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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 22 Dec 1923, p. 12

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20 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1923 Som-- -- Eo ---- -- _-- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 2. : Classified advertisements will be charged General Notices-- only to persons living in the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, whose names appear in the tele- phone directory, or to persons who are regular subscribers to either Wilmette Life, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. 10 cents per line in one paper. «0 cents per line in all Rates three papers. Minium charge 3 lines. Average of five words te the line. No black face type used. M This size type charged as 2 lines. 2 3 This size type This size type MI i charged as 3 lines. charged as 4 lines, 2 : Classified advertisements will be Deadline for Insertions-- 5 cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for Wilmette Life or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glen- coe News. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388. FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE SITUATION WANTED-- FEMALE 55 { MON-MARIE-LOUISE $ per oot will remodel your old gowns in the latest Paris styles; also gowns to In Glencoe order and French lingerie; reason- able. Tel. Wil. 2943. LTN11-tfe r . > ' I'he Village Beautiful BUNDLE AND FAMILY WASHING EAST OF GREEN BAY RD., 3 BLOCKS done, called for, delivered, to station, in a new development, guaranteed. Tel. Evanston 3352-R. safeguarded with highest restric- LTNé6-tfc tions and laid out in accordance with plans of the Village of Glencoe,| MAH JONGG TAUGHT AT YOUR large wooded lot, 66x170. Terms home, rates reasonable. Tel. one-fourth down, balance monthly 1760. LTN12-1tc payments. Address Life, 434. HOW ARE YOU GETTING ALONGAT SCHOOL NOW, TE [AE ANNE EIT] re WHAT ARE THEY TEACHING =_ You? = IM LEARING READIN, = : WRITIN', SUMS, 5 SPELLIN® AND RELIGION. -- WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1923 "The Judge"--The Higher~The Lower sx RELIGION, TOO? AND 1s YOUR BROTHER JOE LEARNING RELIGION ? DIFFERENT RELIGION SEIT MT ye IRANI LL DIFFERENT RELIGION HOW'S THAT 9 ZZ WELL You SEE JOE --_-- -- --_-- ue? - " s IN A HIGHER CLASS WE RE TAUGHT THAT WE ALL CAME FROM ADAM. BUT JOE \S TAUGHT THAT WE ALL CAME FROM MONKEYS 7 4 L/ANI2-1tey TT SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR SALE---MISCELLANEOUS SALE--AUTOS FOR SALE--AUTOS $2,000 Cash and BOOKKEEPING, AUDITING, Sy ¥ t he tax service day or evening by ex- Unusually Fasy Fer ms pert accountant. Phone Evanston BUYS BRAND NEW 7 RM. BRICK 6449-W. W. Seneco, 2146 Asbury COLONIAL. H. W. HEAT; 175x180 Avenue. LTN11-2tp FT: IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. OWNER MUST SELL AT ONCE. OPEN TO ANY DECENT OFFER! HEINSEN & CLARK Upholstering, Draperies. 556 Center St. Winnetka 254 he OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY Slip Covers LTN12-1te LIST YOUR WINNETKA PROPERTY Jo B. MacFarlane with us. We have established a special department for handling . high grade Winnetka homes, acres Interior Decorator and vacant and place at your dis- posal our 40 years of North Shore experience. Quinlan & Tyson, 701 Formerly with Mandel Bros. Davis St., Evanston, Illinois. T40-3te FOR SALE--5 ROOM HOUSE, WEST side, Winnetka, good location, lot Phone Wilmette 2228 50x183, $8,750, half cash. Tel. Winn. > 1783. : LTN11-3te LTN4-tfc 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette WANTED TO BUY--REAL ESTATE I WANT THE BEST HOME IN WIN- Trees taken down Lots cleared netka that $35,000.00 will buy; give Wood sawed for building full particulars and terms. Address W Winnetka Talk, 4-430. T40-3te 5 i Corrus FOR RENT--HOMES Workmen's Compensation Insurance carried FOR RENT--6-ROOM HOUSE, MOD- 1315 Wilmette Ave. Phones ern, Srnll A ARES $25 month; 187 Wilmette 1579-926-M Forest Ave. Tel. C. A. Thorsen, Kenilworth 261. T41-1tc EXPER" PIANO TUNING, REPAIR- FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED ing. IL. W. Foster, piano maker. 8-room house, with 2-car garage. Call your home tuner. Tel. Feb. 1st to June 1st, rent reasonable 509-J. LTN7-tfc to responsible parties. Tel. Winn. 459. T41-tfe = . DETECTIVE SERVICE FOR RENT--GABAGE ! Shadowing, Civil, Criminal, i and - Domestic Investigations. FOR RENT--1. CAR GARAGE. TEL. | All -inquiries strictly confi- Winn. 2087. 