Mills of Madame WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1923 13 Arion; Shore Wier Camp Benefit Bridge October 29 RS. James H. Houghteling, 731 Prospect avenue, Mrs. John H. Quinlan, 125 Mary street, Glencoe, Mrs. Horace Armstrong, 365 Sheridan road and Mrs. Thomas H. McInner- ney, 6 Indian Hill road, are opening their homes on Monday, October 29, for a bridge card party, the proceeds of which will be used for the Arden Shore Winter camp for undernourish- ed boys between the ages of 12 and 15 years who need recreation and the right sort of food to rebuild their bodies. There will be an average of fifteen to twenty tables in each home, and according to committée, of which Mrs. Marcus D. Richards is chair- man, they are having no trouble at all in disposing of the tickets. Assist- ing Mrs. Richards is Mrs. Horace Armstrong, Mrs. Hubert Howard, Mrs. Fletcher Marsh, Mrs. Bucking- ham Chandler, Mrs. Lowell Copeland, Mrs. Arthur Tuttle, Mrs. Kent Chan- dler, Miss Augusta Fenger and Mrs. Norman Harris. On Wednesday evening, October 24, Leslie Pope, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peirce Pope, of Glencoe, will become the bride of Charles Brainard Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kugene Cook, 2603 Sheridan road, Evanston. The ceremony will occur at eight-thirty o'clock in the Glencoe Uuion church, Rev. Douglas Hawley Cornell officiating. Miss Helen Pope will be maid of honor. The bride's other attendants will be her bridesmaids: Emily Pope, Janet Kirk, Mrs. Hugh Dugan, Mrs. Donald Macleran, Jessie Cook, Sue Tracy; and her flower girl, Leslie Chaplin. Mr. Cook's best man will be Dwight Evanston. The ushers will be: Dr. Robert L.. Lasater, Evanston; William C. Cook; Menominee, Mich- igan; Edward Bacon, Lily, Illinois; Warren Hasemier, Nashville, Illinois; Roy Kauty, Clarendon Hills, Harry Champlain, Glencoe. After the ceremony a reception will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pope, 126 Hazel avenue. --_--O-- The North Shore Chapter of Musical Guild will present three programs of Chamber Music this season. They will be given on Saturday afternoons of November 11, January 27 and April 6, at 4 o'clock at the home of Dr .and Mrs. A. B. Spach, 228 I eicester road, Kenilworth. These programs will be given by a trio composed of the fol- lowing well known artists of Chicago, Spravka, pianiste, Richard Czerwonky, violinist, and Robert Am- brosius, cellist. Tickets for each musi- cale may be secured by addressing Mrs. A. B. Spach at the above address or telephoning Kenilworth 429. It is hoped that these informal afternoon musicals may resuit in the founding of a North Shore Chamber Music Association. --Q-- The Orrington hotel announces the second of its series of informal danc- ing parties for this evening. Many north shore folks aside from those re- siding at the hotel, are planning to at- tend these informal functions this winter. the On Mrs. Edgar F. Alden, 352 Linden street, delivered a paper on "North Carolina and Its Amazing Progress," before the North Carolina Colony club at the Great Northern hotel on Tuesday of this week. --_O-- There will be a meeting of the Garden Club of Winnetka at the resi- dance of Mr. Ralph Hobart, 660 Pros- pect avenue, on Wednesday afternoon, October 24, at 3 o'clock. sii The Current Topic class held its annual luncheon Friday, October 19 at the Garden of Allah, in Glenview. Mrs. Sawyer and Mrs. Cherry gave a group of readings at this time. -- : Mrs Revnol'ds Brooks. 1183 Scott avenue, will return on Wednesday of next week from a visit in Cam r.dge Boston and New York. --O-- Mrs. Frank FE. Greaves, 439 Willow street, is 'convalescing after a severe illness. