WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1923 ~ RED CROSS IN ANNUAL DRIVE Willoughby Walling Is Local Chairman Mrs. Armistice Day to Thanksgiving Day is the time set for the seventh annual | roll call of the American Red Cross. Mrs. Willoughby B. Walling is in charge of the roll call at Winnetka, it was announced at Chicago head- quarters this week. The Chicago chapter enrollment will be under the direction of the ex- ecutive committee: Marquis Faton, 'chairman; Col. A. A. Sprague, James Simpson, Frank O. Wetmore, John W. Scott, William Wrigley, Jr., Char- a m---- foe hi Jack Holt, and with Mitchell Lewis in les H. Wacker, A. A. Carpenter, and Jacob M. Dickinson, Jr. With the exception of one, all of these men x have given their time to the Red Cross, since the beginning of the 3 war. Dr. Thomas IE. Roberts of Oak Park. and Mrs. James A Patten of Evanston, are in charge of the sub- 'urban division roll call. They have given the same number of years. i Need $1,000,000 In fact thonsands of men and women who devoted their time to the Red Cross during the war are still on the job. The goal is half a million dollars, which will be adequate to run the chapter two years. Approximately one man out of every four who offered their lives to the country is either dead or has suf- fered a disability. The families of many of these men are our responsibility. The Chicago chapter aided 10,000 disabled veterans last year. The Chicago chapter secured $60,- 000 in governmental compensation for disabled veterans in one month. The Chicago chapter has transcrib- ed 400 volumes of standard literature into Braille for blinded ex-service men who are always asking for some- thing to read. The practical and economical meth- ods of helping the disabled ex-service man is to enroll with and contribute to the Red Cross. Public Library News and Reviews a Barnum Drinkwater... 0... Robert E. Lee JEAVIOr sais s wien In Old New York Bards i Government in Illinois Harding .. Peonies in the little garden FORINT Gee Beautiful America Ratchet. oie Happy traveler tPRelps ... cae ss As 1 like it Hansen ...- 1... Midwest portraits Wilson io... cee Able McLaughlins Kave-Smith . End of the house of Alard Walpole ©... ...-v- Jeremy and Hamlet IWsie oa se Exile of the lariat TT eg LE NR Butterfly AE Te AR Madame Claire Yecht -............, Florentine dagger Kyne Never the twain shall meet Galsworthy: .0v. i. can haen Captures Jeison . a. is vasa Sunwise turn Nicholson vu. - ie Hope of happiness Waatfs co en Luther Nichols Saythe, 7.000... Treasure of Bucoleon Rawland: = ove on Of clear intent Farnoli.....o. nies Sir John Dering Widdemer ............. Graven image Harker ... Vagaries of Tod and Peter te rE Harilek Undset eo ne es Bridal wreath WHEams iin oh cab Family CIS Ca py Victoria Birmingham... -cer 0s» Found money Overton--When winter comes to Main St. "On the High Seas," Next Friday's Film Co-featuring Dorothy Dalton and their support, a Paramcunt picturization of Edward Sheldon's first original screen story, "On the High Seas" will he shown at Community House, Friday evening, November 10. It is a powerful story of the sea and recounts the stirring adventures which befell a beautiful young woman cast adrift upon the ocean in a small boat in the company of two burly stokers. Af- ter some dreary days in the boat they take refuge on board a sinking schooner, irom which they are rescued in the nick of time, after one of the men had been been killed by a falling mast. Mitchell Lewis plays this role. Irvin V. Willat's direction of the picture was excellent. There will be two shows, one at 7:15 and one at 8:45 o'clock. : SOMETHING FOR NOTHING We're told that we mustn't think that we can get something for noth- ing. But what do you call it when vou get a Want Ad for THIRTY CENTS? That's only a little more than nothing. Mrs. A. LI. Massey is passing two weeks in Petersburg and Lincoln, Illi- nois. She has been attending a fam- ily reunion. Pirates Bold Have Lair at School House Should residents of Hubbard Woods and Glencoe happen of a Saturday morning to see a band of fifteen fero- cious looking young pirates with red sashes, bandanas