wp yl WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY, 17, 1924 Rg -- : FOR RENT--HOUSES SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION W ANTED--FEMALE il FOR RENT--FURNISHED 9-ROOM | YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION | 3 COLLEGE GIRLS WITH TEACH CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS house and garage; June 15 to Aug. in private home as driver, will ing experience wish positions = i, 15: 4 baths; very reasonable to de- make himself generally useful governesses; willing to go Cap : sirable people. Tel. Winn. 680. around house; ref.; white. Tel. from Wilmette; ref. ERO vec G l N { Classified advertisements will be charged only TN10-1te Winn. 730. T10-1tc dress Life, A-207. D enera otices-- / to residents of the district from Evanston to - = = READING AND DRAMATIC ART. Mrs. Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or FURNISHED HOUSE--T7-ROOMS; 2 Marjorie C. Russman; private les- who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA baths; lavatory on first floor; large 0 00.10 ech term, class los- TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. lot; garage; from June 1st, for four Floors sons, $15.00; 10-wee *a85 Milton Ave or five months. 690 Greenwood Ave. sons, $10 a on ° IN10-1te Rates--1° cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three Tel. Glencoe 561. TN10-1te Tel. Glencoe 889. h : papers. MINIMUM CHARGE 350¢c. Average of five words to Have Your Old Floors TRUSTWORTHY CAPABLE NURSERY the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES M d Lik N governess wiil take full charge | Deadli : Classified advertisements will be ac- B) 3 SMALL HOUSE ade Like New walking children; in refined home; | eadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday' 12 o'clock for ATED Ia aL will by a new electric sanding pro- help with school work any ig the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the take care of grounds or work in cess. Prices very reasonable. willing 45% travel; ew 1 lotro WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. house; also carpenter work, partly Call for estimates. K ToKe Vo 2 Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. to pay for rent. Address Mr. Gus- DARE WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE tavson, 442 Hein Place, Chicago. LTN27-tfc home, finished work and rough dry. LTN33-1tp Will call and deliver. 418 Prairie FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--MEDIUM SIZE p " Ave, Wil. Tel. Wil. 1351. LT27-4te Ir H pa furn. house; 2 baths; from June 15tp CEMENT CONTRACTOR LADY OF REFINEMENT AND LARGE ast Hubbard Woods Vacant Wonderful Bu S Oct. 1st. Address Talk, A198 10 1tp | CALL EVANSTON 992. SAVE 10% TO | exp. wishes position as companion; bi Go AR anid { : 209% on your cement work. 20 years will travel highest ref. Address Building Permit Assured Z y ! A rane Charles Abney, Cont. Winn. Talk, 99° LTN33-1tp Bot n0xIss ere $4,000 ° WANTED--FURNISHED HOUSE LTN32-3tc PEI ORIOE a A 4,000 |. elected For his WANTED -- POSITION BY YOUNG EE Ee SR SL) 5,000 WANTED TO RENT--SMALL FUR-|COLLEGE GRADUATE, YOUNG MAN, to care for children by day; will do Po BOXIT0. vasa vs iis Begom ss. 5,200 : nished home or apartment conven- 22 years doing graduate work, light housework, also by day; best i P OBX200 3 reriny eran shinee 5,600 WY eek ient to Winnetka; rel. party with wishes summer position as auto- Tel. Address. Talk, A-211. T10-1tp 5 B532270C Ade Py Sa, 5,500 i best ref.; must be reas. 