WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1924 20 Social Happenings The MacDowell Musical club of Winnetka held its April meeting last Monday afternoon. Mrs. Harry L. Strect, 592 Sheridan road, was the hostess. Artists from Chicago, Miss Agnest Knopflickchova, violinist, and Miss Ethel Murray, 'cellist. assisted members of the club in giving the program, which follows: Premiere Channon ........ Leyourque IV OSY CATS. weit is dae Machey Berceuse "Stard{. ii Aan Neruda Miss Knonflickchova Miss Murray at the piano Floods of Spring....... Rachmaninoff Voice of April h/t wei iis Rogers The Little Brown Bird..Haydn Wood Welcome Sweet Wind....... Cadman Mrs. William Thrall Miss Harsh at the piano Theme et Variations...... Glazounow Clara Harsh Passepled ...w dled aiiilo Tacome Musetie '=. onda lw pul Lacome Miss Knopflickchova and Miss Murray Arrive Glad Heart Fp OI Floy Little Bartlett The Banjo Song...Floy Little Bartlett RL SG Floy Little Bartlett Mrs. Stuart Bailey Mrs. Bartlett at the piano (Yr Miss Elizabeth Carpenter, well known in Winnetka, where she once lived, will become the bride of Mr. Thomas I. Marshall, son of Judge and Mrs. John H. Marshall of Carleston, Illinois, at a simple home wedding to be solemnized on Monday afternoon, April 28, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Car- penter of 1545 Astor street. Rev. Dr. Norman Hutton will read the mar- riage service at 4 o'clock. Miss Marion Farnsworth and Mr. Norman Pritch- ard will be the only attendants. Mr. Marshall and his bride will be at home after June 1, in Lake Forest. Da Dr. George W. Haskins, 1189 Asbury avenue, formerly of Wilmette, an- nounces the engagement of his daugh- ter, Margaret Adams, to Mr. Charles John Van Vleet. son of Mr. and Mrs. _Tohn C. Van Vleet of East Aurora, New York. After the wedding, which will be in June, Mr. Van Vleet will take his bride to Santa Barbara, Cali- fornia, where they will reside. Dr. Haskins has sold his house in Hub- bard Woods. and he and his daughter will leave Winnetka next week to make their home at the Evanston hotel. ot The Winnetka Attic Puppets have been engaged to give a performance of "Dr. Dolittle" at the Tea room, Marshall Field's, at 11 o'clock on Sat- urday- morning, April 19. Neighbors Night is set for Wednes- day evening, April 23, on the Rudolph Matz hall, Community House. This is the time when the Winnetka Congre- gat'onal church will be at home to all its friends in the village. The men are planning a number of features that will insure an evening of music and fun and conversation. The whole affair is to be very informal. This is the invitation to all neighbors, both old and new to village life, to come and be at home together, and to test the welcome of the church. ne The Alicia Pratt Dancers will pre- sent the "Pied Piper of Hamelin" and "A Dream of Old Egypt" on Saturday afternoon, April 26, at 3:15, at Skokie school. Tickets will be on sale at Adams drug store and at the Win- netka pharmacy. The funds cleared from this performance will be donated to the Winnetka Infant Welfare and the Evanston Junior auxiliary of In- fant Welfare. Om Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Moon, 1386 Asbury avenue, entertained informal- ly last Friday in honor of Rev. and Mrs. James Austin Richards of the Winnetka Congregational church. A large number of members in Hubbard Woods, both older residents and new, enjoyed this opportunity to gather to- gether for an informal, social evening. ---- On Tuesday afternoon, April 29, a card party will be given at the Chi- cago Beach hotel at 1:30 o'clock to benefit the Chicago Junior School for Needy Boys. Mrs. Brion J. Arnold heads the committee on arrangements. Many north shore women are inter- ested in the work of this organization. ---- The Woman's Bible class of the Congregational church cordially in- vites all women of the community to join them in the study of the Psalms. The thirty-ninth Psalm will be the topic for Sunday, April 20. The class meets in the Neighborhood Room of Community House at 9:45, ---- Marcia Converse, Katherine Sher- man, Alice King, Lila Anderson, Ruth Shellman, Ruth Bowers, Genevieve Emerich and Mary Harris were mem- bers of a progressive house party held in Wilmette and Winnetka during several days of this week. