18 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1924 PEOPLE LIKE TO READ OUR WANT ADS " Glencoe inclusive whose TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. A papers. " the line. No black face type used. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ! ' ; Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices © to residents of 'the district from Evanston to names appear "who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA 10 cents per line in one paper. Rates MINIMUM CHARGE Rates for Display type on application. 4 : : Classified advertisements will be ac- + Deadline for Insertions-- Css! "the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the in the telephone directory, or 20 cents per line in all three 50c. Average of five words to up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE, no children, moderate rent. Tel. Winn, 1174, LTN22-tfc Wanted to rent--5 or 6-room house; prefer to rent with op- tion to buy. Brown, 1142 Oak- wood Ave. Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 2759. : TN51-1tp FOR RENT--APARTMENTS WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. FOR, RENT- 5-ROOM FLAT; 'IN- Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. quire 936 Elm St., Winnels 8 50 %i -1te FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE Wilmette Bargains! 7-ROOM STUCCO; SUN AND SLEEP- ing porch; heavily wooded 50 ft. lot; sacrifice $12,500; cash required $4,000; balance easy terms. Dandy new 6-room colonial in ex- cellent neighborhood; hot water heat; for quick sale $13,500; $3,000 cash; balance $75 month. 5-room frame (2 bedroms); hot water heat; 3-car garage (new). Will sell for immediate disposal for $8,000. To close estate:--Must sell im- mediately old 7-room frame house with 2 porches and 1l-car garage; price $8,000. 2-year old clapboard English co- lonial; sun and sleeping porches; every modern convenience. Owner called to another section of city. Must sell at less than replacement value; price $11,500. 7-room stucco; hot water heat; sun parlor; south exposure; near schools, transportation, and markets; lot 65 ft. frontage; price $11,500; ($3,600 cash required). New 5-rm. brick bung.; near ele- vated terminal; for quick sale $13,- 500 with $3,000 cash down; balance easy payments as rent. A DAVIES BUILT HOME 6 rms. sun and. sleeping pch., hot water heat; stucco construction. Within convenient distance of mar- kets, transportation, and schools. A REAL bargain at $14,000. For appointment or further infor- mation phone Wil. 1750. Wallace B. Clore, Jr., & Co. 1177 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, Ill. LTN22-1te NORTH SHORE REAI, ESTATE BUYS BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOME IN most exclusive Wilmette residence section. Four chambers and two baths. M2iis quarters on the third PoC. Heavily ' wooded lot. Hot water heat. BARGAIN at $28,000. Seven-room stucco on hollow tile with slate roof in N. E. section of Wilmette. An excellent construction in a fine neighborhood with a beau- tifully shrubbed lot. Will sacrifice at $22,000 for QUICK SALE. 8-rm. frame house with 5 cham- bers in exclusive N. E. Wilmette. Combination heat. A GOOD BUY at $18,600. Make cash offer! Dandy 7-rm, home with hot water heat within four blocks of the Ken- ilworth station. In good repair. Can- not be duplicated for $19,000. We have many other good buys in Wilmette, Kenilworth, and Winnet- ka. If you are interested in secur- ing a home which has all of your requirements and which is within your means we shall be glad to have you appoint us your agents in this matter. In return we shall see that you are informed concerning each and every available home within your specification. For appointment phone. Wallace B. Clore, Jr., & Co. 1177 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 1750 LTN22-1te REAL VALUES WINNETKA 7-ROOM COLONIAL, 4 B. R., TILE bath, ex. lav. and toilet, h. w. heat, oil burner, 75 ft. wooded lot, owner going abroad, this is your chance EUAN ate (oe de fe ein sl ni a nk ane $20,000 stucco bung. nearly new, light rooms, fireplace, attrac- plan, 2-car garage, home is in very fine condition at $16,500 b-room stucco bungalow, fine con- dition, conv. location, only..