4 ) STE WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1924 THIS PAGE WILL GET IT FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS M Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE : the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. : : y Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. papers. Telephones: 20 cents per line in all three 50¢c. Average of five words to REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Want to Buy--or Rent? FOR SALE IN WINNETKA: 7 RM. Colonial Clapboard on lot 60x132, so. front. Ideal home 2 yrs. old, large garage, landscaped. $25,000. 6 rm. stucco on 50 ft. lot in good neighborhood. Large liv. rm. oil burner. A bargain at $15,500. A 72 ft. lot in beautiful section on Walden Rd. Make offer. GLENCOE: Attractive English 6 rm. brick, new, lot 66x210, on Valley Rd. close to Skokie Golf Club. A good buy at $19,000. 162 feet of vacant on Euclid Ave. A good site for 2 or 3 attractive homes. Make offer. CALL US FOR SUMMER RENTALS E.E.StultsRealty Co Tel. Winn. 1226 1800 10 Carlton Annex Oak St. at the R. R. LTN31-1te Bargains in Acre Tracts 10 ACRES ON WAGNER ROAD, EAST front. $12,000.00 12 acres on Wagner Road, East front. Large brick bungalow, barns, garage. $24,000.00 9 acres on Lake Ave, adjoining R. R. Right-of-way. 600 foot front on concrete State Road $22,500.00 20 acres on Lake Ave. South front to the North Shore Golf Club $32,000.00 20 acres on Glenview Road, good buildings, 1320 foot frontage on cement State Road $25,000.00 Schaefer & Golbach 909 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, Illinois Phone 364 LTN31-1te FOR QUICK SALE--FINE BUILDING lot in Glencoe, only blk. from Skokie Country Club, corner 140x75; $110 per front ft. Less desirable selling at $200-$250 per front ft. Beauti- fully wooded; fine neighborhood; will constantly increase in value; splendid opportunity for anyone wishing to build fine home as we will give option on small lot and cottage in rear 42x75 if anyone de- sires it. Inquire 456 Adams St. Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 790. LT31-1te WILL TRADE BEAUTIFUL 8 R. HSE. WITH 30 living room; 4 Irge. bedrooms bath on 2nd floor; maids room and bath on 3rd fir.; 2 slpg. prches.; ga- rage attached; vapor heat; best N. E. section Wilmette; like to trade PT. and for smaller hse. in Wilmette, East side, or Winnetka. Address Wil- mette Life, A-160. LT31-1tc OWNER LEAVING FOR EAST will sell 7 rm. well built Winnetka home in good cond. for less than market value. Has large liv. rm. with natural fireplace. 2 car ga- rage. Lot 50x187. Conv. to schools and trans. Good terms to responsi- ble party. Reduced to $14,000. Phone Winn. 1226. LTN31-1te IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON 10 YEARS TIME OR MORE Location--Sheridan Road, Chestnut Ave., Ashland Ave. Elmwood Ave., 7th St, 10th St, Lots 2, 7 and 10, B. 11; L. 2, B. 2; with riparian rights, L. 4,B. 5; 1. 3and 4 B. 9: L. 9, 10 and 12, 8B. 10; 1.5, B. 13; 1. 1 and 8, B. 1%: L. 16, B. 18, John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. LTN29-tfc BUSINESS CHANCE 6-ROOM FRAME, 2 BATHS, EXCEL- lent condition, large lot, $13,500. New 6-room stucco, hot water heat, ready to move in, $18,000. . 