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Deis are arranging their TEACHING SCHEDULE PIANO CLASSES SEASON 1923-1924 1200 CENTRAL AVE. (Wilmette State Bank Bldg.) Phone Wilmette 984-M (Chicago Address) 900 CAPITOL BLDG. Phone Dearborn 7374 THE OSCAR DEIS PIANO STUDIOS stand for what is highest and best in the ART of teaching MUSIC and directing music education. The marriage of Miss Dorothy Mit- chell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Allen Mitchell of Oak Park, to Roland David Feltman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Feltman of 800 Sheridan road, Wilmette, took place Tuesday evening in Grace Episcopal church, Oak Park. Both bride and groom attended Northwestern univer- sity and their attendants were mem- bers - of their respective fraternities, Kappa Alpha Theta and Sigma Nu. Miss Erna Neil of Oak Park attend- ed the bride as maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss Margaret Clay- ton, Miss Louise Ellis and Miss Es- ther Lewis. CC. Howard Feltman served as best man and the ushers were William McElwain, Thomas Wolfe, Oliver Nichols and Alfred N. Steele. A wedding reception followed at the Oak Park Arms hotel. Mr and Mrs. Feltman will home after November 15 at Greenview avenue, Chicago --_--Q-- Miss Elizabeth McEwen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McEwen, will become the bride of Dr. Earl R. Mc- Carthy, of Spokane, Wash., at high noon today. The ceremony will take place at the Sacred Heart church in Hubbard Woods, Rev. Father F. J. Haarth officiating. A reception will be held at the McEwen residence, 808 Hill road at four o'clock in the after- noon. Miss Eleanor McEwen will attend her sister as maid of honor and Mr. J. R. McCarthy of New Orleans will be his brother's best man. After an extended honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy will make their home in Chicago. Mrs. John Buckingham, 266 Lin- den street and Mrs. William S. El- liott, 650 Blackthorn road, are spend- ing several weeks at the Red Lion Inn at Stockbridge, Mass. gs Miss Carol Lou Burnham of North avenue, has gone to Seattle, Wash, to attend school. She will spend the winter with relatives. a Mr. Fred Swindell returned to his home on Gage street, Sunday after a visit with his parents down in Indi- ana. be at 7637 --Q-- Miss Marion Sherwood of Duluth, Minn., has been the guest of Mrs. Gayle S. Aiken, Jr. 849 Lincoln ave- nue, this week. --_--O-- Mr. Maurice G. Pryor and family, 459 Sunset road, are leaving next week for Washington, to be gone for a month. --_---- There were many small radio par- ties Wednesday evening, just small informal affairs in many of the homes, to hear Lloyd George give his address. Announcement is made of the mar- viage of Miss Theo Wanzer, daughter of H. S. Wanzer of Sacramento, Cal, to Sidney Ames Huguenin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Huguenin of Wil- mette, last Saturday evening in Sacra- mento. Maxwell Hayford of Chicago, acted as best man for Mr. Huguenin. -- Frank Ferry, 391 Sheridan road, is in the FEast, attending the National Council of the Congrega- tional church at Springfield, Mass. Before her return on the 29th, she will visit her son and daughter who are in schools in the East, and with relatives in Boston. --Q-- The first meeting of the Current Events class will be held Tuesday morning, October 23, at 10:15 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. William G. Hib- bard, 840 Willow road. Mrs. E. S. Adams and Miss Julie Adams will lead the class. Mrs. Rr Mrs. McGuire left Tuesday for her home in Long Beach, Cal, after a month's visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. DePau, 724 Center street. --0-- Mr. A. Franco, 480 Rosewood ave- nue, who has been traveling abroad for three months studying decorations, has just returned. 