Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 8 Nov 1924, p. 15

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i WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1924 15 WHAT SAVES MONEY? WANT ADS TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. papers. MINIMUM WINNETKA TALK and Friday CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ; Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA | Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three CHARGE B50¢. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. Deadline for Insertions-- Cioyna a ny ee = the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 1% o'clock for the 12 o'clock for be ac- 're GLENCOE NEWS. 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS i5 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE FOR RENT--SECOND FLOOR 5-RM. flat; 1 bath; stove heat. Near trans- portation. Tel. Glen. 343-R. 3 3LT6-1tp FOR RENT--APARTMENTS AND OF- fice. rooms... G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. Winnetka 62. 3LTN43-tfe FOR RENT--THREE ROOM Tel. Glencoe :322-J. 3TN35-1te 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--THREE LARGE BEAU- tifully furn. bedrooms in priv. home; hot and cold running water. One THIS WEEK'S LIST possibly contains SOMETHING FOR YOU WINNETKA New solid brick and stuceo home of French design, 6 rooms with attractive features. Htd. ga- rage attch,; h. w. h.; large attic. Lot 55x187. $10,500 mort- gage. Price $20,000. Call at 564 Lincoln Ave., Winn. 314. GLENCOE FOR RENT---Newly decorated, heated apartment, 2 blocks to Hubbard Woods Station. Tele- phone Mr. Drum, Glencoe 819 or 971. RAVINIA Nicely wooded lot east of C. & N. W, 75 ft. frontage. All im- provements in. Three blocks from depot and schools. $47.50 per ft. Terms; make offer. Iocal office 382 Central Ave. Highland Park 268. DEERFIELD New 5 room bungalow, tile bath; hot water heat; fireplace; large porch. Full size basement, cement floor. Two car garage; cement driveway. Lot 50x140. East frontage; 3 blks. to station. This is a real buy. Office Deer- field Ave., Deerfield 270. Gilbert D.. Johnson & Bro. Exclusive Agents Main Office 110 S. Dearborn St. Randolph 0112 1LTN6-1tc Now That Election Is ;Set- tled--I,00ok This Over 6-RM. TAPESTRY BRICK; SPLENDID plan. Located in S. E. Winnetka, on 75 ft. lot. $20,000. 6-rm. frame in excel. cond. at a rediculously low figure. Located on lot 46x187 in N. E. Winnetka. Trees, garden, large garage. A snap at $13,500. A beau. white Col. clapboarg in S. E. Winnetka; 7 rms., 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, sun and sleep. porch; and attached and htd. garage; on a wooded lot. Price $27,500. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Oak St. E. of R. R. Also W. of Indian Hill Station Tel. Winnetka 1800 and 1226 1LTN6-1tc North Shore Homes and Vacant WITH OUR OFFICES IN CLOSE touch with property and owners all along the North Shore we are in an unusually advantageous position to serve you. Chicago, 7 W. Madison St., State 4165 Evanston, 1611 Sherman Ave., Univ. 8908 Wilmette, 421 Fourth St., Wil. 2760 Winnetka, 556 Center St. Winn. 254 Highland Park, 520 Central Ave., Highland Park 406 Heinsen & Kroll Ine. Successor to Heinsen & Clark 1LTN6-1tc Cozy 5-room house and large orounds--3$12,500 INCA FINE LOCATION; 2 10TS; house in A-1 condition; 5-car ga- rage; fruit trees. Shown by ap- pointment only. Tel. Winetka 1689. 1LTN6-1tc FOR SALE--196 FT. VACANT IN Winnetka, suitable for three houses east side, convenient to transporta- tion. Owners want property im- proved and will sell entire piece at $65 per foot. Phone Winnetka 1609. 1LTN5-tfp VACANT INDIAN HILL CLUB GROUNDS 2 lots 150x225 and 200x225; full view of two-thirds of course. Beau. pty. at $100 per ft. WINNETKA Beach rights. 