6-room frame, sun parlor, sleeping FOR RENT--HOUSES SITUATION WANTED--MALE HELP WANTED--MALE OR FEMALE FOR RENT--T7-ROOM FURN. HSE. WE HAVE A SPLENDID OFPORTUN- with sleeping porch, for summer ity for someone desirous of making months; beautiful location; will Floors ~money at home in spare time or full "time. build garage; 893 Valley Road, Glen- coe. TNS-tfc FOR RENT--WINNETKA, JUNE-NOV. exceptional attractive Dutch Col- onial; 5-rooms; sun porch; sleeping porch; garage. Tel. Winn. 1781. TNS8-1te FOR RENT--T7-ROOM MODERN HSE.; glazed porches; hot water heat; large lot; near transportation; pos- session any time. Tel. Winn. 730. TS8-1te Tel. Glencoe 664. WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--7 OR 8 ROOM house; lease to start between July 1st and Sept. 1st for one or two Years. Write C. L. Bode, 215 No. Michigan, Chicago, or tel. Glencoe 654, LTN31-1tc FOR RENT--OFFICES Have Your Old Floors Made Like New by a new electric sanding pro- cess. Prices very reasonable. Call for estimates. D. J. CLARK Evanston 4517 LTN27-tfc RELIABLE COLORED MAN WITH best references desires position as caretaker of estate, lawn, etc. Can drive car. Tel. Glencoe 758 or write 380 Jefferson Road--Caretaker. T8-tfe Ray Studio, Evanston, IIL LTN30-2tc FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 3 Day Sale--May §, 9, 10 CONTENTS OF HOUSE, CHEAP. Owner moving to distant city. Gray enameled bedroom set; mahogany double four post bed; wicker chairs; 8 mahog. rush bottom dining room chairs; large McCray icebox; new Brunswick; upright piano; mahog. hall table and mirror; every day dishes; porcelain kitch. table; vac- uum cleaner; mangle; fireless cook- er, etc. - 849 Lincoln Ave. nr. North Ave. Tel. Winn. 1473. LTN31-1te Painting, wall papering, cal- cimining and glazing. THOMAS D. CHESTER FOR SALE--ROUND PEDESTAL DIN- ing table, 6 chairs to match and buf- fet, painted black blue and red; 2 pair floor length drapery to harmon- ize; 1 Morris chair; 1 brass bed and f J °F box mattress; 1 child's bed and mat- and breakfast porch, hot water |[FOR RENT--FRONT OFFICE. SECOND tod . ¢ 21 H heat, 2 car garage, owner anxious floor; Glover-Brown Building, 1159 Frouty isis Em Winn, 6 {ross and 1 enclosed ian tT to sell, $18,000. Wilmette Ave.; reasonable. Phone . . . = Practically new 6-room Colonial 2399. LTN26-tfc TNS8-1tc TT Dit Ton BALE OAL frame, sun parlor and sleeping " 3 porch, extra lavatory 1st floor, 2|OFFICES AND FLATS FOR RENT. bookcase; karyeq loak living on car garage. Must be sold this week. 566 Center St, Winnetka. - table; mahog. living room able; Se for intment and make LTN31-1tc | EXPERIENCED GARDENER AND wicker fernery; small victrola; offer, $17,000 Appointme all around handy man Jighey Permar cheap; misc. kitchenware, fruit jars, Yor he j i i fal Ts D siti yor 4 > day etc. 519 Sunset, Winnetka. , Col al brick, tile| FOR RENT--7 RM. HSE.; MODERN. nent position or wor y 9 0 ' i TI many | Tel. Winnetka 596-4. Lr ins) ane sown. Phons Sinnetin SEW. LTN31-1te 3 Ty yo 1 ) ersix ps mv - Indivigual Syutures oA Mo. alacon FOR RENT--STORES FOR SALE--SEVEN PIECE WALNUT If you are interested in a better RUG CLEANING, WINDOW WASH- dining suite; 55 inch sideboard; 54 hor inquire about our 7-room Col- | SMALL STORE SUITABLE FOR ing; hardwood floors a specialty; inch extension table; one arm chair; iy cy 3 baths, sun parlor and real estate office or agency for housework by the hour. Tel. Wil. five straight chairs; excellent design ne ing OTOL with Rh added manufacturing concern; best busi- 1505; Jesse. LTN31-1te and finish; good construction. Tel. See, 2 Bo TA : this HOnth ness location. Winnetka. Address Winnetka 550-W, or address 943 her OS Ak } Life, A-177. LTN31-1te 3 Spruce St, Winnetka. LTN31-1te and must dispose of this property. ' CHAUFFEUR 4 NO. 1; Sy Ah: ¢ y a 7 - exp. on high grade cars; mechanic; [77 " i TAN r HILL & STONE |" ori SAN ATE SUB on | pitieied:™ lle" nel" ngriibionk | FOR SALE, LAYER PIANO wits 3 = TNS-1t W. P. Smith & Co., 332 Park Ave. fas the best players made, original cost Phone Winn. 1544 Sete Glencoe. LTN31-1te . $1,000; good condition; moving and = OME P HIGH SCHOOL BOY WILL CARE FOR | ij sacrifice for $125; records alone FINE aL HONE IN ATL Sa FOR RENT--ROOMS lawns airing summer MORAY cost more than this. Call 888 Oak