise ela ho e 16 7 H , i Sr r, colorec woman 0 a0 Pp ain sewing Highes ice i M. J. Gallagher. Phone Winn, 1103. and mending; references furnished. PE anlTise Yau Ton pT LTN2-3tc| Tel. Winn. 626. LTN2-1tc| Tvanston, Il. Phone 189. LTNI.TFC. YouNa MAN, HIGH SCHOOL STU-| PLAIN AND FANCY DRESSMAKING; | wANTRD--TO RITY METRONOME gy wishes work on Saturdavs. ~lterirg and remodeling furs. Tel. Tel. Mrs. W. S. Miller; Winnetka 200. el. Winn. 1381. LT2-1tc! wil. 2718. LTN2-1tc SE : LTN2-1to SY A i "8 FOR SALE OFFICE FURNITURE PIANO TUNING FOR SALE--FLAT TOP MAHOGANY office desk, 50x32 inches; sanitary; swivel chair; both fine condition. Tel. Glencoe 72. TN31-tc EXPERT PIANO TUNING, REPAIR- ing. L. W. Foster, piano maker. Call your home tuner. Tel. Winn. 509-7. LTN1-tfe. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Guaranteed Extermination of all Vermin Rats, mice, roaches, ants, moths, fleas or any other form of vermin can be quickly destroyed any- where by my scientific methods. My work is guaranteed and con- fidential. Write, phone or call. A con- sultation involves no obligation. Exterminating Engineer P. 1. Uedelhofen 894 Burr Avenue, Hubbard Woods, Winn. 519-W LTN2-1te PLANT NOW Trees, Shrubs, Hardy Flowers, Evergreens. S. G. MENNELL Landscape Gardener .. .. 381 ADAMS ST. GLENCOE Phone Glencoe 853 We specialize in Hardy Plant arrangements. CERTIFIED POTATOES EAT MORE OF THEM. Finest Crop in History. Shipped direct from producers Northern Wisconsin Braeside Farms. Best Potato Country in the World. Order Winter Supply from M. A. STOCKLEY, Winnetka, Illinois. POLICE PUPPIES FOR SALE--MALE AND female Police Puppies from registered and prize win- ning stock. TEL. WILMETTE 19. LTN2-2te Homey For Sale FINE NEW CROP STRAINED WHITE clover honey. Call 782 Center St. Tel. Winn. 551-J. TG31-1te FOR SALE--FULL BLOODED BOSTON bull pups, screw tail brindles with white markings. Males $20. Female $15. Tel. Wilmette 1909 for informa- tion, or write C. P. Ward, Troy, Mis- souri. LTN2-1tp ONE USED SET OF "BOOK OF KNOW - ledge'; complete 20 volumes; bound in half leather; cheap: 578 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka. Store open 9 a. m. to 5H: p.m. T31-1te FOR SALE--BOY S SUIT, AGE 14 TO 16. Also almost new overcoat. Best quality. Child's coat, size 3. Tele- phone Wilmette 1507. LTN-1te FOR SALE JOHNSON MOTOR wheel. If interested see Jud Thomp- son, 811 Ashland Ave., Wilmette. LTN2-1tp FOR SALE--CANARIES, BEAUTIFUL. singers; male or female; cheap. Tel. Winn. 803. LTN2-1te FOR SALE--PEDIGREED AIRDALE; male; 1 year old; housebroken; good companion. Tel. Winn. 198. T31-1te FOR SALE---2 PLATE GAS BURNER; $3. Tel. Winnetka 1367. T31-1tc WANTED--TO BUY MISCELLANEOUS M. SMITH JUNK DEALER. I CALL for all kinds of junk; paper, 65c; magazines, 80c; rags, $1 per 100 lbs. Tel. Wilmette 1351. TN31-4tp LOST AND FOUND LOST -- ESKIMO SPITZ, black and white; without collar. Answers to the names of "Tyras" and "Husky." Reward. Tel. Wil. 2520. LTN2-1tp LOST--SUNDAY EVENING--LADIES wrist watch; Swiss movement; gold link braclet; reward. Call Winnetka or address Miss Reed, Hearthstone Tea and Candy Shop, 942 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods. T30-1tp LOST -- RUSSIAN WOLF HOUND; finder telephone Wil. 1727--Reward. LTN2-1te LOST D. A. R. PIN SUNDAY; REWARD Tel. Winn. 506M. Mrs. 8. O. Rice. T31-1tp WILL PERSON WHO TOOK WAGON from the lawn at 993 Ash St. please return it? WANTED--TWO OR THREE CHIL- dren to join small group, commenc- ing first grade work in private resi- dence in Winnetka Morning sessions only. Methods of instruction up-to- date. Also music and incidental danc- ing. Address Winnetka Talk, A-389 31-1te STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC, REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CON- GRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912, Of the Winnetka Weekly Talk pub- lished weekly at Winnetka Post Office, Winnetka, Ill, for October 12, 1923. itate of Illinois, 14g County of