100x200, wooded, small, exclusive development on Lake. Price $15,000. S. E. WINNETKA 62x165. Trees. $80 per ft. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Oak St. E. of R. R. Also W. of Indian Hill Station Tel. Winnetka 1800 and 1226 1LTN6-1tc FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE NEW 5- rm., 2-story faced brick residence, English castle-cottage type. Master slpg. chambers, Weil-McLain h. w. heat, all tile bath, built-in tub and shower; steel construction. Lot 75 ft. frontage; hedge, trees. Conven- ient terms and attractive price to desirable applicant. This choice residence is located in the beauti- ful new village of Golf adjacent to the Glenview Golf Club. 5 min. to new Northwestern Community Golf course; 30 min. to Loop, low fare; 15 min. by highway to Wilmette beach. Apply owner's office, 1 block east of Waukegan Rd., 1 mi. north of Dempster St, or tel. Univ. 9347. 1LTN6-1tc SACRIFICE WINNETKA HOME $25,000 Almost new home in choice east locality, there are 4 bedrooms (very large, owner's with private tiled wall bath) and sleeping porch, large living room with fireplace, screened porch, 3 baths, light plastered base- ment, steel "I" beam construction Arco hot water heat, garage and drive; present mortgage is large and at 6 percent interest, guaran- teed title; house must be sold, im- mediate possession. Make us an of- fer; terms can be made. HILL & STONE, Winnetka office 1LT6-1te WILMETTE BEST BUY IN WILMETTE. usual, modern, well built house; 7 1lge. airy rooms; choice east side location, conv. to "L" and steam roads; slpg. porch, water heat, nicely landscaped lot; abundance shrubs and several fine trees; excep. value at $15,500. For appointment to inspect this splendig buy, phone Wilmette 2066. 1LTN6-1tc FOR SALE--WILMETTE 60 FT. COR- ner lot; 2 blocks to "L." Owner will sell at low price or trade equity for Evanston 5 or 6 rm. brick bunga- low near "L." W. GSTACEY 5-16, REALTORS 336 Linden Ave. Tel. Wilmette 308 1LTN6-1tc FOR SALE OR RENT--5 AND 6-RM. houses; new; big lots; close to trans, lake, golf course; $10,000 to $21,000. Also lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. County Line Rd. 2 blocks west of UN- stucco Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Park 898-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfc FOR RENT--KENILWORTH SPACI- ous residence. Wonderfully wood- ed lot 100x175. Garage. Choicest neighborhood. $150 per month un- til May 1st. Tel. Winn. 254. 1LTNG6-1tc YOUR LAST CHANCE to get a 50 or 100 foot lot in a good location $15 to $18.00 per foot. Apply Cosmas Brothers, Wilmette. Tel. 2693-2694. 1LT6-1tc WANTED TO BUY--RESIDENCE LOT or house and lot in or near Palm Beach or Miami, Florida. 440 Drexel Ave. Glencoe. 1TN35-1tp 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM - bungalow; furnished; h. w. heat; 3 bedrooms, kitchen, dining room and bath; newly decorated. Large 2-car garage. In fine neighborhood. Nov. 15-June 1 or 15. Tel. Winn, 1471. 2TN34-2tc FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSE IN HUB- bard Woods from about Dec. 20 to middle of April. Every convenience. Family going to Florida. Very reas. rent to right party. Address Wil- mette Life, 362. 2LTN6-1tc FOR RENT--FIVE RM. COTTAGE ON Dundee Rd.; 1 mile west of Glencoe. Tel. Winn. 734 daytime; 1503 eve- nings. 2TN35-1te FOR RENT--FOUR RMy COTTAGE; immed. poss. Tel. Winn. 558. 2T35-1te 3 FOR RENT---APARTMENTS FOR RENT--APARTMENT OVER GA- rage; 4 rms.; bath; h. w. heat. On Prospect Ave. To couple with no children. Tel. Winnetka 68. 3LTN6-1tc FOR RENT--625-11TH ST. 4-ROOM apartment; steam heat; in-a-dor bed in dining room. Janitor service. Tel. Wilmette 2399. 3LTN2-tfc Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNEZKA 2000-2001. og To tie Pr Le By Wil: - mette.. Tel. Wil, 2791. 