WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1924 THIS PAGE IS 4 MONLY 'S CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notices--C'assified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three MINIMUM CHARGE the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. Deadline for Insertions---Classified advertisements will papers. Evanston to 50c. Average of five words to be ac- cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. or WINNETKA 2000-2001. : 4 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE Investment securities Insurance J. H. SCHAEFER Realtors 909 Ridge Ave. Tel. Wil. 364 1LTN43-1tc LOTS IN INDIAN HILL $40 TO $68 A FOOT. SUNSET ROAD, $125 a foot. Bertling Lane, $100 a foot. Acre Homesites, $25 to $40 per foot. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Phones Winnetka 1800 Winnetka 1226 1LTN43-1te IN GAGE"S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON 10 YEARS TIME OR MORE Location--Sheridan Road, Chesthut Ave, Ashland Ave, 7th Ave. 10th St, Lots 2, 7 and 10, B. I; L,. 2, 8B. 2; with riparian rights, IL. 4, B. 5. Xa 3 and 4, B. 9; L. 9, 10 and 12, B. 10; L.5 B, 13; 1. 1 and 3B. 17. John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. 1LTN29-tfe - For Sale For Sale--Choice, well shaded building lot, 42x190; good neigh- borhood; west side of Winnetka. Reasonable at $3,500. 415 Provi- dence. Tel. 471. 1LTN43-1tc FOR SALE--$275.00; - HIGH WOOD- ed lot; in pleasant summer colony on shore of Lake Michigan. 'Easy trip from Chicago. cottages; convenient to supplies, ete. ; beautiful beach; ideal for children. Address Mrs. H. Brewer, Covert, Linden Hills, Mich. 1TN20-1te LINCOLN AVENUE LOT EAST WINNETKA OWNER WILL SACRIFICE CHOICE 'home site three blocks north of Elm St., East front; wonderfully wooded; choicest neighborhood. Phone Ev- anston 4264 evenings. 1LTN43-1tc FOR SALE -- 5-ROOM BUNGALOW; all improvements; attic; hard wood floors; built-in china cases; screened porch; near golf club and transpor- tation; good basement. Deal with owner. 653 Chicago Ave., Highland Park. 1LTN43-1tp WINNETKA--MUST SELL MY HOME, 1066 Ash St, six rooms, two car garage, fine garden, shrubs, flowers, lot 50x187. Price $12,500, reduced to sell at once. Reasonable terms. Phone Winnetka 1226 1LTN43-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--5 AND 6 RM. houses; new; lgr. lots; close to trans., lake, golf course; $10,000 to $21,000. Also lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. County Line Rd. 2 blks. west of Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland PK. 898-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfc BUILDER WILL BUY FOUR OR FIVE lots in good neighborhood. Will con- sider frontage of 50 to 100 ft. for each lot. Give size, location and best cash price. Address Wilmette Life, A-66. 1LTN29-tfe LARGE LOT; SMALL BUNGALOW; furnished; garage; chicken house; all for $8,750. No agents. 1332 For- est Ave, Wilmette. 1LTN43-1tp Running water in| FOR SALE--ONE OF GLENCOE'S choice home sites, 11% blocks from entrance to Skokie Golf Club grounds. Corner lot 75x182; attrac- tive 4-room house on rear of lot, with ample space for another bed- room in attic. Price, $11,000. Phone Glencoe 790. 1T20-1te THREE EAST SIDE RAVINIA FOR- est lots; for sale by owner; near Ravinia Park. Tel. Wil. 1565. 1565. 1LTN43-1tc 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--7-ROOM FURNISHED house; desirable location. From August 12 to October 1. Tel. Win- netka 2144. 2T20-1te FOR RENT--S8-ROOM BRICK; H. W. H.; Winnetka; October 1st Poss. Address Life 258. 1LTN42-4tp FOR RENT--S8-ROOM BRICK; H. W. H.; Winnetka; October 1st Poss. Phone Kenilworth 2016. 2LTN42-4tp ---- 8 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED front rooms to one or two persons; could arrange for light housekeep- ing. Tel. Winnetka 1860; before 10:30 A. M. 8T20-1te TWO LARGE, LIGHT, FURNISHED room; gentleman. Tel. Winnetka transportation; private bath. Tel. Winn. 1543. SLTN42-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1080. 8LT1-tfe FOR RENT -- WELL FURNISHED rm. near lake and transportation. Tel. Winn. 1921. SLTN43-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED APART- ment; also rooms. Tel. Wilmette 1183. 8LT43-1tp FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM near transportation. Tel. Winn. 478. SLTN43-1tp FURNISHED ROOM; NEAR STATION and restaurant. 