J oA WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1924 23 READ THIS GET-TOGETHER PAGE a. --_.. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | : Classified advertisements will be charged only | General Notices to residents of the district from | Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates--!° cents per lina in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. : Classified advertisements will Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for apers. Evanston to 20 cents per line in all three 50c. Average of five words to be ac- the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE OPENING OFFER THE INDIAN HILL OF TOMORROW 26 choice country homesites with all the conveniences of the city. Sewer, water, roads and electricity all included in the sale price. These delectable lots overlooking the beautiful North Shore Golf Club course range in area from one- third of an acre to 1 acre and are in the midst of five exclusive North Shore golf clubs. Among which are the lots JIOXYI00. a $26 per foot 1 Led EL i CRO $38 per foot 300X190 ............ $30 per foot Tiacre ......... els dluluin sieely $5,000 These prices are subject to change without notice. If you want a real homesite at a real bargain with all conveniences afforded and included in the purchase price get in on this opening offer. For further details communicate with CLORE BUDINGER & SMITH Exclusive Agent 1177 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 1750 Opposite Village Hall . 1LTN2-1tc Wilmette, I11 HILL & STONE FOR REAL BARGAINS FOR SALE CHOICE 7-RM. SOLID BRICK; II. W. heat. Large lot, beautifully lund- scaped, established section, tear high school, comfortable distance to transportation. If interested in a real bargain call us for appoin'mont and full particulars. VACANT BARGAINS WINNETKA We have a few choice homesites at prices below market value "or limited time only. Owners willing to sacrifice for cash. Now is the buyer's opportunity. ! Don't hesitate to make iinown your requirements and we will give vou real service with satisfaction. HILL STONE Winnetka Office Winn. 1544 524 Linden St. 1T31-1te WINNETKA NEWLY DECORATED 6-RM. HOUSE; 2 bedrooms; 2 baths. Lot 50x187 with large oaks, formal rose garden and variety of small fruit trees. See it Sunday. $13,000. GLENCOE Splendidly built Eng. stucco, solid walnut doors and stairs; unusually attractive decorations; fixtures made to order; 4 bedrms.; 2 baths; extra lavatory. Wooded lot 75x150 with attractive garden. $28,500. Vacant Bargain 3/56 of an acre, wooded, in north- west Winnetka; 4 blks. to station; 2 blks. to school. Among large homes. Quick sale at $9,000. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Winn. 1800 Winn. 1226 1LTN2-1tc COUNTRY HOMESITES WITH ALL THE ADVANTAGES AND CONVEN- IENCES OF THE CITY. We are offering a very limited num- ber of choice lots within one block of transportation (steam) and ad- joining a very prominent North Shore golf club. These lots have a frontage of 75 ft.; water, sewer, gas, electric light, sidewalks, telephone service and hard roads all installed and paid for. NO ASSESSMENTS. Here is an opportunity for you to own your homesite at a price within your reach and at terms convenient. Should you desire to build, we are in position to save you 209% of the cost. Do not fail to take advantage of this offering. Phone us or call at our office for full information. J. H. Schaefer & Co. 909 Ridge Ave. < el. Wil. 364 1LTN2-1te BEAUT. 23 ACRE FARM NEAR NORTHWEST LIMITS OF Glencoe; four-tenths mile to express station of North Shore line. Fine old orchard and shade trees. Has unobstructed view of Skokie valley and acres of beau. woods. Surround- ing homes are high class. $4,000 per acre Exclusive Agent County taxes Tel. Glen. 860 1ILTN2-1tc WILMETTE VERY COZY LITTLE HOME IN EX- treme east sec. of Wilmette; glazed slpg. pch.; 2-car garage; beau. lot with abundant shrubs and fine trees. Best buy of the season for $10,000. Tel. Wil. 2066. 