coe. xc v . = Glencoe . Le St. i tka. TNS-1te place in sun parlor and liv. rm. [FOR RENT---NICELY FURNISHED i oe ee St, Winnetka Sleep. Por. H. W. heat. Large So. room in private family; 1 block from | LAWNS, GARDENS TAKEN CARE OF | FOR SALE--ORIENTAL RUG, 10%- front lot adjoining park. Cony. to station; gentleman preferred. Tel. and housework done by reliable x16; sacrifice for $250; ice box, $7: sta. and schools. Priced at $18,000. Glencoe 1073. TNS-1tc man. Tel. Winn. 2011. T7-3te double bed and spring, $10; dining Address Winn. Talk, 179. LTN31-1te 7 E room light fixture with silk shade, FOR RENT--2 ROOMS WITH BATH EXfuny GARDEN WORR DONE BY $3; telephone Winn. 1158. T8-1te 5000.00 cash buy hoi of two new on 3rd floor; hot water heat; electric our or contract. a n. v §ag0a.00 Wan hugs ole Choy grill for cooking; reasonable to LTN27-tfe FOR SALE--MODERN OBLONG DIN- St., Nos. 1066 and 1070; nr. Skokie| respectful party; prefer help with ing room table, mahogany; 6 cane school and golf course; all improve- work as part payment. Tel. Winn. HELP WANTED--FEMALE chairs to match to be purchased if ments in and paid for, price $15,500. 2032. TS8-1tc = desired. Will sacrifice. Tel. Yun call 877 El t, Tel. Winn. 1689. JANTED -- MAID FOR GENER 790. TS-1tp gol 377 A Stion Te LTN30-tfc FOR RENT--1 OR 2 ROOMS IN A GL small family; steady : Wilmette home to man and wife dur- | 1,08" for * reliable person: white; | FOR SALE--ADJUSTABLE STROL- BUILDER WILL BUY FOUR OR FIVE ing summer, Apply giving refer- cooking exp. not necessary; private ler with top; 2 fumed oak chairs; lots in good neighborhood. Will con- ences to Wilmette Life, A-175. room and bath. Apply afternoons table and davenport; good cond. sider frontage of 50 to 100 ft. for LTN31-1tc| pet 4 and 5. 415 Washington Ave. | Tel. Winn. 564-W. LTN31-1tc ac xi i i TT I 3 a 1. ] 403. hast oath peive size, location and|CENTRAL HOTEL -- UNDER NEw | Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe LT31-1tc [FOR SALE--2 MAHOG. ROCKERS; Tory SAEASDrics, oS Lue management--room; light * outside fumed oak living room table and 4 1, . didi rooms; steam; hot and co runnin - ex . rah <C. ¥ 1. Kenil- water. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1080 WANTED--WHITE WOMAN IN FAM- DO a Xe Sond eY asenile FOR SALE--SQUASH COURT BUILD- LT1-tfc ily of 2; woman Smnloyed Port ume id hide - ing now in rear of lot at 100 Green to give one day each wee and ex- | ae H FURNITURE Bay Rd. cor. Glenwood. Purchaser | FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE FURN. tra time occassionally; good living FOR SAME LI also Hoor to remove same from premises. Tel. room; central location, east side-- | accommodations to right party. Tel. lamp. Tel. Winnetka 958. 368 Elder Winn. 749. T8-1tc | employed--Wilmette 41. LTN31-1te| Winn. 1733. LTN31-1te| = ? LTN31-1te FOR JAIEeBY ~OWNER-S-ROOM (FOR RUNDw) > PUAN. 'ROOM TO| WANTED WHITE GIRL VOR GUN iG Sale -- MODERN, DOUMLE house, hot water heat: on lot 44x235: gentleman; near transp. Tel. Winn. eral TOUSEN; 5: =a Suid yi Food brass bed; also box spring. 100 new brick veneer; $3,000 down; bal-| 1921. LINL-1te |" wages gos homermights Jit spossiDlel dreen. Bay RA. Hubbard Woods, ance on_ easy payment. Tel. Wil [z= RENT--FURN. ROOM, LARGE poisrences required. Tel. Sishcos Tel. Winn. 749. TS-1te 113 or 857-J. TNS-1te egy Ye - 5 * 3 light and pleasant; near transporta- = FOR SALE--CHILD'S COT AND MAT- FOR RENT--APPARTMENTS tion. Tel. Winn. 415. TN8-1te A I ERA None tress, doll's house and other tovs; 9 hn] " c 4 4 ¥ Iso 5 tube Neutrodyne sets com- on NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR Winn, 1677. Mrs. Kus. 1158 Hamp- 8 ; ht ER Rn FOR EENT-FURNISHED OR UN-|" co nfleman. Tel Winn. 470 moor] tontle ave, wonn LTN31-1tp | Dlete. Tel. Kenilworth 2553. TS-lte furnished; 916 Oakwood; 3-rooms; in-a-door bed; hot water heat. 918 Oakwood--6-rooms; 2 in-a- door beds; 2 baths, one with show- er; hot water heat; renovated throughout; immediate possession. LTN30-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED APART- ment; $20 per week; 2 rooms, new and modern; facing lake; must be seen to be appreciated; strictly pri- vate. Tel. Wil. 1070 for appoint- ment. LTN31-1te 5-ROOMS; BATH; STEAM HEAT; "gas; electricity; bright attractive; over store; Winnetka. Address Life, A-176. LTN31-1tc FOR RENT--APARTMENT; 3-ROOMS and bath; furnished or unfurnished. Tel. Winn. 855. LTN31-1tc 13 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS LADY EMPLOYED WANTS ROOM within 5 blocks of Northwestern station. State price. Address Wil- mette Life, 178. LT31-1tp FURNISHED ROOM WANTED BY gentleman. Address Wilmette Life, 173. LTN31-1tp -- FOR RENT--GARAGE 1 CAR GARAGE FOR RENT--MAY 1st; 798 Cherry St. Tel. Winnetka 2087. T7-2tp GARAGE FOR RENT--SPACE FOR 1 car, 610 Cherry St. T8-1te GIRL TO SERVE AND WOMAN FOR dishwashing and general cleaning. Lilac Tea Room, 576 Lincoln, Win- netka. LTN31-1tc WANTED--FIRST CLASS GIRL TO HELP WANTED--MALE FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT FURNISHED--MODERN 5-room cottage and sleeping porch; vegetable garden and fruit; east side location. June 15th to Septem- ber 15th. Tel. Wilmette 907-J. Call after 4 P. M. LTN31-1tp JUNE 15 to Sept. 15. N. E. WIN- netka home. Large screened front porch and nice lawn. Ideal loca- tion. $200 per month. Phone Winn. 1800, LTN31-1te FOR RENT--12-ROOM COTTAGE AT Leland, Michigan; situated on Lake Michigan, overlooking Lake Leland; 2 baths, hot and cold water, for sea- son $750. Tel. Winn. 635-W. TNS8-1tp r-- BUSINESS CHANCE $50 TO $75 WEEKLY--SALESMAN with ability to become manager in this territory, prefer married man who has done house to house sell- ing. Must be live, wide awake, will- ing to work and able to handle men. Permanent position, salary, commis- sion and bonus to right man. Write for appointment giving references and full information. R. M. Rubbel, 1014 Davis St., Evanston, Room 4. LTN31-3te WANTED--MAID FOR HOUSEWORK, also nurse for child 18 months. Tel. Kenilworth 1021. LTN31-1te WANTED -- COOK AND SECOND maid; ref. req. Tel. Glencoe 154. LTN31-1te WANTED--EXP. COOK, ALSO WAIT- ress; best wages. Tel. Winn. 58. LTN31-1te WANTED--HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO care for child afternoons. 351 Lin- den St.,, Winn. T8-1te WANTED--HOUSEMAN, GARDENER; white; steady position; good wages. 735 Sheridan Road, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 414. TNS-1te WANTED--EXPERIENCED COLORED butler. 29 Indian Hill Road. Tel. Winnetka 1195. TNS§-1tp SITUATION WANTED--MALE complete stock; full GREAT BUSINESS QPPORTUNITY? Best paying Drug Store, in the finest location, in the choicest suburb on the North Shore; conditions ideal; no competition; established 25 years; invaluable lease; prices modities ; average sales $200 a day; no whiskey or il- legitimate business; the local and transient trade, com- bined with the steadily increasing population, makes this a real money maker, which demands your prompt in- vestigation ; Owner retiring: $20,000 or the equivalent in collateral required to handle purchase. HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. 556 Center (formerly W. R. R. Ave.), Win. 254. obtained on all com- LTN31-1te HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid, scraped, Our own patent sanders Advance Floor Co. A. WASLEFF, Prop. cleaned, 542 So. Dearborn St. LTN31-tfc NORTH SHORE HOUSE, LAWN AND GARDEN SERVICE House and window cleaning, floor waxing, lawn and garden work, first class references. Walsh. Tel. Winn 1035 (after 6 P. M.) LT25-tfc CALL EVANSTON 992." 