an 4 VR tug " * a : WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1924 or Good one PEAKING of noble re- year? This friendly bank invites olution! >> Resolutions solves, how about that you made to open a "Christmas Savings Club" account and keep at it this you to make good your res- WINNETKA-TRUST «® SAVINGS -BANK Elm Street at Center ay, =~ --, = Ai S - > Social Happenings Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Haven of 419 Maple avenue, have at present as their guest, Mrs. Haven's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Crockett who leaves on Sunday evening for St. Petersburg, Florida. --_--Q-- Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt of Glencoe, prominent in club and musical circles on the north shore, is seriously ill with pneumonia at the Evanston hos- pital. Sr Miss Dorothy Horsman, 978 Elm street, entertained at luncheon on Wednesday for Mrs. Rex Grant Ches- brow of Toronto, Canada, who is her guest for ten days. SO Mrs. William H. Nicholls of 660 "Pine street, will be hostess at a bridge on Monday afternoon, January 21, for Mrs. Robert W. McKisson of 490 Hawthorn lane, who has come to Win- netka within the past year. --_--Q-- Mrs. Edward Hyde Presbrey of New York, who has been the guest for the past week of Mrs. William Gold Hib bard, 942 Pine street, returned to her home, Sunday. --_--Q-- Mrs. Fred Cain of Hubbard Woods, formerly of Wilmette, is visiting at the home of her. daughter, Mrs. Ad- dison Burbank on Long Island. --_0-- On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Hobart of 660 Prospect av- enue, will entertain at dinner for Mrs. Lorenzo Johnson. --0-- The Ridge Avenue circle will meet Monday afternoon, January 21, at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Sidney Anderson, 638 Elder lane. ---- This evening, Miss Louise Clabaugh, 1324 Scott avenue, is giving a dinner- dance for thirty of her friends. "bh Mrs. August C. Magnus of 650 Sher- idan road, left last week for New York. She is expected home the latter part of this week. --_---- Mrs. George Knox Owsley has closed her home and is staying with her father in Evanston until she leaves for the west to join Mr. Owsley. Little Miss Barrie Dillon, 1108 Spruce street, is entertaining thirty-two chil- dren today, in honor of her sixth birthday. -- Miss Grace Stoddard returned last week from Decatur, Illinois, where she had been visiting her brother, Mr. E. F. Stoddard. mn (omine Mrs. Lumbard, 619 Lincoln avenue, has gone to the Hinsdale sanitarium. from where, after a short rest, she will leave for Florida. --_--O-- Mrs. A. D. Cloud of Humboldt ave- nue, is spending the winter with her family in New Orleans. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hanley are new residents in Winnetka, having re- cently moved to 752 Lincoln avenue. mm ( . Mr. and Mrs. Victor Elting of 830 Mt. Pleasant court, left last week for a trip to Florida and Cuba. --_---- Mr. and Mrs W. David, formerly of Lincoln avenue, are settled in their new home, 362 Hawthorn lane. --O-- Mrs. Alfred Freeman, 651 Lincoln avenue, was hostess at an informal luncheon and bridge last Friday. --_--O-- Mrs. Reese of Delphi, Indiana, is spending a few days with Mrs. Jen- nie Van Buskirk, 796 Pine street. COURTEOUS SALESMEN Our Want Ads never offend the most sensitive. They den't taik busi- ness to you until they're asked to. And they step when you want them to That's why people like them. Kenilworth Happenings Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rathbone were hosts to a few friends at a to- boggan, skating party at the Skokie club on Thursday, and on Friday en- tertained at a small dinner and mah jong party at their home on Abbotts- ford road. a -Toui Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Cherry were hosts at dinner to Mr. Lionel Robertson, preceding the social evening of the Home and Garden club at the Kenil- worth Assembly hall on Saturday eve- ning of last week. -- Mr. Henry Taylor, Jr.,, who has been in Green Cove Springs, Fla. for the past two weeks, is motoring to Day- tona, Ormond, Palm Beach and Miami, and will return home the latter part of this week. -- Mrs. J. W. DeCourcy O'Grady, of Winipeg, Canada, visited the Kenil- worth Episcopal church on Sunday. Mrs. O'Grady's family were pioneers of Kenilworth and the Church. ip Dr. and Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp enter- tained a few -friends at Mah-Jongg at their home on Friday of last week in honor of Mr. Carl Keith's birthday an- niversary. --n Mrs. George R. Benson has issued cards for a luncheon and bridge to be given at Indian Hill club next Tuesday in honor of Mrs. George Richards. : --(-- Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Flood had a small company of out-of-town friends dining infogmally with them Monday evening in their home on Kenilworth avenue. Mrs. Alex Reichmann came from Bar- rington to attend the Parish dinner of the Church of the Holy Comforter as the guest of Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr. iO Mrs. Fairfax Childs of Virginia was a guest of honor at a small tea given Mrs. H. A. Brassert, 547 Roslyn road, last Thursday. --_--O-- Mr. and Mrs. James Prentiss left last Thursday for a fortnight's holi- day in Asheville, N. C --_O-- Mrs. Craig B. Ketcham entertained her Bridge club at luncheon on Tues- day, at her home, 611 Abbottsford road. ---Q-- Barbara Crowe had ten young peo- ple to dinner on Monday, January 7, in celebration of her tenth birthday. ate Mrs. Gilbert Kelly, 412 Cumnor road, entertained her Bridge club at lunch- eon at the Indian Hill club Wednesday. eon Mr. Robert