| | i | { i | WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, S ATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1924 ADS COST LITTLE AND DOMUC * fd CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified Yy. . . General Notices-- only to persons living in the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, whose names appear in the tele- phone directory, or to persons either Wilmette Life, Winnetka 10 cents per line in on aper. Rates-- ® hen three papers. Minium words te the line. M This size type charged as 2 lines. This size type charged 'as 3 lines. Deadline for Insertions-- o'clock for Wilmette Life or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glen- Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 388. coe News. No black face type used. advertisements will be charged who are regular subscribers to | Weekly Talk or Glencoe News." «0 cents per line in all charge 3 lines. Average of five This size type charged as 4 lines. Classified advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 12 FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE FOR RENT--HOUSES At Twenty Below Zero THIS HOME NOW OFFERED FOR sale, was kept warm and comfort- able; there are 4 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, 2 porches and double garage; lot 50x187, well located in Winnetka. Priced at $15,000.00. New brick home two-story liv. room, 3 slpg. por. 2 baths, atch. gar. exceptionally well built home $36,500.00. ; Several fine lots at bargain prices; 50 to 100 foot frontages, well lo- cated. $47.00 a ft. and up. Call on or phone us for particulars. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 790 Elm St., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1800 LTN16-1tc in Glencoe, has bedrooms, An for WE HAVE SOME VERY choice acre tracts in New Trier and Northfield town- ships at very reasonable prices. For further information Schaefer & Golbach 909 RIDGE AVENUE Phone 364 WILMETTE ILLINOIS LTN16-1tc FOR SALE--SOUTHEAST WINNET- ka, 8-room stucco house, garage to atch, built by owner 9 years ago. ving room 17x26, one tiled bath 'room, one maid's bathroom, heated Sui parlor, four -- bedrooms, vapor heat, beautifully landscaped grounds " 60x170, -mear schools, lake and '* trgnsportation. 'Price $26,000. Ad- . dress Life, 25. LTN16-1tc FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE AND COZY bungalow, 6 rooms, Arco hot water heat, large, light, dry basement; double garage; property in fine shape; possession can be given any time; buy at $11,000. HILL & STONE Winnetka office T45-1te FOR SALE--HUBBARD WOODS--6 room modern frame house, large porch, near depot, $7,750. Frank A. Reid, Woods. 956 Linden Tel. Winn. Ave., Hubbard 1300. LTN16-1tc 1341 ASBURY, HUBBARD WOODS, stucco and frame 7-room home, h. w. heat, 60x159, immed. pos., $13,500. Make proposition, key at 564 Lin- coln Ave. LTN16-1tc WANTED TO BUY--REAL ESTATE THE BEST HOME THAT $25,000 TO $40,000 will buy; Wilmette to Glen- coe; should have at least four bed- rooms, large living room and 2 or more baths. Owners only--give full description. Address Wilmette Life, A-16. LTN16-1tp WANT TO BUY FROM OWNER only, 6 rm. modern brick house, not Address Life 31. T45-1te over 3 yrs. old. WANTED--SMALL HOUSE IN WIN- netka. Will pay $10,000 to $15,000. Address Winnetka Talk, A-11. T44-3tc Address Life, 29. a -- WANTED TO BUY--LARGE, BRICK residence, big lot, $50,000 to $75.000. LTN16-1tc WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES FOR RENT--6 OR 7 ROOM HOUSE about March 1st. Address Life, 30. TN4b-1tc FOR RENT--GARAGE HEATED GARAGE FOR RENT. TEL. Winn. 1984, T45-2tc INVESTMENTS SOUND IDEAS GROW AND LIVE In practically every city and town of nearly every state in the Union, you will find build- ing and loan associations, some- thing over 9,000 organizations. SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE MON-MARIE-LOUISE will remodel your old gowns in the latest Paris styles; also gowns to order; reasonable. Tel. Wil. 2943, LT14-tfc WORK WANTED-- WILL COOK luncheons and dinners; also serve. Can give references; call 9 A. M,, Wilmette 2587. Helen Bean. LTN16-1tp REFINED