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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 15 Nov 1924, p. 19

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1924 19 WHAT SAVES MONEY? WANT ADS T a CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. . Classified advertisements will be charged only General Notices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all three MINIMUM CHARGE 50c. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. 7 y Classified advertisements will Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the papers. WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 be ac- o'clock for 're GLENCOE NEWS. 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--ONE OR TWO PLEAS- ant, sunny, front rooms next bath- room; use of kitchen if desired; 2 blocks from transportation; suitable for 2 men or couple; moderate. Tel. Wil. 3014. 4LTN7-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE, FRONT ROOM suitable for 2 gentlemen or couple; kitchen privilege 879 Cherry St. if desired. Call Tel. Winn. 578-R. 4T36-1tp FOR RENT--SOUTH ROOM IN GOOD home; near transportation and tea room in Hubbard Woods; gentleman only. Address Winnetka Talk 374. 4T36-1tc Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS SUITABLE -- for 2 couples or 3 men; board if de- - sired; near transportation. Call 688 1 REAL ESTATE ; REND. RSTATE Ash St., Winnetka, OI NP le WE HAVE BEEN VERY FORTUNATE| FOR RENT--ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 3 getting the EXCLUSIVE lisvine gentlemen. Apply 1023 Main St, , of some very choice acre tracts im- Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 2109. THIS WEEK'S LIST mediately west of the North Shore Hmigtte ° 9 4LTN7-1tp ib i suburbs, some of it on state roads, possibly contains others adiomisg golf Propotias, oat FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. FRONT In our estimation are very good in- room; 2 blocks from Elm St. trans- SOMETHING FOR YOU vestments. Among others, we es-| portation. Tel. Winn. 730. . . pecially call your attention to the 4T36-1tc following: Six (6) acres on State CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT., OUTSIDE WINNETKA (concrete) road, very choice rooms; for transients and residents. location, at $2500.00 per 629 Main St. Tel. Wil. 1080. : : BOLE nh ie Tt $15,000.00 4L.T4-tfc Change in business forces own- Twenty (30) acres. on er to sell 8 room, 3 bath home State (concrete) road, near FOR RENT -- DESIRABLE FRONT . N a Ars : ; elevated extension at $2- rooms, . single or in a suite; reas. in Northeast Winnetka; with 500.00 Der acre cs. os iain $50,000.00] Best location. Tel. Wilmette 1940. glazed sun and sleeping porches ; garage; near school and station. Call owner, Winnetka 244 or our local office 564 I.incoln Avenue, Winnetka 314. GLENCOE New Colonial stucco, 7 rooms, 2 baths, with large sun porch; exceptional construction; 1st floor canvassed; Flaxlinum insulation; 2 blks. to Skokie Club, 4 blks. to sta. Any reasonable offer sidered. Local Office Ave., Glencoe 971. con- 352 Pati HIGHLAND PARK A 109x150 feet, northeast section; near schools, . trains and lake. $35 per ft.; no assessments ; © will" divide. Iocal well wooded, office 382 Central Ave. High- land Rark 268. DEERFIELD Heavily wooded. 