'Address companion, would appreciate travel. -- In Winnetka School Dist. sur-|6-ROOM FRAME; 1 BATH AND, EX-|_Wilmette Life A201 es. Address Wil. Life, 208. | DRESSMAKING ' AT HOME; ALL rounded by beautiful homes; 3 blks. tra lavatory and toilet; excellent LTN33-1tp work guaranteed; plain dresses, $5 from lake; 1% blks. from Sheridan condition; large grounds; owner FOR SALE--APARTMENTS : or $6. Tel. Evans. 8321. T10-1te Rd.; % blk. from Greenbay Rd.; 4 means business; $13,500. NORTH SHORE HOUSE, LAWN AND - om es I) blks. from Hubbard Woods Sta.; 7-room frame; hot water heat; |CO-OPERATIVE PLAN--EVANSTON. 2 GARDEN SERVICE WANTED--PLAIN SEWING FO B Ideal home sites for ideal people. garage; near school and transporta- | FOR SALE--S8 ROOMS, 3. rd FLOOR, House and window cleaning, floor at my home. Tel. Glencoe 796. Hi o tion: owner leaving town; posses- front oh Sage Ave.; i) ining waxing daw and Foren i N10-1te 1 i i i . 5 room X 3.0 er specia eatures. class references. alsn. . * . einsen& Clark Inc. a nae. Tet Evanston S071 bo. LTN33-ltc | 1035. LT25-tfe | FOR DRESSMAKING CALL MISS 558 Center (fo IW = a ; hon Irae haa: i Tg eter Carlsten; Winn. 911 before 8:15 A. M. rmer . RR: R. y 9-2 ' iy By ' TTR . - Ser 254 ve.) tails: A-1 construction; easy terms; FOR RENT--APARTMENTS jig 1} SEVER os T10-tle LEN Tre | A000, Tuy HT Pras TOR RENT_NEW KITCHENETTE | married; white. Tel. Northbrook SITUATION WANTED -- WOMAN onderful buy in practically new apart. in residence, facing lake. Two 220-R ' LTN30-tfc wants housework for 2 or 3 hrs.; MET. WEST OF RIDGE AVE.. 6-room frame Colonial; extra la-| J,.06" pright rooms with bath, com- : mornings. ~ Tel. Winn, 842. T10-1tp ogy, Tron gn Lake Avenue, ator Yat loon: @ war gepaqe hot| (4 Vely furnished; strictly private; EXPERT GARDEN WORK DONE BY 3 ; $1,150.00 cash, bal- : ; Sun patiopend sigeping hear elevated terminal: immediate| hour or contract. - Call Winn. 1902.| FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS HICONS VORTS 4» cv amir sinnis oie $2,650.00 porch; move in today; $16,500. possession. $16 per week. Tel. Wil : LTN27-tfc Southwest - corner, 100x177, 6-room frame, with 3 porches; De ; b C LTN33-1te Sa FOR SALE--FIVE ANTIQUE LADDER very choice, fruit and shade heated: hot. Water heat; 2 car. gar- . HELP WANTED--MALE AND back chairs, $12 each; several Wind- A TIER RE pa £000.00 | age; in evcslient| condition; [Jarge yon RENT COMPLETELY rus. FEMALE sor chairs, $15 each; three marble oe oy Fi x177, half block Sms 4 day ; : nished kitchenette apartment in base lamps, $10; brass candlesticks, west of Ridge Ave. ........ 3,600.00] New 6-room English Stucco: hot| yyjimette for a few months; near | WANTED--WHITE COUPLE: FEXF. | $4. one pair Sandwich slass whale or will sell 50 feet for terms 1,350.00 | water heat; 65. ft. lot; just being | ¢rangportation; to responsible party. | gardener, all around man; wife, good | oil lamps, $12; one spindle leg table, Choice of 3 lots Bast and West completed; a very substantial house| mq; inn. 567. LTN33-1te| cook, hswk.; must reliable for perm. | $10. All originally from New Ing- nl ort Af Tans Ave, 2.000.00 at ison. attractive 5-room semi oh A I SL Lat Tand. [Tel Lake Blur 927. 