bags, to ------ er EE | J { i a a - WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1924 OVER 5000 PEOPLE READ THIS PAGE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS H Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. : Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE 50c. the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. : ; Classified advertisements will Deadline for Insertions--{ 3%! up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for papers. 20 cents per line in all three Average of five words to be ac- SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--ODD JOBS, CLEANING, painting, gardening, window wash- ing, by day, hour or job. Tel. Winn. 1273. T50-1tc I WILL PRUNE FRUIT TREES, hedges, and grapes in March. For good work Tel. Winn. 1924 or write Frank Otto, 953 Windes Street. ' T50-1tp NORTH SHORE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE WE CLEAN WALL PAPER, CALCI- mine, grass cloth; we wash painted woodwork, and windows as well as the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the bolish furniture and wax floors. WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS BC digs ret. Saward 2 Mandy Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. Bleep huir, 1d a FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES Spacious, Substantial BRAND NEW BRICK, 4 MASTER B. R. and 2 baths, 2 maid's rms. and bath, all 2nd fir, h. w. ht. dbl. car htd. gar. attached; immense living and dining rooms; other rooms large, light and airy; 2 fireplaces; large lot, near Ind. Hill club; $42,000. remarkable value. Heinsen&Clarlk, Ine. 566 Center (formerly W. R. R. Ave.) Winnetka 254 . LTN21-1tc THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION BY Wilmette of that territory west of Ridge Ave. will no doubt increase values therein considerable. We have listed, choice lots and acre tracts at very reasonable prices, that will net a very fine profit to the investor in the near future, or, if looking for an elegant home site, now is the time to buy, as this is the best opportunity offered to the conservative investor and home seek- er for some time. SCHAEFER & GOLBACH 909 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, Illinois Phone 364 LTN21.1tc WANTED TO RENT--ABOUT MAY 1st for 1 or 2 yr. term, 8 or 9 room house in Winn. or Hubbard Woods. Best ref. Address Winn. Talk, A-77. T50-1te WANTED TO RENT--9 OR 10 ROOM house, modern, unfurnished; 1 or 2 years. Tel. Drexel 2971. 4845 Grand Blvd. T50-2tp WANTED--TO RENT--SMALL FURN. or unfurn. hse. or bungalow; from May 1st to Oct., or longer; garage. Reasonable; best of ref. Tel. Wil. 1939. LT21-1tc WANTED TO RENT--SIX OR SEVEN room home with modern conveni. ences, either furnished or unfur- nished. Address Wilmette Life, A-76. LTN21-1te FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--HOUSE, 918 OAKWOOD Ave., Wilmette, 6 rooms, furnace heat, 2 in-a.door beds. Apply on premises or tel. Lake View 1531. LTN21-tfc FOR RENT--T7-RM. HOUSE; 1 BATH; 3 pchs.; h. w. ht.; 83 yr. lease; April or May; can partly furnish if de- sired. Tel. Winn. 2193. LTN21-1tc FOR RENT--APARTMENTS Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers J. B. MacFarlane Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 LTN4-tfc EXP. MAN, HOUSE AND WINDOW cleaning, floor waxing, furniture polishing and basement kalsomin- ing. Also odd painting jobs; first pi references. Walsh. Tel. Winn. 816. LT7-tfc SAVE MONEY--RICHTER, THE handy man can do anything about your home. Cleaning, painting, car- penter work, repairing and general work of any kind. 1638 Walnut Ave. Tel. Wil. 824-R. LTN21-1tp WANTED--POSITION AS GARDENER or general houseman. Also do all kinds of painting and interior finishing. Hutto 969 Spruce St. Tel. Winn. 864. LTN21-1tp / SEASONS BEST BUYS 7-ROOM STUCCO; WATER HT.; 50 ft. .cor. lot; $13,500. 