Burnham, of Hubbard Woods, was the designer of the unusually interesting LOCAL MEN ACTIVE "There has been some talk of a build- ing which the Commonwealth Edison 122 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1923 CLAIM RIGHT TO street, near State street. It is possible | Hibbard Casselberry, who will build o that the railroad will lease it as a ter- [at 870 Sheridan road; Emma D. Boosts Toy Carnival minal in the future, though the com-| Kerns, who will erect a home at 940 7: 81) pany is not ready to announce its plans { Greenwood avenue; A. F. Starrett y at this time." | who will build at 1119 North avenue; ! Kobert N. Landreth, who will build BUILDING PERMITS at 195 Forest avenue. Permits to build in Winnetka have fi : North Shore Line Official [been issued to the following persons: Read the Winnetka Talk In Statement rr ---- JOHN MAITLAND TAILOR and FURRIER Officials of the Chicago, North Shore Fine Clothes | & Milwaukee Electric railroad this Carpenter and General For Ladies and Gentlemen ees declared they do not fear the il Contractor Clothes Made to Order forts of the Chicago city council to dis- Remodeling--Pressing--Cleaning | lodge them from the use of the right- ||| Remodeling or New Work. 784 Elm St. Corner Linden of-way of the elevated line from Wil- ||| Esti . Winnetka 1051 ; IR "stimates Furnished Above Adams Drug Store mette into the loop, explaining that the forinerlv. at Silvend has Teoh wratte er Ridge A dS 7 J. lormery at. x railrcad has been granted the privilege 1dge Ave. an eeger St. 67 Burton Place, Cor. Clark St. by proper legal authority. | Ph . Chicago 3 ) one Wil. 1459 S p ' Alderman Albert, of the Forty-third a gi a. 3uscssor to Co. { ward, at a meeting of the council last = = week, protested against the use of the elevated tracks by the North Shore RIE line. He referred to the railroad as a nl Phone "privilege grabber" and . "a franchise ene Win. thief." He charged that while the St. 344 company possessed a lease on the ele- : \ ; vated tracks, it had never heen given of all kinds. Tubes and Special colors the right by the city to operate North Shore electric trains over those tracks. A HELPFUL MONEY SA VING SER VICE "We do have the right to operate the LY CIVEN ON A rO1T T Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee FREELY C1VEN OF LL YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS 'rains over the elevated--there is no bd PAINT 1° . question about it," luke Grant, director Rasmesen S STORE Painting and Decorating of publicity for the company, declared this week. "We do not have to go to a ~ 4 ? he city council for permission--it "was -- ils : 4 ! : granted us by the Illinois Commerce > to, Ea N Commission, who approved of the ex- wn CN iy. 2 ; . A tension. When the councilmen ques- o &L & HL ; toned our authority to use the elevated te y-_. line, they did not know what they were f=} f= om alking about, «s we operate lawfully." a. 2, Asked about the station in the loop 5) fe which the Chicago, North Shore & « : & Caroline Louise Burnham talented M.iwaukee railroad was rumored to daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred N. have considered, Mr. Grant replied, Q as ea alr e @) E. Ee < < poster illustrated above, to be employed this season in attracting attention to the forthcoming Toy Carnival to be held at the Evanston Woman's club on December 8, under auspices of the North Shore Alumnae of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college. The poster represents the girl artist's conception of "a child asleep and dream- ing of the Magic City, the name given to this year's "edition" of the annual Toy Carnival. Honored by Artists "Carol; Lou," as the little girl is known among her playmates is now in her first year of high school. Last June she exhibited a remarkable collec- tion of paintings in the Marshall Field galleries. Her work has also won fa- vorable comment in French art circles. The poster was presented for the Carnival at the instance of Anita Wil- fetts Burnham, chairman of the Post- ers' committee of the Publicity depart- ment of the Toy Carnival of which Mrs. Florence S. Capron, of Evanston, is chairman. Plans for the annual Toy Carnival are progressing splendidly, according to information emanating from headquar- ters of the Publicity department. The entire Woman's club at Evanston will be 'devoted to this unique event, which is. given for the benefit of the Nation- al Kindergarten and Elementary col- lege building fund, to provide for school buildings on the new school site on Sheridan road