$11,000 Beau. home site, 116 ft. frontage, near I. H. Club, schools and station, 25 trees 'on lot, at ...... $110 a ft. SEE OR PHONE E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 10 Carlton Annex, Opp. R. R. at Oak St. Winnetka, Phone 1800 LTN22-1te THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION BY WILMETTE of that territory west of Ridge Ave. will no doubt increase values therein considerable. We have listea, choice lots and acre tracts at very reasonable prices, that will net a very fine profit to the investor in the near future, or, if looking for an elegant home site, now is the time to buy, as this is the best opportunity offered to the conservative investor and home seeker for some time. Schaefer & Golbach 909 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, Illinois Phone 364 LTN22-1tc SEASON'S BEST BUYS Attractive 6-rm. stucco, 1ge., heated sun plor., slp. pch., water No Koal heat, wooded lot, garage, cen- trally located, $19,000. Exceptional 10-rm. brick and stuc- co, sun plor., slp. pch., 2 baths, water heat oil burner, all lge. rms, $26,500. W. G. Stacey & Co. : A Business Built on Service 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 3 BN 2% FL LTN22-1te WINNETKA BUYS E. WINNETKA. BRAND NEW BRICK; 7-rooms; tile bath; sun and sleeping porches; hot water heat; nice wood- ed lot; $19,000. Easy terms. WINNETKA BUNGALOW Attractive; 6-rooms; large sun porch; tile bath; garage; fine wood- ed lot; $12,500. HEINSEN & CLARK, INC. 566 Center Win. 254 (Formerly W. R. R. Ave.) LTN22-1te WANTED TO BUY--REAL ESTATE BUILDER WILL BUY 4 OR 5 LOTS in good neighborhood. Will con. sider frontage of 50 to 100 ft. for each lot. Give size, location and best cash price. Address Winnetka Talk, A-64. TN48-tfe WANT TO HEAR FROM OWNER having farm for sale; give particu- lars and lowest price. John J. Black, Chippewa Falls, Wis. LT22-2tp FOR SALE--HOUSES FOR SALE--WINNETKA SPECIAL. Choice east Side; rare opportunity to acquire inexpensive home in best section. 9 sunny rooms including 5 bedrooms, library with fireplace, front, 64 ft. wooded--unobstructed view all directions, overlooking sur- rounding landscaped properties and village green. 3 blks. to C. N.W. and Mil. Elec. Sta., 3 blks. to lake, stores, pub. and priv. schools, convenient to churches, high school and golf. Pos- session any time. Price right. Terms. Owner occupies, 611 Oak St., Winn. 1650. LT20-tfe HOUSE FOR SALE--OWNER MOV- ing out of town April 1st, must sell 6-room house, 1 vee ol: all rooms light and airy; S.assed in sun parlor and slpg. porches; tile bath with linen closet; hot water heat; lot 50 x198 T1t. Bargain at $14,500. 128 Linden Ave., South Glencoe. Only 2 blocks to Hubbard Woods station. LTN22-1te FOR SALE--EAST SIDE WINNETKA, 9 sunny rooms including 5 bedrooms and library with fireplace, south ex- posure 64 feet, beautiful view of at. tractive landscaped properties and village green. Convenient to private and public schools, churches, stores and only 5 minutes to Northwestern and electric station. Possession February 15th-May 1st, price $18,500. Terms. 