5 acres, ex- ceptionally desirable homesite, on private white crushed stone road ; southern gsr exposure; neighboring estate highly restricted. I,ocal Office Deerfield Ave. Deerfield 270. ; Gilbert D. Johnson & Bro. Exclusive Agents Main Office 110 S. Dearborn St. Randolph 0112 1LTNT7-1te FOR SALE--ATTRACTIVE NEW 5- rm. 2-story faced brick residence, English castle-cottage type. Master slpg. chambers, Weil-McLain h. w. heat, all tile bath, built-in tub and shower; steel construction, Lot 75 ft. frontage; hedge, trees. Conven- ient terms and attractive price to desirable applicant. This choice residence is located in the beauti- ful new village Golf Club adjacent to the Glenview Golf Club. 5 min. to new Northwestern Community Golf course; 30 min. to Loop, low fare; 15 min. by highway to Wilmette beach. "Apply owner's office, 1 block east of Waukegan Rd., 1 mi. north of Dempster St., or tel. Univ. 9347. 1LTN7-1tc , HONESTLY! THIS IS WINNETKA'S BEST BUY. A "unique f-room colonial, almost new, . heated" 'sun and sleeping porches, water heat, bath with tile walls. - Lot 88x187, beautifully wooded, in - the most choice east section. Re- duced to $20,500. Heinsen & Kroll Inc. 566 Center St. Winnetka 254 z 1LTNT7-1te 2 . " FOR SALE--WILMETTE VERY COZY LITTLE HOME LOCAT- "ed in extreme east section of Wil- " mette; glazed sleeping and break- ~ fast porches; 2-car garage; beauti- fully landscaped lot with abundant shrubs and several fine trees. Land alone worth $8,000. This is actual- ly best buy in Wilmette at $10,000. For appointment phone Wilmette 2066. 1LTN7-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--5 AND 6-RM. houses; new; big lots; close to trans. Eighteen (18) acres ad- joining a new golf club, west of Waukegan road at $17,000.00 Twenty (20) acres adjoin- ing a new golf club, west of Waukegan road at ....... $19,000.00 Twenty (20) acres on State (concrete) road fronting North Shore Golf Club at $40,000.00 Thirty-three (33) acres, one-half mile frontage on new State road and fronting golf club at ....wd=. 5 8% $60,500.00 J. H. Schaefer & Co. Phone Wilmette 364 909 Ridge Ave. J 3 1LTN7-1te T ~ N North Suburban Real Estate S. E. WINNETKA Colonial clapboard; 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, sun and sleeping porch; at- tached heated garage; splendid con- dition ;lot 60x165. Price $27,500. " KENILWORTH * + Beautiful Colonial clapboard of Calif. redwood; 4 bedrooms; 3 baths: 2-car garage; excellent "location. Lot 100x165. Make offer. 1 GLENCOE Colonial brick; 6 bedrooms; 3 baths; on wooded lot, 110x187. Best value in N. E. Glencoe at $37,500. VACANT WINNETKA Indian Hill grounds. 2 splendid pieces of pty; 150 and 200 by 225 respectively; sweeping view of most of course and sunset; $100 per foot. Beach Rights; 100x200 wooded; a splendid piece of pty. $15,000. S. E. Winnetka--$80 per ft. S. W. Indian Hill--$70 and $80 per E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Oak St. E. of BR. R. Also W. of Indian Hill Station Winn. 1800 Winn. 1226 1LTN7-1te FOR SALE--WINNETKA, NEW 7-RM. brick home in choice east locality; con- taining 4 bedrooms and two baths, extra lav. and toilet 1st floor; h. w. heat; garage; convenient to schools and transportation. Owner will ac- cept very reasonable terms. Price $25,000. To make.appointment for this and other homes and vacant call Hill & Stone, Winnetka 1544-5. 1T36-1tc PT. "VACANT IN suitable for three houses east side, convenient to transporta- tion. Owners want property improv- ed and will sell entire piece at $65 FOR SALE--196 Winnetka, per foot. Phone Winnetka 1609. 