bo WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1924 13 Plans for Big Evanston Fair Occupy North Shore Women oan of women of social promi- nence in the towns from Evanston to Lake Forest are busying them selves these days with plans and ar- rangements for what promises to he the biggest event on the north shore this season, the FEvanston County Fair, to be given at 'the Patten gymnasium and the surrounding grounds, on June 19, 20 and 21, for the benefit of 'the North- western University settlement. In addition to exhibits, booths, candy, popcorn, peanuts, balloons, a circus, all that one associates with the phrase, county fair," special features will be a fashion show, Polish dancers, the Duncan sisters, and an attractive tea room where luncheon and supper will be followed by dancing. Mrs. Rollin 'W. Keyes, Mrs. Daniel H. Burnham, Jr., and Mrs. C. Donald Dal- las compose the executive committee. The town chairmen are: Mrs. Alfred Granger and Mrs. William Mitchell Blair for Lake Forest; Mrs. Frederick A. Preston for Highland Park; Mrs. Bruce Macleish for Glencoe; Mrs. Morris K. Wilson and Mrs. Fletcher Marsh for Winnetka; Mrs. Hugh The' pupils of John Borino, several of whom live in Wilmette, will appear in the annual recital to be given in Win- netka, May 25, at the Jane Kuppen- heimer hall, Skokie school, at 2:15 o'clock. Those taking part are: Doro- thy Tecotzky, Robert Nyborg, Eunice Giambastiani, Buster Mayer, Pearl Te- cotzy, Raymond Newmann, Phyllis Dal- ly, Helen Fulton, John Waidner, William Salmen, Josephine Ware, Charles Mc- Arthur, Allan Rosenthal, Agnes Erick- son, Nicasio Borino, Albina Kristhoff, Herbert Coppel, Clotilde Rosenthal, Emilie Eckart, Gordon Watson, Louise Eckart, Julia Balak, Vernon Voltz, Marie FEckart, Rose Dienstein, Henriet- ta Kgch, Glenn Allsebrooke, Camille Davis and Frieda Rosenthal. ts Mrs. Vernon McWelsh, 791 Foxdale avenue, entertained a few guests at luncheon on Wednesday, in honor of Mrs. Clifford Ewart. The Ewart fam- ily is leaving for New York about June 1, to be gone a year. --_O-- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cole, 143 Birch street, are to give a farewell dinner Foresman and Mrs, Mark Crests. oo and party, on May 28, for Mr. and Kenilworth; Mrs. Clifford Off for Ev- anston. Mrs. Walter Primley and Mrs. Thomas Iord are in charge of dona- tions and gifts; Mrs, Alanson Follans- bee and Mrs. Robert Lord are co-chair- men of the entertainment committee ; Mrs. Carroll Alton, Mrs. Norman T. Westerhold and Mrs. Harve Badgerow are the tea room co-chairmen with Ernst von Ammon in charge of the dec- orations; Mrs. Henry Kitchell Webster Mrs. Walter Dill Scott, Mrs. E. Crane Wilson, Mrs. Ballard Bradley, and Mrs, Allen Withers are in charge of hostesses. TY Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Anning and family have moved to the Evanston hotel, Evanston, where they will re. remain until they leave for New York about August 1. ; 0 Hitoshi Saito of Tokio, Janpan, son of Baron Saito, governor-general of Korea, was entertained last Friday and Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, David R. Kennicott, 1111 Spruce street. --_--Q-- Mrs. Adolph H. Ruth, 1345 North avenue, 1s expected to return to Win- netka the last of the week from Cal- ifornia and Nebraska, where she has been since March. --_--Q-- Mrs. Robert Cluett, 1147 Sheridan road, entertained the Garden club at her home on Wednesday. Mrs. M. Newhall of Olivet, Michigan, was the speaker. --_--Q-- The Infant Welfare society met Fri- day at the home of Mrs. Ralph Ho- bart, 660 Prospect avenue, where a FesSption and business meeting was eld. Mrs. Clifford Ewart of Ash street, {who will leave shortly to make their home in New York. J hv Announcement has been made by Mrs. Arnold P. Gilmore, formerly of Winnetka, of the engagement of her daughter, Mrs. Isabel Van Sicklen, to Lawrence Kendall ReQua of Pied- mont, California. iy