WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1923 11 Four Local Homes Open For Bridge-Mah Jongg Benefit N Friday evening, January 11, the Woman's Guild of Christ church plans to give a bridge and mah jongg benefit, the funds from which will be used to pay the pledges which the Guild has made this year toward the support of various charitable organiza- tions such as St. Paul's school, Beau- fort, North Carolina, a school for poor white children; All Saint's Bungalow, Phoenix, Arizona, which is in connec- tion with St. Luke's Tuberculosis hospital; and the following Chi- cago charaties: The Providence Day nursery, Lawrence Hall, Church Home for the Aged, Cathedral Shelter, St. Mary's Home for Children, and Chase House. The homes of Mrs. James Houghtel- ing, Mrs. Raymond Durham, Mrs. Col- ton Daughaday, and Mrs. Grank Blatch- ford will be opened for this affair. The sale of tickets will be in charge of Mrs. Frank Blatchford. . "It is hoped that there will be a ready response on the part of the community in general as well as from the members of Christ church parish in support of these worthy appeals to make this party a success." --t A number of the members of the Hubbard Woods school faculty will be away during the holidays. Miss Blanche Herman will be with her sister in New York City. v has left for her home in Duluth, Min- nesota. Miss Dorothy Bishop is spend- ing her vacation in Ann Arbor, Michi- an. ¥ New York City. Miss Eva Cox is spending her vacation with her family in Charleston, Illinois, and Miss Luella Swartz is in River Falls, Wisconsin. fara On Wednesday evening of this past week, Mrs. William C. Boyden and Mrs. Spaulding Coffin gave a dance at Indian Hill club for Miss Elizabeth Boyden and Miss Rosamond Coffin. Mrs. John Nash Ott, 17 Indian Hill road, entertained at dinner for her daughter, Miss Mary, before the dance. nO On New Year's Eve Mrs. Stephen Foster of 596 Maple avenue is giving a dinner in town for her daughter, Later in the evening Mrs. Foster will take her guests to the Miss Rachel. Princeton Traingle club play. ihe IN Miss Betty Knode who at one time lived in Winnetka, and who now re- sides at the Orrington hotel, is enter- taining a number of her friends this Souris | ¢ afternoon at the Chauve matinee. --_--0-- A number of Winnetka young people were guests at the dance which Mr and Mrs. Harry C. Holloway of Glen- coe gave last evening at the Glencoe Woman's Library club for their son and daughter, John and Ruth. hein Miss Margaret Emily Lynde was hostess at a small dinner at her home, 864 Bryant avenue, last evening prior to the dance which Mrs. John Nash Ott gave for her son, John Nash, Jr. Ln Mrs. Carrie B. brouty returned to her home at 565 Lincoln avenue on Thursday after spending Christmas as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Foster, of Beverly Hills. --O-- Mrs. E. W. Rhodes, formerly of Winnetka, expects to arrive on New Year's morning to spend a few days with Mrs. Percival Hunter of 510 Ash street. ---- Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, 819 Oak street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lidmilla, to John G. The wedding will Scholtz of Chicago. take place in the early spring. O-- Miss Kathryn McKinney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McKinney, 605 Cherry street, left on Christmas Eve to visit in Wilmington, Pennsyl- vania, during the holiday season. 0 Mrs. John P. Barden, 695 Ash street, will entertain eight guests at dinner this evening at her res dence, 696 Ash street, before the Coterie dance which takes place at the Woman's club. A Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Ball, Jr, 484 Elder Lane, are receiving congrat- ulations upon the birth of a son, Ed- ward Hyde Ball IV, on December 9, at the Evanston hospital. a Mr. and Mrs. Martin Glenview announce the birth of a son, John Stephen, at the Evans.on hos- pital on December 18. et Mr. and Mrs. Talaferro 'Mi'ten of 238 Ridge avenue announce the birth of a son, David Hepburn, on rridav, December 21, at St. Luke's hospital. --O-- Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Withers of 788 Lincoln avenue are leaving today for a short visit with Mr. Withers' parents in Kansas City, Missouri. ---- Mrs. Calvin Fentress entertained at a dance for her daughter, Miss Mary, on Thursday evening, December 27, at Indian Hill club. Miss Sara Grace Rabwin Miss Douglas Whitehead will be K'ornfer of Mrs. Stanley Morrill (Beatrice Fen- ton) will be a luncheon hostess on January 2, at the Woman's Athletic club, for Miss Florence Folds of Lake Forest, whose marriage to James Henry Gregg of Chicago, will be an event of January 7. Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Strotz will entertain for Miss Folds and her fiance at a dinner- dance which they are giving at the Saddle and Cycle club on Saturday evning, January 5. - sj Mrs. Victor L. Cunningham of 710 Lincoln avenue has as her guest, her aunt, Miss Catherine B. Barlow, who arrived before Christmas from Wash- ington D. C., to be with Mrs. Cunning- ham for an extended visit. LTA, A group of young folks on the north shore have been invited to attend the dance given by Mrs. Robert Gay, of Hubbard Woods for her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Gay, on Saturday eve- ning of this week. ; --_--Q-- Mr. and Mrs. George W. Slocum, 931 Twelfth street, had as their guests on Christmas Day, Dr. and Mrs. Delbert W. Poff of Winnetka, and Mr. Slo- cum's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Slo- cum of Oak Park. ly Miss Anderson and Miss Jean Anderson of Detroit, Michigan, are the guests of their brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Anderson, 1423 Prairie avenue. ---- Mrs. John Nash Ott was another hostess at a dance for the girls and boys, given at her home, 17 Indian Hill road, on Thursday evening of this last week, for her son John. | | --C Mrs. Heath T. Byford, 870 Foxdale avenue, will entertain sixteen guests at a buffet supper and card party at her residence on Saturday evening, January 5. pas * Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coambs of Chi- cago spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coambs of Church street. Miss Abbie R. Goodland, 503 Willow street, is spending the week-end in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Kenilworth Happenings i and their parents of the Kenil- worth Union Sunday school on Satur- .| day evening, December 2. It was a one act play, symbolical of the Christmas spirit and the story is an old legend of a cathedral whose chimes had not rung for one hundred years because a per- fect gift had not been placed on the altar. The cast was as follows: Holger, Thomas Gillette; Steen, George Kriete; Berthel, Carl Flieschman; an old woman, Violet Wild; a priest, Stanley Wisdom; a wealthy man, Jack Taylor; a proud girl, Helen Ruth; a sage, Hal- lett Cole; an artist, Mr. Brooks; a young girl, Ray Kriete; a king, Mr. Charles Howe; angels, Phoebe Hedrick, Clarabelle Russ. The stage and light- ing manager was Walter Peck. Music was furnished by Miss Ethel Flentye. Mrs. Edward Wisdom directed the play. --_-- It has been the custom for a number of years at the Church of the Holy Comforter to have the Christmas service at midnight, and the tradition was followed this year. A committec decorated the church most beautifully. Besides the evergreens and trees, large candles were placed in each window. Just before the service started, the server lighted these and the electric lights were turned off. Carols were sung in the cloister. The effect was most impressive. Lights came on as the processional, "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing," was sung by the large choir. The regular communion serv- ice followed with most beautiful music and a fine sermon. The perfect joy and satisfaction resulting in a Christmas begun in this manner 'lasts throughout the year in a most helpful, uphfting way. The church was filled. KATHLEEN AIR Specialist in Child Training for Piano Study Principal of Winnetka Branch of Columbia School of Music Phone Winnetka 974 Dr. Harold R. Schildberg Osteopathic Physician 545 Lincoln Ave. Office Phone Winn. 799 Winnetka, Ill. Res. Phone Winn. 2041 Associated with Dr. Edwin T. Schildberg HY the Chimes Rang" was the play presented to the children At the Church of the Holy Com- | forter, instead of the Church school Sunday morning before Christmas, the school service was held at the morning service hour, eleven o'clock. The church was most beautifully dec- orated for the