1LTN5-tfp FOR SALE -- FINEST RIPARIAN frontage lot, 99x225 ft., in Winnetka; easement to Sheridan Rd. $225 per ft. Clear. . O. BB. Fox; 903 Oak St; 1T36-1tc FOR SALE--BUSINESS PROPERTY in Glencoe; about 8,000 square feet. Terms easy. Address Winnetka Talk 371. 1LTN7-1tp FOR RENT--FIVE RM. COTTAGE ON Dundee Rd.; 1 mile west of Glen- coe. Tel. Winn. 374 daytime; 1503 evenings. 1LTN7-1te FOR SALE--WELL CONSTRUCTED 6-room house; sun, sleeping, front and rear porches. Leaving town. Tel. Winn. 1298. 1TN36-1tp 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--FURNISHED HOUSE Longwood Avenue, Glencoe. Over- looking the lake; choice location. 4 bedrooms; 2 baths; sun and sleep- ing porches; attch. garage; facing double ravine. 1 1/3 acres heavily wooded. Gilbert D. Johnson & Bro. 352 PARK AVENUE Glencoe 971 Randolph 0112 2LTNT7-1tc FOR RENT--FIVE ACRE CHICKEN farm on Voltz Rd. 3 blocks east of South Northbrook limits, large house, 8 rooms. Chicken barn 120 ft. long. Will rent house with or without land; Jan. 1st. Tel. Northbrook 19-R. 2TN36-1tc 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 4LTN7-1te FOR RENT--LARGE, LIGHT, WELL furnished, double room, near trans- portation. Tel. Winn. 1543. 4LTN7-1tc FOR RENT--LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms with kitchenette; furnished. Tel. Winn. 631-J. 4LT7-1tc FOR 2 GENTLIE- FOR RENT--ROOM men. Apply Sheridan Cafe, 601 Main St., Wilmette. 4LT7-1te FOR RENT--ROOM, SUITABLE FOR couple or 2 men; near transportation. Tel. Wil. 2416. 4LT7-1te FOR RENT--TWO ROOMS; NEAR transportation. Tel. Winn. 589. 4T36-1tc FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM. CALL 928 Linden Ave. 'Winnetka. 4TN36-1tp FOR RENT--FOUR ROOMS. GARAGE. Tel. Glencoe 338-J. 4T36-1tc 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES . FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR ONE CAR. No heat. 888 Oak Street. 6T36-1tp 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--COMPETENT general housework; no small family. Apply Ave., Glencoe. Tel. GIRL, FOR washing; 670 Longwood Glencoe 879. 12TN36-1te FOR WANTED -- STENOGRAPHER real estate office. Experienced; ac- curate in notes; able to meet pub- lic. Address Winnetka Talk 375. 12T36-1te WANTED--COMPETENT WOMAN FOR general housework; no laundry; pri- vate rom and bath. Apply 138 Wood- 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED -- POSITION AS CHAUF- feur; 15 years experience on high grade cars. 10 years with last fam- ily. Very best references. Address Wilmette Life 376. 14TN36-1tp SITUATION WANTED--BY PRIVATE chauffeur, colored, 9 years experi- ence, good references. Tel. Univer- sity 4699. Mr. Fred Wilson. 14T35-2tp WANTED -- EXP. FURNACE MAN wants to take care of furnaces or do work by the hour. Tel. Winn. 2034. 14T36-1tc Dance Music For All E. E Occasions BIGELOW Tel. Wil. 3035 14LTN4-tfp RELIABLE MAN WOULD LIKE TO take care of furnace and do gener- al work. Tel. Winn. 639-W, 14T36-1tp EXP. WHITE MAN WANTS HOUSE- cleaning, yard work or odd jobs. Oliver Hertzberger. Tel. Glencoe 770. 14T36-1te WANTED -- SITUATION; TAKING care of furnaces and general work. Tel. Winn. 1552. 14T36-1tc FOR SALE--WILL SACRIFICE BE- cause leaving town; Conover Grand piano; two 9x12 rugs; din. rm. set; other household goods. Call 936 Spruce St., Winnetka. 