» WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1924 123 RE IS A PAGE OF GOOD NE S ! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ices--Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rat 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three es--, apers. MINIMUM CHARGE 50ec. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. Deadline for Insertions-- Classified advertisements will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. 1 z REAL ESTATE 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES 11d 6-RM. AND BATH, NEW BRICK Building Loans and residence; , hot water heat; SW her leaving town and offers special in- Mortgages ducements WE HAVE BEEN GIVING AND CAN continue to offer immediate service to builders and home owners desir- ing maximum loans on improved North Shore property. GLEASON & PERRIN 554 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 1949 1LTN1-1te WILMETTE HERE IS THE BEST BUY OF THE season. Cozy little home loc. in ex- treme east section Wilmette; glazed slp. porch; 2-car garage; beau. lot with abundance of shrubbery and several fine trees. A snap at $10,- 000. Don't delay. Tel. Wil. 2066. 1TN20-1te Wilmette Vacant OWNER MUST SELL{ HIS CHOICE lot two blks. from lake: south front; beau. woded and surrounded by several high class homes. A dandy spot for the home you contemplate building. Tel. Wilmette 2066. 3 1TN30-1te EXCHANGE--FINE BUSINESS PROP- erty on best street in Maywood, Illi- nois, 2-6 North 5th Avenue, 2 stores and 4 flats. Rents $3,500.00, price $35,000.00--1st mort. straight $15,000. Want 6 or 7 room house along North Shore. Communicate with EK, C. Kenney, Oak Park Arms Hotel, Oak Park, Tl. 1T30-3te LARGE WOODED LOT IN A RESTRICTED COMMUNITY ON a winding road hemmed in between exclusive golf course and Forest Preserve will be sold for $30 per foot with improvements in and paid for. These are beautiful home-sites as well as unusyal investments. Act quickly. Address Wilmette Life, 330. 1TN30-1te FOR SALE--WINNETKA, EAST SIDE, 6-room modern house, two blocks from transportation; steam heat; large sleeping and sun porches, new breakfast porch; Lovekin hot water heater; excellent condition through- out. Price $13,000. $3,000 cash and balance in easy payments. Address Wilmette Life, 316. No dealers. 1LTN51-3tp MUST HAVE CASH WILL SELL MY 4 ACRES ON LAKE Ave., just west of Wilmette limits; 550 ft. of Lake Ave. concrete road frontage: 290 ft. deep; $2,675 cash per acre if you buy the 4 acres. Tel. owner, Winnetka 246. 1T30-1tc FOR SALE OR RENT--5 AND 6-RM. houses; new; big lots; close to trans. lake, golf course; $10,000 to $21,000. Also lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. County Line Rd. 2 blks. west of Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. 898-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfc FOR SALE--WILMETTE, N. E., 7T RM. house in heart of village, 4 blocks to train; 4 large bedrooms; attrac- to acceptable applicant. Bargain at $100.00. 6-rm. frame country residence on beautiful large lot 100x177, well wooded; convenient to transporta- tion. Furnace heat. $60.00. ' 4-rm. and kitchenette, frame cot- tage; stove heat; rear of large lot. $35.00. J. H. Schaefer & Co. 909 Ridge Ave. Tel. Wil. 364 See Us for Acre Tracts 2LTN1-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED OR UN- furnished, with option to buy, new brick house; 7 rooms; 2 baths; extra toilet; h. w. heat; real fireplace; 2- car garage; choice location; three blocks from N. W. trains. This house is well built and well ar- ranged and artistic in appearance. Owner, 440 Drexel avenue, Glencoe. 2LTN1-1tp FOR RENT -- WINNETKA. FROM Oct. 15th te May 1st, partly furn. house; 4 bedrooms; h. w. heat; oil burner. Tel. Winn. 851. ' 2LTN1-1tc FOR RENT--WINNETKA. ATTRAC- tive new house; 5 bedrooms; 2 baths; extra lavatory; heated sun and sleeping porch. Tel. Winn. 851. 2LTN1-1tc FURNISHED FOR RENT--GLENCOE 6-room bungalow; large lot; reas. price; long lease or winter mos. Tel. Glencoe 1024. 