lm 1 | ~ Js " "FOR WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1924 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE TO TAKE rough ary. 418 Prairie 1561. LT22-4tp WANTED -- WASHINGS home, finished work and Will call and deliver. Ave.,, Wil. 'lel. Wil COMPETENT work where used." Tel. LAUNDRESS WISHES washing machine is Winnetka 650-R. LT25-1tp WANTED--TYPEWRITING OR CLER- ical work for afternoons. Tel. Ev- anston 2146. LTN25-1tp FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES HUDSON COACH, 1923, MILEAGE 13,- 600, excellent mechanical condition, sage green paint last spring, 5 cord tires, extra Lovejoy shock absorbers, Ramspring bumpers front and rear, Deluxe Motor-Meter, also lock, Johnson tire lock, spot light, stop and parking light, cigar lighter, automatic windshield wiper, rear vision mirror, window shades, Per- fection heater, seat covers, $900 cash. Address 306 Cumberland Ave. Kenilworth. Phone Kenilworth 2999. LTN25-1tc EXP'D LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK Wed., Thurs. and Friday. Tel. Ev- anston 3434-R. LT25-1te WHITE WOMAN WISHES IRONING and cleaning by day. Tel. Wil. 2987. T2-1tc SWEDISH NEW COMER position; general able. Tel. WISHES housework; reli- Juniper 6699. T2-1tc TEL. TN2-1tp WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK. Glencoe 1044. HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED -- RELIABLE couple; man, wife to cook. ences. Tel. 999-W. WHITE butler and houseman; New house; refer- Benson, Kenilworth LTN25-1tec SITUATION WANTED--MALE FEMALE DANISH COUPLE WITHOUT CHIL- dren; man to work at gardening and housework; wife assist in house. Write Mr. E. Thomsen, Box 227 Lake Forest, Care Mr. W. Sterling or Tel. Lake Forest 125. TN2-1tp SWEDISH COUPLE WANT POSI- tions; man as chauffeur; wife, gen- eral work. Tel. Ravenswood 3170. LT25-1tp AND FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD TWO DAY SALE, 24th, Steinway trola, rugs, porch bed, ture, buggy, icebox, Other household must be sold, Asbury Avenue, GOODS MARCH upright 22ND AND piano, vic- baby furni- velocipede, ete. goods, bargains, leaving town, 1236 Hubbard Woods. T2-1te FOR SALE--1 COMPLETE MAPLE bedroom set, twin beds, box springs and hair mattress; 2 mahogan. end tables; 1 white enameled wooden bed. box spring, and hair mattress; single iron bed. Tel. Winn. 206. LTN25-1tc FOR SALE--1 OVERSTUFFED COM- fortable arm chair with linen slip covers, $15; 1 phonograph, $10; 1 mahogany rocking chair, $4; 1 alum- inum lined 2 compartment fireless cooker, $12. Tel. Winn. 1628. TN2-1tc FOR SALE -- 1 MAHOGANY BED with box mattress; dressing table to match; child's iron bed with mattress; reasonable, 781 Walden Rd. Tel. Winn. 1721. T2-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS, IN- cluding living room, dining room, bedroom furniture, Victrola and dishes; also garden implements. Tel. Winn. 1495. LTN25-2tc SALE -- PRACTICALLY NEW Clark-Jewel stove; owner moving from city; will sell for $40. Tel. Saturday or Sunday, Winn. 1512. T2-1te SALE -- TAPESTRY DAVEN- port, 3-piece ivory porch set, ivory and mahogany ferneries, 3 electric lamps. Tel Winn. 2153. LTN25-1tc OAK DINING ROOM SET; TABLE; six chairs, large buffet; good condi- tion, $30. Phone Winn. 1152. 