6 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1924 BOLM DANCE STUDIOS ~~ OPENED IN EVANSTON Adolph Bolm, America's premier ex- onent of ballet dancing, will again con- tribute to the artistic as well as the fin- ancial success of Metropolitan Opera produetions. Announcement has been made that Bolm, whose work with the Chicago Civic Opera was one of the high lights of last season, had affixed his 'signature to a Metropolitan contract for next season. The news has been joyfully received by his host of friends in the west. . Bolm will stage and dance the lead- Ing part in "Petrouska" by Stravinsky in March and April of next year. Bo'm created a sensation in this role as a member of Diaghileff Ballet Rusee dur- ing their memorable engagement at the Auditorium several years ago. + Several years ago Bolm was a valu- ed member of the Metropolitan forces where he staged "Le Coq d Or. His success with the Chicago company has given him a national reputation and under his direction his school of dancing is doing a great work in pre- paring .pupils for ballet work. Recent- ly a branch of the school has been open- ed in Evanston in response to demands rom the north shore communities. The Evanston branch is under the direct charge of Bolm himself and the great Russian dancer gives his personal sup- ¢rvision to all pupils as at the main school in the Blum building downtown. Realtors To Enjoy Real Vacation over Week-end Homeseekers at Winnetka will have to rest and wait until Monday if they want to be informed on property and homes. All the realty brokers have decided to become vacationists and have agreed to celebrate Decoration Day, Saturday and Sunday, away from the business offices, and have these three days with their families or with the fishing tackle. This three-day holiday is one of the longest the realtors of Winnetka have had for many years. To date they have spent a good portion of the holi- days and Sundays showing property to prospects. Some of the men agreed that they had always wanted to take a vacation but they could not make all the fellows do the same. But this time they all agreed to forget the realty business for the week-end. They all feel confident that after their vacation they will be ready to greet the prospects with alert service and a wealth of property. New Trier High Wins Tennis Tournament New Trier Township high school won the doubles at the north shore division of Suburban ILeague Tennis tournament held last Saturday at the New Trier courts. George Holloway of Glencoe and Ralph Whitsett of Wilmette composed the winning set. Chilly Weather Fails to Thwart the Auto Tourist Despite the cold spring the touring bureau of the Chicago Motor club reports an increase in touring of 43% in the month of April this year over the same month last year. "Given the same weather conditions as last year, this increase would no doubt have been between 70% and 75%," says L. A. Dickinson, manager NOTED PIANIST COMES FOR ARTIST-RECITALS Ossip Gabrilowitsch, the pianist, will apear in recital at the New Trier auditorium, . during November, in the second of the Artist-Recital series sponsored by the MacDowell Musical club of Winnetka. In the years of his advance the art Gabrilowitsch has acquired a patri- cian distinction that has placed him as one apart from the crowded ranks of contemporary artists. While his technique is masterly, it is quiet and unobstrusive. His playing of the piano is always to create music, not to give a display of gymnastics. A romanticist and imaginative poet, yet Gabrilowitsch is the possessor of an artistic dignity especially welcome in these later days of technique . and sentimentality. Ossip Gabrilowitsch was born in Petrograd in 1878, where he studied at the Conservatory of Music under the personal supervision of Anton Ruben- stein. Later he studied in Vienna un- der the great master Leschetizky. At eighteen years of age he made his de- but in Berlin, following this appear- ance with extensive tours throughout Europe, and in 1900 he came to this country. Here he has climbed to a height of artistic pre-eminence where there are few to compare with him. In 1918 Mr. Gabrilowitsch accepted the conductorship of the Detroit Sym- phony orchestra. As a conductor he has revealed the same extraordinary qualities which are such significant factors in his success as a piano vir- tuoso. Any one who heard him con- duct the Chicago Symphony orchestra as a guest conductor cannot fail to place him as one of the great conduc- tors of the day. In view of the much discussed prob- lems of assimilating foreigners who Nis If your eyes feel strained, per- haps all you need is a pair of resting glasses. Eyestrain is the cause of more headaches and nervous disorders than all other sources combined. "At the first sign of eye trouble you should seek an ex- amination." 14 Years of Successful Practice Dr. 0. H. Bersch Optometrist Former Mgr. Optical Dept. C. D. Peacock, Inc. 1177 Wilmette Ave. For Appointment Phone Wil. 2766 or Residence Wilmette 1707 Hours daily from 8:30 A. M. to 15 come to this country, it is of special interest that in 1909 Mr. Gabrilowitsch was married to Clara Clemens, the daughter of Mark Twain. He has more and more identified himself with the life of his adopted country until in 1921 he took the last step in the pro- cess by becoming an American citizen. Community House Has Appearance of Summer Indoor activities associated with Com- munity House are rapidly drawing to a close for the summer period and in many instances are being replaced by outdoor events. Gymnasium classes were concluded for the season this week and will not be resumed again until about Octobere 1. There is considerable activity about the community center in preparation for the annual summer camps near Luding- ton, Mich, and even the most casual observer senses the approach of the quiet summer season. Community House has enjoyed a year of remarkable success, surpassing any season heretofore, the new auditorium and various group rooms in the new structure having provided. facilities for enlarged activity in every depart- ment of the work. Get Your Oakland Car HERE HANSON MOTOR COMPANY 555-57 Chestnut Street Winnetka, Illinois Phone Winnetka 330 LEE SAYS: "Don't blame us for the chilly weather! We'd like it to warm up so that people would yearn for Ice Cream and Cold Drinks. But, cold or warm, our phone number remains Winnetka 2, and our Ford Lightning "Bug" gets things to you in a hurry." ADAMS PHARMACY Elm & Linden WINNETKA 2 Sign Painting ( 28553 550 Center St. of all kinds. Tubes and Special colors mixed. LEARN TO PAINT ALL THINGS I HELP YOU, SAVE MONEY, COME HERE RASMESEN'S PAINT STORE. Sign Painting PAINTING - DECORATING 0 [ls I= a -- -- en EE NS i TT of the touring bureau of the Chicago Motor club. 5:30 P.M. Eve's by appointment. In Our New Moving Day comes around every once in a while, and when it does, the prob- lem of getting a really good "mover" is always important. We make a specialty of moving household goods; moving them carefully, promptly and econom- ically. Call Winnetka 232 when moving day comes round to you! SULLY STORACESTIRAGEIER @& FIREPRCOF STORAGE PHONE WINNETKA 232 6 PROUTY ANNEX Location We realize that we are a little off the Main Drag, but it will only be for a short time, and we are going to ask our friends and customers to visit us in our temporary place on Prouty An- nex, next to the Exide Battery Service. We will move back to our Elm Street location about September 1st, where we will have an up-to-the- minute stock of Men's and Boys' Furnishings. In the meantime, we will do our very best to take care of your needs at our temporary store. WE THANK YOU! LE CEE = HTT TTT JOHN H. DETHLOFF MEN'S AND BOYS' FURNISHINGS gE LT TTT TTT 0 7 OO 786 Elm Street Telephone Winnetka 1077 0 = il a ES Siwy: ssi on bi. gui 0