WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1924 JUNE BIG TINE FOR CADILLACS Chicago Branch Enjoys a Boom Period June, 1924, was the biggest business month in the history of the Chicago branch of the Cadillac Motor Car com- pany, according to L. B. Southerland, branch manager. Never before has the Chicago branch handled so many Cadil- lacs as in the last month. "The extraordinary business for the month," said Mr. Southerland, "un- doubtedly is due to the rise in grain prices and the stabilizing effect the last two months have had on the agricultural field. Industrials, too, are firmer and the predictions of a coming season of extremely good business have brought cheer to the country." Mr. Southerland said that the con- dition of business is reflected in motor car purchases. "Business along motor row," he said, "is one of the best barometers of busi- ness in the country. When there is a falling off of automobile sales, it is in- dicative of an unsettled condition, but the tremendous sales we have been en- joying forecast only one condition--good sound business which is on the upgrade. "This steady business condition, with the qualities incorporated in the new V-63s," Mr. Southerland said, "virtually have broken down the little sales re- sistance met among prospective buyers." Shantz to Command Unit of the National Guard Joseph E. Shantz, Wilmette post- master, was elected commander of the First Infantry ot the Illinois National Guard this week. Mr. Shantz is a captain of the organization and has been a member since 1890. The First Infantry was formed in 1872 and has a membership of 800. Most of the members are residents of Chicago and suburbs. Among the members are Gen. Joseph B. Sanborn, Gen. Abel Davis, Gen. James M. Ed- dy, former Governor Frank O. Lowden, Alexander H. Revell, William Tracy | Alden, Maj. George R. Harbaugh, Ly- man Drake, Chancellor I. Jenks, and many other prominent Illinoisans. Tree Surgeon Is Injured in Fall from Tall Tree While working on a tree on a Sheri- dan road homesite, last Monday after- noon, the limb on which Stanley Miller, 893 Elm street, was sitting broke and he dropped a distance of 12 feet before the safety rope attached to his waist checked his descent. While Miller was thus suspended about 30 feet above ground, his fellow workman, Charles Nelson, rushed to the rescue and brought him to terra firma. Dr. A. H. Wales was summoned and after an examination discovered that Miller had suffered no broken bones, although it was feared that he may have been internally injured by the impact when the safety rope halted his fall. Mr. Miller is about 21 years of age and is employed by Thomas J. Lynch, tree surgeon. Baha'i Temple Summer Lectures Are Announced Lectures and meetings at the Baha'i temple, Linden avenue and Sheridan road, Wilmette, have been announced | ff as follows for the summer months: July 27--The Conformity of Divine |= Religions with Reason and Science. August 3--The Greatest Thing in the World. August 10--'Abdu'l-Baha's Solution of the Economic Problem. August 17--The Universal Ten Commandments. August 24--How Would Christ Establish a World Court? August 31--The Eternal New Com- mandment. : The lectures will be held at 3:30 o'clock on Sunday afternoons in the Foundation auditorium of the temple. Other summer meetings for Baha'i followers and friends are scheduled to be held on Saturday evenings at 8 o'clock in the home of Mrs. E. Lund- berg, 3937 Clarendon avenue, Chicago, and on Sunday evenings at 7 o'clock in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Zia M. Bagdadi, 207 Third street, Wilmette. Supreme Court Sustains Washburn Skokie Appeal It will be of interest to Winnetkans to learn that the appeal of William D. Washbhrn of Evanston, owner of property in the Skokie valley, was re- cently sustained by the Illinois Su- preme court from a decision in the Superior court of Cook county which set forth that the Forest Preserve District of Cook county was acting within its rights in proceeding with negotiations to purchase the Skokie owned by Mr. Washburn. The Supreme court held that the Superior court was in error in deny- ing Mr. Washburn's appeal for an in- junction restraining the Forest Pre- serve District from purchasing his property. "A CATHOLIC CHURCH" Rev. Von Ogden Vogt, of Chicago, who is supplying the pulpit of the Winnetka Congregational church dur- ing Rev. J. A. Richards' vacation, will preach on "A Catholic Church" at the services on July 27. Hemstitching, Pleating and Button Making Parisian Dyers & Cleaners, Inc. 578 Lincoln Ave. Phone Win. 727 Wash Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Boys' Ages 2to 8 684 suits, consisting of all broken lots of our Suits regular stock, all guaranteed fast colors. Re- : duced for immediate clearance. Suits formerly priced to $3.50 now............. $1.95 Suits formerly priced to $5.00 now............. 2.95 'Suits formerly priced to $6.50 now......... seve SOD Suits formerly priced to $8.50 now............. 5.95 46 Dozen Boys' Hats--Caps --including straws-- Reduced to Half Price TARR BEST RANDOLPH AND WABASH All North Shore Electric Trains Stop at Our Door, Randolph and Wabash Winnetkan Heads Selling Force for Memorial Park John H. Muhlke, 647 Garland avenue, Winnetka, has recently been appoint- ed general sales agent on the north shore for the Memorial Park Cemetery association. Mr. Muhlke advises that this cem- etery is non-sectarian and emphasizes the perpetual care feature. He states that lots are selling rapidly. A valuable aid in planning a vacation. Brimful of in- formation about the Great North Woods of Northern Wisconsin--Upper Michigan. Includes pictures, maps, list of hotels and resorts. Ask for your copy now. Apply M. H. Lieber, Ticket Agent C.&N.W. Ry. Winnetka, Ill. Telephone 13 819-E SPECIAL three layer brick BANANA ICE CREAM between VANILLA with PECANS c Ristow Confectionery, Hubbard Woods Pharmacy Kenilworth Pharmacy . Full Quart Brick "Purer Because Carbonated" Adams Pharmacy, 782 Elm St. G. Matteoni Bros., 742 Elm St. Snider-Cazel Drug Co., Hubbard Woods PPL LLLLLLLL LLL LLLLL LL LLL ELLE T TL P70 Pd Fd 77 2 77 2d ad 7 O77 Ze Zs LI LLL Ld 222 7 7 2 777 272 2 ZT 2 27 27 FZ 7727727777, P7272 2a ddd 27722772. Illi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiidiiiididd, Local Investment Is The Safest Investment The logical place for the investment of your surplus funds is at home because such investment helps every one of your neighbors as well as yourself. Every dollar's worth of improvement in the plant of the public utility company adds to the efficiency of all the other local industries. Invest your funds in a growing local business where you can feel certain of ab- { solute security backed by a long and suc- cessful record. In an essential business, as operated by the North Shore Gas Company, where the service and the operations are matters of public concern it is generally found that management is more efficient. The shares in this rapidly growing com- pany may be had for $100.00 on a cash ba- sis or on a basis of a monthly payment as low as $5.00 per share. These shares are tax free. Get in touch with us and let us talk this matter over. NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY 2022777 27. 227277772772 7 Leddy 72d Za dd eds ized iiidiisidiiiziia & LLL LS LISS LASS SSIS SSSI LISS SIS LS SS SASS SISA SA SS LL SAL Sa L1H SSI LAS ALIS SASS LS SAIS SS