1785 Linden Ave. T2-1tp IVORY 730 Elm St. TN2-1tp DINING Winn. 172. TN2-1tc FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY BOOK case; oak hall tree; leather turkish rocker. Tel. Wil. 1511. LTN25-1tc WANTED TO BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 808 Oak St. LTN1-tfe WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTN24-tfe FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR 1 BABY CARRIAGE; trimmed in blue. 2nd apt., Mrs. Bill. CHEAP; Call FOR SALE--6 MAHOGANY room chairs; cheap. Tel. AUCTION I will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder, One Dodge taxicab at Motors Service Incor- porated, 721 Main Street, Wil- mette at 3 o'clock P. M. on the 27th day of March. Peter Schildgen Constable 1.T25-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS POULTRY Bakers S. C. Anconas, pullets, cockerels, yearling cocks, egg strain, $1.50 per bird. Hollywood S. C. White Leghorn. Famous Hollywood Stock direct from Hollywood farm, 100 per cent pure blood, pullets, year- lings, cockerels, yearling cocks from 279 egg strain, $2.00 to $3.00 per bird. Pape S. C. black mammoth Minorca, pul- lets, yearlings, cockerels, yearling cocks, from 245 egg strain, $1.50 to $2.50 per bird, All pullets and cockerels are March and April hatch. All birds have been vaccinated and are guaranteed to be immune from any disease. This stock can not be purchased elsewhere for less than from $10 to $25 per bird. Above price in effect to April 20th only. Glenview Poultry Farm Glenview 34-J-1 yearlings, from 218 Tel. LTN25-1tp To combat April's chill Stout oak is master still. Plenty of good dry oak ready for immediate sale, also elm and ash. GROVES and JUST Tel. Wil. 559 1223 Wil. Ave. LTN25-2tc SEVER- FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN al 2d-hand garage doors of fine, heavy construction--also a number sash and 5-panel Priced low Winnetka T2-1te of window frames, doors, 7 ft. by 30 inches. for quick sale. Telephone 187. VICKERY KENNELS, BARRINGTON, 111.,, wire haired fox terriers Dober- man's pinchers airedales for sale. All registered stock. Dogs boarded and cared for. Phone Barrington 60-Y. Mrs. F. M. Cappeller-Schwaraz, Mang. LTN25-2tp BABY CHICKS: IN 100 LOTS: AS- sorted, $1ii; Leghorns, $12; Barred Rocks, 8S. C. Reds, Anconas, $14; Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Mi- norcas, $17; postpaid. Catalog free. CHICKERIES LTN18-22tc D. T. FARROW PEORIA, ILLINOIS. COMPLETE THREE TUBE RADIO outfit, including loud speaker, bat- teries, and Haynes circuit. Bargain. Call evenings, Winnetka 1777. T2-3tc FOR SALE--"LEONARD" PORCELAIN lined ice box; 100 1b. capacity; in good condition; also shipping kennel for dog; reasonable. Tel. Glencoe 1027. TN2-1te FOR SALE--EFFICIENT CRYSTAL sets and 2,000 ohm headsets at $3.50 per set. Address E. Bersch, 1715 Walnut Ave. Wil, or Tel. Wil. 3050. LTN25-1te FOR SALE--ALEXANDER HAMIL- ton Institute books, 24 volumes-- latest edition, including supple- ments, new, price $50.00. Address Life, A-107 LTN25-1tc FOR SALE -- LARGE DIAMOND cluster dinner ring; platinum set- ting; 37 stones; $700. Address Win- netka Talk, 110. T2-1tp NEW CENTURY AUTOMO- 31x4; at a bargain. Call Winnetka 1777. T2-3te THREE bile tires; in evenings, FOR SALE -- PEDIGREED COLLIE puppies; 6 wks. old; males $35-$50; females $20. No dealer. Tel. after- noons, Wil. 1370. LTN25-1tp AIREDALE PUPPIES FOR SALE; from pedigreed and registered stock; farm raised. J. A. Reagan. Tel. Wil. 886-Y-2. LTN25-1te FOR SALE--1 DRESS SUIT; PORCH shades; 3 burner gas plate; gas range; cheap. Tel. Glencoe 723. LTN25-1te WOOD TO SELL--CHOICE SPLIT oak and ash wood for fireplaces at $10 a ton delivered; not carried into house. Tel. Winn. 2090. LTN25-1tc FOR SALE -- CHEAP; PEDIGREED Jumbo Pekingese. Telephone