Ee) WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1924 GUILD PLAYERS APPEAR TONIGHT "The Red Robe" to Erovide - Week-end Entertainment for Theater-goers FIVE PERFORMANCES Brilliant Cast Assembled for French Drama Patrons of the North Shore Theatre Guild are anticipating profitable en- tertainment this week-end in the per- formances in Winnetka of "The' Red Robe," an Eugene Brieux production for which director Alexander Dean has drilled what promises to be one of the most brilliant amateur casts. ever as- sembled for appearance on the north shore. g . The play will be seen in the Jane Kuppenheimer Memorial hall at Win- metka tonight and Monday night. Tt will also be offered in Lake Forest and Evanston on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Modern French Drama "The Red Robe" is considered one of the greatest of modern French "The Red Cross Family Album' Mrs. Theodore Keehn "For nearly four -years," reads a communication in a Red Cross pe- riodical, "Mrs. Theodore Keehn, of Winnetka, Ill, has been one of the most faithful Red Cross volunteers in the transcribing of Braille. Follow- ing are some of the books she has made available to the sightless: "The Valley of Silent. Men," by James Oliver Curwood; "Ramblin' Kid," by E. W. Bowman; "The Yel- low Trail," by E. M. Boddy; "Next War, An Appeal To Common Sense," MAY BRING "CLAVILUX" WIZARD TO WINNETKA Winnetka people may soon see Thomas Wilfred in an entertainment with his famous instrument, the "clavilux, said by critics to be "the first practical in- strument to harness light and place it at the command of a skilled player at the keyboard," if the plans of Willard Beatty, principal of Skokie school, to bring him here, materialize. "We can probably secure him for a program if there is enough interest in it," says Mr. Beatty. "I would like to hear trom villagers who might be in- terested." "Seated at the 'clavilux' keyboard," says Mr. Beatty, "Wilfred, by playing upon the keys, releases pure white light, moulds it into form, makes the form move and change in rhythm, introduces texture, depth and finally color of ab- solute purity and intensity. The result is projected on a white screen as a silent visual composition with no more rela- tion to music than a painting or a poem." Commenting on Mr. Wilired's per- formance, the Philadelphia North Amer- ican says, "It is truly a marvelous achievement, one which opens a new field to man's sense of beauty and makes | an appeal to the soul. To see, a dim, vaporous mass of grayish green slowly melt into a definite form of glowing yellow, which rises and as it rises un- folds, flowerlike, into what might be- token four floating crimson tulips; to watch the birth of a mystic, prophet- like figure, all blue and tawny, form a shaft of living whiteness, and gasp as it dies in a silent thunderstroke of the red of blood--these are sensations so strange to the eye as to render the re- cording brain almost incapable of ade- quate utterance. It causes one to won- Vestry of Christ Church Names Its New Officers Then new vestry of Christ church held its first meeting Tuesday evening of this week and immediately proceeded to the election of George E. Frazer as treasurer, to succeed Harry D. Edmonds, who resigned after serving the parish in hat capacity for five years. Miss Cora B. Lamb was elected mis- s.onary treasurer, and Donald F. Mc- Pherson was chosen as clerk. Members of the vestry expressed re- grec at the resignation of Mr. Ed- monds, but voiced their appreciation of his splendid services, stating that it was :argety through his excellent supervision ct the funds of the church that the parish has been placed on a sound fi- nacial basis. The budget of the church for the en- suing year has been increased, it was anounced at the vestry session. The totaling $23,000, already has been pledged, it was explained. The budget tor benevolences is $14,500, so that, with an additional $17,500 for the proposed new church organ, the entire budget totals $55,000. Red and Green Headlights Mean the Fire Apparatus Perchance you are driving along one of Winnetka's thoroughfares at night, and perchance you see two large lights, one green and the other red approach- ing. That will be your signal to pull over to the curbing, for those lights rep- resent the fire department apparatus. Chief