711 Park MB Cae ,000. -r mi- hi > p: Choice business lot on Ridge bungalow; in excellent location; nr. NW Ara A Tne HELP WANTED--FEMALE Place, Lake LTR Ave., 50x150, near Lake Ave. 5500.00 Hubbard Woods Depot; owner anxi-| render service; ideal arrangement. ACCOUNT OF MOVING, WILL SAC- SCHAEFER & GOLBACH ous to sell; make offer; $16,500, nde Toto arene | WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE | "Lifice the following at very attrac- 909 Ridge Avenue If you are interested in a larger . J maid; general housework; small tive prices, all in excellent condi- Phone Wilmette 364 home, we will gladly submit some of | FoR RENT -- APARTMENT; ALSO modern house; 2 blocks from sta- tion: piano; overstuffed davenport, LTN33-1te| the best homes in Winnetka at| office rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel.| tion; 3 in family; good wages; Sec-| 2 chairs to match; 2 chiffoniers; din- 1 prices warranting consideration. Winn. 62. LTN38=1teq ond floor room. 23 Warwick Ave. ing room set; kitchen cabinet; Winn. Tel. Kenilworth 2897. kitchen table; refrigerator; gas HILL & STONE FOR RENT 7 ROOM, FIRST FLOOR T10-lte| range; porch furniture and shades; apartment. el. Wil. . lawn mower. 888 Oak TR in- Ia R . "1te | WANTED--WOMAN TO_ DO COOKING i i - OQ SALE Wim, 1544 and '1545 tte ye LT33-1t in summer. cottagei® NePthern Wis- netka. Tel. Winn. 978 LTN33-1te oN = FOR RENT--ROOMS consin; June 15 to 'Aug. 15; kitchen hy HOUSEHOLD ' WE GEVER THE OPPORTUNITY TO with hot and cold running water; GODS AND et Tob cooKk- Splendid Evanston Home De ls Se last corners left | FOR RENT -- LARGE, PLEASANT, | good wages and chance for pleasant| er; porch furniture; childrens ar the ig yale ; 60x150, for $8,000; | furn. front bedroom: east side; gen- | vacation for right person. Tel. Winn. | swings; linoleum; mangle; icebox; Best Resid District prices in this section are rapidly ad- tleman preferred. Tel. Wil. 813-W. 680. TN10-1tc lawn mower; stoves; dishes; metal Sicence 1S1ric ancing. ? LT33-1te beds: old lumber, ete. Tel. Winn. i W. G. STACEY & CO. eee | MAID, COMPETENT, WHITE, FOR| 1473' T10-1to ! 2215 ORRINGTON AVENUE : Realtors . CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE | general housework; must be kind 2 L 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 rooms; steam: hot and cold running to children; two 'adults and one|fFOR SALE -- VERY CHEAP; SUN | 75x181, 40 ft. side lot to the south; re . . - TN10-1tc | water. 629 Main St. Tel. Wile 1010, Has; small houses goal Wages. porch furniture; large capacity, elee- . | 70 ft. to next house north; br - : -tfe eferences required. a. n- tric clothes washer and dryer; gas y t ; 9 : . brick and | | BIGGEST BARGAIN IN WINNETKA netka 1553. LTN33-1te | and oil roe Kitchen cabinet and stucco; rooms; 3 baths; 2-car ga- Owner leaving town, will sacrifice | FOR RENT -- TWO FURNISHED - other kitchen articles; genuine water rage; a beautiful well constructed his cozy 7 rm. home for $2,500 under | rooms, very comfortable and pleas- | WE HAVE A SPLENDID OPPORTUN- color and oil paintings. 1192 Chat- home; landscaped grounds. Be Jarier value. 