8 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1924 WINNETKA PUBLISHES BEACH REGULATIONS (Continued from Page 1) Spruce street, Elm street, Oak street, Cherry street and Willow street. In order to control the large crowds of pleasure seekers from outside the village, particularly on Saturday after- noons, Sundays and holidays, the fol- lowing policé regulations are posted: No bathing or picnicking is allowed at street ends. Parking of cars on Sheridan road and at street ends east of Sheridan road is not allowed. In the case of Winnetka residents and their bonafide guests the regulation re- garding bathing and picnicking at street ends is not rigidly enforced as it is de- sirable to extend the privileges of the street end beaches to our own citizens to the fullest extent without inviting an influx of outside crowds. It is re- quested, however, that Winnetka resi- dents observe strictly the rule regard- ing parking of cars on Sheridan road, and on street ends east of Sheridan road. Space on both sides of Maple ave- from Sheridan road south to Pine street is reserved for Winnetka cars, the oc- cupants of which are using the bath- ing beach and, other facilities at Lake Front park. Ware Private Property No picnicking or bathing is allowed on private property adjacent to the pub- lic parks and street ends without writ- ten permission from the owners. No picnicking is allowed on street park- ways. Without adequate regulation, our beaches, both public and private, would soon be over-run with irresponsible non- residents. Any measure of regulation is exceeding difficult to administer and re- quires the highest degree of patience and tact on the part of the police officers and cheerful and considerate co-opera- tion on the part of each and every Win- netka citizen. It is suggested that this co-operation can best be given along the following lines: Make use, as much as possible, of the public beaches provided by the park board at Lake Front park and at Elder lane park. . In case it is desired to bathe or pic- nic on private property, secure the per- mission of the owner, which in most cases will be cheerfully given to Win- netka residents and their guests. If spoken to by a police officer, bear in mind his difficult task of distinguish- ing you from a non-resident and re- member that he is merely endeavoring to do his duty by carrying out instruc- tions designed to enhance your pleas- ure and safety. WINNETKA BOYS T0 60 CAMPING Group Starts for Hamlin Lake on Monday Vacation days are here for the chil- dren, and the call of the out-of-doors is heard! A happy group of boys are busy pack- ing duffle-bags and suit cases, prepara- tory to leaving, Monday afternoon, for "Chief" Davies' camp at Lake Hamlin. They plan to gather at the Commun- ity house shortly after 5 o'clock, meet the councilors in charge of the party, receive final instructions and then go by electric car to Milwaukee, where they will take the steamer Nevada for Lud- ington, Mich. Arriving there early Tuesday morning, they will drive out to Lake Hamlin, where a launch will take them across the lake to camp and break- fast. Dr. Davies and his family have been in camp for the past two weeks, get- ting everything in shape. The camp cooks are there and everything is in readiness for the campers, and for the best summer in the camp's history. Eighteen days of hikes, swims, games, camp-craft, nature lore, conference dis- cussions, evenings around the camp-fire, when the waters of the lake sparkle in the moonlight and the song of the whip- poor-will is in the air, as together the camp leader and boys review the day's events, and listen to the tent-stunts, or a story by "Chief" Davies. After their reutrn, a large group of Winnetka girls will go to camp on July 14. | -- Jor Economical Transportation IT'S EASY TO PAY FOR A CHEVROLET WELLS-WESCOT CO., INC. 1103 Chicago Ave. Phone 8856-8857 Evanston Bloomington Evanston Peoria Among the boys going are: Edward Amory, Tommy Boal, William Brack- ett, Hinton Clabaugh, Gould Davies, Arthur Johnstone, Robert Hertel, Wil- liam Kurtz, Charles Markley, William McAdams, Joe Stixrud, Eugene Thoms, William VanHorne, David Wanger, Ives Waldo, George Ogan, Fred Fairman, Dick Goble, George Eisenbrand Walter Nieman, Jack Hamilton, Ewing Johan- sen, Thomas Johansen, George Campbell, Fred Rummler, Allen Stults, Jack Loeb. The party will be in charge of Dr. George Eisenbrand. Read the Want Ads The Touring Car *295 FE O. B. Detroit Demountable Rims and Starter $85 extra Helps millions enjoy their vacations Ford cars will carry millions on healthful, pleasant vacations this summer -- vacations that are inexpensive because of the low cost of maintenance of this reliable car. Everyone wants a car for the outdoor months. That means, of course, an unusually heavy demand for Fords. To avoid delays and disappointment list your order now. Fore flotorG Detroit, Michigan Runabout $265 Coupe $525 Tudor Sedan $590 Fordor Sedan $685 All prices f. o. b. Detroit SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Ford THE UNIVERSAL CAR king a small d t and arranging easy ry 'l Yousan pry oe , 3: you can buy on the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. terms for t The Ford dealer in your neighborhood will gladly explain both plans in detail ne, IN ALL THE WORLD NO CAR LIKE THIS JEWETT SIX ASK US WHY TRACY HOLMES MOTOR CO. EVANSTON NAN AN ANN NAN ANN AN NS NNN NN NN NNN NNN NNN Phone 4903 li A ea \ \ 1027 Davis St. NNN CN NN NNN NN NN NN AN ANN NN % THE SAYINGS AND DOINGS OF SPELD ODAY OF '3, BRAUN BROS, SERVICE ST): | THE MORE TIRED Your AUTO 1S THE EE that your auto is properly and re Skokie Motor Company | Jord LINCOLN "Buy at home and thoroughly tired before you start on the trip. Speed O'Day says that spare tires have done more to improve the language of auto drivers than any- thing else in the supply line. Phone Winnetka 1565 SRALD BROS. VICE: STATIO OAK ST. WINNETKA WILMETTE AVE.& RIDGE RD. WILMETT E-- get service at home" Phone Winn. 288-281 WINNETKA N SERVICE 712-14-16 ELM STREET SALES Cer ER A le i i EN