540 Jackson, cor- ner of Greenwood. 2LTN1-1tc FOR RENT -- WINNETKA. BRAND new 6-rm. brick house; h. w. heat, sun and dressing rooms. Tile bath. Phone Evanston 9895 evenings or Sunday A. M. 3 2LTN1-1tc TO RENT -- 7-ROOM FURNISHED house near school and transporta- tion. Low rent to small family. Tel. Winn 1910 or Superior 3102. 2T30-2tc FOR RENT-- A TTRACTIVE FURN. house; near transportation. Rent reas: Tel. Winn. 1511. 2TN30-1tc Ee. SE] 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT---NICELY FURNISHED living room, bedroom, kitchen and private bath. Also furnished rooms. WILMETTE INN 726 11th Street Wilmette 1868 3LTN1-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED APT. OR rcoms with kitchenette privilege. Adults only. Near transportation. Tel. Winn. 1201. 3TN30-1tp FOR RENT--APARTMENTS AND OF- fice rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. Winnetka 62, 3LTN43-tfe 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- LARGE, CORNER front room, east side house, well fur- tive living room; library with fire- nished, comfortable, 1 block cafe- place. Center entrance; well built; teria, 135 block transport. Hot in excellent condition. $21,500. Miss water heat, instant hot water. Ref- King. Tel. Wil. 215. 1LTN1-1te erences. Wil. 844-J. 4LTN1-1tp FOR SALE--SOUTHEAST WINNET-|FOR RENT--VERY DESIRABLE ka, 6 rm. colonial; sun and slpg. front room suitable for two; large porches; h. w. heat; tile bath; lot closet. Two blocks from Elm St. 90x187 beaut. wooded; garage; $22,- transportation. Tel. Winn. 730. 500. Less for cash. Tel. Winn. 254. 4LT1-1tc 1LTN1-1tc WANTED TO BUY DIRECT FROM owner--=6-7 rm. house with garage; colonial preferred; no stucco. Ad- dress Winnetka Talk, 331. 1T30-2tp FOR SALE--240 ACRES WEST OF Des Plaines. Fine for golf or club sub-division. Tel. Wel. 3041. 1TN30-1tec I WANT TO BUY A SIX OR SEVEN room colonial house in Winnetka or Glencoe, up to $18,000. Address Wilmette Life, 329. LTN1-1te FOR SALE--280 ACRES NEAR LAKE Forest on state road; fine for sub- division. Tel. Wil. 3041. 1TN30-1te FOR SALE--10 ACRES, COR. WIN- netka and Kotz Rd.; very fine wood- ed. , Tel. Wil. 3041. 1TN30-1tc -BUY 3 ACRES IN SUNSET RIDGE estates on Kotz Rd. Tel. Wil. 3041. 1TN30-1tc -------------- 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--WINNETKA. VERY DE- desirable 9-rm. furn. or unfurn. home; butler's pantry; maid's dining room; 3 baths; reception hall; 2 slpg. porches and glazed sun porch; 2-car garage. Large beau. wooded and shrubbed:; 8 blks. from lake and 3 from station. Call Winn. 314. 2TN30-1te FOR RENT--T7 RM. COLONIAL HOME; unfurn. or partly furn.; h. w. heat; oil burner; Scott Ave. Hubbard Woods. Adults. Gentiles. Tel. Winn. 567. 2TN30-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED 7-ROOM house. November 1st to April 1st. For particulars call Winnetka 789. eid 2TN29-2tc ~ FOR RENT--RM., LIGHT, warm, reas., near transportation and restaurant. Family of two. Tel. Winn. 1404. Address 898 Elm St. 4T30-1tc FOR RENT--3 FURN. ROOMS; PRIV. bath; nicely located home; 2 people. Tel. Winn. 729. 4T30-1tc FOR RENT--COMFORTABLE COR- ner rm. suitable for married couple. 245 Wood Court, Wilmette. 4TN30-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; private family; gentleman preferred. Call Winnetka 1686. 4T19-tfe FOR RENT--ROOM AND BATH, IN private family; first floor. Tel. Wil. 1207. 625 Park Ave. 4LTN1-1tc FOR RENT--PLEASANT FRONT RM.; suitable for two. Phone after 5:00. Wilmette 3206. 4LTN1-1tc FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED front room in private family. 1618 Central Ave, Wilmette. * 4LTN52-3tp 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES SPLENDID STORE IN CENTRAL Wilmette business district; 4 year lease. to right party. Address 328, Wilmette Life. 5LTN1-1te 9 WANTED TO RENT-- APARTMENTS WANTED TO RENT--SMALL APT. over garage in exchange for part of man's time tending furnace. N. L. Hoyt, 435 Elm St, Winn. or Tel. Winn. 319. 