798 Cherry St. r20-3tp" dential FoR RENT-HOONS ! Phone Buckingham 8062 COMFORTABLY FURNISHED FRONT Address F. E. P. Du Bois, 666 Oakdale Ave., Chicago, Box C LTN12-4te room for two, housekeeping could be arranged, near cafeteria, and trans. East side. Tel. Wil. 3068. HELP WANTED--MALE LT12-1tp Genuine Chinese Goods For Sale Exquisitely embroidered lin- ens, cut and punch work, lunch cloths, bridge sets, napkin sets. Beautiful old silk embroideries, Mandarin skirts, coats, shawls, old altar cloth and tapestries. Wide range of prices. An in- spection will convince you that the workmanship and values are exceptionally attractive, $3.50 to $60.00. Unique and antique hand carved chains, new shipment. Real green and white jade, turquoise, blue and black crys- tal (very fine), old ivory, amethyst, coral, amber, etc. Many are in combination with most unique hand carved pen- dants. VERY SPECIAL. REAL MANDARIN CHAIN OF BEAU- TIFUL CLEAR AMBER --100 BEADS. MANDARIN CHAINS ARE BECOMING DIFFICULT TO SECURE, - AND THIS IS A BEAUTY. You must see these chains to appreciate them as there are so many beautiful combinations. Prices range from $2.50 to $150.00. Other articles, peacock sandal wood fan, ivory fans, purses, bags, ear-rings, etc. These goods are genuine; my nephew, a Princeton graduate, selected them from China, and his family are co-operating in this sale to assist him in com- pleting his education before re- turning to China. Here is a real opportunity to select a Christmas Gift certain to please, and immediate deliv- ery. Inspection invited . MRS. J. W. PANUSHKA 719 Ninth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 676 LTN12-1te 8600 CADILLAC'S USED CARS The Used Car Department of the Evanston Cadillac Branch offers an unusual assortment of good used cars in both Cadillacs and miscellan- eous makes. To the prospective purchaser of a new automobile in the $2,000-$2,500 class, who would not ordinarily con- sider the purchase of a used car, we wish particularly to call attention to our late model, reconditioned Cadil- lacs. These cars will attract the buy- er who demands dependability, super- ior performance, and, above all, the satisfaction that comes from owning a car whose quality and prestige are universally acknowledged. Our selections are continually changing, and you will find here at an attractive price a car that suits your needs. Salesroom open evenings. Your present car accepted in part pay- ment, Cadillac Motor Car Company Evanston Branch 1810 Ridge Avenue, Evanston Rogers Park 9810 RAUCH LANG ELEC- drive, tires practically | LOST--4 MO. OLD good shape. Tel. black with brown spots. Sheldrake 1600. c/o Sov- 336 and receive ereign Hotel, Chicago, Ill -- LOST AND FOUND LTN6-tfc MISCELLANEOUS heat; hot and cold running water. also to drive car. Tel. 'Glencoe 963 Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St, Wil or Winn. 1142, TN41-1tp LT1-tfe FOR SALE--ELECTRIC tracks, practically new, $5.00. Tel. Winn. 564-W. T41-1tc -- WANTED--AN ALL AROUND HANDY CENTRAL HOTEL--ROOMS; STEAM man to work in and around house, TRAIN AND FOR SALE--GIRL'S BICYCLE FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS LARGE, LIGHT, DOUBLE ROOM, furnished, bath, kitchen privileges, | FOR SALE--ONE KITCHEN RANGE, ond hand) blue and white enameled, coaster brake. Tel. Winn 1593. TN41-1te Are You Satisfied (SEC- FOR SALE near lake and trans. Call Winn. hot water front, good as new. Tele- 1543. LTN12-1te phone Glen. 589. TN41-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS. ALSO WANTED TO BUY -- HOUSEHOLD housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M; GOODS near all transportation. LT6-tfc PEDIGREED COLLIE and Airedale puppies, beautifully marked. Call 1627 Walnut, Wilmette. with your present meeting- Tel. Wil. 997-M. TN41-1te : I > FOR RENT_UPSTAIRS FRONT RM; | WANTED TO BUY hot water heat; $4 week. N ANT RE SET son St, Evanston, Ill. Phone FOR RENT--2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT LTN-ttc housekeeping, responsible people. SECOND HAND 903 Ash furniture and other household . an SR "n Z goods. Highest price paid for same. St, Winn. 1688. T41-1tp Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emer- FOR SALE--FUR COAT, SIZE 36-38; overcoat, size 42; clothes wringer; wash boiler; baby's crib. All reason- able. Tel Winn. 2096. T41-1tp If not, investigate the facilities offered in the Masonic Temple in For full informa- FOR SALE--CHEAF, Tel. Winn. 911. T40-tfe WINN buys and sells rugs, stoves, HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOOD AND GOOD ROOM, ALL EX- TRA FURNITURE STORE pianos, anything useful. S08 ton "scooter," practically new, Chestnut Street, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1171. T41- St. LTN1-tfc penses supplied to woman employed, Dn ieh achool irl, who will be|N. FELL--DEALER IN NEW AND WANTED TO BUY--BEFORE TUES- day, a male kitten, 2 months old, call evenings. Winn. 1579. Mrs. John Ritchie. BRIGGS STRAT- tion consult T41-1te INVESTMENTS companion to an elderly woman who used household goods. 