22 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1924 THIS PAGE IS A MONEY SAVER FOR YOU TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. Telephones: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three MINIMUM CHARGE the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. : : Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 50c. Average of five words to WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. So FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE ON A modern farm very near Chicago? We have just listed two splendid farm properties within a very short distance of Chicago which we can trade for North Shore residences. These farms are modern and com- plete in every way including build- ings, equipment, stock, etc, and within commuting distance. They are worth in the neighborhood of $40,000.00. If you would consider trading your North Shore improved resi-, dence property for either of these |; farms, please get in touch with us. Quinlin& Tyson, Inc. Ev. 2600 Winn. 2199 LTN37-1tc VACANT--KENILWORTH TO HIGHLAND PARK 72 ft. on Walden Rd., $100 per ft. B62 ft.,, Euclid No. of Scott, $100 per Fountain Square, Evanston Prouty Bldg., Winn. 650 ft., Woodlawn and Lake, Glencoe, $75 per foot. Most beautiful wooded triangular lot a Kenilworth, 219x176x281, $16,- Higland Park's most beautiful sect., 176x128, $17,000. Will divide. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Exclusive Agent LTN37-1tc EAST SIDE; ENGLISH STYLE; floor dark red brick; and timber; 8-rooms; room and sun parlor, dining room; kitchen; breakfast room; lavatory, etc.; on first floor; second floor; 4 bedrooms; bath; 1 lavatory; space for second bath; third floor; space for 2 bedrooms; bath; etc.; one-car heated garage attached; A. B, C. oil burner; lot over half an acre; over- 18ST above stucco large living looking park; grounds beautifully landscaped; 1 block from public bathing beach, tennis courts and high school; 2 blocks from grammar school; 5 minutes walk from stations of C. & N. W. R. R. and Chgo. and North Shore Electric Line. Tel. Winn. 1845. T14-1te WILMETTE MODERN 9-ROOMS; 3 BATHS; EX. lavatory; Harding oil burner; ball- room; 2-car garage; fine trees; schools. Owner must sell. Best value in section. Lake St.; near 9th. Price $28,000. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Exclusive Agents LTN37-1tc Winnetka Sacrifice ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM FRAME; 2 baths; beautifully wooded and land- scaped lot; $13,500. Owner must sell. Make offer, Heinsen& Clark, Inc. 556 Center St. (formerly W. R. R. Ave.) Winnetka 264 LTN37-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--FIVE AND SIX room houses; new; modern; large lot; close to transportation, lake, golf course; $10,000 to $21,000. Also lots for sale, $30 a foot. William Otten, owner. County Line Road, 2 blocks west of Green Bay Rd. Glen- coe. Tel. Highland Park 898-Y3. LTN37-1tc Et EAR PA HE LS WANTED TO BUY--VACANT BUILDER WILL BUY FOUR OR FIVE lots in good neighborhood. Will con- sider frontage of 50 to 100 ft. for each lot. Give size, location and best cash price. Address Wilmette Life, A-66. LTN29-tfc FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--WILMETTE; 6-ROOM home; nicely decorated throughout; good east section; midway between "L" and steam; 50 ft. wooded lot; 2 or 3 yr. lease; $115 per month. See R.M.Johnston & Co. SITUATIONS WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES NORTH SHORE HOUSE, LAWN AND Garden Service, does expert house cleaning, window washing and floor waxing; also hedge and tree trim- ning by hour or contract. Winn. 1035. LT37-tfc EXPERIENCED COOK AND GIRL wants position. Call