ENGLISH GOVERNESS desires position, fluent French, ref- erences. Tel. Edgewater 7536. : LTN16-1tp DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEWING by the day, reference. Tel. Evans- ton 5842. LTN16-1tp He Modern David Harums -- Hl TLL TELL YOu WHAT {LL DO-- ILL TRADE YOU ONE STAMP FROM BOLIVIA FOR TWO OF JOUR PERV STAMPS. WASHING DONE REASONABLY. Telephone Wilmette 2733. LTN16-1tp SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SIT. WANTED BY WHITE COUPLE. General work, chauffeur, gardner and cook. North shore references. Address Life, 26. LT16-1tp YOUNG COUPLE (COLORED) DE- sires position as cook and general housework. Tel. Oakland 5363. LT16-1tp HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--SALESMEN, LIVE, AM- bitious, young or middle aged men "to sell a nationally advertised line in North Shore towns or Chicago. Excellent opportunities. No experi- ence necessary. Applicants will be interviewed next Monday from 3- 5:30 P. M. at 929 Central Avenue, Wilmette. E. H. Fischmann. LTN16-1tp OUR EARNINGS HAVE NEVER BEEN LESS THAN 7% % WINNETKA BUILDING ASSOCIATION E. E. ADAMS, Sec. 2 Prouty Annex T31-tfe eT SA ---------- A ---------- FOR RENT--ROOMS TO RENT--COZY' ROOM 'AND BATH, over garage, hot water heat, gas connection for range, with partial use of garage space; tenant to furn. heat; fine locality; $20 mo. HILL & STONE Winnetka office. TN45-1tc KENILWORTH INN FOR RENT--SUITE OF ROOMS WITH bath; also single room; hot and cold water. Best of food. Telephone Kenilworth 167. LT16-1tc NICELY. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM for rent. Tel. Winn. 911. T45-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. 966 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods us vt -1te FOR RENT--NEWLY FURN. ROOM, light, main floor, nr. lake, station. Couple employed pref. Tel. Winn. 1543. . LTN16-1te CENTRAL HOTEL--ROOMS; STEAM heat; hot and cold running water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St, Wil LT1-tfe FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. ROOM, good size, convenient to trans. Tel. Winn. 415. LTN16-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS; ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M; near all transportation. LT6-tfe FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOM. 893 Elm Street. Tel. Winn. 1719. T45-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED BEDROOM, close to transpn. Tel. Winn. 2034. T45-1te HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework. 816 Forest Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 928-W. LTN16-1te WANTED--EFFICIENT WOMAN FOR laundry and cleaning. 585 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 2161 T45-1te WANTED--ON SATURDAY, 8:30 TO 12:30, woman or girl for general housework. Call Wilmette 1189 af- ter 6-P. M. T45-1tp WANTED -- WHITE COOK; ALSO laundress familiar with washing machine, ref. required. Tel. Winn. 230. T45-1te WANTED--COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework, 3 adults in fam- ily, references required. Tel. Winn. 240. TN45-1tp WANTED -- COOK, WHITE, FOR small family, adults. Tel. Winn. 203. T45-1tc WANTED--6 OR 7 ROOMS, STEAM heat, garage, close to school and station, Wilmette to Glencoe. I have $1,000 cash, $125 monthly pay- ments. Address Winnetka Talk, A-23. LTN16-1tc FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--4-ROOM KITCHENETTE apt. in one of the finest and most exclusive apt. hotels in Chicago, Jos cated on Lake Michigan. Beautiful period furniture, $600 radio set, Victrola, maid service, near bus and «1, line. Will rent for 2 mos. or more. Am leaving for California. Sacrificed at $325 per mo. Phone Edgewater 6835. LTN16-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED APART- ment, 7 rooms, 3 baths, 1 block north of Diversey, one block west of Sheridan road, attractively fur- nished, silver and linen included, for February and March only, $400; call Buckingham 3199. LTN16-1te FOR RENT--4-ROOM APT. MODERN, h. w. ht. 353 Adams St. Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 338-J. T45-4tc FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED <.room house, with 2-car garage, Feb. 1st to June 1st, rent reason- able to responsible parties. Tel Winn. 459. T41-1tfe SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED BY WIDOW, College graduate, will share same intelligent and affectionate care given her own 2 healthy, well- trained children, with motherless children. Best New York and Chi- cago references. Tel. Winnetka 389. LTN16-1te MUSIC TEACHER perience will give Cathcart, Chicago. OF will accept daily lessons. 1033 Lawrence Tel. Edgewater WIDE EX- a few pupils, Florence Avenue, 5790. LT16-1tc WOMAN WITH DAUGHTER IN school wishes position as house- keeper in widower"s home; no objec- tion to small children. Tel. Glen- coe 924. LTN16-1tc WANTED, BY YOUNG GERMAN girl, position as helper in home with chance to attend high school. Call Pauline Strobel, Winn. 1579. T45-1te FOSI- chil- Ad- HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WISHES tion for afternoons watching dren or easy hswk. by the hr. dress Winnetka Talk, A-28. T45-1te TWO GIRLS, maid. . Tel. COOK AND SECOND Evanston 3352-R. LT14-tfc SITUATION WANTED--MALE PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT EMPLOYED by large mercantile house in loop has spare time to close and open books, prepare financial statements and Federal tax reports. Charges reasonable. Address Wilmette Life, 27. LTN16-1tc EXP. MAN, HOUSE AND WINDOW cleaning, floor waxing, furniture polishing, and basement kalsomin- ing. Also odd painting jobs; first class references. Walsh. Tel. Winn. 816. LT7-tfe PAINTER WISHES PAINTING AND deco. Have your inside work done before the rush and save money. Address Winnetka Talk, A-24. T16-1tc EXPERIENCED MAN (WHITE) wants house cleaning and odd jobs, good references. Oliver Hertzber- FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS ALL LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM, sun parlor and bedroom furniture for sale. Owner forced to sell. Tel. eve.,, Wil. 1578. During day, Wil 810-M, for appointment. LTN16-1tc HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR IMMEDI- ate sale; pieces from living room, dining room, bedroom and kitchen. Tel. Wil. 2272. LTN16-1tc WANTED TO BUY --- HOUSEHOLD GOODS WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything. useful. 808 Oak St. LTN1-tfe N. FELL--DEALER IN NEW AND used household goods. 1644 Maple Ave.,, Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. LTN1-tfc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS "SUNFAST" pr. Velour, 4 pr. Ecru net curtains, Chintz curtains, different patterns, 2 oriental rugs, 1 large silk handmade lamp shade, 4 small shades to match, 1 table lamp, 1 floor lamp, 2 over- 4 PAIRS CURTAINS, 4i i FOR SALE -- SLIGHTLY ladies' up-to-date clothing, oe to 34, cheap. Tel. Winnetka 1739. FOR SALE--FEMALE GERMAN P lice puppy. Tel. Winn. 498. T45. FOR SALE--SET OF "BOOKS Knowledge." Tel. Winn. 1407. TN45-1tc SKATES FOR SALE, LADIES "JOHN- son" hockey, size 6, nearly new, $5.00. Tel. Winn. 1221. TN45-1tp MOLE SKIN WRAP, ERMINE LINED collar, $375; LTN16-1te -- LOST AND FOUND rE, REWARD FOR RETURN Pin set with sheaf of pearls. Lost State bank and Chicago tion on January 11. Tel. OF ONYX wheat in between ¥ . N. W. sta- Winn. 1596. LTN16-1tc AT NEW Sunday FP. M,, boy's sheep lined coat, please inform LEFT ON BLEACHERS Trier high school ger. Tel. Glencoe 770. coats, 1 winter suit (man's), 1 vel-| Mrs. A. O. Wilcox, or leave at 133 ¢ TN45-tfc vet drss. Tel. Winn. 2014. Bertling Lane. Tel. Winn. 1322, T45-1tc T45-1tc BABY CHICKS--IN 100 LOTS, AS- NEAR Vest END DOE SPRUCE i : : sorted, $12; Leghorns, $13; Barred lamond ring, ifany setting, Upholstering, Draperies, Roce i ig IRR $15;| stones, return to 600 Berkley Ave., " Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Mi- reward. sg TN45-4tp Slip Covers norcas, $18; postpaid. Catalogue free. D. . FARROWS CHICKERIES, PIANO TUNING LINOIS. 5- J B. M Farl PRORIA, JLLIROIS T45-24tc EXPERT PIANO TUNING, REPAIR- 0 Do VIACLK ATLAME® |[For saLE--1 STEAM BOILER, U, s.