611 Oak street. Tel. Winn. 1650. Y LT19-tfe MODERN 7-ROOM KELLOSTONE vapor ® heat, glazed . porch, lot 871% x165, ybeautifully landscaped, big trees, 2-car heated garage, near school, 2 blocks from lake, handy transportation, immediate posses- sion, reasonably priced, terms. Cooley, 472 Elder Lane, Winnetka. LTN22-1tc FOR SALE -- EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE one block east of station, large yard; garden, sleeping porch, beautiful neighborhood; occupation after April first. Owner, Preston Boyden, 725 Pine Street. Tel. Winnetka 356. LTN22-tfc FOR SALE--6-ROOM DUTCH COLO- nial brick veneer house; heated sun porch; tiled bath; hot water ht.; 2 car garage; best buy in Wilmette, Address Wilmette Life, A-74. LTN21-3tc FOR SALE BY OWNER--ELEGANT nine-room hse., sleeping porch, sun parlor, corner lot, best location. Tel. Wil. 97. 903 Lake Ave., Wilmette. LTN20-3tc FOR SALE--7-ROOM STUCCO RESI- dence. Reasonable for quick sale. Tel. Winn. 1492. TH1-1tc FOR RENT--HOUSES TO RENT--WINNETKA, 278 LINDEN Street; house; 10 large rooms; 2 bath rooms; fire places; glazed sleeping porch; 12 x 18 living porch; double garage; convenient to every- thing; well landscaped; large grounds; finest location; 3 year lease. KE. S. Barber, Wrigley Bldg., Chicago, Illinois. T51-2tc HUBBARD WOODS HOUSE; 7 RMS.; large, shady lot; near transp.; $100 rent; immed. possession. Tel. Winn. 1697. 1007 Linden, Winnetka. LTN22-1tc FOR RENT--5-ROOM BUNGALOW; 4 blocks from station; large living room with fireplace; hot water heat. Tel. Winn. 415. TN51-1tec FOR RENT--COTTAGE AT PELICAN Lake, Wis. furnished for 8; special rates for the season. Tel. Winn. 533-J. LTN22-1te WANTED TO RENT--HOUSE WANTED TO RENT--BY RESPONSI- ble couple, small furnished house from May first or 15th to Sept. 1. Reasonable. No children. Address Wilmette Life, A, ST. LTN22-1tp REFINED YOUNG COUPLE WITH no children wishes to rent a small house. Best of reference: six months or year. Tel. Glencoe 550. TN51-1tp WANTED--FURN. HOUSE BY 3 adults; will give best care; refer- ences. Address Weekly Talk, A-85. T51-1te | WANTED TO RENT--9 OR 10 ROOM house; modern; unfurnished; 1 or 2 years. Tel. Drexel 2971. 4845 Grand Blvd. T51-2tp FOR RENT--ROOMS VERY DESIRABLE, 1st FLOOR, FUR. apartment, southern exposure, living room, bedroom, kitchen and private bath; suitable for adults; immediate' occupancy. Wilmette Inn, 726 11th: Wil. 1868. LTN22-1tc LARGE, NEWLY FURN. ROOM; light; main floor; nr. lake, station: kitchen privileges. Tel. Winn. 1543. LTN22-1te FOR RENT--LARGE, NORTHEAST room suitable for one or two adults. 731 10th St. Tel. Wil. 992-J. LT 22-2tp CENTRAL HOTEL--ROOMS; LIGHT outside rooms; steam; hot and cold running water. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1080. LT1-tte FOR RENT--FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M; near all transportation. LT6-tfe FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS; near transportation. Tel. Glencoe 923. TN51-1te FOR RENT---FURN. ROOM; SUIT- able for 2. Tel. Winn. 911. Th1-tfe WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS IS THERE SOME SINGLE LADY WHO would like to divide a flat? I have a flat just right for teachers. Call Winnetka 1758. T51-1tp WANTED -- ROOM AND BOARD either in Winnetka or Glencoe by single girl; employed. Address Talk, A-86. TNb51-1te FOR RENT--STORES FOR RENT--STORE, 566 CENTER St. Tel. Winn. 1128. T51-1tc FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES { Welcome!! E SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS NORTH SHORE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE WE CLEAN WALL PAPER, CALCI- mine, grass cloth; we wash painted woodwork, and windows as well as polish furniture and wax floors. First class ref. Edward T. Handy. Office Tel.. Wil. 1647 after 6 P. M. Res. Tel. Wil. 685. LT22-tfc FOR SALE--CIRCASSIAN WALNUT bedroom set; bevelled mirrors; ex- cellent condition, $90; embroidered linen bed spread, $20; walnut buffet, Queen Ann style, $40; walnut floor lamp, $10; solid oak bookcase, $20; 3 bulb radio set; very cheap. Tel. Winn. 1816. 