H. P. 2065. TN14-1tp FOR DRESSMAKING CALL MISS Carlsten; Winn. 911, before 8:15 A. M. T10-tfe EXPERT GARDEN WORK DONE BY hour or contract. Call Winn. 1902. LTN27-tfc CEMENT CONTRACTOR CALL EVANSTON 992. SAVE 10% TO 20% on your cement work. 20 years experience. Charles Abney, Cont. LTN36-tfec SITUATION WANTED--BY YOUNG married man as gardener on private estate; good references; life ex- perience. Tel. Wil. 821-R. LTN37-1tp EXPERIENCED MAN, WHITE, W'TS house cleaning and gardening; good references. Tel. Glencoe 770. Oliver Hertzberger. T13-tfc NORTH SHORE WINDOW & HOUSE Cleaning Co. 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winnetka 1994, Winnetka, Ill T9-tfe HOUSE CLEANING; WINDOW WASH- ing; auto driving; by the hour; call Highland Park 2065; Sam Williams. TN14-2tp WANTED--POSITION AS*HOUSEMAN FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--CABLE GRAND PIANO, bargain; also solid mahogany bed- room and dining room suites; ovei- stuffed tapestry davenport; porcel- ain lined refrigerator and Reliakle gas range; like new; 3 compartment fireless cooker; living room chairs. Owner leaving; furniture must be disposed of immediately. 626 Wash- ington Ave. Tel. Wil. 373 or 759. LT37 1tp Friday and Sat. June 20-21 For Sale -- Furniture, lamps, clocks, glassware, electric ironing machine. B. Becker, 187 Hazel Ave., Glencoe. R LTN37-1tc and yardman. Tel. Winn. 770. Mc- Kay, 1021 Spruce St. T14-2tc LANDSCAPE GARDENING. TEL. Wil. 1351. 418 Prairie Ave., Wil- | BARGAINS IN NEW AND USED SEW- mette. LT37-4tc ing machines; Drop heads, $9.00 and HELP WANTED--FEMALE WE HAVE A SPLENDID OPPORTUN- ity for someone desirous of making money at home in spare time or full time. Ray Studio, Evanston, Ill LTN32-tfc WANTED -- MAID OR MOTHER'S helper; white; clean; capable; own room and bath; good wages; good home; near transportation, Tel. Wil. 126 LTN37-1te REFINED SCHOOL GIRL AS MOTH- er"s helper; to be treated as one of the family; one-half block from lake in Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 440, 850 Sheridan Road. LTN37-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; I short hours; German perferred; 340 Linden Ave. Tel. Wil. 444 white; go home nights. Tel. Wil LTN36-1tc| 3113, 208 Wood Court. LTN37-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE; | WANTED--EXPERIENCED WHITE east side Winnetka; 6-rooms; 3 girl for general housework, 827 Ash- porches, living, dining and sleep-| land Ave. Tel. Wil. 2160. ing; for two months or longer LTN37-1tc period may be considered. Address, 237 Winnetka Talk. TN14-1tc | WANTED -- GIRL FOR MOTHER'S TO RENT--FURNISHED FOR JULY and August; 7-rooms; sleeping porch and breakfast room; nominal rental. Tel. Wil. 1357 or call 112 9th St. LTN37-1tc VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED COT- tage for season; Castle Park, Mich- igan; for full information call Har- rison 2443. LTN37-1tc FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--FOR THE SUMMER months; a 3-room and 2-room fur- nished apartment; each with bath and kitchenette; in Glen Gables in Glencoe; available June 16th. Tel. Glencoe 200. T14-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED APART- ment; 5-rooms; sleeping porch; un- til September. Tel. Winn. 1127, 1151 Chatfield Road, Hubbard Woods. LTN37-1tc _-- IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON 10 YEARS TIME OR MORE Location--Sheridan Road, Chestnut Ave., Ashland Ave. 7th Ave., 10th St., Lots'2, 7Tand 10, B. 1; 1L. 2, B. 2; with riparian rights, L. 4, B. 5; L. 3 and 4, B. 9; L. 9, 10 and 12, B. 10; L.5 B.13; L. 1 and 3, B. 17. John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. LTN29-tfc FOR RENT--OFFICES OFFICES, STUDIOS AND FLATS FOR rent. 566 Center St., Winnetka. LTN37-1tc FOR SALE OR RENT--GARAGE FOR SALE OR RENT---GARAGE very reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1069. T14-1tc WINNETKA LEAVING TOWN; MUST SELL 6-RM. house; sleeping porch; breakfast porch; beautiful yard; East Side; near schools; transportation; stucco on tile. Price $16,500; $5,000 cash; balance easy terms. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Exclusive Agents LTN37-1tc KENILWORTH MODERN HOME; 8-ROOMS; GARAGE; beautiful landscaped yard; large trees; 2 blocks station; East; priced to sell immediately. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. ; Exclusive Agents Opposite Steam Sta. Winn, 1800-1226 Near Oak St. LTN36-1tc ONLY $22.00 PER FOOT FOR QUICK sale. Large wooded corner lot, in Ravinia, one block from Green Bay Road, close to Ravinia Park, over- looking Skokie. Improvements which will be in within a year will more than double this value. Telephone owner, Lake Bluff 908, or Main 0276. LTN37-1tp Location--Construction-- Price HUBBARD WOODS--DUTCH COLON- ial; 5 bedrooms; 3 baths; sun par- lor and sleeping porch; beautifully landscaped; lot 8714x270; narrowing; weatherstripped; garage. Price $29,000. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Exclusive Agent LTN36-1tc FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT -- FRONT ROOMS IN private home; best east side loca- tion; near transportation, cafeteria and beach. Tel. Wil. 1940. LTN37-1tc TWO LARGE, LIGHT FURNISHED rooms; single or in suite; near lake, transportation; private bath. Tel. Winn. 1543. LTN37-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE helper; small home; 1 child; pleas- ant surroundings. Tel. Winn. 550-W. TN14-1tc WANTED--A SCHOOL GIRL TO LOOK after five year old boy; from 1 to 6, afternoons. 615 Elm Street. Tel. Winnetka 1180. T14-1tp WANTED--EXPERIENCED SECOND maid; white; references. Tel. Winn. 2191. LTN37-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; small house; good wages. Tel. Winn. 904. LTN37-1te YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HSE.- work. Tel. Winn. 1598. TN14-1tc GIRL WANTED--NATIONAL TEA CO. 623 Main St.,, Wilmette. LTN37-1tc up; Portable Electric Singers, White's, ete. from $24.50 up. Patter- son Bros. 816-818 Church St, Ev- anston. Bet. "L' and Postoffice. LTN35-tfe FOR SALE--LAWNMOWER; GARDEN tools; portable summer house; 3 dressers; 1 china cabinet; 1 ma- hogany standing lamp; 1 white enam- eled iron bed. Call Saturday and Sunday. H. Morris, 7256 Bluff St, Glencoe. TN14-1te FOR SALE--SIMMON'S METAL WAL- nut bed complete; mahogany mantle Westminster chimes clock; Wilton rug, 8x8 ft.; pictures; miscellan- eous articles; moving. Tel. Winn. 730. T14-1tc FOR SALE JACOBEAN DINING ROOM suite; painted black and white sun room set; desk; electric washer; kitchen table; dishes, and miscellan- eous odds and ends. Tel. Winn. 1333. LTN37-1te FOR SALE -- WALNUT UPRIGHT Bauer piano, good as new; dresser; chairs; refrigerator; garden hose. Tel. Winn, 6556-J, or Sunnyside 2853. -1te FOR SALE--MAHOGANY MANTEL clock, colonial style; Inglander bed; fireless cooker. Tel. Winn. R170: Te -1te FOR SALE--CHEAP--SOLID WAL- nut dining suite, good condition, 8- foot round table. Tel. Winnetka 1242. T14-1te FOR SALE--EASY WASHING MA- chine; Eureka vacuum cleaner, like new. Tel. Winn. 44. TN14-1te FOR SALE--3ABY CARRIAGE IN good condition. Tel. Winn. 1175. T14-1tc FOR SALE--BEDROOM SUITE AND other household furniture. Tel. Wil. 991-JX. LT37-1te GIRL FOR COOKING AND CARE OF child. Tel. Wil. 3010. LTN37-1tc SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--BY REFINED American lady as useful companion to elderly