4 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1924 SKOKIE IN NEW DRAMA VENTURE "Alice in Wonderland" to Be "Given Next Week "Alice in Wonderland" will be pre- sented by the dramatic classes of the Skokie school Friday and Saturday nights, November 21 and 22 at the Jane Kuppenheimer Memorial hall. Flach performance will start promptly at 7:30 o'clock, so that children at- tending the play will be able to see the entire performance and return home at an early hour, according to Willard Beatty, principal of the school. For nearly two months Mrs. D. B. Murray, director of dramatics, has in- structed the children in her classes in experimentation on the various phases of the staging of the play. Puppets were made at first and the dramatiza- tion of "Alice in Wonderland" was acted out with them. Then a cast of characters was chosen from the many children who tried out and regular rehearsals were held under her per- sonal supervision. A variety of colorful costumes answering the de- scriptions in the original story have been made for the characters. The Cast Some of the main characters will have different portrayers at each per- formance. The complete cast is as follows : { Jane Copthorne ters trsranseaas 1 Margaret Layer White Queen Constance Bond Red Queen .... LE Washburne . . Norman Roos White Rabbit... | Constance Connor Humpty Dumpty ....William Connor { David Riddle . Gryphon........ | Roderick McKinzie Mock Turtle ......... Saxton Barret Mad Hatter .......... John Atwood March Hare ....... Richard Longini DOrmouse ......s..- x Berger Jensen Frog Footman ........ George Ogau Puchess 0... 05.0.0. Isabel Milton Cheshire- Cat. no... Henry Zinner King of Hearts...... William Connor Queen of Hearts...Helen Spiesberger Knave of Hearts ...Philip Swabacher Goterpillar _....... co... Henry Zinner "Bwo of Spades ....... Ruth Jackson Five of Spades ..... Alice Burkhardt Seven of Spades ..... Margaret Pick 'Tweedle Dee ........ Sarah Lindahl Tweedle Dum .... Myrtle Cederholm Woman's Hockey Team to Meet Crack Madison Squad The Winnetka Woman's Hockey team: is going to Madison, Wisconsin, on Saturday to play the "Madison Yellow Jackets" and to 'stay over the week-end as their guests. Mrs. Kent Tenney of Madison, formerly of Win- netka, is president club. The Yellow Jackets were defeated by the U. S. Field hockey team last week, 8-0, at Chicago. Two years ago the Yellow Jackets beat Winnetka 2-1. There was no contest last year. The line-up of the Winnetka team is: M. DeLay, M. Waidner, Mrs. S. Hinton, Mrs. W. D. Harvey, D. Klotz, Mrs. W. T. Fisher, Mrs P. Starr, Mrs. R Brown, Mrs. E. Blaine, Mrs. H. Tenney, and Mrs. C. Matz. of the Madison MUNICIPAL COLUMN Edited by the Village Manager At the annual convention of the In- ternational City Managers' Association, held in Montreal, September 23-25, the following Code of Ethics was adopted: 1. The position of City Manager is an important position and an honorable position, and should not be accepted un- less the individual believes that he can serve the community to its advantage. 2. No man should accept a position of City Manager unless he believes in thé council-manager plan of govern- ment. * 3. In personal conduct a City Mana- ger should be exemplary, and he should display the same obedience to law that he should inculcate in others. 4. Personal aggrandizement and per- sonal profit secured by confidential in- formation or by misuse of public time are dishonest. 5. Loyalty to his employment recog- nizes that it is the council, the elected representatives of the people, who pri- marily determine the municipal policies and are entitled to the credit for their fulfillment. 6. Although he is a hired employee of the council, he is hired for a pur- --to exercise his own judgment as an executive in accomplishing the policies formulated by the council, and to attain success in his employment he must de- cline to submit to dictation in matters for which the responsibility is solely his. 7. Power justifies responsibility, and responsibility demands power, and a City Manager who becomes impotent to in- spire support should resign. 