30 ft. living room, ant for two businessmen; near sta- ity for someone desirous of making field, Winn. TN10-1te Gare to Ste this or Inguire arge fireplace, 4 bedrooms, double tion. Tel. Winn. 415. LTN33-1te money at home in spare time or full ; : a owner garage, large lot, fruit and shade time. Ray Studio, Evanston, Ill FOR SALE--CHEAP; HOUSEHOLD 501 Davis St. Tel. Evanston 6200. trees, excellent neighborhood, near | FOR RENT--FROM JUNE 1st; LARGE LTN32-tfc articles of all descriptions; also 300- L33-1tp schools and transportation. Price southeast room with board for two 400 empty fruit jars and jelly glass- for quick sale only $13,500. Terms.| adults. 731 10th St. Tel Wil 992-J. | WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL | es; everything must be sold by June Phone Winnetka 1226. LTN33-1te LT33-2tp housework: White, 6 room house; 3 ist as I am moving then. Call any - in family; good wages; ref. req. 251 i i . 35,000.00 CASH BUYS OHOIOB OF |FOR RENT -- VERY PLEASANT| Scott Ave. Hubbard Watts Tol] ume dayon svemns B18 Ma 5h F S yo raw & 7. Winnethd, Boy sos on| furnished bedroom; near Hubbard| Winn. 1475. LTN33-1tc : : : erry ., Nos. an ; nr. Woods station. Tel. Winn. 1118. i ' - or ale Or Rent Skokie sciiool and golt coursei all TN10-1tc WANTED--WHITE LAUNDRESS: - 1{T 20 SALE-MAHG DRESSING ras WE H mprovements in and paid for, price day a week. Tel. Winn. 1207; Sunday ; i spri ir, AYE GOOD HOMES FOR SALE! $15500. Call 877 Elm St, or Tel (FOR RENT--ROOM AND BATH: ON| morning or evening or call 1183 dolls bed Nim nen GN HisHed=--=for 'summer. months or Tull Winn. 1689. LTN30-tfc lower floor; 1 block west of R. R. Scott Ave. Hubbard Woods. and fAoor lamp. Winn. 1870, ear. Also b i 3 . el. Wil. 1207. TN10-1tc . TN10-1te LTN33-1te 0 DargRins In vacant, Ken- | OWNER LEAVING CITY WILL SAC- ci ilworth to Glencoe. Call in and see| rifice 6-room stucco on hollow tile HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--RELIABLE PERSON TO wy 5 ; us. Open Sunday. 5 y t 3 FOR SALE--WHITE ENAMEL BED; residence; glazed sun parlor and help with children and upstairs brass bed; child's drop side cot; y sleeping porch; hot water heat; oil [$50 TO $75 WEEKLY--SALESMAN| work; white; full or part time; ref- ivory dresser; ivory table, and two tu tslR burner; metal weather strips; gar- with ability to become manager in erences. Tel. Winn. 1712. TN10-1tc y irs: : . ? ® < i i bedroom chairs doll house; doll 5 age; large lot. Tel. owner, Kenil- this territory, prefer married man b and other toys. Tel Ken 2553 Opposite N. W. Steam Station worth 2553. TN10.-1tc| who has done house to house sell-| WANTED--MAID, WHITE, PROTES- uggy thal late y Tide . Phone Winn. 1800 yppgie TTA ETL TEE pe ing, Just be Ive, Vide awake, will- pan three in the family, small 33-1tc 1. ) EA GLEN- ing to work and able to handle men. ouse, good home for right party. LE coe--large liv. rm. sun and slpg. Permanent position, salary, cemmis- Call Glencoe 746. LTN33-1tc RITCHEN CABINET POR (SALES FOR SALE~--~VACANT porches, hot water heat. Large lot sion and bonus to right man. Write Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1406 : Ncoacor near park. Beautiful . location. for appointment giving references | WANTED--YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO ? ; LT33-1tp ID GE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON| $18,000. Phone Winn. 1800. and full information. R, M. Rubbel,| take care of baby and assist with 2 18 YEARS TIME OR MORE LTN33-1tc 1014 Davis St., Evanston, Room 4. housework. Tel. Winn. 1971. ICE BOX FOR SALE--BOHN SIPHON; Location--Sheridan Road, Chestnut LTN31-3tc LTN33-1tc 200 1b. capacity. 