WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1924 MAIER CONCERT ON WEDNESDAY Widespread Interest in Mus- ical Event Widespread interest is evident this week in the concert to be given at New Trier High school auditorium on Wednesday, March 5, by Guy Maier, as a benefit for the high school orchestra. Promise of one of the most deli~ht- ful musical events of the season is given in Mr. Maier's initial appear- ance on the north shore. He is known to music lovers of the communities for his splendid work with the Chicago Symphony orchestra and in concerts before voung peop'~ in various cities of the East and Middle West. His program next Wednesday is to be adapted to the interest alike of young and old. _ "New Trier Township High school is becoming more and more not only a social center but a center as well for the artistic activities of the north shore," says one of the sponsors of the Maier concert. "Its splendid audi- torium with a seating capacity of 1,000, makes possible the best musical and literary programs at a moderate price." "A feature of the high school life of which all north shore residents should be very proud is the high school orchestra. These young music- ians have a seriousness of purpose. tone musicianship and have achieved a remarkably high standard of work. Like all organizations of this char- acter, the work is sometimes handi- capped by lack of funds. At present the need for new instruments is most imminent. This group of youthful musicians is one of the valuable assets of the north shore. Let us boost it as enthusiastically as we do our splen- did athletes." Wednesday's o'clock. concert begins at 4 Receive New Members at - Congregational Church Sunday morning, March 2. at 'he Winnetka Congregational church, Rév. James A. Richards, the pastor, will preach ad there will be the reception of new members. The music will include: Anthem--*"Tesus Only" ......... RofGli Anthem--*"T Sought the Lord" rile ee isieitinie ay aia vue 4 vx LEVENSON Sunday evening the theme of Mr. Richard's sermon will be "The Com- panionship of Heroes." The musical program will comprise : Solo--"Here, O My Lord"...... Scott Solo--"The Hands That Are Holy" Sere rae ve i ae sR Ce 4 Scott Mr. Lawley North Shore Window & House Cleaning Co. 10 Prouty Annex, Phone Win. 1994 Winnetka, IIL A SMILING CUSTOMER usually betokens previous satis- factory service. It is so in our business because satisfaction goes with every order. Our meats are the finest, our poultry the freshest, our service the promptest and most courteous, and our prices always reason- able. Make us prove these claims. White Cash Market 1189 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 2779 We deliver in Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth, In- dian Hill, Winnetka Our Phone Orders Receive Careful Attention WILMETTE ROTARY CLUB ORGANIZED THIS WEEK Wilmette club of Rotary International was formally organized with a charter membership of 22 business and profes- sional men Tuesday evening of this week at a dinner in the banquet room of the Ouilmette Country club. At the organization meeting, in charge of leaders of Evanston Rotary. Dan G. Stiles was elected president of the Wilmette club, Frint George, vice- president; D. E. Allen, Jr. secretary and Lloyd Hollister, treasurer. A board of directors, including the of- ficers and Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, Dr. Charles B. Blake and David Nelson, was also named at the session. Under direction of temporary presi- dent C. A. Corpening of Evanston Rotary, the meeting developed into an enthusiastic rally. Among the speak- ers who commented on the various phases of Rotary were George S. Dal- gety, Ernest Smith, Earl Iredale, Frank Wohlleber and Henry B. Gates of Evanston Rotary ,and Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd of the newly organized Wil- mette Rotary. The charter membership of Wil- mette Rotary comprises, Dan G. Stiles, Stephen A. Lloyd, Frint George, Robert Johnston, J. R. Harper, C. E. Renneckar, Dr. Lester E. Mee, Dr. M. C. Hecht, Dr. Charles B. Blake, David Nelson, Dr. C. E. Geisse, Joseph Schildgen, Joseph Kutten, Frank Wil- son, E. W. Weber, John Hoffman, Jr., Tlavd Hollister, Arch B. Van Deusen, William Levett, D. E. Allen, Jr., Emil Nord, William Taylor. Wilmette Rotary is to meet on Wednesday noon of each week. "Bob's Shack" Scores a Big Hit at Our Sanctum "Bob's Shack" drove up before the WINNETKA TALK offices one day this week and succeeded in demoralizing the smoothly functioning editorial sanctum for a space of fifteen minutes while | the entire staff of Lloyd Hollister, Inc.,! engaged in a scrutinizing and critical investigation. ! "Bob" is the genial person one sees | charging through the traffic of the vil- lage in the interest of the Winnetka Coal-Lumber company. His real name, of course, is Robert Howard and the "shack" referred to in the above is a neat English design residence erected on the chassis of the common, garden vari- ety of Ford. You no doubt have seen the attractive miniature home on wheels. This is to explain why and what it is. The ma- terials used in the miniature are handled by the Winnetka Coal-Lumber company. | Country Day Teachers Attend Educator Meet Tuesday of this week the classes at North Shore Country Day school were shortened in order that school could be closed at noon, and all Thursday classes in the Upper school were post- poned to Saturday morning that the faculty might be free to attend meet- | ings of the National Educational As- sociation convention in Chicago. Sou Phone Center Win, St 344 of all kinds. Tubes and Special colors A HELPFUL MONEY SAVING SERVICE FREELY GIVEN ON ALL YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS Rasmesen's 57x: Painting and Decorating NO TAILOR can moke your suit look so well with just taking out spots and pressing, as we can with our process of cleaning. We get the dust and grit right out of the pores of the material. Your suit will lest long if we clean it. twice as THE NORTH SHORE TAILORS & CLEANERS A. SIMON, Prop. Phone Glencoe 38 674 Vernon Ave. Glencoe, Ill A 855K T.-H E M A N Ww HO OW... NS Owe N KE Packard Six 5-Passenger Sedan Dean Sirs: 21.000 thousand miles 13,000 mules each AS SUBSTANTIATED BY DR. B. E. FILLIS, WHO WRITES: St. my Packard Six Coupe is 21 months old, its mileage is 1 get between 15 and 17 miles per gallon of gasoline. One original front tire 1s on the car and good {or several One original front tire bleav out at 20,400 miles and the two original rear tires gave between 12,000 and This car has been the most economical in operation of any tha | have driven, and a car that has been 100% dependable. My experience with the service department has been very lim- ited, bur entirely satisfactory. A professional man appreciates the specialty of your service. Sincerely yours, (Signed) 8 E FILLIS 1046-48 Gage Street, Hubbard Woods, Ill. PACKARD SIX Deferred Payment The Packard plan of deferred payments makes possible the economical purchase of a Pack- ard car out of monthly income It is finan- cially sound, simpie and con- instead of capital. venient. You will have less repairs when your car is a Packard Six. That is one point in which Packard is so much more economical than cars made to sell for hundreds of dollars less. And on those occasions when your Packard does require mechanical attention, Packard standardized serv- ice means a real saving. Packard Motor Car Company of Chicago Evanston Branch: 1629 Orrington Avenue Plan Fair Value for Used Cars ur trade-in policy is fair to all concerned. We allow what the used car is actually worth. A fair list price and a fair used-car price make 't unnecessary to dicker.