WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1924 113 Charming Program Given in Evanston for Children HE, Children's afternoon, on Tues- day, July 1, an annual event at the Evanston Woman's club, and al- ways an interesting occasion for young and old, was a most charming event. The program was given by graduates of the National Kindergarten and Elemen- tary college for the Woman's club and its many young guests. Miss Grace Hemingway of Oak Park, of wide experience as a story teller for Miss Grace Hemingway children, having appeared on Chautau- qua programs, at clubs, churches and schools all over the country, told stor- ies in costume. Miss Lillian Lyman of Evanston was most pleasing in her French Doll dance, and the Dance of the Court Jester. The Misses Nellie Ball, Rowena Mulford, Stella Nichol of Chicago, in their well known role of strolling minstrels, sang their jolly songs. At the close of the program, the chil- dren were led to the thought of our na- tional birthday. National music, a flag parade headed by Arthur Turner and Marjorie Helm as Uncle Sam and Col- umbia, brought the young guests to the garden where refeshments were served. Miss FEletta Austin' of the North Western University School of Music was the accompanist of the afternoon. Mrs. Harry G. Phillips, an active member of the North Shore Alumnae association of the college, was hostess for the after- noon, assisted by Mrs. Rollin Pease and Mrs. James Roy Skiles. -- Ov Hampton Ripley will spend the re- mainder of the summer at the Hill School camp, Wolfeboro, New Hamp- shire. Walter Ripley and = Francis Lackner are in Harrison, Maine, at the Kineo camp. = The Garden Club of Winnetka met this week in the field of peonies on the grounds of Clarence Hubbard's home on Hubbard road. Tea was served at 4 o'clock at Mrs. Archibald Shaw's resi- dence on Locust road. Or Miss Marion Fulton returned to her home on Hill road on Wednesday after attending a house party at White Sul- phur Springs, where she went directly after completing her college board ex- aminations. --_--Q-- The Fugene Rummlers, 954 Spruce street, will spend the summer at Grand Beach, Michigan. On their return they expect to move into their new home in Winnetka He ghts. beet io Miss Beatrice Ripley and Miss Har- riet Leonard, accompanied by Miss Hag- gerty of Roycemore, left on June 26 to travel through FEurope until the first of September. hos Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hale, 900 Willow street, are sailing July 12, on the SS Minnetonka for a short trip to England and France. They will be away five or six weeks. ---- Mr. and Mrs. James Prindeville and their daughter, Mary Ellen, have re- turned to Winnetka and are living at present in the John Edgar Freeman home, 185 Chestnut street. Os Mr. and Mrs. McFarland and their two sons arrived from South Dakota on Wednesday for a month's visit with the Charles McNies, 266 Forest avenue. --_--Q-- The Hubert Howards who have been living at 564 Arbor Vitae road have purchased a house at 643 Walden road, where they are moving about July 10. --O-- Dr. and Mrs. Delbert W. Poff re- turned last week from Peoria where they were called by the sudden death of Mrs. G. A. Primm. --O-- Mr. and Mrs. Julian Nolan and their family are planning to leave Hubbard Woods to reside in California. The weekly gatherings are being held each Monday afternoon during July and August by the North Shore Alumnae association of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college. Articles are being prepared at the meetings for sale at the College Corner of the Courtesy Shoppe, 508 Davis street, Evanston. Miss Anna F. Murray will be host- ess at the meeting on Monday, July 7, at- her home, 1312 Chuich street, Evanston. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Challinor, | 4510 North Winchester avenue, formerly of Wilmette, announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Mary, to Howard Warren Shaw of 1004 Spruce street, Winnetka, on August 15, at the Revenswood Methodist Episcopal church, Sunnyside and Hermitage ave- nues at 8 o'clock. A reception at the church will follow immediately after the service. iyi Mrs. Harvey Brewer is spending the summer at Covert, Linden Hills, Michi- gan. Oe Mr. and Mrs. Fitch Boswell, 881 Spruce street, announce the arrival of a son, June 22, North Shore Garden Club Arranges New Department The morning study class in gar- dening of the North Shore Gar- den club, under the direction of Professor H. B. Dorner of the Univer- sity of Illinois, met at the residence of Mrs. Julius Rosenwald, Tuesday morning, June 24 A new department of the club has been made in the formation of a com- munity service committee. There is a great need of vegetables and fruit at Sunset camp. The work of the community service committee will be to arrange for the collection of all such garden surplus from members of the club. Mrs. Arthur Byfield, 843 South Linden avenue, Highland Park, is the chairman, with Mrs. E. Lilien- field, chairman for Evanston and