1LTN2-1tc NORTHBROOK BARGAIN HOMESITE 60x300 FT.; SEWER, water, electric service. Five blocks to station. Price $700.00; terms. WYATT & COONS Tel. Northbrook 104 1LTN2-1tc EXCHANGE--FINE BUSINESS PROP- erty on best street in Maywood, Illi- nois, 2-6 North 5th Avenue, 2 stores and 4 flats. Rents $3,500.00, price $35,000.00--1st mort. straight $15,000. Want 6 or 7 room house along North Shore. Communicate with E. C. Kenney, Oak Park Arms Hotel, Oak Park, 111. 1T30-3te KENILWORTH DUTCH COLONIAL. FIVE BED- rooms ,2 baths and lavatory; h. w. heat. Wooded lot 75x175, 1 blk. to school. Two-car garage. Tel. Win. 1226. 1LTN2-1tc FOR SALE OR RENT--5 AND 6-RM. houses; new; big lots; close to trans. lake, golf course; $10,000 to $21,000. 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--625 11th ST. 4-ROOM APARTMENT; STEAM heat; in-a-dor bed in dining room. Janitor service. Tel. Wilmette 2399. 3LTN2-tfc FOR RENT--FOUR-ROOM APART- ment with bath; over private ga- rage on Prospect avenue; hot water heat. To couple with no children. Tel. Winnetka 68. 3LTN2-1tc FOR RENT--SECOND FLOOR 5-RM. flat; 1 bath; stove heat. Near trans- portation. Tel. Glen. 343-R. 3T31-1te 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. ROOM; suitable employed, married couple. Home privileges. Breakfast if de- sired. Protestant. Reasonable. Tel. Glencoe 976. 4LTN2-1tc FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE AND comfortable front rooms. East side near all transportation. Tel. Wil- mette 1940. . 4LTN2-1tc FOR RENT--FURN. ROOMS OR APTS. with Kkitchenete privilege. Adults only. Near transportation. Tel. Winnetka 1201. 4TN31-1tc YOUNG GIRL EMPLOYED AND wanting a nice home can save money by calling Winnetka 1641. 10T31-1te FOR RENT--PLEASANT FURNISHED room. All conveniences. Near sta- tion. Tel. Winn. 415. 4TN31-1te FOR RENT---LARGE FRONT ROOM; suitable for one or two. Tel. Winn. 533-R. 4T31-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; private family; gentleman preferred. Call Winnetka 16886. 4T19-tfc 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT--ONE-CAR GARAGE. 798 Cherry St, Winnetka. Tel. 2087. 6T31-1tp : § WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT GLENCOE; 7-RM. BRICK HOUSE; sleeping porch; heated sun room. Garage. Large lot near school and transportation. Immediate posses- Also lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. ions . ; 1 igh- County Lins. Bo. & bist, west of] Sion § mo. oF 1 yr. lease Te ugh Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. 898-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfc| 10 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANT MODERN HOUSE OR BUNGA-| MAN * AND WIFE WOULD LIKE low; not over 6 rooms nor more room over garage in exchange for than 4 blocks from sta. Must be work. Address Box 176, Wilmette. high grade. Write details to B. S. 10T31-1tc Cooke, 1348 Morse Ave. Chicago. 1'TN:S-1tei12 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED TO BUY DIRECT FROM|WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR A owner--6-7 rm. house with garage; colonial preferred; no stucco. Ad- dress Winnetka Talk, 331. 1T30-2tp WANTED TO PURCHASE--WINNET- ka home for discriminating family. salesman with auto. Knowledge of North Shore preferred but not es- sential. W. J. Stacey & Co. 336 Linden Ave. Wilmette. Tel. Wil- mette 308. 11LTN2-1tc WANTED---MIDDLE-AGED MAN FOR Will pay between §50,000-§100,000 gen. work in building. Apply Rapp for the right place. Answer Win- Bros., 52 Linden St., Winnetka. netka Talk, 335. 1T31-1te 11TN31-1tc FOR SALE--6-RM. HOUSE; VERY|12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE cheap if sold at once. Mrs. Millish, 1848 Forest Ave. Wilmette. 1LTN2-1tc FOR SALE--280 ACRES NEAR LAKE Forest on state road; fine for sub- division. Tel. Wil. 3041. 1LTN2-tfc BUY 5 ACRES IN SUNSET RIDGE estates on Kotz Road. Tel. Wil. 3041. 