lady, good reader, would travel, or could take care of home in absence; highest ref.; could also fill office position; am an exp. bus. woman. Address Winnetka Talk, 238. . T14-1tc SITUATION WANTED--EXPERIENC- ed trained nurse for care of invalid or infant in private home; best ref- erences. Tel. Douglas 7254; 38615 Giles Ave., Chicago. T14-1tp SITUATION WANTED--BY COLORED dressmaker; wants a position as res- idential seamstress in refined family or by day. Tel. Glencoe 898. T14-1tc FOR SALE--LAUNDRY STOVE, USED 21% months, like new, $6.00. Tel. Wil. 821-R. LTN37-1tp FOR SALE--21 IN. PHILADELPHIA lawn mower, practically new, $10. Tel. Wil. 2104. LTN37-1te WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTN24-tfc WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE puys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash St. LTN1-tfe Good Used Cars 1920 Peerless sedan, painted, first class shape. Slocum Motor Sales Moon Dealers Telephone Evanston 10194 1029 Davig Sirest EVANS I.TN36-1tc just re- Dependable Used Cars 1923 Wills St. Claire, repainted $1,650 1923 Dodge Sedan, repainted ... 950 1920 Cadillac 59 touring ........ 700 1923 Ford Sedan, $100 equip- ment! ui. ci Ss eas aEs men 435 1919 Willys Knight touring .... 200 1922 Ford Del. good cond. .... 185 WERSTED MOTOR CO. Dodge Brothers and Wills St. Claire Dealers Tel. Winn. 165. LTN37-1te Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Jor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Evanston 140 Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers LTN29-tfc FOR SALE--OLDSMOBILE 1920, SIX; sport roadster; 2 extra seats; good tires, $225. Also Oldsmobile sport touring; baby eignly Jv Lc h time. el. nn. A ash of LTN37-1tp FOR SALE -- WAYNE TOURING home on Ford 1 ton chassis; Bosch ignition system; Stewart Warner speedometer; vacuum tank system; over sized cord tires; screens; heat- ers; toilet; Tesning Jyater) ) beds: ng; silver an shes. Tel. . bred LTN37-1te WILLYS-KNIGHT, MODEL 88-4, 7- pass. sedan, fine running condition, paint and tires good, fully equipped, price $600. Call Saturday and Sun- day. H. Morris, 725 Bluff St.,, Glencoe. TN14-1te KENNELS For Sale--St. Bernard and Chow Chow Pups EXCELLENT PEDIGREED SPECI- mens in robust health. Buy a pup or board your dog in the country where they are given the best at- tentior under the most healthful conditions, RIVEREDGE KENNELS Boarding and Breeding Half Day Road at Des Plaines river. Tel. Prairie View 285-W2 LTN37-1te HAVE ROOM FOR FEW DOGS IN private kennel for the summer. Give your pet the benefit of a summer in the country. For particulars. Tel. Northbrook 83. LTN36-3tc MISCELLANEOUS RENT-A-CAR DRIVE IT YOURSELF PAY BY THE MILE IDEAL FOR Salesmen Pleasure rides Doctors Week-end trips Collectors Fishing trips Realtors Hunting trips or While your car is in repair or paint shop. Open car, 13c per mile. Closed car, 16c per mile. These cars are insured for your pro- tection. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Tel. Winn. 165. LTN37-1te WANTED--PORCH FURNITURE IN good condition. Tel. Wil. 388. LTN37-1tc FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home; finished work and rough dry; also wet wash. Will call for and de- rooms; steam; hot and cold running liver, 418 Prairie Ave., Wil. Tel. 1351. water. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1030. LT37-4te LT-toe HIGH SCHOOL GIRL DESIRES EM- FOR RENT--LARGE FURNISHED ployment for summer; clerking or room for one person. Tel. Winn. light clerical work. Address Life, 533-R. TN14-1tp 34. LTN37-1tp . WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED--BY EMPLOYED COUPLE; home with congenial North Shore family and motherly care for boy of four. Address Life, A-223. LTN37-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--A LABORING MAN TO help with grading. Tel. Winnetka 069. TN14-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--CARE OF YOUNG BABY by nurse who has given splendid service with me 9 years. Tel. Glen- coe 374. LTN37-1tc BLACK DIRT, MANURE $2.50 per cubic yard in Glencoe and Winnetka, delivered. Landscape Gardening MATT CARETTA 409 Randolph St. Phone Glencoe 885 TN13-tfc FARROW CHIX; IN 100 LOTS. LEG- horns, $8.50; Barred Rocks, Single Reds, $9.50; Rose Reds White Rocks; $11.50; Wyandottes, Buff Orp., Minorcas, $12.50; assorted, $7.50. D. T. FARROW, CHICKERIES, PEORIA. ILL. LTN18-22tc Contrary to statements made in Chicago papers, the charges of the women I have for day work have not been changed. I have plenty of such women at the same price as heretofore-- $4 per day and carfare. Mrs. Bohannon Clothing sold on commission 1154 Central Avenue, Wilmette Telephone Wilmette 1170 LOST AND FOUND LOST--A BLACK AND WHITE BULL dog. Return to 358 Winnetka Ave. for reward. T14-1te HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE WISHES clerical position; general office work preferred; can do billing; good pen- man. Address Wilmette Life, A-235. LTN37-1tp WANTED --TO TAKE CARE OF children and assist in housework; go home nights. Tel. Winn. 477. LTN37-1te HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid, scraped, cleaned, Our own patent sanders Advance Floor Co. A. WASLEFF, Prop. 542 So. Dearborn St. LTN31-tfc RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS CARE of house during absence of family for room in return for services. Ad- dress Talk, A-223. T14-1tc GENTLEMAN'S OR FAMILY WASH- ing neatly done; will go out 1 day a week. Tel. Winnetka 650-R. TN14-1tp FOR SALE--75 ONE-YEAR-OLD PLY- mouth Rock hens, $1.00 apiece; cream separator, small, $10; seed cutter, new, $10; 1l-horse cultivator, $2; also a few brood coops. Tel. Wil. 876-R. LTN-37-1tc TAN KNITTED SPORT SUIT, 38; TAN crepe romaine beaded dress, 34; sand roshanara pleated skirt; all practical- ly new. Tel. Winn. 2170. T14-1tc PEDIGREED, WIRE HAIRED FOX terrier puppies; must sell at once, so moderately priced. Tel. Winn. 1906. TN14-1tc FOR SALE--REED BABY CARRIAGE, excellent condition, reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1338. TN14-1tc WHITE WOMAN WISHES LAUNDRY work; cleaning; will do other hse- work by day; if not in call evenings. Tel. Wil. 3129. T14-1tc WANTED -- WASHING: TO TAKE home; rough, dry or finished. Tel. Wil. 1403. T14-1te GIRL TO DO DAY WORK SERVING or hour work. Call Highland Park 2065. TN14-2tp WANTED TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED--SEVERAL PIECES REED porch furniture. Tel. Wil. 2104. LTN37-1te ---- PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIR- ing; old pianos made. new. L. W. Foster. Tel. Winn. 509-J. LTN29-tfc Skelton Still on Job Smashing Swim Marks Robert Skelton of the Illinois A. C. and a north shore man formerly of New Trier High school, broke the Olympic and American 200-mefter breast stroke swimming record in a trial heat of the Olympic tryouts at Indianapolis, Saturday. Skelton's time was 2:583/5 as compared with the Olympic record of 1912 when the dis- tance was made in 3:014/5. His time was one second better than the Amer- ican record held by himself. GIVES PAINTING TO N. T. The Girls' club at New Trier High school, realizing the school's lack of original paintings, has purchased a picture entitled "A Scene in New Hampshire," done in oil by Karl Buehr. This gift was presented to the school last Friday by Josephine MacRae, retiring Girls' club president. re ------