Wil- mette, Mrs. M. Spiegel, Kenilworth; Mrs. S. S. Stein, Winnetka and Hub- bard Woods; Mrs. D. Mayer, Glencoe; Mrs. H. Meyer, Ravinia and Highland Park, and Mrs. J. Kuppenheimer for Lake Forest. GIVES LINCOLN TALK OVER KYW Congressman Rathbone to Be Heard Wednesday Congressman-at-I.arge Henry R. Rath- bone of Illinois, is to deliver part of his celebrated address on Abraham Lincoln, on Wednesday evening, July 9, at 8:15 o'clock, over KYW, Chicago. Congressman Rathbone is a resident of Kenilworth. This address was originally delivered by Congressman Rathibone on February 12, 1924, before the House of Represent- atives and a distinguished audience in the gallery. It was an unusual honor conferred upon this new member to be chosen unanimously as the Lincoln's Birthday orator of the House. Invita- tions to repeat this address have been pouring in from all over the country and Congressman Rathbone recently spoke on the same subject over the Washington radio. The following com- ment from the Washington Times of February 12, 1924, accurately describes the manner in which his speech was re- ceived by Congress: "Abraham Lincoln was eulogized in the House this afternoon by Congress- man Henry Rathbone of Illinois, whose parents sat in the Presidential box at the old Ford Theatre here on the night Lincoln was shot by Booth. "Prolonged applause followed the Congressman's fifty-minute speech. Pro- ceedings in the House were brought sud- denly to a halt when practically the en- tire membership on the floor at the time rushed toward Rathbone with out- strétched hands extending to him their congratulations on his talk. "Probably no other man in Congress was more qualified to eulogize Lincoln and his talk was therefore of more than usual interest." Chicago Winnetka . CLEANER Lake Forest Highland Park Che Unttage East Side of Sheridan Road Just North of Wilmette The Newest Place on the North Shore to get refreshments and Dance. Come and enjoy the cooling breezes of Lake Michigan MUSIC BY The North Shore's Most Popular Orchestra "THE VAGABONDS" (7 pieces) Room No. 2. of 8 and 1 o'clock. Viola M. Specht Announces the opening of her summer classes in classic, aesthetic, and toe dancing, at her new studio; Village Theatre Building For particulars call Wilmette 5 between the hours SQ LLLRLLLLLLLLYLYLVLLLVLLLBVLIAD fe} fe} el ec} o % 818 Elm Street cl el fel 3 Real Service is rendered to Antiseptic Shampooing, > Skin and Scalp. ec} ¥ < ». Indu Beauty Shop ETHEL M. TAYLOR, R.N. Marecelling, Scalp Treatments, Facial Massage and correct care of the Winnetka 2176 the patrons of this shop in Water Waving, HOH60B0G605000000 GHOO000005500000500000B000006660068 "HOLE IN ONE" week while playing in the annual C. H. Hurtt, 708 Park avenue, Wil- | tournament of the Iowa National Elec- mette, who is the Chicago manager for | tric Light association at the Fort the Sangamon Electric company, en-| Dodge Country club. Hurtt's ace came tered the hole-in-one golf club last!on a 163 yard drive at the sixth hole. ANS oe AE Northfield \ Inn RooseveLT] A 0 12 Minutes by Motor to 0 Bartelme's SL=-JMNorthticld Inn om WAUKEGAN ROAD at NORTHBROOK = ES ES CC = fl PREVENT MOTH DAMAGE | To Your Winter Clothing Do You Know That Moths Destroy More Than $200,000,000 Worth of Valuables Every Year in the United States? Well, they do. Before hanging your winter clothing away for the summer, bring it Kj is in to us for Cleaning and Pressing, and we will return it to you in Moth-Proof Bags: 'Then there will be no danger of Moth Holes when you are ready for them in the Fall and Winter. We make no Extra Charge for this Extra Service. We will Call for and Deliver all your work Promptly. We clean Domestic and Oriental Rugs, Curtains, Clothing and Fabrics [H] of any kind as they should be cleaned. We also do repairing. You will be more than pleased with our service. DYERS I ARIS I ; CLEANERS Inc. Phones Wilmette 7-2-7 Evanston 5690 Winnetka 7-2-7 Highland Park 3-1-3 W " Plant--578 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA Phones i x » . » nu w " ASPER cn NATIONAL PARK New thru service JASPER NATIONAL PARK Gem of the Canadian Rockies Through sleepers between Chicago and Jasper National Park via the Chi- cago & North Western Line and Cana- dian National Rys. Open observation cars through the Canadian Rockies. Lv. Chicago daily (C. & N. W.) 5:30 p. m. Ar. Duluth 8:30 a. m., Winnipeg 9:15 p. m. (next day), Jasper 8:40 (3rd morning). Corresponding return service. Canada's grandest vacation region becomes read- ily accessible. A national park as big as Con- necticut. 100 towering peaks--many unnamed, rainbow-hued lakes, glittering glaciers, mighty waterfalls. Spend a cool summer at Jasper Park Lodge with its Alpine setting in the heart of these many scenic attractions. If bound for the Pacific Coast, stop off en route, Greatly Reduced Fares No passports required. For descriptive booklets and full information, apply = Rs ort - IE arises i M. H. Lieber, Ticket Agent il) Ii 1F C. & N.'W. Ry. ant didvan Winnetka, III. Hp Tel. 13 a.