Cook ane Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, per- - sonally appeared Lloyd Hollister, who, having been duly sworn according to law, denoses and says that he is the Business Manager of The Winnetka Weekly Talk and that the following is to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaid pub- lication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of Aug- ust 24, 1912, embodied in section 443, Fostal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, maraging editor, and business managers are: Publisher Lloyd Hollister, Inc. (A Corporation), 1222 Central Ave. Wil- mette, I1l.; Editor, Edwin W. Weber, 1239 Lake Ave. Wilmette, Illinois; Business Manager, Lloyd Hollister, 813 Pine St., Winnetka. 2. 'That the owners names and addresses of individual owners, or, if a corporation, give its name and the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of the total amount of stock.) David Wilmette, Michigan Hollister, Gustaf Nelson, I11,; E. C. Weissenberg, Winnetka, I1l.; H. D. Hill, 797 Walden Rd., Winnetka, Ill; F. A. Wilson, 1162 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette, Ill; B. P. Kiefer, 1301 Asbury Ave. Hubbard Woods, I1l.; Harry Lynn, 1111 Gage St., Hubbard Woods, Ill.; Wersted Mo- tor Co., 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka, I11.; E. E. Adams, 873 Oak St, Win- netka, I1l.; Earl T.. Weinstock, 630 Wal- are: . (Give 821 Elmwood Ave, F. L. Bateman, 735 Ave. Wilmette, Ill.; Lloyd 813 Pine St., Winnetka, Ill; 849 Elm St., Winnetka, 813 Elm St, Nelson, 1).; den Rd., Winnetka, Ill.; A. F. Gedge, £20 Center St., Winnetka, Ill; A. C. Wolff, 1124 Greenleaf Ave. Wilmette, I11.; R. H. Schell, 800 Elm St, Win- netka,-Ill.; C. E. Hotze, 1229 Hill St. Wilmette, Ill.; A. H. Bowman, 1316 Sherman Ave. Evanston, Ill.; E. R. Ladd, 1316 Sherman Ave. Evanston, Illinois. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of toial amoun. of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: (If there are none, so state.)--None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stock- holders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stock- holder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security hold- ers who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or cor- poration has any interest direct or in- direct in the said stock, bonds or other securities than as so stated by him. 5. That the average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers dur- ing the six months proceeding the date shown above is.-- (This information is required from daily publications only.) LLOYD HOLLISTER. (Signature of editor, publisher, ness manager, or owner.) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th day of September 1923 busi- TG31-1te 1°27.) (Seal). CHAS. E. E. HOTZE. (My commission expires Mar. 14, You Think You Can-- But You CAN'T! SO many folks figure that there is al- ways time enough to save a little later. When they're young they should enjoy life, that's their idea. You think you can find the time and The park benches of the big cities are full of the money to save a little later. those who thought the same thing thirty years ago. WINNETKA-TRUST a? SAVINGS -BANK Elm Street at Center LLL LZ EZ ZZ ZT 7 FZ FZ 2 rrr rr 770 Zs LLL LLL Td 7 777 ZZ ZZ 77 777 a7 2 777 277 777 2d da 22d 2 Zaid. ddd ddd ddd dd ddd dd ddd ddd Zaid Lizz zz zzidddizizizziiiierizidiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddds Winnetka Two is our telephone SSL LLSLSSISLILSLSSLLS ISLS STLSSSLL SSIS ISIS LISS IS LLSSSLLLSSL SSL LSSLL LASS SST SSSI SSS SLT SS SSS A number. Pick DRUGS : CIGARS, etc. up your receiver CD and say, "Win- ICE CREAM : os STATIONERY netka Two MagazIgEs whenever you want ice cream, drugs, etc. Come in and get . a pound of our Special Chocolate Peppermints for 49 cents. LIL 77 7772777 I Tl Ze adi PHARMACY Elm & Linden WINNETKA 2 LISS SISSTI IIS LS ILS SSSI IIS ISIS IS SSS ISIS IS IIIS SSIS SSIS SS SSS SSSA SSS SSS SSS SSIS ISS SAL ILLS SS SILA