Houren had the colored head- lights affixed this week, following a practice which has proved effective in Evanston and other Chicago suburbs. a Today's Brunswick Releases CONCERT 25017--"Benediction of the Swords" (from Le Huguenot) "Finlandia" (Op. 26, No. 7) Played by Vessella's Italian Band. POPULAR VOCAL 2540--*"Molly Brannigan" (Old Irish Melody) "The Beating of the Water" Sung by Allen McQuhae--Tenor. FOR DANCING 2528--"0Old Fashioned Love"--Fox Trot "Out of Sight, Out of Mind"--Fox Trot Bennie Krueger's Orchestra. . : : by Will Irwin; "The Golden Scor-|der--what next?" : ; dramas, and its author ranks second i he hi Ward; "Green Eyes Winnetka Shop only to the mnona Rostagd, 1: sopra. of Bast," by A. S. Ward; "The CONVALESCING sents accurately the modern French] gt gt! f the Pines," b Edison . : ; So 0 : drama and is still being produced in Marshall; | "Man. Size" Li William | Miss Marian Gram, a teacher at the W. J. DEHMLOW, Prop. Paris. It is strictly French in inci- dent, but possesses a human note that is universal in its appeal. The Guild version is an adaptation by Mr. Dean, although acts two -and four are presented practically intact. The Guild Players are already in re- hearsal for the third production of the current season which bears the title, "Plots and Playwrights," by the pen of Edward Massy. The fourth play of the season, of which the name is withheld at this time, is known to have enjoyed an extended run in New York and has never been produced in Chicago. "Red Robe" Cast The cast of "The Red Robe" , cludes: Oliver Farnsworth, Dorothy Todd, Mrs. Leslie Parker, Beatrice Pease, Abram Mendenhall, Perry Dun- lap Smith, Julia Hanks, Lloyd Faxon, Samuel Otis; Samuel C. Smart, Mrs. Dudley Cates, Henry J. Cary-Curr and in- Macleod Raine." Mrs. Keehn resides avenue. at 662 Maple Winnetka Group Hears Lecture by Emile Coue About 80 Winnetkans were guests at the J. Williams Macy home on Private road Sunday of this week to hear a lec- ture by Emile Coue, famous exponent of the theory of auto-suggestion, who was a week-end guest at the Macy resi- dence. In his lecture, and practical illustra- tions, M. Coue emphasized the that he was not way co-operating with it. He declared he was not, as had been intimated in press com- ments, a healer or miracle worker. Greeley school, who has been ill for several weeks, is convalescing at her home in Menominee, Michigan. Mrs. Robert Smith is teaching Miss Gram's classes temporarily. 576, Lincoln Ave. Winnetka Phone Winnetka 1811 Latest Popular Sheet Music At All Times point A Qukiggmin Contragy hi 1 tion to the medical profession but rather fs us Do Your Banking in Winnetka PINE Mrs. Frederick Dickinson. Let Us Show A The Production staff includes: Alexander Dean, director; Gregory Them to You Foley, production manager; William 3 = A. Fuller, art director; John W. Mc- The yery latest styles: 3p ~ Pherrin and Westley . Swanson, stage managers; Alyne Szold, properties; Our prices are always mod- Cameron Garbutt, electrician; Evelyn erate. Hill, assistant director; Babette . Marshall, make-up; Francis Allen, Unique Style Shop business manager. Read the Want-Ads ladies' coats and dresses. 1126 CENTRAL AVE. Ph. Wil. 2403 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS HENRY R. HALE, LOUIS B. KUPPENHEIMER, SANBORN HALE, 2 President Vice-President . Cashier VICTOR ELTING CARLTON PROUTY NOBLE HALE Valuable Goods , . . { A Will--Part of the Thrift Plan ' Pa ty i should be carefully stored, should 7 it be necessary to store them. After vou have worked hard to accumu- Any old place isn't good enough, inte sonic property ior the protection of - by a long shot. h * those dear to you, you want to know that i We after you soonontioal, fire it will be disposed of according to your t\ prog ke ue wishes after you are gone. il aken safety # and convenience. Remember our ix 4 vot 1 name against the time we can be I'he only way you can be sure of this is : of service to you. to make a will and have it properly wit- '| nessed. Making a will is a duty you owe to others. I) Stop in at this bank and talk the matter over with us. It is never too early to attend a | to this matter. : | Winnetka State Bank a = SUyy SUR Fre TRAGER @ Elm Street East of Lincoln Avenue Lyi ) FiRE-PRCOF STORAGE 1 a 3 PHOME WINMETHA 232 6 PROUTY ANNEX ; "op