960 Linden Ave. Winn, 234. SLTN43-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; private family; gentleman preferred. Call Winn. 1686. 8T19-tfe FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED room; gentleman. Tel. Winnetka 1470. 8T20-1tc 16 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD 22 LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE--GOOD AS NEW: NO. 40 double hair mattress cost $40. Best quality box spring cost $35. High grade double brass bed. All three pieces, $35. Tel. Winnetka 110. 845 Spruce St. 16TN20-1te REMOVAL SALE -- ALL SECOND hand furniture and some good anti- que. Lindwall, 508 Linden St, Win- netka. 16TN20-1te FOR SALE--PORCH BED, WHITE; spring and mattress; also two full- sized mattresses. Tel. Winn, 322. 16LTN43-1tc FOR SALE--CLARK-JEWELL GAS range; model E-274; 3 years old; $25. Mrs. Levering Moore, 536 South Ave., Glencoe. 16TN20-1te LOST--IN WINNETKA OR BETWEEN Winnetka and Rand Road South, on Saturday, July 19, man's travel- ing bag, black, marked outside J. P. B. Union League Club. Reward for return to Union League Club, Chi- cago, or 776 Prospect Road, Winnet- ka. Tel. 70. 22T20-1te 21 FINANCIAL REAL ESTATE LOANS. LEON J. Klein & Co., Chicago's Largest Sec- ond Mortgage Bankers. We also make small first mortgages. Rm. 611, 155 N. Clark St. Tel. Dearb. 3095. Con- fidential. You might be satisfied else- where; your are sure to be with us. 21LTN40-4tp 23 CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS FOR SALE--FRENCH GREY WICKER floor lamp; table lamp and small rocker. Glencoe 468. 16TN20-1tc FOR SALE--IRON BED, SINGLE, $5; Book-shelves, oak, $10. Tel. Winn. 972. 16T20-1te FOR SALE--GAS RANGE: IN A-1 condition. Can be seen Sunday at 1062 Ash St. Phone 508-J. 16T20-1tp FOR SALE--REFRIGERATOR, 200 LB. capacity, cheap. Tel. Kenilworth 1399. 16LTN43-1tc 17 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Garages Built to Order A.C. HU LERTZ Builder of Better Homes 3602 McLEAN AVENUE Belmont 6713 23LTN42-4tp 10 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--MAN TO DO JANITOR work around printing office; one evening a week and Saturday after- noon. Apply: Lloyd Hollister, Inc, 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette. 10L.TN43-1tp WANTED--BOY TO CUT LAWN AND wash car; one day a week. Tel. Winn. 602. 10T20-1te 11 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 3 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED -- UNFURNISHED HOUSE; occupancy about October 1st; lease two years or more; seven or eight years; very respectable party. Tel. Winnetka 1414. 3T20-1te WANTED--UNFURNISHED 7 OR 8- room house for one year or more; starting Sept. 15 or Oct. 1st. Tel. Winn. 866. 3TN43-1te WANTED--FURNISHED HOUSE FOR September and October; two adults; best references. 230 Fairview Rd. Tel. Glen. 711. 3N28-tfe WANTED--UNFURNISHED 7 OR 8 room house for one year or more starting Sept. 15 or Oct. 1st. Tel. Winn. 866-1215. 3TN43-tfe 4 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 3 FOR RENT -- FURNISHED 4-RM. apartment nr. transp.; redecorated, all front rooms with nice outlook and plenty of light. $75 per mo. Apply Mr. Wersted, 562 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 165. 4LTN40-tfc FOR RENT--SIX ROOMS SUITABLE for offices or apartment; centrally lo- cated in Wilmette. Phone Win- netka 1931. 4LTN42-2tc FOR RENT--APARTMENTS AND OF - fice rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. Winnetka 62. 4L.TN43-tfe 6 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES Business Space I HAVE OVER 5,000 SQ. FT. OF space available in the theater build- ing on Central avenue, Wilmette. This building. can be used by a re- tail, light manufacturing or automo- bile sales concern. Alterations will be made for a responsible tenant and substantial lease given. Phone Dear- born 8425, A. J. WEISBERG CONWAY BLDG. 6LTN42-2tc 8 FOR RENT--ROOMS WOULD LIKE TO COMMUNICATE C. S. or Protestant couple desiring two rooms with light housekeeping privileges. Hubbard Woods. Tel. Winnetka 567. SLTN43-1te tors. Lloyd C. Ayres Heinsen & Clark A. D. Herrmann Hill & Stone Hill & Wheeler Gilbert D. Johnson & Bro. R. M. Johnston & Co. Murray & Terry E. P. Maynard & Co. REALTOR Stands for The title REALTOR signifies