7-rm. remodeled frame; water ht.; gar.; east; $15,000. 7-rm. stucco; 2 sun plrs.; slp. and breakfast pchs.; water ht.; 2 car gar- age; lge. lot; $26,500. New 7-rm. colonial; 3 baths; toilet and lav. 1st flr.; water ht.; $28,000. W. G. STACEY & CO. A Business Built on Service 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 LTN21-1te 3 pchs.; WANTED TO BUY--REAL ESTATE BUILDER WILL BUY 4 OR 5 LOTS in good neighborhood. Will con. sider frontage of 50 to 100 ft. for each lot. Give size, location and * best cash price. Address Winnetka Talk, A-64. TN48-tfc FOR SALE--~HOUSES FOR SALE--WINNETKA SPECIAL. Choice East side; rare opportunity to acquire inexpensive home in best section, 9 sunny rooms including 35 bedrooms, library with fireplace. front, 64 ft. wooded--unobstructed view all directions, overlooking sur- rounding landscaped properties and village green. 3 blks. to C. NNW. and Mil. Elec. Sta., 3 blks. to lake, stores, pub. and priv. schools, convenient to churches, high school and golf. Pos- session any time. Price right. Terms: Owner occupies, 611 Oak St.,, Winn. 1650. LT20-tfc FOR SALE--WILMETTE. $12,000 for a 7 room stucco house on beau- tiful lot 50x175 ft. in excellent neigh- borhood. This house is 4 blocks from Ry. depot, 3 blocks to school, only 9 years old; good condition. Has liv. room with fireplace, din. room, kitchen and priv. pch. on 1st floor; 4 bedrooms, enclosed slp. pch. and bath on 2nd; good attic; all oak floors, hardwood trim, good hot water and hot air heating plant, now vacant. Terms fair. Tel. Wil. 218 for key. LTN21-1te FOR SALE--EAST SIDE WINNETKA, 9 sunny rooms including 5 bedrooms and library with fireplace, south ex- posure 64 feet, beautiful view of at- tractive landscaped properties and village green. Convenient to private and public schools, churches, stores and only 5 minutes to Northwestern and electric station. Possession February 15th-May 1st, price $18,500. Terms. 611 Oak street. Tel Winn. 1650. ! LT19-tfe FOR SALE--BY OWNER; ATTRAC- tive 7-room bungalow, sunparlor, heated slp. porch; tile bath; 2- car garage; lot 50 by 150; 2 blocks from N. S. station; east of tracks; bargain; phone Winn. 1224. LTN21-1tc FOR SALE--6-ROOM DUTCH COLO- nial brick veneer house; heated sun porch; tiled bath; hot water ht.; 2 car garage; best buy in Wilmette, Address Wilmette Life, A-74. LTN21-3te FOR SALE BY OWNER--ELEGANT nine-room hse., sleeping porch, sun parlor, corner lot, best location. Tel. Wil. 97. 903 Lake Ave., Wilmette. LTN20-3tc FOR SALEBY OWNER, 6 ROOM. 'stucco home, 3 yrs. old, sun and slpg. pchs. beautifully wooded lot 100x160. Nr. schools and depot. $25.000. Tel. Winn. 417. LTN21-1tc WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES WANTED TH RBUY--¢ house in Winn. or No agents. A-7C, OR 9 ROOM Hubbard Woods. Address Winnetka Talk, T50-1te WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--SMALL. nished house with garage in Win- netka preferred; moderate rental: March 1st possession for four or six months. Address Weekly Talk, A-79. TN50-1te WANTED TO RENT 5 OR 6 ROOM House, unfurnished, prefer location Wilmette to Highland Park. Will sign one or two year lease. George Friedkin, 1707 Ridge Ave. Evans- ton. Telephone 3207-R. LTN21-1tc FTTIR- TO SUB LEASE--WATER HEATED four rooms and bath. Apartment $90 per mo. to 3 adults or small SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE America's