--- WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1924 ispeakérs most recently selected.. They N.U.T0 HOLD STUDENT MEET Prominent Speakers for Con- ference Next Week Two more nationally prominent men have been added to the list:of speak- ers at the Northwestern Student con- ference to be held at the university February 5 and 6, the executive com- mittee in charge announced this. week. Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr of Detroit and Dr. L. K. Williams of Chicago are the will address the conference on the two biggest "problems confronting them, namely the question of race relations and of the problem of war. On Investigation Tour Dr. Niebuhr it at present pastor of the Bethel Evangelical church in De- place on the interracial commission of Chicago. His history has been that of an educator and leader of his race. For three years he was dean of a large colored college at Fort Worth, Texas, and for one-year was its president. He was president-of the-Baptist Edu- cational convention of Texas for twelve years. He is.at present pastor of the largest colored..church in the country, a church of over 9000 mem- bers. Three Fold Purpose The purpose of this convention is threefold: to translate the Indian- apolis convention, at which over seven thousand students from colleges throughout the country attended last Christmas, into terms of local college life; to consider our relations to cer- tain critical problems which are dis- turbing the peace and "unity of the world; and to consider whether Chris- tianity is the best solution of these problems. " In order to achieve these ends, the entire management of the conference is in the hands of students. After each of the addresses by outside speakers, opportunities will be given the stu- to find out how the students stand on these big problems. Program Tuesday, February 5, 1924. 2:00. General Assembly. Speeches by students--"Youth in the New World." Address--The Race Problem. Forum led by speakers. 8:00 General Assembly. Address--The Problem of In- dustry. Open Forum led by speaker. Wednesday, February 6, 1924. 9:00. Discussion Groups led by students. 11:00. General Assembly. Address -- 'The International Problem and War. Open Forum. 2:00. Discussion Groups led by students. 6:00. Banquet. Address--"The Challenge of the World to Christianity." CHEAP ENOUGH! The flash of lightning that rips the sky from horizon to horizon looks beautiful--BUT, according to scientific $1,175.00 SALES-ROOM AND SERVICE-STATION 1107 Chicago Avenue C. H. BRIGGS Evanston $495.00 | WILLYS-KNIGHT--OVERLAND F. O. B. Toledo a A) SIE) x : troit. During the last year, however, | gots to ask questions from these au- calculation, is worth only about one he has been away from his charge thorities. After the convention a vote | dollar, in terms of modern central sta- and has been traveling in Europe with will be taken on the subjects discussed | tion service rates. the Kirby Page Psion YH ; - vestigating condition = in ' e » : os GC n . . a a Foals KET axtensiyely PL SR Sh ) Convenience {4 J for the Fellowship of a Christian?so- ips oO I eT . : 5 cial order since his return, and has == [38] cd with Economy proved bimeelt oy bpve a Jeo of Wy ES flu NOW- and .a breadth.of. ook |: X COMA] Ra en him Henan the TR = 1 ASH DAY?" is strenu- problem of dntesvationg] relations and Vi eid py) ous enough without the war in a thorough manner. y \ dditi 1 > : Spf ag ms i Eh Pa | Kgl on sere in ll Circumstances fo 7 there's no ready hot water. in this country. Dr. Williams' broad- i IH >) There is no tedious waiting for 7, mindedness and comprehensive grasp £ the same courtesy--the same il (> i _ hot water to heat, and no back- of the race problem won for him a g helpful service in managing G3) : ~% breaking trips from stove to Geeioan Paty Contig. rm---- Nf 3 E all perplexing details--are ac- f ij ! 