4 tin The Winnetka League of Women Voters held their first Board meet- ing Friday, October 19, at the Win- |' netka Woman's club. ni EA Friday evening, October 19, Mrs. M. H. Lieber, 468 Ridge avenue, ad- dressed the Parent-Teacher associa- tion of Sterling, Ill. --_--Q-- Mrs. Peirce C. Ward, 112 Green Bay road, left Thursday for a visit in New York city. -- Om The Winnetka Coterie will open its series of dancing parties on Satur- day evening, October 27. --_--Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, 468 Ridge avenue, spent the week-end at Somers, Wis. For this Christmas-- Give Photographs d udi® 0 oe st Arrange for your sitting now. stock of furnishings. many advantages. WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT One of America's Greatest Furniture Exhibitions Ask us for the Card of Introduction If you are planning to visit Chicago at any time, be sure to see us before you go. : give you a signed Card of Introduction which will permit you to visit PECK & HILLS' large wholesale furniture display in Chicago. This additional feature of our service is a great opportunity for our customers. We try to keep on hand HILLS' catalog on file. an unusually wide selection for those who do not contemplate a trip to Chicago. However, for those who expect to visit Chicago, "a personal tour through PECK & HILLS has Be sure to ask us for the Card of Introduction. S. Rosenbaum Company EVANSTON'S FURNITURE STORE Fountain Square EVANSTON Telephone 5023 We can at all times an adequate We also keep PECK & In this way we provide fs The Walden Road Circle meets on Monday afternoon next, at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. William J. Clarke, 902 Pine street. Mrs. Wil- I'am Gold Hibbard, Jr., will give a group of dramatic readings. The sewing will be done for Dorcas Home. -- Through misinformation it was an- nounced that Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Bradstreet had moved to the Library Plaza hotel in Evanston for the win- ter. It is Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Brad- street who have taken up their resi- dence in the neighboring city. --Q---- Mr. and Mrs. Percy W. W. Fair- man and family will move into the Week's house at 600 Ash street. Mrs. Harry 'I. Orwig, 548 Willow street and her sister, Miss Elizabeth Brack are spending several weeks in Mecosta County, Mich.,, visiting friends. a eeBLER Miss Marie Taylor, 370 Scott av- enue, Hubbard Woods, returned Mon- day from a six weeks' visit in Cali- fornia. Ome 5 Mr. Edgar F. Alden, 352 Linden street received word this week of the death of his mother, Mrs. Millar Al- den in Cincinnati, O. ---- Mr. and 'Mrs. Edwin O. Sullivan, 550 Ash street, were hosts at a dinner party last Saturday evening. Fine landscaping. Corner Skokie Golf club. GILBERT D. JOHNSON & BRO. North Suburban Real Estate 564 Lincoln Ave. Main Office--110 So. Dearborn St., Chicago Branches--Winnetka, Glencoe, Highland Park, Deerfield WHITE FRAME COLONIAL Containing 8 rooms, 3 baths, heated sun and sleeping porches. Garage capacity for 2 'cars. lot, 64x140. Near Price $25,000. Winnetka 314 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Wilmette, Illinois Announces a FREE Lecture on Christian Science BY EZRA W. PALMER, C.S.B. of Denver, Colorado Member of Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Monday Evening, Oct. 22, 1923, at 8 o'clock IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE Central Avenue at Tenth Street, Wilmette, Illinois THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED Scientist, in Boston, Mass. EE C------ A ie ~b T-- nel iv hl Ill 0) ih lL comfortable! And everyone who is noon. EX ROUND RIPPER WALKING Give LIFE to your feet! Let them step out lightly, smoothly, joy- ously--by putting them into a pair of these famous ORIGINAL Flexible-Arch, Muscle-Develop- ing Health Shoes. The Shoes that have done most to make Comfort fashionable and Fashion Come see the many handsome new Styles for Men, Women and Children NEXT WEEK IS GROUND GRIPPER WEEK having foot trouble of any kind and all those who have difficulty in finding a comfortable, stylish shoe should see Dr. Kemp who will hold clinics in our Shoe Section on the First Floor every after- The REFRES from the Ground up! You SHOES = dl ----------