at the Evanston-Wil- mette line. Carnival for Kiddies Last year's carnival was such a com- plete success that alumnae and friends of the college started early this year to formulate plans for the approaching event. Scores of women in the terri- tory extending from Rogers Park to Lake Forest, are working diligently to insure an even greater carnival than was held a year ago. Hundreds of dol- lars, toys of every conceivable descrip- tion, and pounds upon pounds of can- dies and kindred varieties of "goodies" will be available for the children at extremely moderate cost. The club will be transformed into a Magic City such as fairyland never before has imagined. The basis of the entertainment will be several novel plays presented by stu- dents of the college. These will be given at 9:30 A. M.; 11 A. M,, and 2 P. M. in the Pixy Playhouse, which is to contain all the enjoyable features of the most completely equipped playroom. JUNIOR PROM COMMITTEE The Northwestern university prom committee is headed by Miss Undine Dunne, with the following assistants: Miss Eleanor Fischer, Miss Margaret Harding, Miss Grace Ferris, Miss Mil- dred Kinney, Lowell Copeland, Harold Davis, Albert Anderson, Robert Wein- ecke, Wesley Irael, Paul Dever, Otis Hastings . and Gene Robertson. 'The date for the prom, which is the larg- est affair of the school year, is to be announced shortly. Miss Mildred Cox is social chairman of the freshman class, and has an- nounced her committee as follows: Miss Genevieve Heath, Miss Mary Stephenson, Miss Betty Fowler, Miss Dorothy Olson, Edward Thompson, Reginald. Severance, John Holmes, Le- land Myers and Theodore Bergstrom. | IN VOTERS LEAGUE Shelby M. Singleton, of Wilmette was recently re-elected executive sec- retary of the Legislative Voters league at the annual meeting held at the Union league club. Mr. Singleton has served the league in the capacity of secretary for many years and has been one of the most ac- tive members of that powerful organi- zation which has as its purpose the pro- motion of good government through the agency of the state legislature. At the annual meeting the league authorized the appointment of a special committee to stir up increased public interest in the Illinois legislative situ- ation, particularly in Cook county. The committee will get in touch with other organizations and individuals in the var- ious senatorial districts with a view to inducing fit persons to become candi- dates for the legislature and in aiding them in the Primary campaign. Among north shore men who are ac- tive in the league are: George E. Cole, of Wilmette; Clifford W. Barnes, of Lake Forest, president of the league; Walter Clyde Jones, of Evanston; Henry P. Crowell of Winnetka, who is a director of the organization, and Carl R. Latham of Evanston, formerly of Wilmette. company is planning for 8 Kast Lake Unique Style Shop COATS SUITS DRESSES Our styles. fabrics and prices cannot be beat. ' You can convince yourself by paying us a visit. 1126 CENTRAL AVE. Phone Wil. 2403 ~ ORDER NOW BLACK DIRT and MANURE WINNETKA 1549 | M. J. Sullivan | tome and hear a Cutting 18 PROUTY. ANNEX Open Evenings ~~ THE RADIO SERVICE SHOP C. H. Affeldt | RADIO SUPPLIES Open Sunday Mornings Washington Radio Receiver PHONE 1840 you have insurance for Property Damage. the damage. Why run protection today? LIABILITY INSURANCE SAVES YOUR SAVINGS OU are not insured against this great risk just because They are good--but when the un- avoidable happens, bringing injury to another through you, only LIABILITY INSURANCE will help you pay risks CLARK T. NORTHROP, Agent 566 Center St., Winnetka Fire and Theft, Collision or when you can get this ad ¥ A FINISHED JOB of auto painting' you are assured if you place the work in our experienced hands. at :the high glossy factory pearance of your car. You will be agreeably surprised finish and the new-like ap- AUTOMOBILE PAINTING. "REAR OF WIL. STATE BANK TEL.WILMETTE 684WILMETTEJLL 1559 Sherman Ave., Evanston -- BEST RIB ROAST per lb. 35¢ FANCY LEG OF VEAL per lb. 24% c SPECIAL PEACOCK BACON per lb. 291/%¢ FRESH DRESSED SPRING DUCKS per lb. 39¢ FANCY LEG SPRING LAMB per lb. 35¢ SLICED JACK SPRATT BACON 3 lbs. $1.00 FRESH DRESSED BROILERS per lb. 27Yc VERY STEAK PORTERHOUSE BEST PEACOCK HAMS per lb. | 25V,¢ BEST 50c BLACK DIRT and FILLING Whether your needs are one load or a hundred, we are now 1n a position to make prompt deliveries. Lime for the lawn EDINGER & SONS Established 1907 Dealers in All Kinds EVANSTON WILMETTE of Building Materials KENILWORTH WINNETKA GLENCOE