| M& L. W. Foster, piano maker. : or Prins Call your home tuner. Tel. Winn. . Radiator make, No. 227, 1200 sq. foot 509-J LTN7-tfo Interior Decorator capacity, suitable for 9-room house; | sem ~ also 1 incinerator, both in good con- o S TE Formerly with Mandel Bros. dition, at half price. 646 Prospect. For Sap--syros 5 : LTN16-1tc| CADILLAC MODEL 53, ENGINE RE- 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette cently overhauled and put in good Phone Wilmette 2228 FOR SALE--3 RUGS, 2--10x12; 1-- running condition, all rew glass LTN4 tf 12x14 ft, in good condition; also curtains, four new tires, spot light, -tic pair of skates on shoes, size 414, offered at $400. Robert L. Johnson, and several bird cages. Tel. Winn. Deerfield. LTN15-tfc 3217. T45-1te MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--SADDLE HORSE, COW, WANTED--BY COLORED MAN. GEN- 150 chickens, farm 'machinery, prices eral housecleaning by day; reason- reasonable, on Lake Avenue, 1st DETECTIVE SERVICE able prices. Ref. Tel. Evanston house west of C. & N. W. R. R. Shadowing, Civil, Criminal, 7208. LTN-1tp T45-1tp and Domestic Investigations. ¢ All inquiries strictly confi- MAN WANTS POSITION -- HOUSE- | FOR SAP UDIREED atin dential. work; understands gardening; Ger- , S d, 800 £ 08, Addr i man. Tel. Winnetka 897. 990 fond of children, $50. 241 Fair- 666 Oakante. Ave Chicago, box C Sheridan Road. LT16-1tc view road. Tel. Glencoe 3 ds ito Phone Buckingham 8062 N45- WANTED--POSITION AS CHAUF- pe rsa feur; good ref. Call Glencoe 446. FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES -- = LTN16-1tp WILLYS-KNIGHT T-PASS. TOUR. FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS OIL PAINTINGS BY AMERICAN artists, at a sacrifice; also mission hall clock, library table, rocker, bookcases, books, morris chair, re- frigerator and other household goods. Tel. Glencoe 865. LTN16-1te FOR SALE--KIMBALL MAHOGANY upright player piano, with music rolls, $250 cash. Tel. Kenilworth 2481, or can be seen at Warble Storage Warehouse, Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 32. LTN16-1tc ANTIQUES FOR SALE! PAIR OF carved walnut chairs, spindle bed, table cover- 505 Oakdale chest of drawers, desk, let and hooked rugs. Ave., (one block west of Sheridan). Phone Graceland 3516. LT16-1tp FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL MAHOG- any, oval top table with drawer, 48 in. long., prac. new, from Field's, cost $45, best offer accepted. Tel. Wil. 2715, IT16-1tec PRIVATE PARTY WILL SELL THOR electric washer in good condition, $25; Simplex ironer, full size, model No. 46, practically new, $75 Ad- >. dress Life, 22. LTNi6-1te Dodge tour., Dodge sedan, Franklin sedan, Chicago electric. Come and see them. Tel. Winn. 165. Wersted Motor Company. LTN16-1tc | | Read the Want-Ads FOR SALE--BRASS BED, SPRINGS, and mattress, all in good condition. Price $25. Tel. Winn. 1454. LTN16-1tc FOR SALE--MAHOG. GLASS CAEI- net, plate glass back and shelves, lst class cond. Tel. Winn. 1330. TN45-1te FOR SALE -- ROLL TOP OFFICE desk, 4 chairs, 1 piano. Tel. Wil 2272. LTN16-1tc FOR SALE--MULBERRY VELOUR davenport. Tel. "Winn. 1787. T45-1te FOR SALE--COUPLE OF BRASS beds and springs, very reasonable. Tel. Winn. 502-W. TN45-1tp FOR SALE--SIVGLE BED, WHITE enamel. Tel. Winn. 1852. T45-1te FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES = The * Used unusual cars eous makes. class, our lacs. late model, ior performance, Our selections changing, your needs. Your present car payment, Evanston 8600 CADILLAC'S USED CARS Car Department of the Evanston Cadillac Branch offers an assortment of in both Cadillacs To the prospective purchaser of a new automobile in who would not ordinarily con- sider the purchase of a used car, we wish particularly to call attention to reconditioned Cadil- These cars will attract the buy- er who demands dependability, super- and, satisfaction that comes from owning a car whose quality and prestige are universally acknowledged. and you will find an attractive price a car Salesroom open evenings. Cadillac Motor Car Company Evanston 1810 Ridge Avenue, Evanston good used and miscellan- the §$2,000-$2,500 above all, the continually here at that suits are accepted in part Branch Rogers Park 9810 LTN5-tfe Td5-1tc call Oak Park 1880. =o } 4