GUY MAIER IN CONCERT HERE Famous American Pianist to Be Heard at New Trier Hall, March 5 ORCHESTRA BENEFIT Program Designed to Inter- est Young and Old Guy Maier, American pianist, is to appear in concert at New Trier Town- ship High school Wednesday after- noon, March 5, which is to be in the nature of a benefit for the High school orchestra. Mr. Maier is best known in Chi- Guy Maier cago through his association with Mr. Lee Pattison in their two-piano per- formances. They have appeared for three consecutive seasons with the Chicago Symphony orchestra, the last time being a week ago when, with Mr. Arthur Shattuck, they played a Bach concerto written for three pianos. "Mr. Maier," say those who are sponsoring the New Trier concert, "is not only a brilliant pianist, but his programs for young people and chil- dren stand in a class by themselves. These concerts are so popular in east- ern cities that the demand for tickets exceeds the seating capacity of even the larger auditoriums. Mr. Maier says these programs are for children up to 80 years of age. His story-telling gift which is both verbal and pianistic transports both young and old to the land of dreams come true." All the proceeds from this concert, above expenses, will be given to the New Trier High school orchestra. Tickets Going Fast Tickets are being sold rapidly so that in order to obtain seats it is ad- visable to secure tickets within the next few days, it is said. Tickets may be secured from the following persons : Wilmette--Miss Ethel Flentye, 729 Lake avenue, and Wilmette Music Shop. Kenilworth -- Miss Florence Newport, 520 Abbottsford road, and Mrs. Ernest Fleischman, 325 Leicester road. Winnetka--Mrs. Ernst Von Ammon, 420 Elder lane; Mrs. P. B. Kohlsaat, Woodland avenue, and Music club of New Trier High school. Glencoe--Mrs. George E. Orr, 755 Grove street. HERE'S A HINT ON BATTERIES Abel Gives Some Advice on Charging A great deal has been said, accord- ing to Mr. U. C. Abel of the Winnetka Exide Service station, about the dangers of overcharging an automo- bile battery, but the fact is that there is much more damage actually caused by undercharging. "The ideal conditions under which a battery should be operated," said Mr. U. C. Abel, "are those in which the input of current from the generator fully compensates for the amount of current consumed in starting, light- WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1924 5 ed up by an expert, regardless of how |] m---- long or short a time he has had his -- car. When leaving the factory, the charging rate on the car is set as near as possible to take care of average conditions, hig the car manufac- turer cannot te OW every car owner . ° is going to use his car, it i "You will be surprised!"' for the factory to adjust the charging rate particularly to his needs. "In the winter time a battery is subjected to excessive discharging because of the amount of heavy crank- ing necessary to start the 3 d 1 normally it is to a eed Do you realize fully how higher charging rate is advisable dur- much our service ing cold weather." | TOYOU depends on your buying your household utilities OF -1US:? It will, perhaps, surprise you to learn that the more you buy of us the better we can serve yoiul. TRECGREATESYT OF ¥ ALL LUXURIES -- ARE BATHROOM FIX - BUY I'lOF TURES THAT WILL PLEASE || TAYLOR OOD, dependable, attrac- IN WINNETKA tive bathroom fixtures bring more comfort and joy to the home than all of the gilded trappings ever set up : in a drawing room. For the sake of your own family and : guests see that your bath- 0 room is one to be proud of. e You will be if we do the work. 4 We sell and install RUUD GAS WATER HEATERS VI HARDWARE C J. KILLIAN 546 Center St. Phone 998-999 Winnetka Plumbing Contractor -- 874 Center St. Winn. 1260 BR CC ing and other purposes. Doing this of course, depends a great deal on the driving conditions under which the individual car owner operates his car, but it is safe to say that a considerable number of generators are not proper- ly adjusted to these driving conditions. "Car owners do not generally real- ize this point, especially when they in- stall additional units to their cars such as electric cigar lighters, spot lights, windshield wipers and other acces- sories which depend on electric cur- rent for operation. "It would be a good practice for every car owner to have his gener- ator charging rate periodically check- The SOFTEST In The WORLD EER NATURAL SPRING WATER WINNETKA CO-OPERATIVE CO. PHONE WINNETKA 52 Phone 2179 812 ELM ST., CLEANLINESS FRESH May we not supply NORTH SHORE FRUIT MARKET FOUR DELIVERIES DAILY Watch for these things when visiting our store COURTESY PROMPT SERVICE | way of Fruits and Vegetables WINNETKA STOCK your needs in the PON - 4 THIRD ANNUAL $2.00 DOWN SALE During the month of February a payment of $2.00 will place any of the following appliances in your home. Cabinet Gas Ranges Tank Water Heaters Combination Ranges Garage Heaters Fireplace Heaters Portable Heaters Clothes Washers Clothes Dryers Clothes Ironers Balance payable in equal monthly installments Special Discount for Cash If It's Done with Heat--You Can Do It Better with Gas North Shore Gas Company