9T30-1tp 110 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS YOUNG COLORED COUPLE WISH rooms; prefer over garage. locarion HIGH SCHOOL GIRL DESIRES WK. afternoons, will stay nights. Refer- Wilmette or Winnetka. Address ence, Tel, University 6789. Wilmette Life, 332. 10TN30-1te 15LT1-1te 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATING is a desirable occupation for young women; the work is permanent, interesting and near home. Our oper- ators are well paid; they like their work and associ- ates. Vacations with pay are given each year, and a liberal benefit plan is pro- vided. Come to the office and talk it over with the Winnetka Chief Operator. Illinois Bell Telephone Co. 12T30-2te WANTED--REFINED YOUNG GIRL to assist in hswk. and care of small child. Small house; desirable room; only three in family. Would con- sider girl going to high scheel. Tel, Winn. 142. 12TN30-1tc EXT. GIRL WANTED FOR GEN. hswk. Must have references; $18 a week; 4 adults. 390 South Ave. Glencoe, or Tel. Glen. 840. 12TN30-1tc HELP WANTED -- WANTED FOR general housework, experienced white maid; family of three; small house; good wages. Tel. Winn. 1881. 12LTN1-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED, COMPE- tent stenographer, perferably one who has had municipal experience. Apply Mr. Noe, Village Hall, Win- netka. 12LTN1-1tc WANTED Willing family of Tel. housework girl for three. No laundry work. Winnetka 75. WANTED -- STENOGRAPHER AND typist. Call or address Room 8, 522 Linden Avenue, Winnetka. 12LTN1-1tp WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO HELP help with children and upstairs; willing; fond of children. No exp. necessary. 12T30-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hswk.; no washing; other help kept; liberal salary. Tel. Winn. 1137. 12TN30-1tc WANTED--WHITE WOMAN OR GIRL for general housework; own room; small family. Tel. Winn. 1617. 12LTN1-1tc WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework; 3 in family; $18 per wk. Tel. Glencoe 827. 12LTN1-1te WANTED--A" HIGH SCHOOL GIRL to take care of child afternoons. 351 Linden St., Winn. 12T30-1tc WANTED -- LAUNDRESS; WHITE preferred; references required. Tel. Glencoe 768. 12TN30-1tc WANTED -- GIRL TO ASSIST IN WANTED--TO TAKE CARE OF CHIL- dren and do mending by the hour. Tel. Winn. 558. 15T30-2tc WOULD LIKE TO TAKE LAUNDRY FOR SALE--CHILD'S 3; size imported violin, good tone; $35; also boy's all wool overcoat size 103, Food con- dition, $12. fel. . on, 3 wrt 4. of 21LTN1-1tp FOR SALE--CHEAP. HUDSON SEAL coat, size 38; lady's black velvet hat, never worn; boy's suit, size 8. Tel. Wil. 1475 or call 700 Laurel Ave. home. Tel. Wil. 2708. 156TN30-1tc 21LTNI1-1te 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR SALE--ANTIQUES; INCLUDING AND FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--BY GERMAN married couple; wife exp. cook; man good chauffeur, gardener and house- man. Tel. Wil. 941-J. 16TN30-1tp NEAT, RELIABLE COLORED COU- ple, cook and houseman, desire steady work. References furnished. Tel. University 5667. 16LTN1-1tp 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE HANDSOME FURNITURE, DRAPES, rugs, and everything that is in a fine house. Garden hose and lawn mower. You can effect a real saving if vou act quickly. Sold my home and in place of storing will sell at prices vou cannot afford to overlook. 420 So. Sheridan Rd. first house north of Beech St., Highland Park, Ill. 17TN30-1tc FOR SALE -- ENAMELLED range in good condition; porch furniture; portieres; Camp Fire Girl's suit; football suit, size 12; clothing, books, etc. Glen Cote, 366 Park Ave. Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 26. 17LTN1-tc FOR SALE--ANTIQUE MAPLE 4- poster; ladder back rocker; sewing table; hooked rug. Sunday; P. M. Mon., Tues. Address 198 Forest Ave.,, Winnetka. 17TN30-1tc FOR SALE --GAS STOVE, FOUR burners, large oven, warming oven, white porcelain trim. Tel. Win. 795. 