3 2° tub when an American Auto- capacity forty gallons in- : 24 | Ath £ corded you whether you i liked 7747 matic is ready instantly to pro- ey ened ! ROOF ING fs Hl | desire an unlimited expendi- iS A 27 duce any amount of hot water = dences having two baths, -%¥- le; A : ture or whether circumstances oh a you desire. Jovssory, Kiedeu, Yuuter's re siete | : ) ES suggest that you refrain from il ) {a : over the So i | ¥* AMERICAN %® Old Shingles i ~i|GA8 FIRED WATER HEATERS)' ESTIMATE 5 15, NORTH SHORE SALES AGENCY | N ORTH SHOR rl 7A AN £8 {i po "Home Comforts and Conveniences" oF " ROOF CRAFTERS ORT NE 7 aX 1187 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette J 3201 espe) 342 y cleott" Ni 7 1124 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 2813 ~ "Emerson St. Park Ave. ( 2 } 3 = Evanston Clencoe ifm 44 ~ Phone Wilmette 654 EE TT Tm Ss ress Phin 0s Plone 168 W/V UNDERTAKER Wilmette Sd HLS SAD GOT SH ES) 2 2 wwe | HUBBARD WOODS | ro Avenue rs 481% Winnetka mbt woos | GROCERY AND MARKET | 1700-1701.1702 - 5 a Save time, save worry, save money. This you can do by placing your order with us. We are prepared to supply everything in the line of groceries and meats--we have the best, it's useless to go elsewhere. SATURDAY SPECIALS Brussels Sprouts, per quart ........... .cociviiaah i... 29c Cranberries, 2 Bos, ........u0usvnineini deaths ovoid 25¢ Fresh Sicilian Chestnuts, 2'1bs. for ©. =. ib ia i... 25¢ NewaMixed Nuts,iper Ib. int i. cd aaa 29c 'Extra Fancy California Ripe Tomatoes, regular price 49c a lb., special for Saturday, per lb. ............................. ...... 29c i GOLD RIBBON WEDNESDAY WITH EVERY ORDER OF $1.00 OR MORE WE WILL SELL 10 POUNDS OF GRANULATED SUGAR FOR ................. 89c CAMPBELLS TOMATO SOUP, 3 for ......0.....%.: 37 25¢ JELLO, assorted, all flavors, 3 for .... 0 cad coid sus ons 25¢ CORN FLAKES, per pkge. ..... 0... cain iin 8c SWEDISH WAFERS, regular price 40c, Weds. ............. 25¢ r ORANGES, finest blue goose, California Navel Oranges, 6 doz. limit to customer for ............................. ... 00... 90c GRAPEFRUIT, finest blue goose, Indian River, regular price 10c ea. Gold Ribbon Weds., doz. ................................... 15c¢c APPLES) finest cooking and eating, Baldwins, Der DEC oi ui. ii riiitimaive chanson oe smal alll oe soa hl d ais oo 15c FANCY SHELLED NUTS, and Almonds, reg. price $1.00 Ib. Gold Ribbon Weds., Ib. ........................... 69c THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS ORION BRAND SLICED MANGOES, RICHELIEU BRAND APRICOTS, ) GENESEE BRAND APPLE BUTTER, a new fruit from the Philippines. No. 21, can, regular price 65c, this extra large jar, regular price 65c, this No. 1 flat can, regular price 25c, this week 48c WEEK a a. ribs de 45¢ ede Copel ERTE TAN 19¢ by the dozen... si visas $4.49 PREETI RICHELIEU BRAND STRAWBERRY MONSOON BRAND SPICED HERRING CALIFORNIA MUSCATEL GRAPES, and Raspberry preserve, in 5 lb. stone extra large, regular price $1.00, this week No. 1 flat can, regular price 25c, this iy regular price $2.25, this Sot BECO ns... cin ri 65c¢ | week,22ucans-for ona. 35¢ ol HERR R RE EP ER FEE AR ERE SRE : | PEO ROCE NET, PARAMOUNT BRAND TOMATOES, I CALIFORNIA BARTLETT PEARS, pure, strained, 1 lb. glass jar, regular o. can, regular price 30c, this No. 1 flat can, regular price 25c, this price 50c, this week ............. 35¢ Weeltoi van, 0. Tan al er 22¢ £ week 18¢, 2 for. soba coil... 35¢ 3 for $1.00. 6 limit to customer. by the dozen: Joga ovo vay $2.50 Bl le A Ce Ei ial sbi ess wi ------------------------l ----------------------------te i Ga