~~ * pn WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1924 --..; »Kenilworth Happenings L EE s "The Crucifixion," a meditation on the sacred passion of the "Holy Re- deemer," by John Stainer, will be sung by the choir of the Church of the Holy Comforter atithe service on Good Friday evening, April 18, at 7:45 o'clock. --Q-- On the Easter Day service, Sunday, April 20, at 11 o'clock, the program will be: Prelude: .cuvmwivrine Organ and Violin Processional "Come Ye Faithful" FISHIN SER nl A NAR Sullivan Introit, "Christ our Passover," chant 51 hen ia Rahn an ee le a Oe Kyrie, Bamby Cloria2libi 2. Ava. ha bi.. Woodward Hymn, "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" IRE ey SECT SR AL Be Lyra Davidica Sermon by Rev. Leland H. Danforth, rector. Cletin Torna Spohr Offertory (a) Solo "Hosanna" BF he BA A ha te ae ei Grainier (b) Anthem, "Victory" NE I IORI «ik ws x Shelley SANCLUS ~. raviireivsiodis Ries isin Gouned Benedictus, 31... VEER Gounod Agnus Dei in E flat ..Battison Haynes Gloria in 'Excelsis 5... 0 5 old chant Nunc. Dimittis 05000 vas chant Recessional hymn "At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing"........ Elvey The Easter Vesper service for the children of the church school and their parents will be held at 4:30 o'clock. -- There was an interesting meeting held at the home of Mrs. Burt A. Crowe, 234 Raleigh road on Tuesday afternoon, the purpose of which was to stimulate interest in the United Thank offering for the care and sup- port of missionaries at home and abroad. Mrs. Ernest Ballard, of Winnetka, gave a talk on the spiritual value of the United Thank offering and urged the women present to become not merely contributors but to give their own personal influence to it; to feel that it is worth while to see person ally every woman whom they could reach, for the sake of the help which this mite box will bring to each one, even more than the help which one will give to the cause. The work of the United Thank offering is helping to train the women of the church to give, and there is nothing that so sure- ly leads towards spiritual growth as that does, or to help in a very real way to stir and strengthen the cur- rents of spiritual life in the church. The woman who is influenced to give in this way is not only helped in her own soul, but she grows inevitably in the interest in the church work. There will come to her a new realiz- ation of what the church is, and also of her own responsibility for the car- rying out of the church's mission. In 1889 the United offering was $2,188.64, and in 1923 it was $681,145.09. --_--Q-- The marriage of Miss Florence New- port, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Newport of 520 Abbottsford road, to Mr. Charles Rockcastle of Chicago, took place on Tuesday evening, April 15, at the Kenilworth Union church. Miss Newport was attended by Miss Jeannette Cherry, and little Virginia Howe was flower girl. Mr. Herbert Newport was best man, and the ushers were Mr. Charles Hildebret, Mr. George Davis, Mr. Vernon Hale and Mr. Peter Rockcastle, brother of the groom. There was a reception im- mediately after the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. ---- Mrs. H. Vincent Taylor, who, with her little daughter, Peggy, has been spending the past two months in Pasa- dena, is now with Mr, and Mrs. Walter B. Gerould (Dorothv Taylor) at Berkley, California. Mrs. Taylor and daughter are expected home the end of this week. Mr. Taylor, who has been staying in Kenilworth during their absence, will return to Evanston on Saturday. ---- Miss Helen Cresap left on Tuesday, April 8, to resume her studies at Vas- sar college after having spent her spring vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Cresap, 239 Essex road. Mrs. Cresap is at the Presby- terian hospital where she will remain for another week recuperating from a minor operation. --0-- Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Smith of Abbottsford road. entertained twenty- four couples at dinner and bridge on Thursdav of last week. They are having the same number of guests at dinner and bridge on Saturday, April 19. ee (Ye Mrs. Emmanuel Snvdacker of Chest- nnt road, left for Richmond. Virginia. this week to attend the meeting of the Garden Club of America. as a dele- gate from the Kenilworth Garden club. Mrs. Snydacker will stop in Ohio on her way east. . ---- Miss Phoebe Hedrick, Miss Barbara Holden. Miss Tean Marx, Miss Mar- inrv Oleson, Miss Jane Adair. Miss ("lara Belle Russ and Miss Bernice Cole will be the hostesses at a pro- rrecsive luncheon on Saturday, April 19. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. George Tones, 318 Oxford road, had as their euests last week, Mr. Tones' hrother. Mr. Philip Jones, and his family of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Grandville Wheeler announce the marriage of their granddaughter, Helen Virginia Wheeler, to Mr. Charles Henry Fer- guson, son of Mrs. Larned Ferguson, formerly of Kenilworth, on Thursday, April 10, in Evanston. --Q-- Mrs. Smart and Miss Alice Smart of Kansas City arrived on Friday, April 12; to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Hawkes, 157 Kenilworth avenue. Mr. Belknap Hawkes of Cleveland, spent the week-end as the guest of his parents. --_---- Miss Alice Chase of Boston, and her niece, Miss Barbara Clark of Provi- dence, Rhode Island, who are guests of Miss Dorothy Sears, will accompany Miss Sears on a fortnight's motor trip to Lexington, Kentucky. ----(-- Miss Eleanor Eckhart who has been spending the spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy B. Eck- hart of 206 Cumberland avenue, left on Tuesday for Vassar college. --Q-- Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone who has been in Washington and Palm Beach where she has been much entertained, is leaving Florida today to join Mr. Rathbone in Washington. The Misses Florence and Beatrice Pease were hostesses on Friday after- noon, April 11, at a kitchen shower given in honor of Miss Florence New- port, 520 Abbottsford road. EO-- Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Allen departed Wednesday for New York and Boston where they will be the guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dwinell Slater for two weeks. --_--0-- Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gerould and daughter, Patty, of Philadelphia, are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, Jr. 431 Essex road. --_---- Miss Hazel Fraser, 645 Abbottsford road, left on Thursday, April 10, for Washington, D. C., to attend the Pi Phi sorority convention which is be- ing held there during the week of April 12. --Q-- Mr. Arthur McIntosh, Mrs. W. J. Taylor and Mrs. Charles Holmes are the candidates chosen for the new school board of the Joseph Sears school. : Od Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Bennett and daughter, Dorothy, who have been motoring through the south during the winter months, arrived home on Monday, April 14. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bennett who have been-occupying the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Bennett during their absence have returned to, their home in Winnetka. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Foresman and daughter, Miss Dorothy, left Sunday, April 13, to motor to French Lick Springs where they will remain a week or ten days. --_---- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Ruff, 236 Cumnor road, departed on Tuesday evening, April 8 for a two months' sojourn in Los Angeles. --because architects of the Middle Ages topped their churches with lofty spires to suggest a lifting-up of the spirit. Modern science lifts Puielesl" Mineral Oil Russian Type to a higher standard than that which is recommended by the Government. Puretest Mineral Oil is odorless, col- orless, tasteless--the ideal lubricant in 'cases of faulty elimination. 155 quickly softens the food waste and is thorough and complete in action. One of 200 Puretest preparations for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and care can produce. Adams Pharmacy ELM AND LINDEN Winnetka 2 Miss Jeanette Cherry who has been! spending the spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Cherry of 422 Abbottsford road, leaves on Friday, April 18, to continue her studies at the University of Wisconsin. --_--O-- Mr. John Carpenter, 422 Woodstock | road, arrived. home from a week's business trip to New York city on Sunday, April 13. ; A Fountain of Youth Beauty linked with power that stays young -- that's the Willys- Knight! The quiet Willys-Knight sleeve - valve engine improves with use--a fountain of thrills and satisfactions. In ten years we have never known a Willys-Knight engine to wear out! Touring $1195, Coupe-Sedan Standard $1450, 5-pass. Standard Sedan, now $1695, {. o. b. Toledo. WILLYS- KNIGHT C. H. BRIGGS 1141 Greenleaf Ave. Phone Wil. 1850 WILMETTE --Q-- Mr. John Marshall Roberts returned last week, somewhat improved in health, after seven weeks spent on the Pacific coast. ---- Mr. and Mrs. George Moody, 243 Warwick road, have returned from a month's cruise to the West Indies. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware re- turned from their winter home in Pasadena on Tuesday, April 15. -- Mrs. George Benson was hostess at luncheon to her bridge club on Tues- day, April 15. (Pr Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp entertained the Mah Jongg club at luncheon on Wed- nesday, April 9. North Shore Window & House Cleaning Co. 10 Prouty Annex, Phone Win. 1994 Winnetka, Ill Telephone 1098 ALEC W.. KYLE Contractor PLUMBING--HEATING 674 GLENCOE, ILLINOIS Vernon Avenue Hin LTH TUTTE LUTTE TT "When Better Automobiles are built, Buick will build them' and "SLOCUM will SELL them" On Every Basis Buick Satisfies Measured on the basis of appearance, comfort and utility, Buick more than satisfies the most exacting motorists. Measured on the basis of day-in and day-out dependability, Buick has for years past set the standard for the industry. Measured on the basis of enduring, trouble-free, personal transportation, Buick stands out as a car unique, distinctive and apart. Ask any Buick owner. SLOCUM MOTOR SALES SALES WINNETKA SERVICE 724 ELM STREET Phone Winn. 1128 nnn