17TN36-1te FOR SALE--OAK DIN. RM. SET; table, 6 chairs, china cabinet with mirror back. Very cheap. Tel. Winn. 1131. 17TN36-1te FOR SALE--OVERSTUFFED LIVING room set and other furniture. Tel Wil. 25. 17LTNT7-1te 1S WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189 18L.TN24-tfe 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS VANTED TO BUY--DRESSES AND y coats in good condition. Address Abrahamson, 1403 Jarvis Bye. Chi- 3 . Tel. Rogers Pk. ' gage ? E 19TN36-1tp WANTED TO BUY--USED BOOKCASE IT SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE COLLEGE GRADUATE IN DESI' N- ing and dressmaking specializes in college women's and high school girls' clothing. Home or out. Tel. Wilmette S05-M. 15LTN7-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- GRADUATE col. nurse will take care of children or invalids; will help with house- work; ref. Tel. Drexel 4605. 15LT7-1tp WANTED -- WASHINGS TO TAKE home; finished work and rought dry; also "wet" wash. Will call for and deliver. 418 Prairie Ave. Tel. Wil 1351. 15LTNT7-tfe EXPERIENCED WOMAN WILL DO cooking and serving for dinners and luncheons. Tel. Wil. 3129, 15L.T7-1tp EXPWRIENCED will take eons or COLORED WOMAN orders for cooking lunch- dinners. Tel. Glencoe 1015. 15TN36-1tc DRESSMAKING; COATS AND DRESS- es. Johanna B. Anderson, 916 ASh St., Winnetka. Tel. Winnetka 1758. . 15TN36-1tp LAUNDRESS WOULD do laundry work at home. Winn. 639-W. 15TN36-1tp EXPERIENCED like to Tel. ORDERS TAKEN FOR DOLL CLOTHES for Christmas.. Tel. Winn, 287. % 15T36-1tc FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- tering call Miss Carlsten, Winn. 911 mornings or evenings. 15T36-1te or cupboard, suitable To slong and magazines. el. inn. pa 2 g 19T36-1te WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything usefu.. L045 Ash Street. 19LTN-tfe WANTED TO BUY--DARK WOOD writing desk with drawer. 3 Tel. Univ. 4571. 19T36-1te 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES 1921 Premier Brougham FOR SALE--5 NEW KELLY-SPRING- field itres; A-1 upholstering; good general condition. $750 cash or terms. Pavlik 3ros. Machine Shop. Tel. Kenilworth 280. 20LTN7-2te FOR SALE--CADILLAC LIMOUSINE 57, just overhauled mechanically, in- terior trim fine shape, $700. 1258 Asbury Ave, Winnetka. Tel. Win- netka 1419. 20L/TN7-itp Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland : Dealers Evanston 140 20L'TN24-tfc FOR SALE--MOON 4 PASS. COUPE; excellent condition; fine - engine; driven 13,000 miles; $850. Tel. Wil- mette 1201. J 20LTNT7-1te 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS ANTIQUES OLD BRASS AND SILVER CANDLE- sticks, tea services, trays, clocks, old COLORED' WOMAN WANTS LAUN- dry work or housecleaning by the day. Tel. Univ. 1487. 15T36-1tp WANTED--WASHING AND CLEAN- land Ave. Winnetka. Tel. Winn. ing by the day. Tel. Wil: 338. 1448. 12LTNT7-1te 15LT7-1tp WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL|FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS, COL- housework. References required. Al- ored, wants day work; ref. Tel. so laundress for Mondays. Tel. Winn. Univ. 5045. 15LTNT7-1tp 1843. . 12T36-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. housework; good wages; maid's room and bath. Adults. Tel. Glen. 956. 12TN36-1tc WANTED--LAUNDRESS FOR MON- days and Tuesdays: must be able to use washing machine. Tel. Winn; 315. 