1644 Maple must not be alone at night. Ad- Ave. Evanston. Phone Evans. dress Mrs. E. K. Davis, ¢/o General LTN1-tfe Delivery, Winnetka, or call Win- netka 60. LTN12-1tc | WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED--EXPERIENCED WHITE | WANTED -- GIRL'S BICYCLE, girl, for general housework and good condition. Tel. Wil. 388. cooking, small family, good wages. LTN12-1te Call Winn. 2171. 362 Hawthorne Lane, Winnetka. LTN12-1te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED -- EXPERIENCED STEN- | FOR SALE--ENTIRE DINING ographer for work in Winnetka. set, porch and bedroom furniture, $20.00. Address Talk, A-436. Victrola, dog house, buckboard LTN12-1te other household goods. Tel. care for small boy every other Sun- 1532. Address 860 Lincoln Ave. WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN TO L'TN12-1te day P. M. Tel. Winn. 1296. FOR SALE WANT ED--A WHITE GIRL TO _AS- aerial. $40. Will demonstrate. sist with housework. Tel. Winn. Cherry St., Winnetka. Phone Winn. 1428. LTNI12-1te 529-R. LTN12-1te 2 TUBE REGENERATIVE T41-1te radio set, complete with 2 dry tubes, 3 pr. head phones, batteries, Schaefer & Golbach Insurance Real Estate APPLICATIONS FOR 1924 AUTO License now ready. Protect yourself by having your automobile insured against Fire, Theft, Liability and Property Dam- age, call on us or phone. Wilmette 364 for rates. LTN12-1te objectionable from The committee CHRISTMAS THAT Some elegant toilet sets at wholesale prices. CENTRAL JEWELRY STORE 962 Linden Ave. YOUNG GIRL, BY THE HOUR, AF-| FOR SALE ternoons to care for child, please remainder of season, 4th row call Winnetka 1821. LT12-1te cony, Saturday matinee. Tel. ---- KOT. LTN12-1te SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 1 OPERA TICKET, FOR SALE employed; between December 27th GREEN VELVET EVE- YOUNG LADY OF REFINEMENT ning dress, good condition, size 36, desires position with congenial worn but few times, less than family, in which no other help is price. Tel. Wil. 612. LTN12-1tc ; and January 5th. Capable, refer-| FOR SALE -- A USED "RANGER | ences; fond of children. Address motor bike in good condition, Life, A-435. LTN12-2te $20; also a single tube radio set complete with batteries, tube PIANO TEACHER, POST GRADUATE headset, bargain $25. Tel. A HOME BEATS RENTED SHELTER If you own your own home-- --you have better accomoda- tions, --all improvements are yours permanently, --your standing in the com- munity is raised, --YOU ARE HAPPIER. Our association can help you to acquire your own home. areas. Committee Opposes Permit For Foxdale Sub-station The request of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Electric railway for permission to establish a sub-station on its property at the northeast corner of Foxdale and Humboldt avenues, was opposed following a public hearing on the matter at the Village hall Tuesday of this week by the Plats and Zoning committee of the Village council. committee will recommend to the coun- cil that the permit be not granted. It was the opinion of the Plats and Zoning committee, in denying the per- mit, that establishment of a sub-station at the location in question would have the effect of seriously lowering property values, even though the station were not architectural design and noiseless opera- Dr. J. E. Fonda Hot; WINNETKA Meyer Bank Bldg. A large number of property owners in the Foxdale-Humboldt tended the hearing and voiced objection to the proposed project, giving the rea- LTN11-1tc sons essentially as set forth in the com- mittee's report to the council. recommended | that the council consider a more suit- able location for the station in the commercial or industrial twenty (20) and Hubbard Woods, Ill. feet of lot twenty-three oe Kinney's Subdivision T41-1te lots one (1) to four (2) in John C. Garland's Addition to a subdivision Winnetka, being two (42) north, LOST--BROWN HUDSON BAY SABLE 2 skin. Lost between 4 Welnesday, between Wilmette Woman's club and Snider's Reward. Phone Wil American Conservatory. Beginners' 1092. TN41-1tp and Advanced pupils, reasonable. 