17TN30-1tc QUICK SALE--CHEAP. DINING SET; walnut card table; piano; bookcase; beds; rugs; furn. Address 1122 Lake 'GAS maple and cherry beds; chests of drawers; tables; chairs; Soverigiss ints and glassware. Tel. Winn. 7 prints anos 21LTN1-1te My Chinese Shoppe Removal: I have moved "My Chinese Shoppe" to 929 Thir- teenth Street, Wilmette, S. W. corner of Forest Ave, where I shall be pleased to meet all my old friends and many new ones. Antiques Several pieces of beautiful American antique furniture and bric-a-brac. My telephone is the old num- ber Wilmette 676. Mrs. J. W. Panushka 929 Thirteenth St. Wilmette 21LTN1-1tc FOR SALE--TWO CHICAGO ORCHES- tra tickets for alternate nights. Balcony, 7th row, right near en- trance. Tel. Winn. 1201. § 21TN30-1tp SOME ODD, stylish clothes; Winn, 1739. 21TN30-1te SALE -- RANGER BICYCLE, brakes, good condition, 1093 Elm St, Winnetka. 21TN30-1tp I WILL SELL MY WELL-CON- «structed 2-car garage at an ex- traordinary bargain. 422 Rosewood Ave., Winnetka. 21LTN1-1tp FOR SALE--MAH JONGG SET, FELT table cover and racks, in perf. cond., FOR SALE--CHEAP. nice, slightly used, size 16 and 34. Tel. FOR coaster $11.00. Ave, or Tel. Wil. 837-W. 17T30-1tc $14.00, Tel. Wil. 933-W. 21LT1-1tp FOR SALE -- DAVENPORT AND chair, excellent cond.,, two pieces| FOR SALE -- MUSKRAT LINED, for $75. Tel. Wnin. 1721. heavy, full-length winter coat; size 17LTN1-1te 38; beaver collar and cuffs. Tel. Winn. 527. 21LTN1-1te FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY DINING room set; sideboard, round table and | FOR SALE --OIL BURNER COM- six chairs. Tel. Winn. 527. plete for small home, $100. Win- 17TLTN-1tc netka . 16886. 21T24-tfe FOR SALE--MAH. LIVING ROOM | FOR SALE--FUR COAT; BEAUTIFUL table; mah. chair; oak desk. 1030 street and evening 'gowns. Tel. Greenwood Ave, Wilmette. Tel. Winn. 2039. 21TN39-1tp Wilmette 1701. 17LT1-1tc FOR SALE -- TREE; NORWAY FOR SALE--UPRIGHT COOK PIANO, maple; medium size. Tel. Winnetka $100. Address 310 Myrtle St, Win- 1534. 21LTN1-1te netka, or Tel. Winn. 2202. S-- ---- 17LTN1-1tc| 22 FINANCIAL FOR SALE--PIANO IN GOOD CONDI- tion; cheap. In exchange for small car. Tel. Winn. 138. 17TN30-1tc FOR SALE -- OAK DINING ROOM table and six chairs; oak bookcese. Tel. Winn. 173. 17T30-1te FOR SALE---MAH. DINING ROOM table and 6 chairs to match; like new. Tel. Winn. 1266. 17T30-1tec FOR SALE--BAUER PLAYER PIANO. 334 Ridge Ave, Winn. . Tel. Winn. 1880. 17LTN1-2te FOR SALE--42-INCH SIMPLEX IRON- er, good condition. Tel. Winn. 44. 17LTN1-1te A ------------------------------ 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR high-grade first mortgages on Aus- tin, Oak Park or River Forest property. If you have a mortgage maturing in the near future, your interest to consult our MR. H. H. BRETTMAN, Mercantile Trust & Savings Bank, Jackson Blvd. and Clinton Street, Chicago, Illinois. NTA State 1340. 22LTN1-1te 23 PERSONAL LADY EXPERIENCED IN THE CARE of children is conducting morning outings for pre-kindergarteners. Would like 2 more children about 4 years old . Hours 9-11:30. Charges 55c per day. Tel. Winnetka 2032. 23T30-1te FOR TWO ATTRACTIVE ages 8 HOMES V Protestant American girls; . Free or boarding homes. housework; Monday and Thursday. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LB adoptions. Address Tel. Winnetka 638-J. 12T30-1tp 18LTN24-tfe Winnetka Talk 327. 23LTN1-1tp ---- ---------- pa ---------- EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, BEST {19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS D FOUND wages. Tel. Winn. 58. 12LTN1-1tc 24 lospawy > « n - ~ " P. WEISS & CO. WILL FINDER OF HANDBAG LOS 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND WILMETTE JUNK DEALERS; BUY| Sept. 24th in Winnetka near station FEMALE old clothes; papers, 50c per 100; please return little girl's beads and WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE magazines, 70¢c per 100; metal. Tel. wrist watch. Keepsakes valuable couple able to take charge of home for man and wife. Man must be competent chauffeur and gardener; wife good cook. Steady employment and good home to couple willing to work. Address Wilmette Life, 334. 