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Kahn of Rogers Park are receiving congratu- lations upon the birth of a bahy daughter on March 28. Mrs. Kahn is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. Mendelsohn of 358 Winnetka avenue. -- © Mrs. L. A. Townsend left on Wed- nesday for her home in Galesburg Illinois, after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Frederick Dickin- son of 1228 Scott avenue. list your property with us. 1 EVANSTON Fountain Square Phone 2600 A SALE A DAY is our schedule for North Shore Properties. sire to sell your house or vacant and want quick action, immediately to inspect your property so that he can present it properly to prospective buyers. WE GET RESULTS--ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. If you de- Our representative will call WINNETKA Prouty Building Phone 2199 < y Gop 2, Whatever the if: i] li Te Me. I AN Yo fit: UJ Circumstances the same courtesy--the same helpful service in managing all perplexing details--are ac- corded you desire an unlimited expendi- ll ture or whether circumstances CE E suggest that you refrain from By /) 2 eet rl: tt de ITH undue costs. Heh HRA RA j i LS SS A] ) bl E AE 2 [2 whether you 38% £3 NZ 1124 Central Ave. Wilmette In connection with the forty-second anniversary of the Chicago Woman's aid on April 10, the birthday of Mrs. Benjamin F. Langworthy, of Bryant avenue, was celebrated with a lunch- eon at the clubrooms in the Kimball building. ------ Miss Alice Boak, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Robert Boak of 1030 Sheri- dan road, who has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Charles Donnelly of Pittsburgh, is expected to return to her home the last of this week. ees Mrs. John W. Scott of Hubbard Woods has sailed for Europe to join Miss Barbara Scott and Miss Emily Scott who have spent the winter in Italy. They expect to spend several weeks motoring through France. LL rpmi Mr. and Mrs. Earl Peirce of Rogers Park have leased Mrs. Carlston's house on Provident avenue, and will take possession April 23. -- The Harry Cadenheads who have been living at 733° Elm street, are moving to their new home on Provi- dent avenue next Wednesday. hap at Mr. and Mrs. James A. Donovan, of Wilmette, have bought a house at 429 Hawthorn lane, where they will move on April 24. ee (On Bess Stutson of Sunset road enter- tained sixteen guests at bridge on Tuesday afternoon. --(-- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McInnerney of Indian Hill road are again in Win- netka after a Mediterranean cruise. ROOFING | over the Old Shingles ESTIMATES FREE ORTH SHOR ROOF CRAFTERS N Incorporated 804 342 Davis St. Park Ave. Evanston Glencoe Phone 7026 Phone 166 -- ELE EEE EL EE RE EE EL EE RE EE EE EE LE EE EE EL EEE EEE EE LE] L} 1 [) 1 L] 1 1 1 1 1 L] 1 i L} 1 i Al 1 ! ] L] 1 1 North Shore Homes A BEAUTIFUL NEW ENGLISH COTTAGE; consisting of 7 large rooms with 2 baths, hot water heat, and gar- age attached, on 66x140 foot lot. A real buy at $20,000. 1 ' t ' i i 1 1 : 1 1 a i : i VERY ATTRACTIVE HOME of 6 rooms with Sun Parlor ' and Sleeping porch. Located east in Glencoe. A home : known for its beautiful grounds. 120x200. $31,500. 1 , 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 x i ' 1 ' 4 SIX ROOM SHINGLE COLONIAL; 2 baths, hot water heat, Sun Parlor and Sleeping porch. $21,000. Terms. SERVICE TO THE BUYER--TO THE SELLER Walter P. Smith & Co. 332 PARK AVE. GLENCOE, ILL. Phone Glencoe 410 : EEL EEL DELL ELL EE ELE PEE EEE EEE EEE Ll + EXE EEE EE EEE EE EE EE EE EE EE EEE EEE EEE LR ELLE LE LE EL of ode ode ode ode odo bo oo oe oo ode oe ode ob ole ob oko ooo ooo ol ok ok doo oR ok ok od odol ol oR oR ob ob oRol Rb oR RoR BR oR (PRA i RS, RODUCT OF GENERALMC TO Ask us for a demonstration of THE NEW OAKLAND Tires and Tubes of all sizes. We do good Auto-Repairing. HANSON MOTOR CO. 555-57 Chestnut Street, Phone Winnetka 330 Winnetka, Illinois Fohh bb RR RRR RRR RRR RRR BERR R RRR R RR RRR RRR RRR RRR RRR R ERR RRR EXT E TELLER TEE EEE EE EE EE EEE EEE EE EEL ha Have the Squeaks and Rattles OUR watch is a delicate instrument--so is your car. You want both of them tuned to perfection. long winter grind has been harsh to your machine and it probably is in need of an overhauling. give you an estimate. Hubbard Woods Garage "Service with a Smile" 1010 North Ave. | Removed The We'll be glad to Phones Winn. 617-1834