4LTN6-1te FOR = RENT--DESIRABLE FRONT 1 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE rooms, single or in a suite; reas. Tel. Wilmette 1940. 4LTN6-1te FOR RENT--ROOM AT $5 PER week with privilege of kitchen. Young white woman preferred. Tel. Wilmette 3039. 4LLTN6-1tc Best location. FLAT. | AND REMODELING Tel. Univ. 8321. 15TN35-1te DRESSMAKING by the day; exp. SITUATION WANTED -- LAUNDRY work on Thursdays and Fridays. Tel. Glencoe 616. 15TN35-1tc FRUIT CAKES "lum puddings and cakes of all kinds baked to order. Tel. Winnetka 1333. 15LT6-8te WANTED--MENDING AND PLAIN sewing. Address Wilmette Life 357. " 15LT6-1tp TO DO AT WANTED--LAUNDRY home. Must deliver and call for. Tel. Wilmette 2677. 15TN35-1te WANTED--LAUNDRY TO TAKE home. Tel. Wilmette 2130. 15LT6-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1080. 4LT4-tfe FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM WITH kitchenette. Tel. Winn. 631-J. 4LTN6-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; near transportation. Tel. Winnetka 2190. 4TN35-1tp FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS, h. w. heat. 556 Center St, 1 block north of Elm St. 4T35-1tc 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT--ONE OR TWO furnished rooms or small unfurnish- ed flat for chauffeur. Address Win- E. Mac Lean Gowns and wraps made to or- der, also remodeling. 1301 Judson Ave. Evanston Tel. Univ. 2590 15LTN6-1tc ORDERS TAKEN FOR DELICIOUS brown bread and homemade dough- nuts. Tel. Winn. 182. 15LTN6-1te GOOD LAUNDRY Tel. Univ. WORK. 8120. ' 15T35-1tp WANTED references. 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE laundry; two adults, one Wil. 2576. Mrs. Bowen. 12TN35-1te housework, child. Tel. WANTED--WHITE GIRL OR WOMAN to care for small boy and do dishes evenings. Tel. Winn. 919. 12TN35-1tp WANTED--WHITE GIRL 'TO TAKE care of two children in afternoons. Tel. Kenilworth 2010. 12LTN6-1tc WANTED--REFINED WOMAN WHO likes children to take care of child. Tel. Wilmette 3191. 12LTN6-1tc WANTED--HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO take care of child after school. Tel. Kenilworth 1399. 12TN35-1tc WANTED--COMPETENT WOMAN FOR general housework, no washing. Tel. Winnetka 1448, 12TN35-1te 13 HELP WANTED--MALE FEMALE AND WANTED--COUPLE WHO WILL AP- preciate a good home for general housework and chauffeur; private room and bath. Tel. Winn. 2283. 13T35-1te 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 20LTN24-tfc NASH 1922 ROADSTER OVERHAUL- ed, repainted, excellent condition throughout. Suitable for student's school car or business man's run- about. Can be seen Saturday after- noon or Sunday morning at 421 Lin- den Street, Winnetka. Phone Win- netka 1131. 20T35-1te SALE -- DODGE ROADSTER, FOR high hood, peppy motor, $325. Tel Winn. 692-M. 20TN35-1tp ---- cen 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- STANDARD BREMER Kelly 3-tube circuit radio enclosed in a beautiful dark walnut cabinet. Highest grade parts throughout. Simple to operate. Range 2,000 miles. Perfect tone. Minimum reradiation. Complete with three 201A tubes. Set of 3,000 Ohm phones, 245 volt B. bat- teries; all for $75; worth $125. Tel. Winnetka 1308. 21T35-1te FOR SALE--OLD COINS GATHERED from every point on the globe; old German steins; rare personal pic- ture of Abraham Lincoln and fam- ily: rare Betsy Ross picture; other pictures. 1332 Forest Ave. Wil- mette. 21LTN6-1te FOR SALE -- LONG SEAL COAT trimmed with tan caracul, in perfect condition; also handmade tapestry for bench. Call Sunday. Winn. 1669. $5 P re., Hubbard Woods. 859 Burr Ave, ubb Tie chair, $6; ivory wicker chairs; table lamp; other household goods. All very reas . Tel. Wilmette 612. 