368 Jackson Ave. Glencoe. FOR SALE--1 PAIR OF LTN11-3tp 3irds. Tel. Winn. 1189. T41-1tc oUR EARNIiINUS nAVE NEVER BEEN LESS THAN 73% % WINNETKA BUILDING ASSOCIATION E. E. ADAMS, Sec. 2 Prouty Annex T31-tfc Cook and State walk along the OST--SCOTCH COLLIE PUP, 5 MOS. ' Avenue to the present walk along the evening, answers to | west side of Forest "Sandy," reward. R. M. | line of which said Burns, 614 Essex Rd. Kenilworth with the center 1514 41-1tc (10) foot strip hereby proposed to be 1.AST VILLAGE OF WINNETKA NOTICE. Winnetka, December Notice is hereby given bids for the construction lowing improvement: 1hat the south ten (10) feet of lot the south ten in block two north one hundred = er = + of the southwest quarter LOST AND FOUND iwenty-one (21) Range thirteen East of the Third in the Village of Winnetka, County of of Illinois, aemned by said Village for use as a public thoroughfare upon which there shall LTN12-1tc concrete sidewalk width extending from of Winnetka sidewalk shall co- condemned, including excavation grading, cinder base, the removal of all surplus excavated materials, all labor and materials, and engineering and supervision during construction, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, said improvement and assessment being otherwise known as Winnetka Special Assessment No. 378091, in accordance with the ordinance heretofore passed therefor, will be received by the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka by or before eight o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, January 2nd, A. D. 1924, at which hour all bids will be opened at a meeting to be held in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall, in the said Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois. 1 The specifications of said improve- ment are on file in the office of the Clerk of said Village of Winnetka. Contractors will be paid in bonds bearing interest at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum for all estimates approved by the Board of Local Im- provements, in the sum of One Hun- dred Dollars $(100.00) and over and when the amount of balance due on any estimate is less than the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), the same will be paid by time warrants. In addition to thé usual bond for con- struction and maintenance in a sum equal to one-third of the amount of the bid .accepted by the Board of Local Improvements, the successful bidder will be required to furnish an indemnifying and defence policy in some reliable company, indemnifying the Village of Winnetka against loss from liability for damages on account of injury or death suffered by reason of the performance of the work re- quired to be performed by the said contractor, by any person Or persons, including such liability imposed under the employer's liability and work- men's compensation law of the State of Illinois, and the amendments there- of, in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). JOHN S. MILLER, JR. President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T41-1tc VILLAGE OF WINNETKA NOTICE Winnetka, Illinois, December 22, 1923. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids for the construction of the following improvement of TLIN- DEN STREET, from the south line of Elm Street to the north line of Oak Street, by widening the same by con- demning therefor the following de- scribed tracts, pieces and parcels of land: The east forty-two (42) feet of Lots Five (5) .and Six (6); the east forty-two (42) feet of Lot seven (7): the east forty-two (42) feet of Lot Eight (8); the east forty-two (42) feet of Lot Nine (9); the east forty- two (42) feet of Lot Ten (10); the east forty-two (42) feet of Lot Eleven (11), all in Wilson and Dale's Subdi- vision of the North half of Block Twenty-six (26) in Winnetka, accord- ing to the plat of said Wilson and Dale's Subdivision recorded in the of- fice of the Recorder of Cook County, Illinois, in Book 7 of Plats at Page 89 as Document 170251; also the east forty-two (42) feet of a tract of land described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of the South half of Block Twenty-six (26) with the west line of Linden Street, and running thence west par- allel with the north line of Oak Street, one hundred eightv-seven (187) feet; thence south, parallel with the west Jine of Linden Street thirty (30) feet; thence east, parallel with the north line of Oak Street one hundred eightv-seven (187) feet to the west line of Linden Street: thence north along the west line of Linden Street thirty (30) feet to the point of begin- ning; also the east fortv-two (42) feet of a tract of land described as follows: Beginning at a point in the west line of Linden Street thirty (30) feet south of the intersection of the north line of the South half of Block Twenty- six (26) with the west line of said