1LTN2-tfc FOR SALE--10 ACRES, COR. WIN- netka and Kotz Road; very fine, wooded. Tel. Wil. 3041. 1LTN2-tfc 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT WINNETKA TEN RM. BRICK HOME IN BEAU. section of s. e. Winnetka; 5 bed- rooms; 3 baths. Completely redec- orated. Very large grounds. For 6 to 183 mos. $350 per mo. Tel Winnetka 1226. 2LTN2-1tc Wilmette For Rent ATTRACTIVE 7-RM. HOUSE; ALL modern conveniences; water heat; beau. landscaped grounds; ideal lo- cation for transp. both to "L" and steam. Will reduce regular month- ly rental considerably, making price very attractive to party who wants to live in a cheerful and comfort- able home. Tel. Wilmette 2066. 2LTN2-1te FOR RENT--GLENCOE FURNISHED 6-room bungalow; large lot; reas. price; long lease or winter mos. Tel. Glencoe 728. 540 Jackson, cor- ner of Greenwood. 2-LTN2-1tc FOR RENT--MODERN 7-RM. HOME near "L" and lake; garage with side drive; reasonable terms to respons- ible parties. Tel. Wil. 699. 2LT-21tc TO RENT -- 7-ROOM FURNISHED house near school and transporta- tion. Low rent to small family. Tel. Winn 1910 or Superior 3102. 2T30-2tc FOR RENT--FURN., COMFORTABLE 7-rm. house. Nov. 1st to Apr. 1st. Convenient to schools and transpor- tation, Call Winn. 789. 2T31-1tc WILMETTE A REAL HOME; 7 LARGE, LIGHT airy rooms; well constructed; choice northeast location; hse. recently re- modeled and painted; beau. lot pret- tily landscaped with several fine trees. Excep. good buy at $15,500. Tel. Wil. 2066. 1LTN2-1tc 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT--UNFUR. 4-RM. APART- ment. Occupancy Nov. 1st. Also furnished rooms. WILMETTE INN 726 11th St. Tel. Wilmette 1868 3LTN2-1tc COLONIAL HOME ONLY $3,000 DOWN; TO ORDER; 6 spacious rooms; h. w. heat; large lot. Attractive locations, Deerfield or Highland Park. Price $15,000. Address Wilmette Life, 338. 1LTN2-1tc FOR RENT -- 2-ROOM FURNISHED kitchenette apartment; private bath, porch and entrance; TELEPHONE OPERATING is a desirable occupation for young women; the work is permanent, interesting and near home. Our oper- ators are well paid; they like their work and associ- ates. Vacations with pay are given each year, and a liberal benefit plan is pro- vided. Come to the office and talk it over with the Winnetka Chief Operator. Illinois Bell Telephone Co. 12T30-2tc WANTED--GIRL TO HELP WITH housework in a pleasant, small home. Good wages. Mrs. Joerns, 455 Oakdale Ave. Hubbard Woods. Tel. Glencoe 1004. 12TN31-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. housework; no laundry; 6-rm. house; 3 in family; $15; references. One blk. Hubbard Woods station. Tel. Winn. 1475. Address 251 Scott Ave. Hubbard Woods. 12LTN31-1te WANTED--GIRL OR WOMAN FOR gen. housework by the week for afternoons through dinner. Tel. Winnetka 1086. 12LTN2-1te WANTED--HIGH SCHOOL OR UNI- versity girl to assist with house- work. Can stay nights. Tel. Wil 804-M. 12T31-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO HELP with children and upstairs; willing; fond of children. No exp. necessary. Tel. Winn. 1261. 12T31-1tp WANTED--LAUNDRESS; ONLY 1ST class need apply. Tel. Winn. 1511. 12T31-1te WANTED -- LAUNDRESS; WHITE; for Mondays or Tuesdays. Tel. Win- netka 1514. 12TN31-1te WANTED--NURSE GIRL FOR AF- ternoons. Tel. Kenil. 2930. 12L.T2-1tp FOR GENERAL 260 Woodlawn 12LTN2-1te WANTED -- MAID housework. Apply Ave., Hubbard Woods. 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED--COMPETENT WHITE couple able to take charge of home for man and wife. Man must be competent chauffeur and gardener; wife good cook. Steady employment and good home to couple willing to 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--DINING ROOM TABLE, 6 chairs and serving table in Early English finish; good condition. Cheap. Tel. Wil. 1655. 17LTN2-1tp FOR SALE--MAH. LIBRARY TABLE. Reliable gas stove, 4 burners, 2 bak- Tel. Wil. 580. p y. i Life, 334. ing ovens, broiler. work. Address Wilmette Liter, is: g NS oNsite WANTED -- BURROUGHS POSTING | FOR SALE--LARGE, RELIABLE GAS machine operator; must be experi- stove, 2 ovens, broiler; plate warm- enced in bank work. Address Life, er. Formerly $125. Bargain, $22.50. 