Win- netka 692-7. TN2-1te FOR SALE--A FINE BAY RIDING OR driving horse. Tel. Wil. 894-Y-3. WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED SECOND-HAND WARD- robe trunk, full size, in good condi- tion. Tel. Winn_ 27 on Mon., Tues, Be It Ever So Little It Will Buy You A Car THE RESALE PRICES ON THE USED or Wednesday. LTN25-1tc MISCELLANEOUS automobiles no ur stock t 7: T DQ them 2 hin the grain pd i To C. & W . CLEANERS anybody. Small down payment and balance on terms. Come and look them over. Wersted Motor Co. Winnetka 165 Dodge Brothers and Wills Sainte Claire Dealers LTN25-1te FOR SALE _4-DOOR FORD SEDAN, perfect condition, driven 3,000 miles, Suits, to be pressed, called for and delivered same day 10 PROUTY ANNEX Winnetka 1994 T2-1te LOST AND FOUND LOST--MEDIUM TAN FEMALE COL- lie, white collar and vest; afternoon many extras, will sell reasonable. of 18th; from Greenleaf and 10th, Address Life, A-108. LT25-1tc Wilmette; answers to name of Patsy; finder please call Winn. 104. FOR SALE--DODGE SEDAN; EX- Reward. LTN25-tc cellent condition, $350 cash; bargain. Tel. Glencoe 809. TN2-1te | LOST -- A SCOTCH COLLIE; ALL OAKLAND CAR; 3 YEARS OLD, $250; terms. Tel. Kenilworth 360M i T2-1te white with brown ears; about 5 mo. old. Liberal reward. G. A. Nilson, 690 Longwood Ave. Tel. Glencoe 794. TN2-1te T2-1tc | Really a Public A banking establishment belongs to the public; it is owned and operated by a group of citizens--probably even neighbors of yours -- for the general good of the community. a place where you can keep your sur- plus funds in safety, and renders a multitude of other services to its de- positors. Make use of your bank; find out about what it has to offer you. We're always delighted to prove to you that the bank is really yours. WINNETKA-TRUST + SAVINGS -BANK Elm Street at Center | ------ p-- a) Institution! It furnishes LOST AND FOUND LOST--NEAR NEW TRIER H. §, ON March 10, a large cameo pin. er please communicate with Mrs. Montague Winn. Find- A. Ferry, 504 Ash St. Tel 716. Reward offered. T2-1te GERMAN POLICE DOG, BLACK COL- lar, "Fritz"; mette 2141. 60, named Tel. Wil- LTN25-1te license number liberal reward. BOSTON brown, Worcester. BULL ears TERRIER, taped; reward. Tel. Evanston BRINDLE w. J. 4926. LT25-1te OAK TERRACE LAUNDRY KIDS CLEANERS AND DYERS 1 YOUR CLOTHES WE NEVER WILL ABUSE-- THE GREATEST CARE a WE ALWAYS OSE - + foundation of consistent care. We treat each garment and piece fabric with as much care as it would receive in its own home. Our prices are agreeable. Call us up. This includes flat pieces ironed. Oak Terrace Laundry CAREFUL WORK E have built our reputa- tion for expert laundry work upon the solid every individual of household and Wet Warh, 20 lbs. $1.00 Rough Div, 1lc per Ib. For information: Phone Highland Park £7 g RCA CRN RRR CRSSRSSSSSSSOSS SSNS NN NN NNN NN NNN ANNAN GE Ny N NN 0.000 Miles of Satisfaction Here is one automobile you can keep three, four, five or more years. The quiet Willys-Knight sleeve- valve engine actually improves with use! Owners report 50,000 miles and more without a single engine adjustment. No valve-grinding or carbon-cleaning. More satisfaction per dollar than you ever dreamed a ] car could give you. Touring $1175; Coupe-Sedan $1450; 5-pass. Sedan $1795, f. o. b. Toledo. WILLY S- KNIGHT SLOCUM MOTOR SALES WINNETKA Sales Service 724 Elm St. 566 Center St. Phone 1128 Phone 1146 SN NN EN NNN NUNN AN NIN SUN SIS INNIS SN SS SSIS IS NUNN NN NN NNN NN NN NN NN NN NN A NNN ANA AN NN ANN AN f