207 Cumberland Ave., Ashland Ave, Elmwood Ave,[FOR SALE--4 ROOM BUNGALOW; Ave Kenilworth. Tel. Ken. 298 7th Ave. 10th St, Lots 2,7 and 10, B.| west side, Wilmette, ideal location. | WANTED--MAN WHO IS FIRST | WANTED -- NEAT, = EFFICIENT 2 Imes. Tip 1; L. 2, B. 2; with riparian rights, L. Price $8,600: Address Life, A-203. class gardener to work on private Protestant, white girl; gen. hswk; - ne) RAYE Hs Tg B. 9; L. 9, 10 and LTN33-1tc place in Glencoe three days each 2 in family; good home for right|por SALE--RUG; WILTON DOMES- 17 7 pate 13; 1. 1 ana 3, B, week. Would employ right person| person. Glen. 511. LTN33-1tc | © {jc Turkish; 10x15 ft; only 2% yrs. 3 da . . . FOR RENT--HOUSE every summer. Address, statin . $500; Tek il. John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. iii wages, experience and ref. Wile COMPETENT MAID FOR GENERAL 330] cost $509; make giter IC Mu LTN29-tfc| FOR RENT--FOR JUNE ONLY; TO| mette Life, A-206. LTN33-1tc | hswk.: 3 in family; small house, 384) ~~ - small or very desirable family, fur- Woodlawn Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Win- |zoR SALE--DARK BROWN MAHOG. y NILES CENTER nished home; three baths; double WANTED---ABLE BODIED Man FOR | netka 1366. LTN33-1te | qouble bed with sealed best box | garage and large lot; in central east general work on grounds, steady springs and hair mattress, $50. Tel. location. Will make rent attractive work, good pay. See Engr, N, T. H.| VANTED--YOUNG LADY FOR OF- Winn. 1296. T10-1te MUST SELL FINE LOT ALONG NEW, to right party. Phone Winn. 827. School, Kenilworth. LANSited ~~Foe worle; experience not necessary. ELEVATED EXTENSION and near TIifiteifi-- = Address 202, Wilmetts Lite. FOR SALE -- FEDERAL WASHING 4 Dies Senter, aL 4 bargain, for 3350. | FOR BENT--ATTRACTIIVE 0-BO00 A arrpiE Sapper LTN33-1tc|* machine; needs new tub; in faip cong ddress Life, A-200. - °C ENT. JE 6-ROOM; Tr; 8 ; som OUSe~ { xara = ion; ¢ . Tel. Winn. - LTNS3-1te] "sleeping porch and sun parlor; home | Work. Tel Winn 42. 1INvs ite | WANTED -- MAID WFOR. CENFRAL HepineR Z10-110 CHOICE WOODED VACANT; LAKE| in Hubbard Woods; will lease until A arg Te on A Ave., Wilmette, ajoining northwest| May 1st, '25; $125 per month. Tel. SITUATION WANTED--MALE ons Toquired. Tel. Wil. 1701. 1030 | sor SALE--VERY CHEAP; ICE BOX; 4 corner 6th street; south front;| Winn. 1450 for appointment. SITUATION Teenwood Ave, TN10-1te }" jn good condition: 150 lbs. ice capa- 50x195 ft. with garage. Price, $160 TiNvosite | STTUATION ' WARTUD "AS CHAN: | WANTED WHIT ---------- | ojty.. 861 Bryant Ave. Tel. Winn. per foot, terms. Call owner Bvan- eur; 8 years' experience, married, AL hes E LAUNDRESS; 121 T10-1te ton 1155. EN oan [TOR RENT--FURN. £-ROOM HOUSE) 0red. no whiectjons to yard work, ist he neat and clean" for Mon. his with large sun room; sleeping] Dest of references. Call Autry, Gays AFT Winn. 1 Ip. T10-1tc | GAS STOVE, $10; BABY CRIB, $5. Call FOR SALE_MOST DESIRABLE VA.