8. The City Manager is the adminis- trator for all the people, and in perform- ing his duty he should serve without dis- crimination. 9. To serve the public well, a City Manager should strive to keep the com- munity informed of the plans and pur- poses of the administration, remember- ing that healthy publicity and criticism are an aid to the success of any democracy. 10. A City Manager should deal frankly with the council as a unit and not secretly with its individual members, and, similarly, should foster a spirit of JAMES B.POND PRESENTS - CHARACTER SKETCH Jane Kuppenheimer Memorial Hall Skokie School Monday, November the Seventeenth at 8:30 p. m. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CRADLE SOCIETY Prices; First Flcor, $3 Balcony, $2 Adams Pharmacy, Winne:ka | cooperation between all employees of the city's organization. 11 No matter how small the gov- ernmental unit under his management, a City Manager should recognize his re- lation to the larger political subdivisions and encourage improved administrative methods for all. 12. No City Manager should take an active part in politics. 13. A City Manager will be known by his works, many of which may out- last him; and, regardless of personal popularity or unpopularity, he should not curry favor or temporize, but should in a far-sighted way aim to, benefit the community of today and of posterity. *Nore--The phrase "council manager government" means that form of mu- nicipal government in which the people choose a legislative body, be it called a Council, a Commision or a Board of Directors or something else, which em- ploys a City Manager to exercise the administrative and executive funchions of the city. Mrs. Frank Fuller of 884 Indian Hill road left this week to visit her daughter at Dobbs Ferry. pa The Scott avenue circle met at the home of Mrs. Charles Burkhardt of 1163 Asbury avenue on Tuesday, No- vember 11. Telephone 1098 ALEC W. KYLE Contractor PLUMBING--HEATING 674 Vernon Avenue GLENCOE, ILLINOIS Sizes 5 to 8 $5.00 Shoes Sizes 81% to 12 $6.50 Practical, with high arch, narrow heel and flexible soles. Alfred J 'RUBY Inc On Washington near Michigan RUBYS MUSCLE DEVELOPING FOOTWEAR FOR CHILDREN distinctive Play for Children. Built DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS COMPLETE "AUTOMOBILE SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES WERSTED MOTOR CO. Telephone Winnetka 165 LAUNDRY CLEANERS AND DYERS Wet Wash, 20 lbs. $1.00 Rough Dry, 11c per Ib. Oak Terrace Laundry For information: Phone Highland Park £7 OAK TERRACE This includes flat pieces ironed. ing fast. the lumps before it can be with a rake. [= TE WINNETHA i128 HONE FINE BLACK DIRT Dirt that will not require a steam roller to crush out COALWOOD.FEED ANDBUILDING MATERIAL HUBBARD WOODS. ILL leveled off. Level this dirt FILL IT UP! Order enough for your winter's if you have room let us deliver it all That's the wisest and You can't tell what snows and storms will prevent from delivering later. Be- sides, you get the advantage of present prices. use and in your bins at once. safest plan. us ) ment. ALLL ELITE LLL LLL ELLE S11 1A LLL LT TA FF LA TT FTAs 2000 vr." iiiiiiiiiiiz, These Shares are non-taxable. 2727777777777 77777777 77rriirrriiriiiiiiiirridididiiiiididddddiddddddd ddd iii, Are You One of Qur Partners? If you are not you are missing one of the greatest opportunities ever offered. Wouldn't you like to become a partner in a growing business? This Company offers vou a chance to be- come a partner in it's business, which is one of the most stable imaginable and is grow- i This you may easily do+by subscribing to one or more Shares of our 7% Preferred Investment. This is an investment for everyone. It may be had either for cash at $100.00 per share or on a very attractive savings plan at the same price. Dividends are mailed quarterly to our Stockholders. Let us give you the details of this invest- NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY MAIL THIS COUPON NOW. Investment Department, NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY. 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