17LTNé6-1tc FOR SALE--ANTIQUES. OLD BRASS, silver and mah. candlesticks; old vases; silver tea services; old chairs, lamps, tables, chafing dishes, and percolators. 1332 Forest Ave, Wil- mette. 17TLTN6-1te FOR SALE--EDISON TABLE PHONO- graph, 100 records, cabinet, com- plete, $12; reed furn: bird cage; fernery with ferns; chairs, rockers and rugs. 1332 Forest Ave. Wil- mette. 17TLTN6-1te FOR SALE--BEDS, DINING ROOM set, and other household articles. Reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1055. 17TN35-1te FOR SALE--MAH. TABLE, CURLY birch dressing table, taupe and rose portieres like new. Tel. Winn. 1998. 17LTN6-1tc FOR SALE--ANTIQUE WALNUT chairs, mah. settee of Duncan Phyfe period, newly upholstered. Tel. Glencoe 336. 17TLTN6-1tc WANTED--SOMEONE TO HELP WITH housework and get dinner from 4:00 P. M. till evening. Tel. Winnetka 667. 13TN35-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE COLORED MAN WANTS POSITION AS cook and houseman; good plain cook; exp. houseman. Can drive a ear. Good references. Write Cook, 564 Lincoln Ave. 14T35-1tp SITUATION WANTED--BY PRIVATE chauffeur, colored, 9 years experi- ence, good references. Tel. Univer- sity 4699. Mr. Fred Wilson. 14T35-2tp WANTED -- FURNACE tender, housecleaning or serving parties. 1st class references. Tel. Glencoe 616. 14TN35-1tc TAILOR WILL CLEAN, PRESS AND repair clothes in private homes. Prices reasonable. Call Lake For- est 1411. 14LTN6-1tp SITUATION Dance Music For All Occasions E. E. BIGELOW Tel. Wil. 3035 14LTN4-tfp SITUATION WANTED--MAN WANTS living quarters over garage for tak- ing care of furnace, etc. Tel. Univ. 2716. 14LT6-1tp WANTED .-- EXP. FURNACE MAN wants to take care of furnaces or do work by the hour. Tel. Winn. 2034. 14T35-1tc 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE WHITE WOMAN WISHES IRONING, cooking or cleaning by day or week. FOR SALE--ANTIQUE MAPLE, cherry, and walnut beds. Tel. Winn. 462. 17TLTN6-1te FOR SALE--GAS RANGE; CHEAP IF taken at once. Call 780 Foxdale Ave. or tel. Winn. 1022, 17T35-1te 1S WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS netka Talk 366. TT35-1te | J 1 7 Hs 1 T \ re Ty EE aro Sool OyR oEmVSANTEUMENS ARE HOW 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE chauffeur and gardener. Tel. Rav- I opp Kdwards, Florist, 917 enswood $097, Mr. John H. Smith. all colors or Tel. Winn. IS THERE A WOMAN WHO WILL : 16LT6-1tp EA OW & t-, 21 T5-3te give part time service for a home OLE 885. and small renumeration? Small| MARRIED COUPLE WANT USE- | -- a NS EXTRA QUAL- house,2 adults, alone all day. Tel. work in Winnetka. Tel Boulevard PoE ike 100 Tons ash wood; cut Wy iimefte 1007. §2T38 110 + LL dL table for fire place. $10.00 Lh 3 i : tv arri . WANTED--EXP. WHITE GIRL; GOOD|17 FOR *"LE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS | ton delivered but mot CAIVIC, gpd wages; small house; no laundry; STIR Tel. Winnetka 2090. ! priv. room and bath. Apply 303] FOR SALE -- KARPEN "HESTER- Ee HIGH CLASS Fairview Ave. Winnetka. Tel. Win-| field "avenport, spring cushions, blue | FOR gare. SD EnAL ad black and netka 852. 12LTN6-1tc| and gold velour, $85; blue wing| dresses, sizes at, Tel. Winm, chair, $15; Colonial mah. library| white LE pe Winnetka. WANTED--REFINED WOMAN TO AS- table, $8; wicker chaise-lounge, 3 1372. 637 Gar " 91LTN6-1tc sist Mother on Thursdays; mend- chairs, 2 tables and tea kk Ty ing. Tel. Mrs. Joslin, Kenil. 1885. black print covers, $70. Tel. Kenil- |= = > PIT ES, BEAU- 12LTN6-1tc| worth 2999. 17TN35-1te POR SALE OHO% ah RT ; Se Dai ; Kennels, WANTED--WOMAN FOR WASHING|FOR SALE_GAS STOVE, $3; BATH| pionship stock, =~ Wartags oon, and ironing on Mon. or Tues.; white tub, $3; Thor washing machine, $15; empster St., 1 91 TN6-1tp preferreq . Tel. Winnetka 1897. ice box, $10; window boxes, Dove The Dells. 