WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1924 Cs ERS who have driven the V-63 at -all speeds say they are scarcely aware of the motors pres- ence so smoothly and steadily does function Power -- CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Cuicaco Branca Division of General Motors Corporation 2301 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE Community Branches: EVANSTON BRANCH 1018 Ridge Ave. WEST SIDE BRANCH 4660 W. Washington Blvd. BROADWAY BRANCH 5139 Broadway WOODLAWN BRANCH 6052 Cottage Grove Ave, CADILLAC FUC0R0VLO00RTNL ORT CI) ¥ Et3 need iia le Satta Ra Ra SRA TA TATA SARA SARA A TA SARA RATA TAA TARA 24 24 14 PAAR SARA SAAR AA SAAS A ARIAL Brom Undandi Fg, 1555 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON Wrought Iron Ivy Stand $27.50 Any room is made more liveable by a touch of something Tel. Ev. 7904 green and growing. 4 pair of these stands give an ex- tremely decorative air to a room. Of heavy wrought iron they make an interesting contrast to other fur- nmishings ----a relief from too much same- ness. Old English Fireside Chair 387.00 An authentic copy of an old English chair that is very charming in its lines, and com- fortable as well, Frame of solid mahogany with delicately reeded legs. Cover in a good grade of tapes- try in a small two-toned design. May be had in any covering. '"'Good Furniture Makes the Home Smoking- Stand $12.00 A smart-looking smoker of wrought iron, polychromed in rich, subdued colors. BBO AB006806050850000000080000000008000800000800 OCIALACTIVITIES Attic Marionettes To Perform On Saturday E welcome again the news that the Attic Marionettes will give their initial performance this season on Saturday after- noon, March 29, at the Kvanston Woman's club at 3:30 o'clock. These clever players have chosen for this occasion a dramatization of "Dr. Dolittle," the entrancing story "To all children, children in vears and children in heart," from the pen of Hugh Lofting, who tells of Dr. John Dolittle of Puddleby-on-the-Marsh, who with his many kinds of pets, sets sail for Africa to give medical aid to monkeys who have been suffering with a strange malady. It is the tale of their astonishing adventures in Africa, in the jungles, at Polynesia, on the Barbary coast, and on their trip home. Those instrumental in the production, and the dramatic per- sonne' are: Mrs. Emmons Blaine, Jr., Mrs. Nathaniel Blatchford, Mrs. Henry Tenney, Mrs. Perry Smith, Mrs. Frederick Mason, Mrs. Samuel G reeley, Mrs. Sebastian Hinton, Mrs. Richard Bull, and Mrs. Norman Harris who has written the incidental music. This play which will benifit the Southern Woman's Educational alliance will be given under the auspices of the Chicago branch which includes southern women of Chicago and along the north shore. The alliance was organized as a southern center which aids the girl in finding out the education she needs, and then helps her to obtain it. It has grown until it now has branches in some of the large cities throughout the country. The first branch was established in Chicago in 1922, and Mrs. Charles N. Strotz of Chicago is a member of the executive board. Tickets are on sale at Adam's Drug store. Nancy Foster Porter Will Be A MayBride MES Nancy Foster Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Porter of Hubbard Woods, has selected Saturday, May 24, as the day for her marriage to Michael W. Straus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Straus of Hinsdale. There will be no bridal attend- ants at the ceremony which will be performed at the Foster resi- dence in the afternoon. Herbert Kennedy Bethrothed To Miss Sidley RS. Frank Chapman Sidley of Chicago has announced the engagement of her daughter, Josephine, to Mr. Herbert Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Kennedy of 735 Sheridan road. The wedding date has not yet been set. Miss Margaret Paterson, daughter The plan of the Arden Shore direc- of Mr. and Mrs. Morton L. Paterson,|tors to replace the worn out tents of Wilmette, will become the bride |with permanent houses is already of William W. White, son of Mrs.