Linden Street, and running t hence west, parallel with the north line of Oak Street, one hundred seventv-nine (179) feet; thence south parallel with the west line of Linden Street thirty- two (32) feet; thence east parallel with the north line of Oak Street one hundred seventy-nine (179) feet to the west line of Linden Street; thence north along the west line of Linden Street thirty-two (32) feet to the noint of beginning; also the east forty-two (42) feet of a tract of land deseribed as follows: Beginning at a point in the vest line of Linden Street sixty-two (62) feet south of the in- tersection of the north line of the South half of Block Twenty-six (26) with the west line of Linden Street and running thence west parallel with the north line of Oak Street one hundred eighty-seven (187) feet, thence south, parallel with the west line of Linden Street nine (9) inches, more or less, to a point one hundred twenty-five (125) fret no:th of the north line of (ak Street; thence eax! parallel with the north line of Oak Street one hundred eighty-seven (187) feet to the west line of Linden Street; thence north along the west line of Linden Street nine (9)inches more or less, to the point of beginning. Also by acquiring therefor, by pur- chase, grant, gift or otherwise, the east forty-two (42) feet of a tract of land, being a part of Block Twenty- six (26) in Winnetka, and described as follows: Beginning at the inter- section of the west line of Linden Street with the north line of Oak Street and running thence north along the west line of Linden Street one hundred twenty-five (125) feet; thence west parallel with the north line of Oak Street, one hundred eighty-seven (187) feet; thence south parallel with the west line of Linden Street one hundred twenty-five (125) feet to the north line of Oak Street; thence east along the north line of Oak Street one hundred eighty-seven (187) feet to the point of beginning. All of the hereinabove described tracts, pieces and parcels of land be- ing in Block Twenty-six (26) in Win- netka, being a subdivision of the Northeast quarter of Section Twenty (20) and the North half of Fractional Section Twenty-one (21) in Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (12) Hast "of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat there- of recorded in the office of the Re- corder of Cook County, Illinois, in 3Jook 5 of Flats at Page 78 as Docu- ment Number 119381, all in the Vil- lage of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois. And that said LINDEN STREET as so widened, together with the street connections of said Linden Street, with Elm Street and Oak Street, be improved by grubping, grading, ex- cavating, preparing the subgrade, draining, curbing and filling, by pav- ing with vitrified brick on a Port- land cement concrete base with asphalt filler and sand cushion, con- structing Brick masonry catch basins with connection, brick masonry water gate valve vaults, and Portland ce- ment reinforced concrete retaining walls, furnishing and setting new cast iron manhole covers, adjusting pres- ent pavements, adjusting present man- hole covers and connections to present pavements, moving and resetting elec- tric light poles and a fire hydrant, cleaning the surface of pavement, tamping, flushing, furnishing water for concrete, mortar an ( flushing, and sand for backfilling, including the re- moval of all surplus materials, engi- neering and supervision during con- struction, and labor and materials necessary to construct said proposed improvement. The portion so to be paved with brick being described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the cencer line of Eim Street with the extension of a line drawn parallel wich and forty-two (42) feet west of _he p.cusent west line of said Linden S.: eet, said line being the west line of said Linden St eet as the same is herein nroposed. to be widened, and which line is hereinafter referred to as the proposed west line of Linden Screet; thence south along said ex- tension of the proposed west line of Linden Street to the present south curb line of Elm Street; thence east aiong said curb line seven (7) feet; thence southeasterly on a curved line tangent to said south curb line of Elm Street, convex to the noitheast and having a radius of thirteen (13) feet, to a point in the south line ex- tended from the west of Elm Street twenty (20) feet east of the proposed west line of Linden Street; thence south on a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet east of the proposed west line of Linden Street to a point seven (7) feet north of the north line extended