M. Burns, 614 FEssex road, left Thursday on a business trip to Detroit, Mich. --O-- Mrs. S. S. Holden will entertain her Bridge club at luncheon today. Glenview Contributes $35 In Christmas Seal Drive Partially completed statistics on the recent Chicago Tuberculosis Christ- mas Seal campaign show that the Vil- lage of Glenview has contributed $35.27 to the fund.. Miss Norton was the chairman of the drive. Figures for New Trier communities have not been made public. Wednesday, January 23, has been set aside by the people of Kenilworth, as New Trier Day. On the evening of this day at eight o'clock, at the Kenilworth Assembly hall, there will be a special program provided for the people of Kenilworth. Mr. Clerk, superintendent of the New Trier High school will give a short talk in which he will present some facts about the big and very important in- stitution which has grown up in our midst and give some statement as to the present policy and future plans of New Trier. The New Trier orches- tra is going to play and a quartet from the New Trier Glee club will sing, which in itself will make the evening worth while. The Kenilworth club and the Educational department of the Neighbors cordially invite you to come to this meeting and to attend an informal reception afterwards when you will have the opportunity of meet- ing Mr. and Mrs. Clerk and welcom- ing them into our community. --Q-- The Kenilworth Home and Garden club will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Holmes, 200 Warwick road, on Monday, January 21. Mrs. Ransom of the House Beautiful department of Carson Pirie Scott and company will give a talk on "Personality in the Home." Junius Mulvey of Wilmette, will make his home with Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Osgood in Kenilworth for the next two months, while his parents are in Florida. They will visit their daugh- ter, Elizabeth, who is in school at Gulfport, Miss., before returning. --tis Mr. George Mason, of Highland Park, gave a talk at the Church of the Holy Comforter on Sunday morning in the interest of the Western Theo- logical Seminary which is to be erected oposite the Patten gymnasium in Evans- ton. VILLAGE OF WINNETKA. NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRACT. Winnetka, Illinois, January '19th, 1924. Notice is hereby given that the con- tract for the construction of the fol- lowing improvement: The east forty-two (42) feet of Lots Five (5) and Six (6); the east forty- two (42) feet of Lot Seven (7); the east forty-two (42) feet of Lot eight (8); the east forty-two (42) feet of Lot Nine (9); the east forty-two (42) feet of Lot Ten (10); the east forty- two (42) feet of Lot Eleven (11), all in Wilson and Dale's Subdivision of the North half of Block Twenty-six (26) in Winnetka, according to the plat of said Wilson and Dale's Sub- division recorded in the office of the Recorder of Cook County, Illinois, in Book 7 of Plats at Page 89 as Docu- ment 170251; also the east forty-two (42) feet of a tract of land described as follows: Beginning at the inter- section of the north line of the South half of Block Twenty-six (26) with the west line of said Linden Street, and running thence west parallel with the North line of Oak Street, one hundred eighty-seven (187) feet; thence south parallel with the west line of Linden Street thirty (30) feet; thence east, parallel with the north line of Oak Street one hundred eighty-seven (187) feet to the west line of Linden Street; thence north along the west line of Linden Street thirty (30) feet to the point of beginning; also the east forty- two (42) feet of a tract of land de- scribed as follows: Beginning at a point in the west line of Linden Street thirty (30) feet south of the intersec- tion of the north line of the South half of Block Twenty-six (26) with the west line of said Linden Street, and running thence west, parallel with the north line of Oak Street, one hun- dred seventy-nine (179) feet; thence south parallel with the west line of Linden Street thirty-two (32) feet; thence east parallel with the north line of Oak Street one hundred seven- ty-nine (179) feet to the west line of Linden Street; thence north along the west line of Linden Street thirty-two (32) feet to the point of beginning; also the east forty-two (42) feet of a tract of land described as follows: Beginning at a point in the west line of Linden Street sixty-two (62) feet south of the intersection of the north line of the South half of Block Twenty-six (26) with the west line of Linden Street and running thence west parallel with the north line of Oak Street one hundred eighty-seven (187) feet; thence south, parallel with the west line of Linden Street nine (9) inches, more or less, to a point one hundred twenty-five (125) feet north of the north line of Oak Street; thence east parallel with the north line of Oak Street one hundred eighty- seven (187) feet to the west line of Linden Street; thence north along the west line of Linden Street nine (9) inches, more or less to the point of beginning. Also by acquiring: therefor, by pur- chase, grant, gift or otherwise, the east forty-two (42) feet of a tract of land being a part of Block Twenty- six (26) in Winnetka, and described as follows: Beginning at the inter- section of the west line of Linden Street with the nprth line of Oak Street and running thence north along the west line of Linden Street one hundred twenty-five (125) feet; thence west parallel with the north line of Oak Street one hundred eighty-seven (187) feet; thence south parallel with the west line of Linden Street one hundred twenty-five (125) feet