| materializing. One or two houses Tames White of Wilmette, at the First | have been given as individual gifts, but | Congregational church on Tuesday | Wilmette is the first village commun- evening. April 1. The Rev. Stephen |ity to give such a house to the camp. A. Lloyd will read the service at 8:30| The proceeds of the card party given o'clock, which will be followed by a|at the home of Mrs. Francis J. Casey, reception at the Paterson residence,|347 Central avenue, on Friday after- 51925 Chestnut avenue. noon, February 29, and the funds giv- Miss Paterson's attendants will be|en to the local Neden Shore board by her little ring bearer. Betty Tean Mc-|the Economy Shop in return for serv- Lean, and eight bridesmaids: Miss | ices, have made the gift possible. The Clara Gage and Miss Toy Scheiden-| friendly cooperation of the merchants helm of Wilmette. Miss Virginia | which enlarged the proceeds of the Franklin and Miss Virginia Copeland 'party, and increased the village sup- of Evanston, Miss Frances Dicky of port of the Economy Shop help to Beverly Hills, Miss Marian Weir of [make this house a real community Chicago, Miss Jean Baird of Seattle, | gift. and Mrs. Hueh Paterson of Evanston. eR Robert H. White will serve as his| Miss Edna Dean Baker, president brother's best man, and ushering will| of the National Kindergarten and Ele- be Gordon White, James Paterson of | mentary college, entertained at lunch- Wilmette. Allen Boyd of Kenilworth,| eon on Friday last at the Orrington Lincoln Hall of Chicaco. and Hawley | hotel, Evanston, in honor of Viola Smith, William McElwain and Ed-| Mitchell of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, ward George of Evanston. the child violinist who appeared on A number of affairs are being given | Saturday at the Studebaker theatre for Miss Paterson before her wedding.| in a college benefit concert. Miss On Wednesday, March 12, Miss Jean | Margaret Horne, Viola's instructor, Howell entertained at bridge and a| Mrs. Norman K. Storer, an alumna kitchen shower at her home in Chi-| from Pittsburgh, and Miss Laura cago, and on Friday, March 14. Miss Hooper of Chicago, national alumnae Clara Gage was hostess at bridge and | president, were the guests of honor. a miscellaneous shower. On Wednes- North Shore alumnae who were in dav of this past week, the Birthdav|the company include Mrs. Harry G. club of Wilmette gave a luncheon and | Phillips, Mrs. G. T. Black, Mrs. Wil- chower; on Thursdav. Mrs. John|fiam Sutherland, Mrs. P. W. Brad- White wns a bridee hostess at her street, and Mrs. Florence S. Capron. home in Kenilworth for Miss Pater- rn son and Mrs. Huneh Paterson; and this The Play Reading group of the' afternoon Miss Marian Weir and Miss! North Shore Theatre guild met for Virginia Franklin are ~iving a shower.| the fourth time on Tuesday evening Next Wednesday, March 26, Miss|at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Virginia Copeland, who is now living | Green, 329 Chestnut street. The play at the Orrinoton hotel, will give 2|read on this occasion was one of Sut- matinee party. On Friday evening|ton Vane's, "Outward Bound." Un- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Paterson of| der the direction of Mrs. William Evanston will entertain the bridal|{ Ogden Coleman, the following persons narty at bridge at the Paterson resi- [impersonated the characters of the dence on Chestnut avenue, Wilmette. | drama: Mrs. E. V. L. Brown, Mrs. and the following evening, Mr. and| Lloyd Faxon, Mrs. Preston Boyden, Mrs. E. I. Scheidenhelm will be din-| Mr. Spaulding Coffin, Mr. Dwight ner hosts at their home on Lake ave- | Green, Mr. Milton Blair, Mr. J. Wil- nie, Wilmette. On Monday evenine.|liams Macv, Mr. Lloyd Faxon and March 31, Mr. and Mrs. Morton L | Mr. L. I.. Buchanan. Paterson will give the bridal dinner| The next reading by this group will at Skokie Country club. occur early in April. Fortune Gallo's San Carlo Opera Miss Rachel Foster will arrive next company will open "The Little| Thursday from Bryn Mawr college Season," which will consist of one|to spend her spring vacation with her week of Grand Opera, at the Audi-| father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. torium theatre on Monday evening,| Stephen Foster of 596 Maple avenue. March 31. The opening night will| She will be in Winnetka until April 4. be a brilliant social event of the --O season. A recent eneacement announce- --0-- ment of north shore interest is that Lieutenant and Mrs. Albert Gleaves [of Miss Winifred Bartholf, daughter Berry returned on Saturday from |of the late C. S. Bartholf of Glencoe, their wedding trio and are with Mrs.| and Mr. Morton A. Bassett of Chi- Rerry's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Frank | cago, formerly of Wilmette. W. Blatchford, 605 Arbor Vitae road. --0-- They will be in Winnetka until Lieu- Mrs. Donald M. Gallie, Jr.. has is- tenant Berry receives his final orders. | sued invitations for an afternoon Mr bridge which she is giving today at The Roycemore Pallio is having its | her apartment, 1617 Ridge avenue, exhibition of gymnastic work this | Evanston. week. The lower school had its ex- --0-- hibition on Thursday afternoon, while| The Delta Gamma sorority gave a the upper school is showing its work | reunion banquet last Saturday evening at today. the North Shore hotel, Evanston. :