USS RH INQ Foundation 8 J ATE TTT al LET US RELSE A CHICK THE VASE ALD = VUE RIKETCR -- STANDARD 10 HOREST CAN REPALR FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--OAK DINING SET; CRIB and mattress; Tel. Winn. 1638. May be seen any time. T50-1tc FOR SALE--FUMED OAK, BROWN Spanish leather davenport in good condition; when open it is a full sized bed. Reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1681. LTN21-1tc FOR SALE--EARLY ENGLISH DIN- ing room suite, (table, chairs, serv- ing table) reasonable. Tel. Wil. 1484. T50-1te FOR SALE--"QUAKER MAID" IRON- ing machine, used 1 yr., very reason- able if sold this week. Tel. Winn. 890. TN50-1te FOR SALE--DAVENPORT AND TEA wagon slightly damaged by fire and family; concession to Mar. 1st. Tel. MAN AND WIFE EXP. GOOD REF- water. 375 Park Ave. Glencoe. Wil. 205. : LTN21-1tc| erences. Tel. Canal 7282. TN50-1tc Né6-1te A - FOR SALE--OAK PARLOR SET AND FOR RENT~ROOMS HELP WANTED--FEMALE kitchen cabinet. Tel. Winn, 190. 5 FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM, SUIT- | WANTED -- YOUNG gIRL AFTER TN50-1tp able for 2. Tel. Winn. 911. 50-1te s 1 and on Sat. as helper in fam- n Ny of 579 el Winn. 2178, Tso-ltc| WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE FOR RENT--ROOM; 2 WINDOWS, : buys and Sols TuEy oven lon newly decorated; ht. and cold run-| WANTED -- MAID; GEN. HSWK.; Jianos,s 2DYIRINENseial. LENI-tre ning water; nicely furnished; best good wages. 212 Sheridan Rd.. Sen St. I sentra) location. Tel Wil 320 11.1 Samo) 1209, T50-1t¢ | FOR SALE ANTIQUE SOLID BLACK - WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL/| Walnut, 4 poster spindle double bed; FOR RENT--WARM, BRIGHT, CLEAN, work. Wages $15.00; references. box 3D nge Tair matisegs: ag well-furn. front rooms; east side Call 885 Willow, or telephone Win- ngs ois grawers 3 mall TLL home; conv. location; garage also. netka 807. TN50-1tc 4. ireenwood. Cc 38 Mil, 3010 TANste WANTED--REFINED WOMAN FOR |N. FELL--DEALER IN NEW AND FOR RENT--NICE LARGE ROOM;| light household duties part time; used Rousencid goods jode Maple 3 windows; suitable for 2 gentlemen; good home. Tel. Winn. 1197. ve., . LON - tte near transp. . Tel. Wil. 883. TN50-1te < LTR tte WANTED--NURSE GIRL FOND OF |FOR SALE--OVERSTUFFED VELOUR FOR RENT--LARGE, FRONT ROOM;| children; home nights. Tel. Wil. 1341. gavenport and' chair ip_good condi- suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, or TN50-1te tion. Call Winnetka BLT te couple. Tel. Winn. 533-R. > Seckten ee STE NOGRAPHER SE "« > ANE hod VE Sli week. Real Estate ex-|ONE 7 x 10 KASHMIR RUG IN FINE CENTRAL HOTEL--ROOMS; LIGHT| perience unnecessary. condition; Very Wo Sasonanle; also outside rooms; steam; hot and cold HEINSEN and CLARK, INC. other rugs. el. iL. LTNZ1-1te running water. 629 Main St. Tel.|566 Center (formerly W. R. Dye) Wil. 1080. LT1-tfc Winnetka 254 hh -te FOR SALE_WALNUT BOOK CASE: ITE ) nl ining r F . Iredale Ware- FOR RENT--LARGE SOUTHEAST | WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- dining room table room, suitable for one or two adults. eral housework on oa oor; to house, Winnetka. LTN21-1te 731 10th St. Tel. Wil. 992-7. start first wee in arch; gooc - LT20-2tp| wages; no washing; references re-|FOR A 2 TDITABLE ron quired. Telephone 239 Winnetka. couch cover, $6; mal RAN ee = FOR RENT--VERY PLEASANT RM. LTN21-1tc| ers, $8. Tel. Winn. 855. -1te with adjoining bath, in private fam- : ily; lady pref. meals if desired. Tel.| WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. Winn. 788. LTN21-1tp hswk.; plain cooking; between 20- 35 yrs. old; good home; own room FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS, ALSO and bath; $15 to $20 per week. Tel. housekeeping apt. Tel Wil. 935-M; Glencoe 957. LTN21-1te near all transportation. LT6-tfc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. FOR RENT--NEWLY FURN. ROOM; hswk.; no laundry; 1% blocks from light; main floor; nr. lake; station. electric and railroad station. Tel Tel. Winn. 1543. LTN21-1te Winn. 1587. LT21-1te en - WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK.; Xon hin -Sanagns 4 in family; ref. 292 Sheridan road. FOR RENT--HALF OF DOUBLE ga Tel. Winn. 626. LTN21-1tc . Indi il ion. 1. Winn Plaga ian Hi) Seton WANTED--EXPERIENCED MAID; 3 - in family; highest wages; no laun- HELP WANTED--MALE dry: Winn 1838. L'T21-1te CHICAGO REAL ESTATE FIRM, SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE long established on the North Shore, wants active, experienced local rep- resentative to sell North Shore property. Permanent connection with excellent future for right man. Address Wilmette Lifd, A-56. LTN19-3tc SALES- WANTED--REAL ESTATE men. A man who must make at least $5,000 a year. Previous Real Estate experience unnecessary. Heinsen& Clark, Inc. 556 Center (formerly W. R. R. Ave.) Winnetka 254 LTN21-1te WANTED--HOUSEMAN; TO CARE for furnace; lawn; 2 cars; some chauffuering:; no living quarters; steady position for right party; good ref... Tel. Wil. 1597. .S. .Gondman, 247 Washington Ave., Wil. LTN21-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE TF YOUU HAVE ANY PAINTING, DEC- orating or paper hanging to be done now or later it will pay vou to get in touch with me. Now is the time to get good work done at reasonable price. Pest Winnetka reference. E. M. Brandt. Tel. Irving 9492 or Winn. 314. T50-1te I INTEND TO GIVE 'UP MY GARDEN this vear and wish to immediately find a position for my English gar- dener. Can recommend him as an exception- al man, desirable in every way; ex- pert in both vegetables and flowers; will also help in the house; must have own living quarters for him. self and wife. Tel. Winn. 1184. LTN21-1te DON'T WAIT TO HAVE YOUR PAINT- ing and decorating done. The spring wages will advance. Let us do it today. Carl Salo, Northbrook, Ill. Box 40. Phone Highland Park 896-Y4. LTN18-8te WANTED--POSITION AS WAITRESS and will do day work. Tel. Winn. 302. TN50-1tp WANTED -- TUTORING IN HIGH school and college preparatorv sub- jects. Winnetka 354. TH0-1te SITUATION WANTED -- BY NEAT colored woman, serving luncheons, narties or taking care of children. Tel. Glencoe 63K, TH0-1tp WANTED--LAT'NDRY WORK TO DO at home; called for and delivered. Tel. Winn. 1273. T50-1te WANTED--WASHINGS TO TAKE home, finished work and rough dry. Will call and deliver. 418 Frairie Ave.,, Wil. Tel. Wil. 1351. LT184tp WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING to take home, will call for and de- liver. Tel. Wil. 834-R. LT21-1te SITUATION WANTED--BY COLORED girl; 2nd work. Tel. Douglas 3694. LTN21-1tc "FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Moving Away this Week Must sell ail my house fur- nishings including rugs, curtains, living room, bedroom, nursery, kitchen and laundry furnishings. Also some clothing. Good bargains in practically new 75 1b. porcelain lined ice chest and white porcelain trimmed stove. EVERYTHING QUITE NEW and REASONABLE 111 Fourth Street LTN-21-1tc FOR SALE--One very fine FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--PEDIGREED AIREDALE; 16 months old; good watch dog: kind to children; $30. 