| Dorch; garage; on corner facing | Winnetka 473 LTN33-1tD | AID WHITE; GENERA 3 520 Linden Sire la ar PD : * . > - Ra Higniands rk, pt 100x140, DAL > re fon 2 hifi ny WANTED GARDENING AND GEN-| work; small family; no taamdry. Tel bz g east on eridan oad. Sac- station; June 15 to Sept. 1st or 15th. % i NG Bd be 3 inn 5d I1 . ANTE J mn] rifice $125 per foot. Address 205,| Tel Winn. 1168. PN101tel; TH YOTK Tel. Wil $o5-Y.4 Winn, Jaan TNife| | WANTED TO SUT HOUSEHOLD Wilmette Life, Wilmette. = - -- LPNS: Tie WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL y LTN33-1tc POR SEN UNE URNISHED ook hswk; small family. Tel. Wil. 1070. | WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND FOR SHlEe ACRES NEAR INDIAN| to desirable family, with option to 411 Sheridan Road LTN33-1tc fire and othe Jougenold £9048 S20 }josautifuily Janascansy, Price abhiin 0 sell, on 60-day notice; xT SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, ,000. ress Life, A-204. afte ct. 1st. Reasonable rent. HARDWOOD FILLOORS : 4 HL Phone 189. LTN24-tfe LTN33-1tc| Phone 162 or 827 Winn. T10-1te PRSIGNER IN YOUR, HOME CON. sto, 7 i . m - " mp e verts apparel into stylish gowns; | WANTED TO BUY ONE BED, DAVEN- Sy ; ' Ty A ; Sunday. LTN33-1tp| Phone Winnetka 1334 TN10-1tn block from Jakes front park. Phone Eoghsh house; elegantly furnished; Our own patent sanders Rone : inn. or particulars and make ease for one year and second sum- 4 TW J ) 71 "pF . offer. LTN33-1te mer if desired. Tel win 1937. b Sort ACL BALL LI LAUNDRY FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS TN. - v » i J. . OWNER WILL SELL ONE OF THER 33-11e Advance Floor Co. Wal. 2937. LT33-1tec | CHICKEN HOUSE, "PERFECTION Ehest corner lots on Woodlawn Ave. | FOR RENT--T ooN FURNISHED SL - Portable," with fRlieqnmpment; good encoe, at a bargain to quick buy-| house, May, June and July. $200 A. WASLEFF, Prop. 5 i condition; at one-third price. Ca - er. Phone Winn. 581-J. y Dain ov ni COLLEGE PREPARATION IN 680 Walden Road. Winnetka 794. LTN33-1te| Mrs. Schafer. Winn. 1240. 542 So. Dearborn St. PENG LTN33-1te LTN33-1te Teacher of experience in Euro- FOR SALE--5% ACRES, 260 FT. EAST pean and American Schools; FARROW CHIX: IN 100 LOTS. LEG- of Westmoreland golf grounds on) FOR RENT--1059 CHATFIELD RD.; LTN31-tfc senior and junior girls. Special horns, $8.50; Barred Rocks, Single Glenview Road. Inquire at Joseph 7-room furn.. house. Only resp. attention given to backward Reds, $9.50; Rose Reds, White Steffens, Rinewald Ave., Gross Point. party need apply. Tel. Winn. 1966 pupils. 'Terms on application. Rocks, $11.50; Wyandottes, Buff TT33-1te in evenings or Sundays. TN10-1tc Miss F. Baryle Speck, 228 Green Orp., Minocras, $12.50; assorted, $7.50. . NORTH SHORE WINDOW & HOUSE Bay Rd., Hubbard Woods. Tel. D. T. FARROW, CHICKERIES, WANTED TO BUY--VACANT WINNETKA HOUSE FOR RENT-- Cleaning Co. 10 Prouty Annex. Glencoe 355. LT33-1te PEORIA, ILL. LTN18-22tc July and August; 7 bedrooms; 3 Phone Winnetka 1994, Winnetka, Ill BUILDER WILL BUY FOUR OR FIVM baths; slpg. prch.; dining rm. prch.; 4 . T9-tfe FOR SALE--L. C. SMITH VISIBLE lots in good neighborhood. Will con- garage. Tel. Winn. 818. LT33-1tc RELIABLE PARTY WISHES HOUSE-| typewriter; A-1 condition, $25; also sider frontage of 50 to 100 ft. for GARAGE FLOORMAN, OR COMBINA- keeping; not afraid of work; for Ranger motorbike bicycle in A-1 each lot. Give size, location and|FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE; tion washer and floorman or truck elderly couple or people employed. condition, $28; and Crusader model best cash price. Address Wilmette $125 per month. Tel. Wil. 1302. driver. Best ref. Northbrook 220-R. Wilmette desired. Address Wilmette bicycle for girl from 10 yrs. up. Tel | Life, A-66. LTN29-tfc . LTN33-1tc pes LTN30-tfe | Life, 209. LTN33-1tp | Wil. 67. LTN33-1te