10% TO 20% on your cement work. 20 years ex- perience. Charles Epney. LTN31-1tc GARAGE FLOORMAN, OR COMBINA- tion washer and floorman or truck driver. Best ref. Northbrook 220-R. LTN30-tfc WANTED--EXPERIENCED WOMAN for laundry and cleaning. Tel. Winn. FOR SALE--1 EARLY ENGLISH DIN- ing room set; 1 mahogany chifforobe; 2 upholstered ivory wicker chairs. Tel. Winnetka 1533. TS8-1tc FOR SALE--REPRODUCTION SPAN- 1 ish arm chair; blue cushion seat, do cooking and take care of first iN ME, ; . 5 and embroidered in wool Tel. Boor: good wages. Tel in Winn. 495. TS 1te FOR SALE--DINING ROOM SET, $25, WANTED a et WHITE and other furniture. Tel Branston work; small family. Tel. Winn. 1196. 6853. LTN31-1tc LTN3l-1te |xoR SALE- CHILD'S IRON BED, WANTED -- GIRL. FOR GENERAL with mattress. Tel. Winn. 1721. 9 housework; no washing; German Ts-1te pref. 560 Elm St. Tel. Winn, 1158 {NG REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED rite on dining table and 6 chairs, Tel. Winn. 1564. TNS8-1tc FOR SALE--ANTIQUE MAHOGANY day bed in good condition, $30. Tel. Mrs. Aldrich, Winn. 260. TNS-1te WANTED TO BUY HOUSEHOLD GOODS USED CHEST OF DRAWERS AND small dresser or dressing table; pre- fer white enamel; good condition. Tel. Winn, 1152, T8-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--34 HENS AND 5 ROOST- ers. Fancy stock. Hens barely one vear old and fine layers. Will sell WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home, finished work and rough dry. Will call and deliver. 418 Prairie Ave., Wil. Tel. Wil. 1351. LT31-4tc 53, TNssite in lot or divide into small lots 2 oO hens and one rooster. Hens . WANTED Ban. NR aAID £oR each; roosters $3.00 each. Worth Glencoe 212 2 TNS-1tc more than double. Reason for sell- : ing, leaving town. H. W. Foote, 247 WANTED--MAID; SEWING; LIGHT Beach Road, Glencoe. Phone Glen- upstairs work; best wages. Tel.| coe 201. LTN31-1tc Winn. 58. TNS8-1tc BABY CHIX: AFTER MAY 2nd, IN WANTED--EXP. MAID, GENERAL 100 lots. Leghorns, $8.50; Barred housework; references. Tel. Winn. Rocks, Single Reds, $9.50; Rose 1254 or 825 Linden Ave. TNS8-1tc Reds, White Rocks, $11.50; Wyan- dottes, Buff Orp., Minorcas, $12.50. WANTED --GOOD LAUNDRESS, D.. T. FARROW, CHICK ERIES, White. Tel. Winn. 993. T8-1te PEORIA, ILL. LTN18-22tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE --RUNNING BOARD trunk, fender style, fitted to Cadil- lac, with two grips, just right for touring, $35.00 cash. H. A. deWindt, 593 Sheridan Road, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 27. LTN31-1tc CAPABLE, MANAGING HOUSEKEEP- er for widower or small family; best references; refined and educated. Address Talk, A-153. TN6-tfc WANTED--POSITION BY EXP. COL- ored laundress, day work; best of references. Tel. Victory 4674. LTN31-1tp FREED EISEMAN FIVE TUBE NEU- trodyne radio, console cabinet, West- ern Electric loud speaker; battery and charger, complete. Tel. Wil. Wil. 2750. LTN31-1tc FOR SALE--1 LADIES 7 YR. SADDLE" mare; single footer; gentle and sound. Tel. Winn. 941. LTN31-1te EXPD. STENOGRAPHER AND BOOK- keeper wishes position; references. Address Talk, A-172. T7-1te FOR SALE--WHITE COLLIE PUP- pies. Tel. Glencoe 889. 385 Milton St., Glencoe. LTN31-1tc SITUATION WANTED--WORK BY the day as cook or laundress. Tel. Glencoe 321-7J. LTN31-1te PEDIGREED COLLIE PUPPIES, PER- fect markings, long heads. Tel. Wil. 1370. LTN31-1tc- WOMAN WISHES IRONING AND cleaning by day; also cooking and serving. Tel. Wil. 2987. LT31-1te BEAUTIFUL WHITE COLLIE PUP- ple, pedigreed. Tel. Wil. 1370. LTN31-1tc WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING by the day. Tel. Wil. 2486. LTN31-1tc WELL SEASONED WOOD. FOR SALE cheap. Tel. Winn. 1733. LTN31-1te 3 %