Christmas festival, and the shining, bright faces of the chil- dren added much to the joy of the occasion. Carols were sung. A short talk was given by, Mr. J. T. Baylis, superintendent of the school, and an address was made by the rector, Rev. Leland H. Danforth. The children then gave their mite boxes filled dur- ing the Advent season. They marched to the back of the church and, by classes, placed them at the foot of a large evergreen cross. From there they proceeded to the manger where they placed their gifts to go to chil- dren less fortunate than they. Ll Mrs. George W. Hinman of 576 Oak street, Winnetka, is to give a tea on Monday afternoon, December 31, for the Rector's Aid society of the Church of the Holy Comforter, in honor of Mrs. Owen T. Reeves, who for a num- ber of years has been the secretary of the society. Mrs. Reeves will leave for New York early in the new year. --O-- Mr. and Mrs. F. E. M. Cole have as their guest for the holidays, Miss McCracken of Chicago. This makes the thirty-third Christmas Miss Mec- Cracken has spent with Mrs. Cole, for no matter what part of the country she is in at the Yuletide season, she travels back to be with Mrs. Cole. --_-- Miss Eleanor Eckhart, daughter of Mrs: Percy B. Eckhart, entertained at a dinner for the bridal party for the Tilt-Wahl nuptials on Wednesday evening at the Blackstone. ia Miss Elizabeth Jane Merrill gave a shower on Friday for Miss Caroline West of Glencoe, whose marriage to Mr. Harris Baker of Springfield, Mass., is to occur shortly. ------ Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hillis of Buf- falo, N. Y.,, and daughter, Susan, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Irving Babcock of Essex road. Mrs. 'Hillis is the sister of Mrs. Babcock. 'ning. Gilbert and Robert Osgood, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Osgood, 423 Essex road, students at Exeter, Mass., are here for the holidays, as also is Miss Ainslee Bennett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Inslee Adrian Bennett of Sheridan road, who came from the Ogontz school, Mr. Herbert Newport, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Newport, 520 Abbottsford road, from Illinois, and Fugene Cheeseman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Cheeseman of 326 Oxford road, a student at Culver. ---- There were numerous family parties occupying boxes at. the oprea, "Koe- nigskinder" on Christmas night. Among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Harrison, their daughter, Miss Ruth Mary, Miss Phoebe Hed- rick, Miss Jane Littell and Miss Char- lotte Hamilton. Miss Virginia Bulley was in the Frederick Upham box and Mr. Allan Bulley attended the opera on Monday night. Miss Helen Reeves entertained in- formally at supper on Tuesday eve- Miss Dorothy Heissler of Evanston will entertain at luncheon and bridge on Monday, December 31, in honor of Miss Reeves who will be leaving Kenilworth shortly to make her home in New Kork. 7 On Monday evening the Kenilworth club will have a New Year's ball and breakfast, reservations for which must be made today. A New Year's Day Tea Dansant and Open House will be interesting features at the club on January 1. : sp The Kenilworth club has issued in- vitations for a Christmas play given by the children this afternoon at 2:45 o'clock. The Misses Beatrice and Florence Pease have been directing the production. -- (ore Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Chandler left last week to spend the remainder of the winter in Florida, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. "Steve" Fuller and her son, Tom. Mr. Fuller will join them later. --_--Q-- Mrs. Max E. J. Paepke, who has been at St. Luke's hospital for the past fortnight returned home on Monday. A. W. ZENGELER CLEANER AND DYER trial order is respectfully solicited 810 ELM STREET Phone 144 A lable tld | 'TLL LE EEL LN HE, finest on the shop Shore, jewelry North maintaining a repair depart- ment for watches, clocks and jewelry. : Hlaza Jeweler LIBRARY PLAZA HOTEL EVANSTON - / | it | I be, 4 il Music nit," I ie ' P= 4 | 1/5) J Ig lil I Announcing - New Year's Eve Celebration At Che ILL dir o No g LUXURIA 8 Monday Nig ht, December 31st Supper at 11 P. M. - Dancing Reserve Your Table Now! = 7 [TN i ~! INOIS Favors