241 Fairview Rd. Tel. Glencoe 391. LTN21-1tc FOR SALE -- MOLE CAPE WITH dyed squirrel collar, $50; tricotine spring suit, $15. Tel. Winn. 1781. LTN21-1tp FOR SALE--FULL dale puppies, Winnetka 243. BLOODED AIRE- 6 weeks old, $15. Tel. TN50-1te PUPPIES FOR SALE--3 BEAUTIFUL English shepherds, intelligent, gen- tle with children, make good watch dogs. Only $5 each for quick sale. Tel. Winn. 187 for appointment. T50-1te GOWN size 38; will Winn. FOR SALE--BLACK LACE from Blackstone shop, sell for $40. Tel. TWO ROSECOMB RHODE ISLAND Red roosters, 11 months old, from fine imported prize winning stock, $5 each. Tel. Winn. 187. T50-1te FOR SALE--BABY STROLLER; CAN be used as a carriage; also like new mahogany dining room set. Tele- phone Glencoe 554. TN49-2tc FOR SALE--BABY BUGGY; GOOD AS new; $10. Tel. Winn. 1468. T50-1tc FOR SALE--WESTINGHOUSE RADIO set; 3 tube outfit; loud speaker; storage battery and '"B" hattery; set complete §75; almost new; owner leaving city. Tel. Wil. 776-M; after 6 P. M. LTN21-1tc FOR SALE -- EXCELLENT HALF size cello; suitable for child 10 to 14 years old; also full sized cello. Telephone Wil. 663. LTN21-1te FOR SALE -- ONE 46 "SIMPLEX" Ironing Machine; never been, used; a bargain at $90. Lake Shore Elec- tric Co. - Tel. 2494. LTN21-1tc FOR SALE -- ELECTRIC LIGHT shower fixture for dining room; silvered; 5 tiffany globes; very rea- sonable. Tel. Wil. 612. LTN21-1tc FOR SALE--AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC brooder, practically new. Telephone Glencoe 231. LTN21-1tc MISCELLANEOUS WANTED--GOOD CHESS PLAYER AS partner. Winn. Talk, A-73. T51-1tp walnut bedroom suite. One double bed, one chest of FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES drawers with mirror. Old English Oak dining room table, 6 chairs and linen FOR SALE--SAXON 6 TOURING; good mech. cond.; good tires; 1 spare; good set side curtains; cheap for cash. Tel. Winn. 1638. T50-1tc chest or sideboard. Davenport table, mahogany secretary with Windsor DO YOU KNOW? Every car on the street is a used car? Tell us the make and type of used car you want and we will demonstrate when we have one. No obligation to buy. Wersted Motor class condition and reason- ably priced. Call Wilmette 710-M. Cheney Phonograph, lamps, Co. Tel. Winn. 165. LTN21-1tc living room chairs, porch furniture, kitchen cabinet, etc. USED CARS High grade furniture in first 1921 Overland Touring, $125; in good running order. Slocum Motor Sales WILLYS KNIGHT and OVERLAND DEALERS 724 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 1128 SAE SR LTN-21-1te LTN-21-1tc INVESTMENTS FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS BABY CHICKS; IN 100 IOTS; AS- sorted, $11; leghorns, $12; Barred Rocks, S. C. Reds, Anconas, $14; Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Min- orcas, $17; postpaid. Catalog free. D. T. Farrow chickeries, Peoria, Ill. LTN18.22te Chinese Goods Shawls, Old Embroidered Linens, Unique Hand Carved Chains, Necklaces and Pen- dants, $3 to $125. All genuine importations. Inspection invited. MRS. J. W. PANUSHKA, 719 NINTH ST., WILMETTE TELEPHONE 676 Mandarin Skirts, Tapestries, 52 to $110. LTN-21-1tc FOR SALE--POLICE DOG, 1 yr. old; gentle; $100. Tel. Kenilworth 1689. TN50-1te BUY SHARES and GET A HOME . The best way to get a home is to buy shares in the Wilmette Building and Loan Association. Keep it up, and it won't be long before you'll have enough to fi- nance the buying of a home. OUR EARNINGS HAVE NEVER BEEN LESS THAN 7% % WINNETKA BUILDING ASSOCIATION E. E. ADAMS, Sec. 2 Prouty Annex T31-tfe ro -------------- LOST AND FOUND LOST--BLACK LEATHER LADIES purse, containing money; between Rosewood and Locust on Oak Street last Sunday. Reward. Call Win- netka 1472. od x T50-1te » gE