Bi mn X yi i. ings he Syme ---- -- hd aes a a 2 -- a WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1924 1 Kiddies of Winnetka Center Enjoy Party at Commons NUMBER of little folks and their mothers were guests last Satur- day afternoon at a party which was given for them at the Winnetka Center of the Infant Welfare station at Chicago Commons. The entertaining began for them at 2 o'clock in the af- ternoon. Mrs. Ernest von Ammon sang, and Mrs. E. W. Ellis was in charge of a group of girls who gave folk dances. The children of the center were led in the singing of carols by Mrs. Fraser, and the kiddies found further happiness by lantern slide pictures. At the conclusion of the program each child was presented with a box of candy, the donation of Mr. Horace Arm- strong, and each mother was gratified by the gift of a plant, a gift which was made possible by the generosity of Mrs. Philip Moore. wna The Scott Avenue Circle will meet on Tuesday, January 8, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. J. R. Graff, 976 Vernon avenue. Mrs. Ross and Mrs. -Korrady will be the assisting host- esses. Mrs. Moulton will talk on "The World Court." A large attend- ance is desired. i) The Willow Street Circle will have its next meeting on Tuesday morning, January 8, at 11:30, at the home of Mrs. Arthur I. Dean, 441 Willow street. The assisting hostess will be Mrs. M. K. Anderson. Every one is cordially invited to be present. loth On Friday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Poff and Mrs. J. W. Poff who is the mother of Dr. Delbert Poff arrived from Olney, Illinois, to visit at the Poff residence. On New Year's Eve Dr. and Mrs. Delbert W. Poff entertained twelve guests at bridge. --_--0--. Ronald Campbell of 270 Scott ave- nue, Fred Hagen of 1187 Scott avenue, and Harry Cadenhead of 1056 Ely road, returned to the University of Iilionis last week after spending the Christmas holidays at their homes. . --O0-- : Miss Ruth Matz gave a farewell luncheon at her home, 1005 Sheridan road, on Friday, January 4, for her camp fire girls, a group for which she was guardian, and which is now dis- banding. --0-- Henry Gardner, Godfrey Spaulding Coffin and John comprise the Winter Sports committee which will plan the enter- tainments to be given at Indian Hill club this season. : Oe Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Blumenthal of 501 Willow street, entertained 15 guests on New Year's evening. The Messrs. Atkins, Thursday before, Mrs. Blumenthal "was hostess at a party for twenty children. ---- Charles Rummler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Rummler of 965 Spruce street, returned to Ann Arbor, Michigan, on Wednesday to resume his work at the University of Michi- gan. --_--Q-- The Pine Street circle will meet at Mr and Mrs. P. W. Bradstreet were host and hostess at a family dinner on New Year's Day at their residence, 475 Cedar street. Their son, Donald T. Bradstreet, who has been at home during the holiday season, returns Sunday to Cornell university. iy Seventeen Circle chairmen will meet with their general chairman, Mrs. Ralph Sherman Childs, at her residence, 906 Oak street, on Thurs- day afternoon to perfect plans for Circle Rally day to be held on Tues- day, January 22, at Community House. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Talbot, 163 Bertling lane who have been enter- taining their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Talbot of Min- neapolis, for about a fortnight, ex- pect their guests to remain for an- other week. i . Mr. and Mrs. E. Dudley Bradstreet who returned the last of this week from a six weeks' visit at the home of Mrs. Bradstreet's parents in Aus- tin, Texas, will reside at the Library Plaza in Evanston, for the remainder of the winter. ep Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barker of Fir street have had as their guests over the holiday season Mr. Barker's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Barker of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Miss Isabel Needham of Cham- paign, Illinois, has been the holiday guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Needham of 325 Fairview avenue. --0-- Miss Margaret Hadley who spent the holidays at her home, 913 Oak street, returned on New Year's night to Nokomis, Illinois, where she will resume her work. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keller of Olney, Illinois, were the holiday guests of their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard James of Oak street. ---- . Miss Serena Forberg returned to the University of Wisconsin on Wed nesday after spending the holidays at the home of her parents at 960 Linden avenue. Miss Elfried Ransom of 545 Lincoln avenue entertained a number of her friends at her residence on Thursday evening. --_---- Mrs. Harvey I. Brewer, 759 Burr avenue, has had as her guest over the past week-end, her cousin, Miss Ida Clemens of Ottawa, Illinois. ay Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stutson, 479 Sunset road, were host and hostess for the Dinner club which met at their home on Saturday evening. te Mrs. Charles Hubbard entertained a few of her son's friends at dinner and a card party on Thursday evening. the home of Mrs. L. M. Stoddard of 582 Provident avenue, on Tuesday, January 8, at 1:30 o'clock. SO Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Mess of Pine street were the guests of Mrs. Mess' parents of Benton Harbor, Michigan, during the holidays. --_--Q-- The Foxdale Circle will meet next Tuesday, January 8, with Mrs. James Fleming of 787 Foxdale avenue. A large attendance is desired. --O0-- Mr. and Mrs. Philemon B. Kohl- saat of 341 Woodland avenue have re- turned from spending the week-end in Milwaukee. --0-- Miss Clara Louise Peck who teach- es in the Horace Mann school has been spending her vacation at the Cedarbrow Farm in DeSoto, Missouri. --0-- Mrs. William Sherman Hay who has been ill for some time, is now convalescent at her home on Sheridan road. Pa Vie Killian returned to Hubbard Woods last week from a six week's trip through the northwest and