that the user is an active | thember of an organization whose methods have elevated the real estate business to the plane of a dignified profes- sion; that he is pledged on his honor to abide by a "GOLDEN RULE CODE OF ETHICS" render his clients the best service an experienced and honest broker should render, friendly relationship and respect for all worthy competi- There are approximately 20,000 Realtors in about 500 cities in the United States and Canada. The following are active members of the North Shore Real Estate Board and are legally entitled to make use of the word REALTOR and all of its privileges. that he will and that he will cultivate a Clark T. Northrop Frank A. Reid Schaefer & Golbach W. G. Stacey & Co. Frederick B. Thomas & Co. Mrs. D. E. Wink Wyatt & Coons WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE girl for general housework; willing to assist with children; $18. Win- netka 1224. 11TN20-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE maid, clean, competent; best wages; private room and bath second floor. 1133 Lake Ave. Tel. 126 11LTN43-1tc WANTED--EXPERIENCED WHITE girl for housework or mother's help- er; desirable place. Tel. Glen. 494. 11LTN43-1tc WANTED--STENOGRAPHER; HOURS 8 A. M.-12 noon each day. Tel. Win- netka 1030. 11LTN43-1te WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 17TLTN24-tfc ------ 18 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES LATE MODEL Rickenbacker COUPE New tires; 2 bumpers; mo- tormeter; stop light; spot light; step plates; fine me- chanical condition. Uphol- stery like new. Price right. ReoEvanstonCo. 1101 Chicago Ave. Evanston 6194 Old and New Floors Ball Rooms a Specialty ARTHUR G. BESS Floor Surfacing Contractor Phone Wilmette 389 1458 Lake Ave. Wilmette, Ill. 23LTN43-1tc 25 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE NORTH SHORE HOUSECLEANING Service cleans wall paper and paint work; expert furniture polishing, floor waxing and housecleaning by reliable white houseman; prices rea- sonable. Edward T. Handy, 418 Linden Ave. Tel. Wil. 1647, 7-8 A. M. or 628 P. M. 25LT43-3te WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home; finished work and rough dry; also wet wash. Will call for and de- liver. 418 Prairie Ave., Wil. Tel. 1851. roadster, in excellent running condi- WANTED -- POSITION AS CHAUF- feur by colored man. First class, References. Tel. Winnetka 165. 13TN19-1tp WANTED -- POSITION AS CHAUF- feur; 12 years experience; married; does own repairing. Good references. Address Talk, 589. 13LTN43-1tp 14 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE CHILDREN CARED FOR MORNINGS and evenings by refined young wom- an who understands kiddies. 385c¢ an hour. Tel. Wilmette 866-M. 14LTN43-1te 13 SITUATION WANTED--MALE tion. Tel Glencoe 779. 18N28-1te EXPERIENCED GARDENER AND houseman has one or two days each week open for additional work. Ph. 1923 Dodge sedan, Maxwell Winnetka 563. 13TN20-1te sport coupe. Always rebuilt Moon cars. Slocum Motor Sales MOON DEALERS Ev. 10194 1029 Davis St. Evanston 18LTN43-1tec Tel. DEPENDABLE USED CARS FOR SALE--RECEIVED IN TRADE on new Dodge Brothers and Wills Sainte Claire Motor cars. WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka, Ill. ' 48LTN43-1te WANTED--POSITION BY COLORED girl as laundress in private home, First class; references. Evangton 6608. 14L'TN43-1tp WHITE WOMAN WISHES 4RONING and cleaning; will do other house- work by day. Wil. 3129. 14L.T43-1te POSITION WANTED--BY RELIABLE middle-aged woman as housekeeper or nurse for few weeks. Tel. Win- netka 404. 14LTN43-1te SEWING AND SMOCKING: NEAT and reasonable. "Children's dresses a specialty. Tel. Wil. 502-J. 14LTN43-1te WANTED--LAUNDRY WORK TO DO Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Evanston 140 Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers 18LTN42-tfe FOR SALE -- 1920 OLDSMOBILE; motor recently overhauled; $200. Wil. 1615. 18LTN43-1tp $100.00 Will Buy This AUTOMOBILE in good working condition with references. Tel. Evanston 5711. 14LTN43-1tp WANTED--WASHING AND IRONING to take home; experienced laundress. Tel. Wilmette 834-R. 14LT43-1tc TWO YOUNG GIRLS WISH POSITIONS in store; 16 and 17 years old. Tel. Winnetka 639-W. 14T20-1tp REFINED GIRL WANTS POSITION as nurse girl. Tel. Glencoe 167. 14TN20-1te WANTED--WORK, GENERAL CLEAN- ing or laundry by day. Tel. Glen- coe 682. 