The Winnetka Woman's Temple club decided at its meeting on Thurs- day evening to discontinue its ses- sions until fall. --Q-- On Tuesday, Mrs. A. O. Wilcox en- tertained at luncheon for Mrs. Frank Gay, who is leaving May 29, to make her home in California. Shion Mrs. Robert C. Price, 794 Walden road, returned to Winnetka on Thurs- day, after visiting her sister in Colum- bus, Ohio. --_--Q-- Miss Elias M. Osler, 848 North ave- nue, is expected to return from Cali- fornia on Saturday. She has been in the west for more than a month. Oe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Windes, 244 Forest avenue, returned this week from a short motor trip to Rockford, Illinois. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. J. .D. Pierce have moved from their home on Myrtle street to 133 Bertling lane. --( The L. M. Shermans are planning to leave about June 1 for Eagle River, Wisconsin. nn Take the Worry Out of Life! Mrs. Peirce C. Ward left on Mon- Pelerhone Wilmette 37 day for New York to join Mr. Ward. On Wednesday they both sailed for INSURANCE London. They will be abroad a month J. E. SWIFT TEAL or more. New York Life Agent --0-- 1017 Central Ave. Wilmette On Monday, Mrs. Frederick W. Copeland, Jos Sole street, is giv- ng a picnic for Miss Barbara Dun- : i ham and her fiance, John Luther Dole. Chicags Wisnetia -- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dennis of Chi- cago are occupying the Varney resi- dence, 535 Cherry street, for the sum- mer. The Varneys have left to go to Europe, . --g-- CLEANER Mrs. Horace G. Newhall, 654 Gar- land avenue, gave an informal lunch- Lake Forest Highland Park eon on Tuesday for a few friends. # Art Store . y -- Objets d'Art -- CAeusios wud Rare objects of beauty that Ny 2 of would delight any lover of Valuable Oil Art. Paintings Artistic Picture Orrington Hotel | Framing 1718 Orrington Ave. EVANSTON Telephone Evanston 9179 Mrs. J. W. Harris, of Long Beach, California, is arriving in Winnetka to- morrow to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. D. S. Lasier, 731 Lincoln avenue. --_--Q-- Mr. and Mrs. William Babcock have returned to their home on Ash street after visiting their son, Charles, who is a student at Dartmouth. Ort The Fred W. Fairmans, 227 Ash street, are expected home shortly from an European trip which took them abroad just after Christmas. Costume Slips of Quality H! what is more . Apropos as a cos- tume slip to wear under the many summer frocks in mi-lady's wardrobe. The new ones are of heavy Crepe de Chine, Radium and Voile. Attractively priced at Pool & PIPER 'INC: CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS letephone Evanston 973 PATENT COLTSKIN ONE-STRAP PUMPS BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF IMPORTED SOCKS TO MATCH OUR SHOES 1608 Chicago Avenue, at Davis Street EVANSTON, ILLINOIS [os=cs=, t jewelry. HE finest the Plaza Jeweler jewelry shop North Shore, maintaining a repair depart- ment for watches, clocks and i UIT im Tm 702 Church Street Phone Evanston 1848 One-Hour Service on Broken Lenses HATTSTROM & SANDERS Scientific & Manufacturing Opticians EVANSTON Open Thurs. & Sat. Eve. till 8 P. M. nnn Opposite Orrington Hotel Bp LIBRARY PLAZA HOTEL ORRINGTON HOTEL EVANSTON EVANSTON Lola B. Waller Showing at Th it e Varsity Dress Shop EVANSTON ATES'T creations in Women's Sportwear in all the new summer fabrics --Voiles, Tub Silks, Silk Foulards, Crepe de Chines, Linens, French Flannels and Washable Wool Chal- lies. Youthful styles such as smart dressers demand. Our stock 1s complete. Every garment is guar- anteed by the manufacturer as to color--quality and make. "A Garment Sold In This Shop Is a Garment That Fits," and is moderately . We are priced. the only distributors Telephone Evanston 4127 o f / Golflex Cho Versity Dress Shop oli Formerly The Children's Shop onli 531 Davis Street, Corner Chicago Avenue hha) Evanston - lllinois.