Cali- fornia. do Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Winterbotham of 899 Oak street, enterta'ned their bridge club for dinner on New Year's Eve. Oe Mss Marv Scringeour of 898 Linden avenue, will leave Winnetka shortly for a month's visit with her brother Robert who resides in California. al Mr. and Mrs. Landon Hoyt and Miss Josephine Hoyt left last Satur- d~v to spend = month at Greencoast Springs, Florida. EO Miss Marion Campbell of 270 Scott avenue, left last week for a visit of a month or so in Canada. | : | Kenilworth Happenings The children of Kenilworth had a unique Christmas party this year at the Kenilworth club. They entertained themselves by giving a Christmas play entitled, "Is Santa Claus a Fraud?" The cast included twenty-five or thirty of the children. The play was given under Pease, who deserve the greatest amount of praise and credit for one of the love- had. costuming was excellent. The cast included Elizabeth Eckhart, Herbert Jarret, Charlotte Hamilton, Margrette Korrady, Marion Hedrick, Eleanor, Berger, Buddy and Helen Holden, Betty Neliger, Joan Sherrette, Betty Ketcham, Marion Calkins, Eliza- beth Freudenreich, Clarabelle Russ, Phoebe Hedrick, Shirley Ross, Babe Fraser and Verna May Timmons. The Misses Pease will have charge of the Kenilworth Dramatics this spring and everyone is looking forward to an evening of real entertainment. Rn Mr. Jack Nason, of Kansas City, is the guest over the holidays of Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Osgood. Miss ' Schriecber was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Osgood. the direction of Florence and Beatrice liest - afternoons the children have ever Liach part was well taken and the Mae The Polly : Prim Shop... (MRS. NOE) Smart and simple | dresses for children. Exquisite layettes for | infants . | 809 Cak St., Phone 1635 Winnetka Although all who attended the New Year's ball at the Kenilworth club did not remain for the breakfast, there were one hundred and sixty-seven mem- bers and their guests who participated in the jolly affair early Tuesday morning. The ballroom was beautifully decorated with Christmas green and large wreaths of sliver and gold. At the close of the grand march colored caps and hats of every description, balloons and noise- making instruments were passed about and later were put to good use when the Old Year stepped out. There were many large parties pre- ceding the ball, among them a dinner party of twenty guests at the Edwin Hedrick home and a progressive dinner served at the John Hicks', George Jones' and Frank Cheeseman residences. --_---- Congressman and Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone left this week for Washing- ton, D. C. Mrs. Rathbone has been the guest of honor at many lovely affairs during the past few weeks, owing to her departure from Kenilworth for several months. She will remain in Washing- ton with Mr. Rathbone until the latter part of February, when they will go to Palm Beach to attend the George Washington ball, returning here early in April. --Q Prof. and Mrs. Ralston J. Haydn and two little girls, Elizabeth and Mary, are visiting Judge and Mrs. Sidney C. Fastman of Melrose avenue. Prof. Haydn is an exchange professor from Ann Arbor, he spent a year at Manila in that capacity, and has just com- pleted a journey around the world. Mrs. Louis Hall and her small daughter, of Paris, France, are also visiting the Eastman family. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ruf, of Cum- nor road, entertained a company of young people at dinner for their daugh- ter, Miss Phyllis, preceding the Kenil- ig club dance on Friday evening ast. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Fry, of Iowa City, were the guests over the holidays of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hawkes, of Kenilworth avenue. Mr. Belknap Hawkes came from Montclair, N. J., to spend Xmas with his parents. --_--O-- Miss Helen Cresap entertained a party of twelve at the Princeton Tri- angle club's annual musical comedy, held at the Aryan Grotto in Chicago, and later at the Kenilworth club's New Year's ball and breakfast, --O-- Mr. Ellis J. Slater, of Entiat, Wash- ington, formerly of Kenilworth, came East to spend a fortnight with his children, Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Wiley of Evanston, and Mr. and Mrs. Dwin- nell Slater, of Boston. On Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Peer, of Indiana, and their small children, Doro- thy, Evelyn and Frederick, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. Terry Gaskell. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cherry enter- tained for their daughter Jeanette, and her houseguests, Miss Dorothy Wil- liams and Miss Virginia Bensley and their escorts, preceding the young people's dance at the Kenilworth club last Friday evening. Misses Florence and Beatrice Pease left Sunday evening to attend a house- party at Akron, Ohio, and on their re- turn journey will stop off at Detroit to visit Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pease, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grosvenor Sperling, 1343 Chestnut avenue, were at home to receive their friends on New Year's Day. ET 'xnam . A. W. ZENGELER : [1 : CLEANER AND DYER : M A trial order is respectfully 2 [] splicited 1 } 810 ELM STREET Phone 144 1! WW WR WEEE ES NN ES EE ---- -& on maintaining a repair depart- ment for watches, clocks and jewelry. HE finest the jewelry shop North Shore, Ylaza Jeweler LIBRARY PLAZA HOTEL EVANSTON €5-°5 365 Boys' Juvenile Overcoats Ages 2 to 8, former prices up to $30.00, selling while they last at SIR Chicago BOYS' DEPARTMENT--THIRD FLOOR All Boys' Norfolk Suits, Reduced All Boys' Winter Overcoats, Reduced All Boys' Mackinaws, Reduced All Boys' Skating Coats, Reduced All Boys' Sheep-lined Coats, Reduced All Boys' Hats, Reduced . Two Outstanding Values 189 Juvenile Sailor or Oliver Twist Suits in jersey, tweed or serges--ages 2-10, values up to $12.00, now Wide varieties to select from; no better bargains in Chicago (During This Sale No Approvals or Refunds.) | AS TARR DEST _--__ TA WYSE TEE. EVEN WYSE RES 0 TY Seem