14TN20-1te FOR DRESSMAKING CALL : MISS Carlsten; Winn. 911, before 8:15 A. M. 14T10-tfec WANTED--POSITION AS CHILD'S nurse; call Winnetka 2015. 14T20-1tc WANTED -- TO TAKE LAUNDRY home. Tel. Wilmette 2708. 14TN20-1tc 15 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE MAN AND WIFE WANT PLACE IN private . family. Tel. Glencoe 446. 15TN20-1te 16 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS BARGAINS IN NEW AND USED SEW- ing machines; Drop heads, $9.00 and up; Portable Electric Singers, White's, etc. from $24.50 up. Patter- son Bros. 816-818 Church St., Ev- anston. Bet. "L" and Postoffice. 16LTN35-tfc FOR SALE--RELIABLE GAS RANGE: kitchen cabinet nearly new; upright piano; rocking chair; hand washing machine. Phone Winnetka 532-J. Monday. 16T20-1tp at home. Phone Evanston 9495. Phone Wilmette 14LT43-1tc 3035 LIGHT HOUSEWORK, HALF OR 18LTN43-1tc whole day. Evanston 3864. 14L'TN43-1tp EXPERIENCED MAID; COLORED; |19 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS BLACK DIRT, MANURE $2.50 per cubic yard in Glencoe and Winnetka, delivered. Landscape Gardening MATT CARETTA 409 Randolph St. Phone Glencoe 885 19TN13-1fc FOR SALE--HOUSE 12x12; SUITABLE for either garage or chicken coop. Price, $50; purchaser to remove same within a week. Apply R. P. Weingarten. 860 Lincon Ave. Tel. Winnetka 2003. 19T20-1te FOR SALE--3 AND 5 GAITED REG- istered Kentucky breed saddle horses. For information write How- ard Dickey, c¢/o Martindale Farm, Paoli, Indiana. 19LTN43-1te FOR SALE--DROP LEAF SEWING machine, $8; also $45 Black Reed bay carriage in perfect condition, $20. Tel. Wilmette 580. 19LTN43-1tc FOR SALE--GIRL'S SCOUT SUIT, size 12, complete for $5.00, like new. Tel. Wil. 2590. 19LTN38-tfp FOR SALE--3-DOOR ICE-BOX; CA- pacity 100 1b; blue reed baby stroller, $10.00. Tel. Winn. 173. 19LTN43-1te 20 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash St. 20LTN1-tfc WANTED--SMALI. SIZII BOY'S BI- cycle; good condition. Tel. Glen. 440. 20L'TN43-1tc 22 LOST AND FOUND Other Good Used Cars 25LT41-4tc 18LTN43-1te -- 29 BUSINESS SERVICE FOR SALE CHEAP -- 1920 NASH]|U-DRIVE CARS FOR RENT. PAY by the mile. WERSTED MOTOR CO. Tel. Winnetka 165 29LTN39-tfe Wilmette Auto Electric Service Specializing in generators, starters, magnetos and rewiring cars. Authorized dealers for Delco, Remy, Bosch, Gray and Davis, and Spartan horns. 1209 Washington Ave. (rear) Tel. Wil. 691 29LTN39-5tc VET PRAISES N. W. COURSE Classes New Golf Links With Finest "This is my second game on a public links and the 159th individual golf course over which I have followed the ball," said F. T. Stanton of Chicago to a WiLMErTE LIFE representative after completing a round on the new North- western links. "Dad," as Mr. Stanton is known to his intimate friends, resides at the Union League club in Chicago and is a member of the Hinsdale Golf club. Mr. Stanton played the Northwestern in a week-end foursome with Paul Fow- ler, Harry M. Bachman and Frederick Tilt of Wilmette. On being further questioned Mr. Stan- ton stated: "It is amazing to me to see these fine public courses being built and I wonder if the golfers in this commun- ity realize what exceptional golfing fa- cilities are being provided. Take this Northwestern course for example; if we had had a course like this in the earlier days the National champion events would have been played on it. "Most golf club members point with pride to one or two of the most interest- ing holes, but here you have 13 unusually good holes. Natural hazards, water holes and a delightful view from any place on the course. Taken as a whole the Northwestern is far ahead of the usual first year condition." The long golfing career of Mr. Stan- ton enables him to speak authoritatively as his experience ranges from the Na- tional Links of the Atlantic to the Peb- ble Beach on the Pacific. His play is down the middle) from tee to cup. ALL-WINNETKA CREW Dr. Frank W. Blatchford, owner of the 45-foot schooner "Chipmunk," took with him as his crew in the Mackinac LOST--BUNCH OF KEYS ON CHAIN ring. Finder return to Holland Furnace Co. Carlton Bldg, Win- netka. Reward. 22T20-1tp Yacht race last Saturday Ayres Boal, N. H. Blatchford, Jr. Knowles Pittman, Lawrence Howe and Frank Blatchford, | Jr. ~ remarkably consistent R. D. M. (right +,