2 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1924 DISCUSS NEW CHURCH NAME Congregationalists to Decide on Change of Name at Annual Meeting "NOW SERMON TOPIC Committee Ready to Submit Its Report In response to the request of the Church council of the Winnetka Con- gregational church, Rev James Austin Richards last Sunday morning presented in his sermon the important question, "Have we the best name for our church?" It is not a new question in the minds of many of the church people, hut it has not yet been satisfactorily answered, he explained. "When it came up with new vigor last Spring the council decided to undertake a definite study of the whole matter. It selected a representative com- mittee from the membership of the church, with Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty as chairman, together with Mrs. George B. Gordon, Mrs. Wiley J. Huddle, Frank "A. Windes, John C. Marshall, and Paul Hutchinson. It charged this committee with the task of finding the right name for the church--a name that would ex- press something more of the real char- acter of this church, that is courteous to all sister organizations, that does not put secondary things first, and that is as un- denominational as is the church itself. Committe Report Ready After some months of careful study, the committee is now ready to report to the church, through the council, its sug- gestion, it was pointed out, and in true democratic fashion, the matter will come up before the whole church at its annual meeting on Wednesday evening, Decem- ber 10. The council has voted to print Mr. Richards' sermon, with its clear state- ment of all sides of the question, and the name committee's report, and send cop- ies to all members of the parish next week so that ample time may be given everyone to become fully informed. Avoid Sectarian Spirit At the close of his sermon, Mr. Rich- "ards said, "We do not believe in the 'sectarian spirit. We are trying to serve "the whole community. We have gathered folk from twenty-four religious connec- tions into a warm Christian fellowship Tet us give America one more church in life and in name proclaiming that Christ is not divided, proclaiming that all men in its reach rightfully belong to each other and to Him." Mrs. Duncan Macintyre addressed the Foxdale avenue circle at the home of Mrs. William Morphett of 964 Tower road, and the Ash street circle meeting held at the home of Mrs. Carlton Prouty of 693 Willow road. Ope Mrs. John C. Cobb of 615 Elm street gave a dinner at her home on Friday for fifteen guests. Following the dinner, they went to see the Girl Friendly pageant at the Fighth Street theatre in Chicago. COMMUNITY HOUSE Nov. 18 Tuesday Jack Holt "WANDERER OF THE WASTELAND" in natural colors Friday-Saturday Nov. 21-22 "THE SEA HAWK" Rafael tale: of Sabatini's greatest pirate adventure COMING SOON "The Covered Wagon" Three days only "Sundown" "Merton of the Movies" Policeman Shows "Stuff" at Masonic Stag Affair John Hanselman, motorcycle officer of the Winnetka police department, was a good match for Lou Talabar, world's middleweight wrestling cham- pion, in the fifteen minute windup match of the program given at the stag held at the Masonic temple Tues- day night and sponsored by the Square club of the Winnetka temple. The 'large number of spectators were surprised at the power and skill shown by 'Hanselman. His ability to get out of Talabar's holds and his cleverness in frustrating the attempts of the champion gave the sport fans the thrill of their lives. Adam Scott, accompanied by his brother, gave several musical and 'omical sketches during the evening. There were also two boxing matches and one other wrestling match. Al Eckhart and Ed Weinstock opened the sport program with a four-round boxing bout. They were followed by a wrestling match between Adam Weissmuller and Charles Hibler and then by a boxing bout between Davey Poop of South Bend, Indiana, and Tommy Harmon of Chicago. Henry Christenson pleased the audience with energetic announcing and refereeing of the boxing and wrestling matches. Hockeyites of Country Day Win 11-3 Over Latin Team The Girls' Hockey team of the North Shore Country Day school played Chi- cago Latin School for Girls last Satur- day on the school field. The game ended with a score of 11-3 in favor of North Shore. Although the grass was slippery, the playing was snappy At first it ap- peared as if Latin would run away with the points but North Shore quickly steadied and began scoring slowly but surely, until the 11 points were achieved. Latin's defense was strong, her goal guarding fine, and her speed good throughout, two goals being made in the very last moments of play. North Shore, with a fairly sure lead, was able toward the end to work some of her substitutes for practice. Despite this, however, the game with Latin was a good fight. Mrs. William C. Boyden of 725 Pine street is leaving next week to attend the Yale game. She will spend Thanksgiving in the east with her daughters, Margaret and Elizabeth. Night and Morning to keep them Clean, Clear and Healthy Write for Free "Eye Care" or "Eye Beauty" Book Murine Co., Dept. H. S.,9 E. Ohio St., Chicago + Save To-day that you may take it easy in the future when you should be taking it easy and enjoying the fruits of vour labor. It doesn't require any great amount of money to save enough to provide for your future, but the amount you do save you must put by with unfailing regularity. Open an account now; take it easy later! WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK ELM STREETAT CENTER 9 State Bank" mM HF (J li) yw} A Ql] SRS » oo 3 > i fo = Hag = Vl) |) \ Xmas gifts including : Our new lines of toilet articles and per- fumes cannot be excelled for birthday and all the staple high grade lines Lauchere Blue Rose, Caron's Narcisse Noir, Vivaudon Narcisse de Chine, Djerkiss, Coty's ['Origan, Coty's Chypre Pano, Langlois Cara Nome, Guerlain Champs Elysees, I'Heure Bleue, Rue de la Paix, also all the staple domestic lines as Hudnut's and Colgate's. ADAMS PHARMACY Elm & Linden 2 9 DJ a WINNETKA 2 a z > SPECIAL | Three Layer Brick CHOCOLATE ALMOND Between Two Layers of VANILLA ICE CREAM 50¢ Adams Pharmacy, 782 Elm St. G. Matteoni Bros., 742 Elm St. North Shore Pharmacy Hubbard Woods Full Quart Brick "Purer Because Carbonated" Ristow Confectionery, Hubbard Woods Pharmacy Kenilworth Pharmacy = Uo prrtlii / Division of National Dairy Products Corp.