337. 13LTN2-1tc Tel. Wil. 1684. 17LTN2-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE FOR SALE -- OAK TABLE 32x60, large drawer. Suitable for office or WANTED--SITUATION AS HOUSE- home. Tel. Winnetka 1917. man; take care of furnace; cleaning and polishing autos; other addi- tional jobs. Tel. A. McKay, Win- netka 770. 14TN31-1te POLITE, NEAT, COLORED CHAUF- feur. A-1 machinist; married; best of city references. Tel. University 2885. Mr. Tidwell. 14LT2-1tp MAN WANTS FURNACE, GARDEN and housework. Can furnish best ref. Tel. Winn. 513-W. 14T31-1tc 17T31-1te FOR SALE--CHEAP. ROUND OAK dining room table and six chairs; oak bookcase. Good condition. Tel Winn. 73. 17TN31-1te FOR SALE--FLEMISH OAK BUFFET; also round dining room table. Tel Glencoe 923. 17TN31-1te FOR SALE--SOME SMALL BRUSSEL rugs; also one 8x10, and one 9x9. Tel. Winn. 638-J. 17T31-1te SITUATION WANTED -- RELIABLE man wants day work and taking care of furnaces. Tel. Glen. 368. 14TN31-1tc WANTED--GARDENING AND GEN- eral housework by hour. Also fur- naces. Can furnish the best refer- ences. Tel. Winn. 2011. 14T29-3tc COLORED HOUSEMAN WANTS 1 OR -2 days a week. First class ref. Tel. Winnetka 816. 14TN31-1te WANTED--SITUATION AS FURNACE man and gen. work. Tel. Winn. 1552. 14T31-1tc CARPENTER AND JOBBER DESIRES work in and around Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1605. 14TN31-1tp 153 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE FOR SALE--SOLID BLACK WALNUT chest of drawers; spindle bed. Tel. Winn. 1733. 17T31-1te a corenem-- 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY---SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfe ------------------------------------------------------ 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE STORE stoves, autos, 1045 Ash 19LTN-tfe WINNETKA buys and sells rugs, pianos, anything useful. Street. WANTED TO BUY--CHILD'S LARGE size doll buggy. Tel. Wil. 2499. 19LTN2-1te WANTED--BY BRIGHT, INTELLI- gent, colored foreigners of good education, position in family to work as mother and daughter. Will- ing to work as mother's helper, to sew, mend, cook or do housework. Tel. Glen. 187. 15TN31-1tp I WISH TO FIND SITUATION FOR my nursery governess, French, Eng- lish, whom I recommend highly. Pleasant, coinpetent, sews well, Gentile family preferred. Tel. Mrs. Bettle, Winn. 696-R. 15TN31-1tp WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home; finished work and rough dry; also wet wash. Will call for and deliver. 418 Prairie Ave. Tel. Wil 1351. 15LTN1-tfc RELIABLE GIRL, SEVENTEEN, wants to take care of children by the hour or week. Tel. Winn. 1769. 15T31-1te HAVE AN EXPERIENCED DRESS- maker come to your home to do your sewing. Tel. Wilmette 894-Y-2. 15TN31-1tp WANTED--BY EXP. French; needle work; trained nurse; ref. Address Wilmette Life 336. 15TN31-1tp WILL TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN SITUATION nurse-governess, or do housework by the day. Tel Winn. 558. 15T31-1te WANTED -- LAUNDRESS WISHES work. Good references. Tel. Univ. 8120. 15L31-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- BY EXP. children's nurse; ref. Tel. Win- netka 1443. 15L31-1te WANTED--POSITIONS BY TWO EXP. ladies as cook and second maid. Tel. Forest 2694. 15LTN2-1tp DRESSMAKER WANTS WORK. $3.50 a day. Address Wilmette Life, 336. 15LT2-1tp CARE OF CHILDREN OR INVALIDS bv the hour. Mary Huddle. Tel Winn. 1525. 15LTN2-1tc WANTED -- TO TAKE LAUNDRY home. Tel. Wil. 2708. 15T31-1tc 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--BY COLORED couple. Experienced; references; good cook, butler and. chauffeur. Will accept day work until located. Tel. Univ. 1662. 16LT2-1tp WANTED--CHILD'S TRICYCLE. MRS. Schlemer, 1625 Ainslie Ave., Chicago. 