456 Elder Lane. T51-1te Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers J.B. MacFarlane Formerly with Mandel Bros. 417 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 LTN4-tfc GOOD USED CARS Slocum Motor Sales Willys Knight and OverlandDealers 724 Flm St. Tel. Winn. 1128 LTN22-1tc FOR SALE--BABY'S WICKER BED and mattress; center living room light fixture; dining room light fix- ture; 1 wicker breakfast room set, (table and 4 chairs). Tel. Kenil- worth 1809. LTN22-1te FOR SALE--FUMED OAK, BROWN Spanish leathered davenport in good condition; when open it is a full sized bed. Reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1684. LTN22-1tp WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home; finished work and rough dry. Will call and deliver. 418 Prairie Ave. Tel. Wil. 1351. LT22-4tp WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING to take home, will call for and de- liver. 'Tel. Wil. 834-R. and 834-J. EXP. MAN, HOUSE AND WINDOW LT22-1te cleaning, floor waxing, furniture polishing, and basement kalsomin-| FOR SALE--NEW WALNUT CHINA ing. Also odd painting jobs; first closet; gas range; Congoleum rug; class references. Walsh. Tel. Winn. very cheap. Tel. Winn. 400. 816. LT7 -tfe LTN22-1te YOUNG MARRIED MAN WANTS steady position as chauffeur or driv- FOR SALE--SIX PIECES BROWN wicker porch furniture uphol. in silk er, with or without flat; no children. damask; like new. Tel. Glen. 1042. Tel. Wilk 997-R. , LT2-1te LTN22-1te WANTED--MAN TO CLEAN AUTG.| WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE mobile Sat. afternoons. 1014 Elm- buys and Solis rugs, Poi hg wood Ave. Tel. Wil. 2068 bianos, anything useful. 2 PET aE LTN1-tfe EXP'D MAN WANTS STEADY WORK as surveyor's helper, or can do office work, or any kind of sales work. Tel. Wil. 2549. LTN22-1tp Our Best Buy This Week DODGE SEDAN; LATE MODEL, FINE condition, looks like new. WERSTED MOTOR COMPANY Tel. Winnetka 165 LT22-1tc FOR SALE--1920 FRANKLIN, EX- cellent running cond, $500. Tel. Winn, 1919. { LT22-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN TO serve week days during luncheon hours. Hearthstone Tea Shop, 942 Linden, Hubbard Woods. Tel. Win. 1895. TN51-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; best wages paid to a competent person; phone. Glencoe 324; 43 Crescent Drive. TN51-1tp WANTED -- MAN WITH EXPERI- ence as gardener, who can drive car and attend fires. Attractive modern apartment for living quarters. Good references required. Tel. Glencoe 186. TN51-1te WANTED--YOUNG MAN TO WORK in drug store and deliver in Ford car, Must be well recommended; $20 per week. to start. E. O. Carl- son, Hubbard Woods Pharmacy. TN51-1te WANTED--A HANDY WHITE MAN about the place and house; good quarters; 2 rooms and bath in gar- age. Tel. Win. 121. TH1-1te SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL OF- fice work. Apply Lloyd Hollister, Inc, 1222 Central Ave. Wil LTN22-1tp FOR HOUSEWORK, Tel. Glencoe 494. TH1-1te GIRL FOR GEN- in family of adults. Tel. Glencoe 689. TN51-1te WANTED -- GIRL TO ANSWER phone and keep small set of books. GIRL, WHITE, in small house. WANTED--WHITE eral housework FOR SALE--GENTLEMAN'S TUXEDO, size 37 overcoat; dresses, size 14 and 16, all very good; cheap. Tel. Win. 1919. LT22-1te | MOVING AWAY---HOUSEHOLD FUR- nishings of 7-rm. house. Everything to be sold at a sacrifice. Tel. Winn. 1697. 1007 Linden Ave. LTN22-1te FOR SALE--SOLID MAHOGANY LI- brary table; perf. cond. Also double fireless cooker. Tel. Wil. 2531. TH1-1te YOUNG GIRL WILL DO DOMESTIC work. Tel. Winn. 1217. LTN22-1te FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS BABY CHICKS--IN 100 LOTS, AS- sorted, $11; Leghorns, $12; Barred Rocks, 8S. C. Reds, -Anconas, $14: Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Mi- norcas, $17; postpaid. Catalog free. D. CT: FARROW CHICKERIES, PEORIA, ILLINOIS. LTN18-22tc FOR SALE--CONN C MELODY, SAX- ophone, satin silver finish, case and reed-case with extra reeds, like new, used very little, cost $160, sac- rifice for $90. Phone Wil. 776-M. Tel. Wil. 2432. LTN22-1te LTN22-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN.|FOR SALE--EFFICIENT CRYSTAL hswk.; 2 adults, 2 children; refer- sets and 3,000 ohm headphones at ences. Tel. Wil. 1507. LTN22-1te $3.50 per set. Address KE. Bersch, Position Wanted For Gardener INTEND TO GIVE UP MY GARDEN this year and wish to immediately find a position for my English gar- dener. Can recommend him as an exceptional man, desirable in every way; expert in both vegetables and flowers; will also help in the house; must have own living quarters for himself and wife. Tel. Winn.- 1184. LTN22-1te -- Painting and Decorating I am now located in Evanston where I will be in a position to give my North Shore customers and friends better service in their painting and decorating as all my work is personally super- vised, giving you the surety of quality and prompt workman- ship. Estimates cheerfully given. O. R. FRALEY Temporary Tel.--Evanston 5225 LTN22-tfe WANTED--MAID FOR GEN. HSWK., good wages. Tel. Wilmette 848. LTN22-1tp SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE POSITION WANTED--AN OPPOR- tunity for interesting activity as companion, supervising housekeeper, or guardian of children, by a woman of energy, refinement, human inter- est and sincere talent for home making. Address Life, A-83. LTN22-1tc COLLEGE PREPARATION IN FRENCH. By teacher of experience in European and American schools. Senior and Junior girls. Special at- tention given to backward students. Conversational French by appoint- ment. Terms on application. Mrs. F. Beryl Speck, 228 Green Bay Rd. Hubbard Woods. Tel. Glencoe 355. TN51-1te WANTED --BY EXPERIENCED dressmaker, sewing by the day in private family. Call evenings. High- land Park, 872-J. TH1-1tp WANTED TO TAKE CARE OF CHIL- dren by day or hour. Tel. Winn. T51-1te WASHING TAKEN HOME; ROUGH dry or ironed. Tel. Glencoe 171. T51-2tp DON'T WAIT TO HAVE YOUR PAINT- ing and decorating done. The spring wages will advance. Let us do it today. Carl Salo, Northbrook, Ill. Box 40. Phone Highland Park 896-Y4. LTN18-8tc WILL PRUNE FRUIT TREES, hedges, and grapes in March. For good work telephone Winn. 1924 or write Frank Otto, 953 Windes Street. T51-1te WOMAN WISHES TO TAKE LAUN- dry home. Call Wil. 2708. TN51-1tp KINDERGARTEN TEACHER WILL tutor or care for children after- noons. Good references. Tel. High- land Park 1071. LTN22_1tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--1 FLOOR LAMP AND table lamp; cheap. 'Tel. Winn. 1296. 1715 Walnut Ave., Wil, or Tel. Wil. 3050. LTN22-1tc FOR SALE--GUARANTEED STRICT- ly fresh eggs at all times. If in- terested inquire of Mrs. John Boesch, of Manston, Wisconsin. LTN22-1tp FOR SALE--6 YEAR OLD SHET- land pony and outfit. Safe for chil- dren; also 3 heavy draft horses. Tel. 'Wil. 1659. LTN22-2tc FOR SALE--3 HARLEY DAVIDSON motor cycles, in first class condition. Tel. Winn. 842. T5H1-1te FEMALE ENGLISH SHEPHERD; 7 weeks old; $5. 141 Euclid Ave., Hub- bard Woods. TN51-1te T51-1te | LOST AND FOUND FOUND--FEB. 22, STRING OF PEARL beads on Provident, between Cherry and Ash. Identification necessary. Address Winnetka Talk, A-84. T51-1te BETWEEN LOST -- SOMEWHERE Provident Ave. and Community House, pocket book containing money and keys; finder may keep money if they return the keys. Tel. Winn. 547-M. TH1-1te LOST--SILVER LINKED BRACELET with blue enamel; from Community House into the church. Dorothy Thomson, 576 Ash. Tel. Winn. 1072. T51-1tc LOST--GOLD WATCH, ON OAK ST. between Electric Road and Provi- dent. Please return to 947 Oak St. Reward. T51-1tc LOST -- SILVER WRIST WATCH, Wednesday in front of Woman's Club on Maple, or in dressing room Tel. Winn, 1180. ; TH1-1te .at dancing school. ork a Ta pias Fo