of Oak Street; thence south- westerly on a curved line tangent to the last described course, convex to ne southeast and having a radius of twenty (20) feet, to a point in the proposed west line of Linden Street extended, thirteen (13) feet south of the north line of Oak Street; thence south along the proposed west line f Linden Street extended, forty (40) feet; thence east on a line parallel with and fifty-three (53) feet south of the north line extended of Oak Street thirty-five (35) feet; thence -outheasterly on a curved line tangent to the last described course, convex 0 the northeast and having a radius of twenty (20) feet, to a point fifty- five (55) feet east of the proposed west line extended of Linden Street and seven (7) feet south of the south line extended of Oak Street; thence east on a line parallel with and seven (7) feet south of the south line ex- tended of Oak Street forty (40) feet; thence northeasterly on a curved line, convex to the northwest and having a radius of twenty (20) feet, toa point thirteen (13) feet north of the south line of Oak Street and seven (7) feet east of the east line extended of Lin- den Street; thence east, parallel with ond thirteen (13) feet north of the south line of Oak Street to a point thirty (30) feet east of the east line cxtended of Linden Street; thence north on a line parallel with and thirty (30) feet east of the east line extended of Linden Street forty (40) feet; thence northwesterly on a curved line, convex to the southwest and hav- .ng a radius of fifty (50) feet, to a point twenty (20) feet west of the cast line of Linden Street and thirty- | seven (37) fcet north of the north line; 3 A Last Minute Christmas Gift Monday, December 24th will be the day before Christmas when every one is busy doing last minute shopping. To save time 'and worry for you, may we sug- gest that a savings account book with one of our "HOUSE SAV- INGS BANKS?" is a very attrac- tive and appreciated gift. It takes but a few minutes to deposit a dollar or more and any one can open as many accounts as they care to for their friends. In the event the friend already has an account with us, we will deposit any amount to their credit for which we will give you a dupli- cate deposit ticket which they can have entered in their savings book. For further information inquire at WINNETKA - TRUST «© SAVINGS -BANK Elm Street at Center extended of Oak Street; parallel with and twenty 120) feet west of the east line and southwesterly line of of the Chicago and Railway Company; thence northwesterly, 'along the south- right of way, extended from the thence east along the right oi way Northwestern west of Elm Street; the south line extended from the west of Elm Street thirty parallel with the Street to the cen- (30) feet; thence west along the of Cook and being otherwise Special Assess- accordance with the ordinance heretofore passed there- as Winnetka Improvements of the Village of Winnetka by or before eight o'clock A. D. 1924, at which hour all bids will be opened at a meeting to be held in of the Village Hall, in the said Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois. The specifications of said improve- in the office of the Clerk of said Village of Winnetka. Contractors will paid in bonds at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum for all esti- the Board of Improvements, in the sum of over and when the amount of balance any estimate is less than the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), same will be paid by time war- In addition to the usual bond maintenance in one-third of the accepted by the Improvements, the will be required to amount of the bid against loss from liability for damages on account of or death suf- of the performance of the work required to be performed said contractor, any person or posed under the employers' liability workmen's compensation law of and the amend- Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). JOHN S. MILLER, JR, President of the Board of Improvements of the Village of Winnetka. FREDERICK DICKINSON, thence north of Linden ark LOOK HERE east line ex- the west of Street to the in the Village improvement the Board of "With our January 2nd, accept our sincere thanks for the great- est of all gifts-- YOUR PATRONAGE." ($100.00) and and defense company, in- of Winnetka liability im- PHARMACY Elm & Linden WINNETKA 2 sum of Five T41-1te LIS ASSIS ES SSSI IISA SS SSIS SSIS ISS LSS TLS SLS SS SAAS AL A Christmas Greetings L171 IIIS IIIS LIES I SSIS, IIIS SSSI SS 7 I, AMS SLL S SI ISSISSS IL SILA ALLS SSL SSS Lo

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