WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1924 PURPLE TANKERS IN BIGGER MEET Swimmers Get Chance for Olympic Team Northwestern university's champion swimming team is not going to break training, following the winning of Big Ten honors last Friday night but will be pointed by Coach Tom Robinson for the national intercollegiate championship races at Annapolis, April 11 and 12. The Purple coach holds a contract for a dual meet with the Navy on April 2 but is now trying to put this meet over to the ninth so that he may take only one trip east with his swimmers. He would like to swim the Navy on April 9 and then enter his stars against all collegiate comers on April 11 and 12 in the same pool, thus avoiding a long and trying journey. Northwestern has been informed that the intercollegiate tank events at An- napolis this year will serve as a try-out for Olympic team entries. The winners at Annapolis, Coach Robinson has been told, will have a chance to go to In- dianapolis on June 13 and 14 and partic- pate in a national swimming test which will sift out the fastest and best Amer- ican swimmers--the men who will wear the Stars and Stripes in the world events abroad the coming summer. "On this account we shall send a full team to Annapolis," said Coach Robin- son. "We want our full strength there both against the middies and for the in- intercollegiate events April 11 and 12." Robinson, to keep his boys in shape, has entered them in the National A. A. U. championship events at the Illinois Charles Ringer, a resident of Chicago for the past forty years, is now serving his eighth year as a member of the Board of As- sessors, of which he is now chair- man. His administration of that office has given him a reputation as an extremely fair, reasonable, public official, always ready and willing to give his personal serv- ice and attention to any call. As a candidate for re-election he offers qualifications that can only be gained by experience, a pleasing personality and sound business judgment. He has been successfully en- gaged in the real estate and in- surance business for the past 25 years, building up one of the best known institutions of its kind in the city. Although his time was well taken by this business, he has always been a leader in activ- ities in the public behalf. He led a successful effort on the part of business men to estab- lish a municipal bathing beach at Windsor Park on a half mile of lake front. Many other public improvements, both local and city wide, have been the result of his untiring efforts. Mr. Ringer was born in Nova Scotia in 1874, and came to this city while a boy. He is married and lives at 7251 Crandon avenue. His fraternal and business as- sociations are many, including the Masonic, Chicago Lodge No. 4. 8B. P.O. EF. Odd Fellows, Loyal Order of Moose, Knights of Pythias, Phi Kappa Tau, Press Club and Hamilton Club of Chi- cago, the Windsor Park and Cheltenham Business Men's As- sociation, of which he is presi- dent, Chamber of Commerce, Chicago Real Estate Board, and other business and improvement --Adv. associations. Athletic. Club. April . 1, 2 3.and 4. Breyer and Howell will carry the Pur- ple colors in the 220-yard free style, the 100-yard free style and the 500-yard free style, Tom said. He also will enter a cam in the 400-yard relay events as fol- lows: Breyer, Howell, Paul Corbett, Capt. Jimmy Dickson, and Granville Dickey--four of five men to swim. Tom said it is possible that he will also have his boys in the 200-yard relay. He plans to enter Don McClellan, freshman swim- mer, unattached, in the 200-yard {ree style. If he does, young Don will be up against Bob Skelton, world's cham- pion free style swimmer, recently a N. U. tankman, and John A. Faricy, another star of equal brilliance, "If our fellows are in first class shape, we should have a fair chance of winning the intercollegiate championship at An- napolis, despite the long trip and a strange pool," Robinson said. "There has been no inter-sectional swimming cham- pionship events since 1913 when Yale first won all honors in the East, then defeated Canada and coming to North- western were handed a beating to the tune of 27 to 22. That year the Purple were the all-American champion swim- mers. We're going out for that very thing during the next month. School Dramatists Try Talents at Melodrama A modern drama entitled "The Road to. Yesterday," written by Beulah M. Dix and Evelyn G. Sutherland, wil be presented by the Dramatic club of New Trier High school early in April. The play is described as a modern melodrama of the popular "dream" variety. It is expected to be the most popular production of the season in high school dramatic circles. PERSONALITY PULLS Don't get personal! That wasn't said to a WANT AD, because the essence of its attractiveness is the personal note in its appeal. A WANT AD usually makes interesting read- ing. "WANTED--Woman of ability with telephone in house; able to talk attractively." That's really quite per- sonal but equally interesting. 7 garage attached. $20,000. 6 room Shingle Colonial; 2 parlor and sleeping porch. porches. 60x200. 332 PARK AVE. GEE Ee room Stucco English Cottage; 2 baths, sun parlor, 75x137. $21,000. Beautiful 6 room Stucco Colonial; sun and sleeping 3argain at $22,500. Good terms. WALTER P. SMITH & CO. Phone Glencoe 410 ah WR WA EE N D E O DN SN RR MS NN RN IT NN WS A SE NN A NN SE AS A WN EN NR ND EN EN ER EW Ge ES Ee) NORTH SHORE HOMES baths, hot water heat; sun Terms. 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TO REPRESENT ( HEVROLE MOTOR CARS IN Several years experience distributing Chevrolet Automobiles in Bloomington and Peoria enables us to present the car to you with full confidence that it will be as well received by the discriminating folk of this community as it has been enthusiastically accepted elsewhere. 1015 DAVIS STREET; EVANSTON Evanston 5060 T EVANSTON and the NORTH SHORE Chevrolet backed by the Billion Dollar resources of General Motors offers a wonderful combination of beauty--de- pendability--and economy that is some- thing more than MERE transportation. And the new--improved and enriched 1924 models will appeal instantly to your sense of values. 1924 MODELS ON DISPLAY We hope thru the courtesy of our salesmen and the competence of our mechanical force to make you overlook our present entirely inadequate quarters, which will soon be supplanted by a place of business in keeping with the merit of our product. Welils-Wescott Company, Inc. TEMPORARY SALESROOM