12TN36-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL OR WOM- an for general housework; no laun- dry. Apply 1293 Scott Ave. Tel. Winnetka 1449. 12T36-1tc bric-a-braec, lamps, chairs, and odd furniture. 1332 Forest Ave. Wil- mette. 21LTN7-1te FOR SALE--IMPORTED SWEDISH hand woven rugs, table covers. and bedspread; very reasonable. Only few left. Lindwall's, 808 Oak St. Tel. Winn. 145 21TN36-1te FOR SALE--FLAT TOP ANDREWS desk and chair in perf. cond. Orig- inal cost $83; will sell for $35. 669 Ave., Glencoe. Mezuon 21LTN7-1te SWEDISH WOMAN WANTS WASH- ing, ironing and cleaning by the day. Tel. Wilmette 2486. 15LTNT7-1te HIGH SCHOOL GIRL, COLORED, wishes position after school. Tel. Univ. 6813. 15LT7-1tp ORDERS TAKEN FOR DELICIOUS brown bread and homemade dough- nuts. 'Tel. Winn. 182. 15LTNT7-1te WANTED -- LAUNDRY TO TAKE home. Tel. Wilmette 2130. 15LT7-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- WANTED -- MENDING AND PLAIN eral housework: no laundry, good sewing. Address Wilmette Life 357. wages. Call 675 Greenwood Avenue, 15LT7-1tc Glencoe. 12TN36-1tc WANTED -- LAUNDRY WORK AT WANTED--HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO home. Tel. Wil. 2893. 15LT7-2te assist with work in tiny kitchenette apt. from 3-6 daily. Tel. Kenilworth WANTED -- LAUNDRY TO TAKE 1865 after 6 p. m. 12LTN7-1te| home... Tel. Wil. 2708. 15T36-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN.|1e6 SITUATION WANTED--MALE housework; no washing; inust be re- fined; exp. not necessary. Tel. (ilen- coe 1049. 12UTNT-1te WANTED--LAUNDRESS TO WORK by the day. Apply Mrs. C. H. Smith, 711 Laurel Ave. Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 2200. o 12LT7-1te WANTED--AN ELDERLY LADY .TO assist with hswk. Good home to 'the right party. Address Wilmette Life 368. 12LT7-1te WANTED ---- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: with or without wash- ing; 5 in family. Tel. Winn. 1991. 12LTN7-1te WANTED--EXP. WHITE MAID FOR general housework; good wages. "Tel. Winn. T5144 18 12LTN7-1te WANTED--NURSE MAID: GO HOME nights. Tel. Kenilworth 1399. 12LTN7-1te 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE U. S. JOBS OPEN MEN AND WOMEN TO BE APPOINT- ed to Government clerkships in Chi- cago, Waukegan and other offices in Illinois as result of written civil- service examination on December 3. Start $110 a month. Age 18 to 75. lake, golf course; $10,000 to $21,000. FOR RENT -- 5-ROOM APT, "SUN Write G. A. Cook, Civil Service In- Also lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. porch, bath; hot water; h. w. heat structor, 945 Pa. Ave., Washington, County Line Rd. 2 blocks west of included; $70. Prairie Avenue and D. C,, for free information. Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Park High St, Highwood, Ill. 13TN36-1tec 898-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfc 3TN36-1te = -- z ----|14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED--AN OLD HOUSE SUIT-|FOR RENT--625-11TH ST. 4-ROOM able for remodeling into seven or apartment; steam heat; in-a-door| WHITE MAN WANTS DAY WORK OF eight rooms. Address Wilmette Life bed in dining room. Janitor service. any kind. Tel. Wil. 3254. 373. 1LTN7-1te Tel. Wilmette 2399. 3LTN2-tfe 14LTN7-1tp FOR SALE -- PLEASANT 7-ROOM | FOR RENT--APARTMENTS AND OF-| SITUATION WANTED--EXP. CHAUF- modern home. Tel. Winn. 596-J. fice rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. feur. good mechanic. Call 688 Ash St., 1LTNT7-1te Winnetka 62. 