about their heads, dag- gers between their teeth, and cutlasses ready for acticn, they need not get panicky and phone the police. The "pirates, are members of the Haw- thorn School Adventure club, composed of Winnetka and Glencoe boys under the direction of Charles A. Kinney, on one of their treasure hunts. Mr. Kinney, formerly director of shopwork in the Winnetka schools and now head of the manual training de- partment of the Francis W. Parker school in Chicago, is in charge of the shopwork at Hawthorn school. Here the boys have a "cave" where club meetings are held. In this secret place they are fitting up a pirate ship with fo'csle, brig for captives, and a real treasure chest, chiefly for "eats." To enhance the nautical atmosphere of the dry land ship Mr. Kinney has loaned the pirates coils of rope, anchors, life buoys, flags and other marine equip- ment and a small canon. Access to the ship is possible only to those possessing the secret password. The club meets on Wednesday after- noons and Saturday mornings. A part of Saturday is spent in the new school shop. The rest of the time is given to group games, trips into the woods or along the lake where the boys will get some practical experience in camp cookery. A few trips will be made to the Field Museum and other places of interest in Chicago. As soon as the pirate ship is ready for inspection the boys plan to initiate their fathers into the mysteries of pirateering. The boys in the club are John Curtis, Gerry Schnur, Allan Frank, Francis Allen, John Reilly, Jamie Odell, Allen Johnston, David Curtis, Dunham Reilly, John Danley, Melvin Strauss, Wolf Hattery, Charles Palmer-Ball, Jack Odell, Burton French, and Charles Eberhart, who as- sists Mr. Kinney. Peddles Sans License Pays Fine to Northrop Among the offenders listed in the Winnetka police court during the past week appear the name of Jacob Kaleeb, Chicago, who paid a fine to Magistrate Northrop on a charge of disorderly conduct, and peddling without a license. Those. who appeared in the police court for violating the traffic regula- tions were: J. B. Schultz, Chicago; Ed- ward Hughes, Chichgo$- Peter ~Vaisdl, Chicago; Irwin Henbrook, Highland Park; A. K. Stearns, Ravinia. The number of arrests for speeding during the past week is considerably less than that of any previous week over, a period of several months. JF Bn "ad Everthing Electrical at our new location Electric Irons Curling Irons Toasters etc. Also repairing on all Electrical appliances. PARR & POWELL WINNETKA 748 Elm St. Phone Winn. 122 'GOODSYEAR Service Station HE high, thick, ! sharp-edged blocks of the Gootl- year All-Weather Tread keep the max- imum traction and safety under your car every foot of the way. They resist sideslip and skid- ding, help make the most of fuel, and protect your motor from the strain of stalling or spinning wheels. As Goodyear Service Station Dealers we sell and recom- mend the new Goodyear Cords with the beveled All- Weather Tread and back them up with standard Goodyear Service BRAUN BROS. 723 Oak St, Winnetka HOSTESS GROUP NAMED FOR C. H. Volunteers Chosen to Aid in Direction Community House directors this week announced the "hostesses" who are to volunteer their services in aiding in the supervision of activities at the social center during the winter months. The "hostesses" will be: First week of month: Monday, Mrs. George D. Wolf; Tuesday, Mrs. Mar- cus Richards; Wednesday, Mrs. Fred- erick Thomas; Thursday, Mrs. John Bunker. Second week of month: Mon- day, Mrs. Robert Greenlee; Tuesday, Mrs. Charles Butler; Wednesday, Mrs. Robert Wilson; Thursday, Mrs. Morris K. Wilson. Third week of month: Monday, Mrs. Edmund B. Bartlett; Tuesday, Mrs. Arthur F. Klein; Wed- nesday, Mrs. Marc Newman; Thurs- day, Mrs. Harve Badgerow. Fourth week of month: Monday, Mrs. Ralph Snyder; Tuesday, Mrs. William Trues- dale: Wednesday, Mrs. William Wool- folk; Thursday, Mrs. William Mec- Cauley. Fifth week in month: Mrs. William Wersted; Tuesday, Mrs. Mer- ritt Lum; Wednesday, Mrs. Joseph Brown; Thursday, Mrs. William Mof- fet. The committee of "hostesses" is under the general chairmanship of Mrs. Frank Crawford. Fach year a