19T31-1te 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--1922 BUICK ROADSTER, good cond. All accessories. $425. Call 221 Warwick Rd. Kenilworth, or Tel. Kenil. 392. 20LTN2-1te Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 20LTN24-tfc FOR SALE--FORD COUPE, 1922 model, speedometer, bumpers moto- meter and spotlight . $150. Tel. Winn. 1666. 20TN31-1te FOR SALE--DODGE RDSTR., GOOD condition. T. Dennehy Garage, 1231 Tower Rd. 20TN31-1tp eee -- 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS LADY NEEDING CASH WOULD LIKE to sacrifice her beautiful platinum and diamond dinner ring for $650.00. It is worth at least $1,000. Can be seen at D. Pagliarulo's jewelry store, 1166 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette. 21T31-1te My Chinese Shoppe Removal: I have moved "My Chinese Shoppe" to 929 Thir- teenth Street, Wilmette, S. W. corner of Forest Ave. where I shall be pleased to meet all my old friends and many new ones. Antiques Choice pieces of American An- tique Furniture and Bric-a-Brac. Mrs. J. W. Panushka 929 Thirteenth St. Wilmette 21LTN2-1tc FOR SALE--CHILD'S POLO COAT, size 3 yrs., $5; two rabbit fur coats, sizes 4 and 6, $8 each. Tel. Winn. 1033. 21LTN2-1te FOR SALE--MINNEAPOLIS THER- mostat with clock. Also one pair iron andirons. Tel. Kenil. 1369. 21LTN2-1te 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--LAST CHANCE. SALE concluded Sunday evening. Sold my home; start packing for storage Monday. Am selling at prices you cannot afford to overlook. Hand- some furniture including beautiful solid mahogany twin bedroom set; finest quality, large plain chenille and oriental rugs; drapes, orna- ments; also heavy canvas sleeping porch shades; white enamel beds with mattresses; lamps and bronzes. 920 South Sheridan road, first house north of Beech street, Highland Park, 111. 17T31-1tc FOR SALE--BRASS BED WITH BOX springs and mattresses; cot and mattresses; dark oak library table and bookcase; white enamelled steel kitchen cabinet; other household goods. Very cheap. 411 Laurel Ave.,, Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 493. 17TLTN2-1te FOR SALE--54-IN. QUEEN ANNE round dining room table and chairs. A-1 cond. Also white enamel baby bed, complete. 210 9th St., Wil- mette. Tel. 915-7. 17LTN2-1tc FOR SALE -- REASONABLE. OLD Chippendale chairs; baby bed; alum- inum fireless cooker; oriental rug 50x28. Tel. Kenilworth 2317. 17TLTN2-1tc FOR SALE--WHITE ENAMELED kitchen cabinet, used very little, like new, reasonable. Phone Wil. T76-M. 17LTN2-1tp WANTED--GIRL, WHITE, FOR GEN. FOR SALE--BAUER PLAYER PIANO. 1 good location. housework. Five in family. Tel. 334 Ridge Ave, Winn. Tel. Winn. Tel. Wil. 980-W. 3LTN2-1tc Winn. 1991. 12LTN2-1te 1880. 17LTN1-2tc FOR RENT --APARTMENTS AND OF-| WANTED--CAPABLE WHITE MAID|FOR SALE--MAHOG. BABY GRAND fice rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. for gen. housework. No washing. piano, good condition. Tel, Wil. Winnetka 62. 3LTN43-tfc Tel. Winn. 807. 12LTN2-1tc 1115. 17TLTN2-1te FOR SALE--HUDSON SEAL COAT, Martin collar and cuffs, good condi- tion, size 36-8. $50. Tel. Kenil. 392. 21LTN2-1te FOR SALE--25 WHITE ORPINGTON chickens; yearlings; very fine; good layers. Tel. Winn. 433. 21TN31-1te RANGER BI- FOR SALE--GIRL'S cycle; white reed baby buggy, hair mattress. Tel. Glencoe 461. 21TN31-1te FOR SALE--VICTROLA; 60 records in' books; Perf. cond. Reasonable. Tel. Winnetka 521-M. 21LTN2-1te FOR SALE -- OIL BURNER COM- plete for small home, $100. Win- netka 1686. 21T24-tfe FOR SALE---ANDIRONS AND screen, perf. cond. $14. Tel. Winn. 1631. 21TN31-1te FOR SALE--GAS RANGE, $20.00; reed baby carriage, $10. Tel. Winn. 1874. 21T31-1te FOR SALE -- GAS HEATER FOR fireplace. Almost new. Tel. Winn. 770. 21TN31-1tec FOR SALE--GAS STOVE AT $10. Tel. Glencoe 341-J. 21T31-1te FOR SALE--PONY AND CART. TEL. University 774. 21LTN2-1tc 24 LOST LOST--YOUNG male; no collar. to 100 Green Woods. Tel. AND FOUND COLLIE DOG, FE- Reward if returned Bay Rd., Hubbard Winnetka 749. 24TN31-1tc (Additional Want Ads on Page 18)