12LTN6-1te furniture, ironing board, olding "gn ~OT JRRIER AND - cots, stair carpet, vacuum cleaner, | FOR SALE-GODRY, CU prints and WANTED--WHITE LAUNDRESS ON| other furniture. Reas. Tel. Wil-| Ives, Sporting, 808 Washington Mondays and Tuesdays; $4.00 and mette 14 or call 804 Forest Ave, other antiques. 91. TN6-1te carfare . Tel. Glencoe 956. Wilmette. 17LTN6-1tc| St, Evanston. a 12LLTN6-1tc Lie 2 : : FOR SALE--56-IN. FUMED OAK|FOR SALE--ICE BOX: GAS STOVES WANTED_--WHITE : GIRL, GENERAL| "rable, buffet, 6 chairs, $25; hall| lady's fur coat Can 1g J 0! jve, noon Sunday at Glencoe. FOR SALE--OIL BURNER COMPLETE 75. Winnetka 1 9 small home, $75 tic 7 AR- OR SALE--SILVER PLATED M!/ ¥ tin cornet. Call at 1637 Forest Ave., 21TN35-1te Wilmette. 21LTN6-1te FOR SALE--ONE DOZEN HONTYS suckle hedge bushes. Cheap. 5: Wilmette 3085. 21LTN6-1te FOR SALE--BEAUTIFUL He rug i i n. el. - rug in Colonial desig at te mette 2725. FOR SALE -- BEAUTIFUL, HAND painted, 200 piece dinner set. Address Winnetka Talk 367. 21T35-1tp FOR SALE--YOUNG MAN'S SUIT AND overcoat: also lady's apparel, size 36. Tel. Glencoe 679. 21TN35-1te FOR SALE--$69 VICTROLA FOR $25. Tel. Wilmette 3039. 21LTN6-1te omens, 24 LOST AND FOUND FOUND -- INJURED COLLIE DOG. Winnetka license number 130, on Nov ps 1. Winnetka 1418. November 3. Te RRL LOST--WHITE COLLIE PUPPY NEAR 630 Rosewood Ave. on Tuesday. Tel. Winn. 1021. 24T35-1tp 25 CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfc 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT--HEATED GA- rage for one or two cars near 495 Ash St. Tel. Winnetka 1417. 19T35-1tp STORE WINNETKA FURNITURE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash Street. 19LTN-tfe WANTED--USED BABY CARRIAGE; must be in good cond. Tel. Win- netka 1475. 19LTN6-1tc WANTED TO BUY--PORTABLE VIC- trola; reas. Tel. Winnetka 1372. 1ILTN6-1te 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--LATE MODEL BUICK coupe; new high grade burned-off paint job; good tires, just complete- ly overhauled in our shop, uphol- stering and carpet like new. Any- one wishing a high grade coupe should see this car. Terms if de- sired. Price = $875. North Shore Buick Co., 1141 Greenleaf Ave. Wil- mette. Tel. Wil. 62, 20LTN6-1tc FOR SALE--REAL BARGAIN. CHEV- rolet, 1922, 4-pass. coupe, fully equipped, $100 worth of new parts and equipment, 5 good tires. Good running order. $225 cash. Tel. Winn. 1888. 20LTN6-1te FOR RENT--SIX RM. STEAM HEAT- ed apt. G. F. Gonsalves: Tel. Win- netka 62. 3LTN6-1tc Tel. Wilmette 3129. 15T35-1te DRESSMAKING; COATS and DRESSES. 916 Ash St, Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1758. 15TN35-1tp FOR SALE--FORD ROADSTER AND light truck body, $75. 270 Harbor St., Glencoe. 20TN35-1tp PRESTO-UP GA- Rep. Ralph Ev- HARRIS BROS. rages. North Shore Watts, 1722 Greenwood Blvd, anston. Tel. University 1707. In- spection invited. Cash or terms. q i ladly furnished. Information g y 25LTN50-tfe MR. LOT OWNER QUALITY BUILDER WILL BUILD and loan entire cost of home ready for spring delivery. Easy. terms. Write today. Address Wilmette Life, 358. 25LTN5-4te 26 GARDENING Get Our Estimate on Planting of Shrubs, Trees and Evergreens Grading, Pruning of Trees SCHULEMAN BROS. Tel. Wilmette 2842 26L.T6-1tp 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE EXPERT HOUSE CLEANING; WIN- dow washing; floor waxing; furni- ture polishing; odd painting and cal- cimining jobs. Tel. Winn. 1035. 27LT45-tfe NORTH SHORE WINDOW & HOUSE- Cleaning Co. 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winnetka 1994. Winnetka, 27T31-tfe --_-- 30 TUTORING THE LAUREL MUSIC STUDIO Voice Culture and Coaching 490 Hazel Ave. Glencoe. Tel. 805 30TN34-2te a I RR RR rE A a a a i he

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