committee volunteers for service as Community House, each woman serv- ing one evening a month. This bit of service is of great value to the work in the House, as, owing to the many and growing activities in the evening, there is real need for some one to be on hand in the office, to meet strangers, answer questions, take care of the emergencies, check up on the gymnasium classes, and do the many things that arise in con- nection with the varied interests and activities of the evening. of women "hostess" in COMMITTEE APPROVES DILLER ST. VACATION The Streets, Drainage and Forestry committee of the Winnetka council Tuesday of this week reported favor- ably on the application of the North Shore Country Day school board to have Diller street vacated from Forest to Church road. The recommendation of the committee contained the provision that the school authorities enter into the necessary contract with the coun- cil to present to the village the neces- sary land on the west side of Church road required in connection with the proposed through highway route. The Village attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance in that regard for introduction at the next council session. In connection with the Diller street vacation plan the Streets, Drainage and Forestry committee received several ob- jections from property owners on For- est street who were of the opinion that the street in question should be retained open as a parking space for patrons of the school, who otherwise park their cars on Forest street. The school authorities, in that con- nection, agreed, in writing, that, in the event of the vacation of Diller street, parking space would be provided on the school grounds, and promised strict compliance with police regulations pro- hibiting parking on Forest street. The objections were withdrawn, it was said, upon the assurance that there would be no parking on Forest street. F Jorida Weather Ideal, Says Trav'lin' Freddie Fred Schwall, captain of the Win- netka Fire department, who left Oc- tober 24, for an extended motor trip through the south, has sent word to his fellow workmen that after travel- ing a distance of 2178 miles, he is only 214 miles from his destination in Florida. Accompanying Mr. Schwall is his wife, and her mother, Mrs. William Brand. He reports that the weather in Florida is ideal and that he will be back sometime next spring. Ee -- WBE -- THE WINCHESTER STORE he served properly. this week? Other Equipment for Thanksgiving Casseroles Chinaware Cooking Utensils Electric Toasters and Grills Grape Fruit Knives Kitchen Cutlery Sets Percolators Roasters Silverware Stainless Steel Knives GOODS YEAR ----4 For a Successful Thanksgiving To complete the success of your Thanksgiving din- ner, it is necessary that the big, brown, savory turkey You can assure the success of the serving by pro- viding the Winchester carving set--keen, sharp, well- designed to do the work neatly. We have several distinctive patterns of Winchester carving sets from which to select. Why not get your buck stag handles and sterling blade. Gifts Phones 998-999 i) 546 Center & \ loping! WINNETKA A three-piece set of genuine silver mountings. FEight-inch forged chrome vanadium steel Roast Sizzles to Nought; Fireos Let Out Smoke A dandy roast of beef went up into smoke at the Frank Squire menage at 1456 Asbury avenue, Wednesday, and caused enough excitement to rouse the local fire fighters. } When the apparatus arrived, the roast was nought, and all the braves had to do was open a few windows and doors to give the neighbors a chance at the appetizing odors. Damage--one roast gone and a bit of smoke. ELECTRICAL NECESSITIES FOR THE HOME AMERICAN BEAUTY The HOOVER It BEATS . .. as it Sweeps as it Cleans i = 8 & Sr 1 CAI YR N NEA AA 7/7, AN 7 228 Li AN 4, = "EDEN" WASHING MACHINE Come in and let us demonstrate the EDEN We also have the THOR AND FEASY WASHING MACHINES, SIMPLEX and THOR IRONERS, EUREKA and HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS 1 Step in today for a demonstration North Shore Electric Shop JOHN CC. WELTER, 554 Center St. Proprietor Phone 44 Winnetka "If Electrical and Goed, We Sell It"