18TN30-1tc WANTED--EXP. COUPLE, MAID AND chauffeur; priv. room and bath; references required. Tel. Winn, 2283. 13T30-1tc 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--GARDENING AND GEN- eral housework by hour. Also fur- naces. Can furnish the best refer- ences. Tel. Winn. 2011. 14T29-3tc WANTED--EXP. COLORED MAN wants work by the day and taking care of furnaces. Earl Willis. Tel. Glencoe 142. 14TN30-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- TO TAKE care of children in refined family; all day or half-day work. Tel. Wil. 515. 14-LTN1-1tp WANTED--POSITION AS CHAUF- feur and houseman; references fur- nished. Address 403 W. 56th St. Chicago. 14L'TN1-1tp YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK FOR Saturdays. Will consider anything. Tel. Winn. 2288. : 14T30-1te WANTED--REGULAR POSITION BY experienced colored houseman. Tel. Highland Park 8. 14LTN1-1tp 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home; finished work and rough dry; also wet wash. Will call for and deliver. 418 Prairie Ave. Tel. Wil. 1351. 15LTN1-tfc PLAIN, NEAT SEWING DONE AT home; reasonable. Phone after 5:00. Wilmette 3206. 15LTN1-1te WANTED--EVENING WORK; WILL take care of children. Tel. Winn, 1846. 15LTN1-1tc Wil. 636. 19LTN28-1tp WANTED TO BUY--SECOND-HAND slide, wooden swing and block for children's playground. Tel. Winn. 986. 19LTN1-1te WANTED--GLASS SHOW-CASE TO fit any counter 6x2. Glen Cote, 366 Park Ave. Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 26 19LTN1-1tc WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES for paper, magazines, rags, etc. North Shore Paper & Metal Co. Tel. University 5133. 19LTN50-4te No questions . Gen- Send to Winnetka 24TN30-1tp to owner only. erous reward. Talk, 333. LOST--PET CAT; brown and white. If found please return to 714 Center St., Winnetka. Reward. Tel. Winn. 2221. na 24T30-1tec LOST -- FRIDAY OR SATURDAY, small patent leather change purse i keys. Reward. Tel. Winn. 1436. With hey 24T30-1te LOST--3 MONTHS OLD BROWN BEA- gle puppy, Friday, September 26th, child's pet, findeer please call Win= 1-1te WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE netka 620-J, reward. Ny Au uys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, D JOBBERS pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash LAR LLL aL Sabie atid GA: Sires LLIN rages. North Shore Rep. Ralph 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS Watts, 1722 Greenwood Blvd.,, Ev- anston. Tel. University 3422-J. 1In- FOR SALE -- SPANISH SHAWL; spection invited. Cash or terms. black; embroidered in colors. Wil. Information gladly furnished. 1063. 19LTN1-1tp 25LTN50-tfc - iE -- m---- 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES 26 GARDENING USED CARS Cheap labor means cheap work, NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. . poorly done. Have your trees Must make room for new stock. and shrubbery trimmed by ex- perienced men. Let me inspect Wersted Motor Co vour trees and explain our ° method. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka olinger Dealers in Dodge Brothers Motor Cars Robert G. B g 20LTN1-1tc Tree Expert We also do surgical work, spraving, fertilizing, planting. Used Cars==All Makes Let us rensrange yop shrub- bery for better effects. " OPEN AIR SALES : 1230 Wilmette Avenue Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Phone Wil. 3163 Willys-Knight and Overland % Dealers 26LIN51-4tc Evanston 140 20LTN24-tfc FOR SALE--PEERLESS TRG. CAR; good cond.; 2 good spares; all good tires. Call after 7 P. M. or all day Sunday. 112 Church Rd., Winn. or Tel. Winn, 182. . 20TN30-1tc 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE NORTH SHORE WINDOW & HOUSE- Cleaning Co., 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winnetka 1994. Winnetka, 111. 27T31-tfe (Additional Want Ads on page 10) it may be to.