3LTN43-tfc Winnetka. 14LTN7-1tc AND FEMALE OUR CHRYSANTHEMUMS ARE NOW in. Pompoms and large flowers in all colors. Edwards, Florist, 917 Willow St., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. '885. 21LT5-3te FOR SALE--100 TONS EXTRA QUAL- ity split oak and ash wood; cut suitable for fire place. $10.00 per ton delivered but not carried in. Tel. Winnetks 2090. 21LTN6-2tec. FOR SALE--EDEN COPPER. WASH- ing machine, $30. Eureka vacuum cleaner, $15. Both machines in good dition. Tel. Wil. 1485. condition PLL FOR SALE--FLAT TOP ANDREWS desk and chair in perfect condition. Original cost $83; will sell for $35. Call 669 Vernon Ave. Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 743. 21LTNT7-1te FOR SALE--BOY"S OVERCOAT, SIZE 14, like new; liv. and din. room in- direct electric light fixtures; cheap. Tel. Wil. 1909. 21LTNT7-1te SITUATION WANTED-- EXP, COL.' GRBEAT.BARGAIN-IN--BOOKS, YOUR couple; man exp. chauffeur and choice at 15¢ a copy. A wonderful houseman, woman good cook, and| (hance to fill your library. 1332 For- all around housemaid. Best of ref. est Ave.. Wilmette. 21LTN7-1te furnished. Tel. Kenwood 4245 or call _ R.: P. Richards, 4733 Prairie Ave.,|proR SALE -- EDEN 'GALVANIZED Chicago. 16LTNT7-1tp | © washing machine and Hoover clean- "1 a er. Will sell both for $40. Tel. Winn. 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1793. 21LTNT7-1tc FOR SALE--TWO ANTIQUE FRENCH FOR SALE--$185 SIMPLEX WASHING inlaid mahogany chairs; walnut machine, air-tight tub, $125; perf. shaving stand and .others; cherry cond. Tel. Glencoe 889. 21TN36-ltc drop-leaf stand with curly maple drawer; -drop-leaf din. tables in|FOR SALE--GREY REED BABY CAR- cherry and mahogany; various sets riage in good condition. Tel. 'Winn, of 6 din. chairs; old glass lamps; 1122. 21T36-1tc brass candlesticks; chests of draw- ers; secretaries. Several other an-|FOR SALE--OIL BURNER COMPLETE tiques have : just arrived from the for small home, $75. Yvinnegin South. Lindwall"s Antique Shop, 808 1686. 21T24-tfe Os i a. e innet Crk 2: Winnetun, Tel 1 psts FOR SALE--BLUE, REED, GONDOLA . . baby buggy; reasonable. Tel. Win- FOR SALE -- MODERN, CHIPPEN- netka 1356. 21LTN7+1te dale, oblong din. table and 6 chairs; brown mahogany finish. Just like new. Will sell cheap. 808 Oak St. Winnetka Tel. Winn. 145. 17TN36-1tc FUMED OAK FOR SALE--STICKLEY davenport, table, 2 chairs, reed tea eart, child's iron crib. Tel. Winn. 836. 17TLTNT7-1te FOR SALE--MAHOGANY 4 POSTER double bed with box spring and mat- tress; in excellent condition; $35. Tel. Winn. 260. 17TLTNT7-1te FOR SALE--BLUE AND GOLD, OVER- stuffed davenport, loose cushion, $85; also blue velour wing chair, $15. Tel. Kenilworth 2999. 17T36-1te FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD FURNISH- ings. Tel. Winn. 2055 between 5-6 Pm 17T36-1tc FOR SALE PEDICRERD OFRMAY 1i u r. Tel. Kenilwor . poues DUD 21LTNT7-1te FOR SALE--TWO MAH JONGG SETS at $12.50 and $16. Tel. Winn. 2149. 21LTN7-1te FOR SALE--MAN'S OVERCOAT 'IN very good condition; reasonable. Tel. Winn. 954. 21LTN7-1te FOR SALE--THOROUGHBRED, IRISH terrier puppy, 5 mos. old. Tel. Wil- mette 52. 21LTN7-1te EE -------- 24 LOST AND FOUND WHO FOUND LOST--WILL PERSON black case containing "Bible" and "Science and Health" please call Winn. 2202 and receive reward. 24'T36-1tc

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