to the north line of Oak Street; thence east along the north line of Oak Street one hundred eighty-seven (187) feet to the point of beginning. . All of the hereinabove described tracts, pieces and parcels of land be- ing in Block Twenty-six (26) in Win- netka, being a subdivision of the Northeast quarter of Section Twenty (20) and the North half of Fractional Section Twenty-one (21) in Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thir- teen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat there- of recorded in the office of the Re- corder of Cook County, Illinois, in Book 5 of Plats at Page 78 as Docu- ment Number 119381, all in the Vil- lage of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois. And that said LINDEN STREET as so widened, together with the street connections of said Linden Street with Elm Street and Oak Street, be im- proved by grubbing, grading, excavat- ing, preparing the subgrade, draining, curbing and filling, by paving with vitrified brick on a Portland cement concrete base with asphalt filler and sand cushion, constructing Brick ma- sonry catch basins with connections, brick masonry water gate valve vaults, and Portland cement rein- forced concrete retaining walls, fur- nishing and setting new cast iron manhole covers, adjusting present pavements, adjusting present man- hole covers and connections to pres- ent pavements, moving and resetting electric light poles and a fire hydrant, cleaning the surface of pavement, tamping, flushing, furnishing water for concrete, mortar and flushing, and sand for backfilling, including the re- moval of all surplus materials, en- gineering and supervision during con- struction, and labor and materials necessary to construct said proposed improvement. The portion so to be paved with brick being described as follows: Beginning at the intersec- tion of the center line of Elm Street with the extension of a line drawn parallel with and forty-two (42) feet west of the present west line of 'said Linden Street, said line being the west line of said Linden Street as the same is herein proposed to be widened, and which line is hereinafter referred to as the proposed west line of Lin- den Street; thence south along said extension of the proposed west line of Linden Street to the present south curb line of Elm Street; thence east along said curb line seven (7) feet; thence southeasterly on a curved line tangent to said south curb line of Elm Street, convex to the northeast and having a radius of thirteen (13) feet, to a point in the south line extended from the west of Elm Street twenty (20) feet east of the proposed west line of Linden Street; thence south on a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet east of the proposed west line of Linden Street to a point seven (7) feet north of the north line extended of Oak Street; thence southwesterly on a curved line tangent to the last described course, convex to the south- east and having a radius of twenty (20) feet, to a point in the proposed west line of Linden Street extended, thirteen (13) feet south of the north line of Oak Street; thence south along the proposed west line of Linden Street extended, forty (40) feet; thence east on a line parallel with and fifty- three (53) feet south of the north line extended of Oak Street thirty- five (35) feet; thence southeasterly on a curved line tangent to the last described course, convex to the north- east and having a radius of twenty (20) feet, to a point fifty-five (55) feet east of the proposed west line extended of Linden Street and seven (7) feet south of the south line ex- tended of Oak Street; thence east on a line parallel with and seven (7) feet south of the south line extended of Oak Street forty (40) feet: thence northeasterly on a curved line, con- vex to the northwest and having a radius of twenty (20) feet, to a point thirteen (13) feet north of the south line of Oak Street and seven (7) feet east of the east line extended of Lin- den Street; thence east, parallel with and thirteen (13) feet north of the south line of Oak Street to a point thirty (30) feet east of the east line extended of Linden Street; thence north on a line parallel with and thirty (30) feet east of the east line extended of Linden Street forty (40) feet; thence northwesterly on a curved line, convex to the southwest and hav- ing a radius of fifty (50) feet, to a point twenty (20) feet west of the east line of Linden Street and thirty- seven (37) feet north of the north line extended of Oak Street; thence north on a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet west of the east line and the east line extended of Linden Street to the southwesterly line of the right of way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company; thence northwesterly, along the south- westerly line of said right of way, to the south line extended from the west of Elm Street; thence east along the south line extended from the west of Elm Street thirty (30) feet; thence north parallel with the east line ex- tended of Linden Street to the center line extended from the west of Elm Street; thence west along the said center line of Elm Street to the point of beginning, all in the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, said improvement and as- sessment being otherwise known as Winnetka Special Assessment No. 373- 432 was awarded on January 15th 1924, to M. FOLEY COMPANY, of Evanston, Illinois, for the sum of Twenty-nine Thousand three hundred twenty-eight and 50/100 Dollars ($29,328.50). JOHN S. MILLER, JR., President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T45-1te