"WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES 20 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1924 WANT ADS 19 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- PETIGREED POLICE dog; 5 months old. Call at 1432 Elmwood Avenue, Evanston or telephone University 1890. 19LTN52-1te FOR SALE -- NEW 3-TUBE LONG distance Earla radio set, in beauti- ful walnut cabinet. Tel. 'Glencoe 805. 19LTN52-1te FOR SALE--VIOLIN, $50; TWO PAIRS rubber boots, knee and hip length, sizes 10% and 11 respectively, half price. Tel. Winn. 367. 19LTN52-1tc FOR SALE--BROWN CLOTH DRESS, afternoon dress, and evening gown, sizes 38-40. For information tele- phone Winnetka 1487. 19TN29-1tc S-- 20 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS P. WEISS & CO. Wilmette junk dealers; clothe;, papers, magazines, best prices. Tel. Wil. 636. 20LTN52-1tp buy old metal; for paper, magazines, rags, etc. North Shore Paper & Metal Co. Tel. University 5133. 20LTN50-4tc WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash Street. 20LTN-tfc 22 LOST AND FOUND LOST--BLACK HAND BAG, BE- tween Cherry St. and Country Day School, on Ridge or Forest Aves.; on Wednesday evening, September 24th. Finder telephone Winnetka 1234; reward. 22T29-1tp LOST--BETWEEN TWO WINNETKA stations, on Saturday, September 20; shell rimmed eye-glasses. Tel. Winn. 24 or call 739 Humboldt ave- nue, John Stratford. 22T29-1tp LOST--TUESDAY, CHILD'S YAEGER cap, between Spruce street and Tay- Tel. Winn. 22T29-1tp LIGHT 4 mos. lor"s Hardware Store. 1183. LOST -- AIRDALE-SPITZ; brown and black; long tail; old; male. Tel. Wil. 312. 22LTN52-1te 23 CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS HARRIS BROS. PRESTO-UP GA- rages. North Shore Rep. Ralph Watts, 1722 Greenwood Blvd. Ev- anston. Tel. University 3422-J. 1In- sepection invited. Cash or terms. Information gladly furnished. 23LTN50-tfc Cheap labor means cheap work, poorly done. Have your trees and shrubbery trimmed by ex- perienced men. Let me inspect your trees and method. Robert G. Bolinger Tree Expert explain our We also do surgical work, spraying, fertilizing, planting. Let us rearrange your shrub- bery for better effects. 1230 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wil, 3163 24LN51-4tc ee 25 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE NORTH SHORE HOUSECLEANING Service cleans wall paper and paint |R work; also furniture polishing, floor waxing and window washing; calci- mining and walls starched; furnaces cleaned and also odd jobs of all Ed. T. Handy. Tel. Wil Call 7-8 A. M. or 6-8 P. M. 25LT52-4te EXPERT HOUSE CLEANING; WIN- dow washing; floor waxing; ture polishing; odd painting and cal- cimining jobs. Tel. Winn. 1035. 25LT45-tfe kinds. 1647. 26 PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIR- ing; old painos made new. L. W. Foster. Tel. Winn. 509-J. 26 LTN44-tfc ---- 27 PAINTING AND DECORATING WHY NOT TRY OUR PRICES ON painting and decorating. Carl Salo, Box 40, North Brook. Phone High- land Park 896-Y-4. 27LTN51-tfc 28 TUTORING DRAMATIC ART, 10-WEEK TERM. Class lessons, $15. Private, $20. Mrs. Marjorie C. Mussman. Glencoe 889. 28LTN51-tfc Infantile Paralysic Found in Kenilworth A case of infantile paralysis has made its appearance in Kenilworth and has brought forth the following notice to parents by the Kenilworth Board of Education: "Due to the appearance of a case of infantile paralysis in our village, the Board of Education has consulted leading physicians in regard to pre-' ventative measures. "Children are urged to brush their teeth thoroughly after every meal. An antiseptic gargle of three parts of water to one of peroxide should be used. An additional precaution is to swab the nostrils morning and eve- ning with a 10 percent solution of argyrol. "If children are suffering from colds or other indispositions we suggest im- mediate consultation with the family physician." Pioneer in Rotary Work Called by Death Sunday Harry Ainsworth Wilkie, son of Mrs. S. H. Wilkie and brother of Mrs. P. B. Kohlsaat of 341 Woodland ave- furni- nue, Winnetka, passed away on Sun- day, September 21, at his home, Pine Crest Inn, Tryon, North Carolina. Mr. Wilkie was at one time member of the firm of Wilkie and Sellery, merchant tailors of Chicago. He was also an early president of the Chicago Rotary club, the mother of all Rotary clubs. His many friends on the north shore testify that his life was a real- ization of the Rotary motto, "Service Before Seli--He Profits Most Who Serves Best." St. Andrew Brotherhood Holds Kenilworth Session The 'Diocesan Brotherhood of St. Andrew will hold its annual fall con- ference at the Church of the Holy Comforter, Kenilworth, this Saturday, commencing at 2 o'clock. A varied program has been arranged which includes a baseball game be- tween the clergy and laymen, bowling, hikes, gymnastic games in the gym- nasium and other contests. At 5 o'clock there will be services in the church, to which the women are in- vited. Rev. Leland H. Danforth, rec- tor, and Rev. Edward Prince of Lake Forest will conduct the services, and Rev. George Craig Stewart, St. Luke's church, of Evanston, will deliver the sermon, "The Lure of the Harvest Field." A dinner will be given at the Kenil- worth club at 6 o'clock for the men and boys. Among the speakers of the evening will be Lawrence Choate, head of the Chicago branch of the brotherhood. Every church in the diocese is to send as many men and boys as possible. ----AGOCOD-TIRES GOOD TIRE SERVICE Hood, General and Goodyear and last, but not least Good Automobile Accessories Three Stores BRAUN BROTHERS 621 Main St. Wilmette 3243 Ridge and Wilmette Aves. Wilmette 290 723 Oak St. Winnetka 1565 $10.00 For That Old Worn-out Gas or Coal Range $10.00 Allowance For Your Old Gas or Coal Range Toward the Pur- chase Price of a New Cabinet L222 7 WE WILL GIVE YOU ABSOLUTELY FREE, F R E E ® ONE 10-PIECE GENUINE Dexter stainless steel domestic science set, with the sale of a new cabinet gas range equipped with the famous "Lorain" heat regulator. Full Meal Cooking and Baking Demon- strations Will Be Given at Our Office and Salesroom, Monday and Tuesday, October 6th and 7th. COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED WITH LOUISE ROBINSON-- IN CHARGE OF OUR HOME SERVICE DEPARTMENT North Shore Gas Company Phone 37 XY Wizz 7 722% 0% mmm NNN --b