12 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1924 Fountain Square - ' Evanston Illinois The Coat You Have Been Waiting for is on Sale Tomorrow at $58.75 price which will be doubly interesting when you see the quality and style of these garments. They have been sharply reduced to make room for our Spring stocks. tage of such You will wish to take advan- an event. There are two groups of coats offered: One group is the strictly tailored Sports variety made of imported plaids, striped and plain materials such as Kasha, Camels Hair and Zibeline. The other group consists of coats of the dressier type. The materials employed in these delightful models are Suede cloth, Velours and other lustrous short pile fabrics. Many are fur collared, cuffed and banded. Muskrat, Opossum, Kit Fox, Wolf, Beaver, Mink and Seal are the furs. #:IN SOCIETY Tickets Now on Sale for Kiddies' Play HE sale of tickets has started for the children's Christmas play of "Racketty Packetty House" to be given December 13, at the Woman's Club of Evanston by student players of the Na- tional Kindergarten and Elementary college. Miss Clara Belle Baker of the college faculty has adapted this charming story of Frances Hodgson Burnett's. Two performances will be given, one at 10:30 o'clock in the morning, and one at 2 o'clock. The student players are always welcome on the north shore where they are well known for children's entertainments. The north shore alumnae of the college are happy to present them in this Christmas play, the proceeds of which will be added to the college building fund. Tickets may be procured in Evanston at Chandler's, or at Com- munity House, Winnetka. Winnetkans to Relate Foreign Travel Tales HE most interesting aspects of modern European ilfe as glimpsed by Winnetka travelers in the past summer, will be embodied in the next regular meeting of the art and literature de- partment of the Winnetka Woman's club to be held Thursday after- noon, December 4, at 2:30 o'clock. A program consisting of short talks by members of the club has been arranged as follows: "Cruising in the Hebrides" by Mrs. Sebastian Hinton ; Christmas Customs in Sweden',, by Miss Frances Von Hofsten: "A Fourth of July in Iceland," Mrs. L. Harrison Mettler; "Glimpses of some Central European Capitals," Mrs. Wil- liam C. Boyden; "English Hospitality," by Mrs. John R. Mont- gomery. Engagement of Winnetka Girl Announced R. AND MRS. LOWELL COPELAND, formerly of Winnetka, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Elizabeth Lewall Copeland to Mr. Paul MacClintock, son of Professor and Mrs. William D. MacClintock of the University of Chicago. Miss Copeland made her debut two years ago at a ball given for her in Chicago by Mrs. E. L. Ryerson and a reception given by Mrs. Ben- jamin Carpenter of Astor street. At the present time Miss Cope- fand is making her home at the North Shore Country Day school. "The Store for Children" Seasonable Suggestions Infants', in pink, blue blue and tan. Doll Dresses Scarf Sets Leave your order for Doll Dresses now to in the brighter colorings are always an insure delivery before acceptable gift for Christmas Christmas Bath Robes Gloves and Mittens own pretty color combinations of brown, An ideal Christmas present. or white. Children's Every Boy and Girl look for a present of this kind on Christmas Morn. Santa Claus will make our Wilmette Store his Headquarters watch for date of arrival. Evanston 619 Davis Street University 3511 Wilmette CARROLL RIDGWAY, INC. 1160 Wilmette Ave. TWO STORES Wilmette 317 Mrs. William T. Dean of 779 Green- wood avenue, Glencoe, entertained six members of the Mother's club at the Lilac Tea Room on Monday. They visited the Presbyterian Old Ladies' home in Evanston in the morning. Mrs. Walter Hughes, Mrs. Henry Paynter, Mrs. Fred Earnshaw, Mrs. W. Ross, Mrs. Charles Brandriff, Mrs. David Christie, and Mrs. William Dean composed the party. --_---- A Christmas sale for the benefit of the Presbyterian home will be held at the residence of Mrs. Frederick Rye, 1015 Chestnut avenue, Wilmette, on Thursday, December 4, at 1 o'clock. Handmade articles suitable for Christ- mas gifts wil be available and one table will be given over to a display of things made by the old ladies of the home. All who are interested in this work are urged to come. ---- Many people of the village will be sorry to hear of the death of the Hon. Henry Ashendon, M. P., of Lon- don, England, brother of Edward Ashendon of Winnetka, and uncle of Mrs. P. J. Kavanaugh. Henry Ashen- don had many friends in both villages, and was very prominent in the House of Commons during the war. --0-- A business meeting and get-together tea of the north shore alumnae of the National Kindergarten and FElemen- tary college will be held with Mrs. Harry G. Phillips, president of the organization, at her home, 1100 Grove street, Evanston, Monday, December 3, at 4 o'clock. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Emory Wilder of 687 Hill road, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lan- dreth of 195 Forest avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allis Ball of 296 Forest avenue had Thanksgiving at the Indian Hill club. Miss Herbst Gifts Many new things at the GIFT SHOP ------ Do your Christmas Shopping NOW! 57614 LINCOLN AVENUE Phone Winnetka 1811 WINNETKA, ILL. The Thanksgiving Drag hunt of the Riding club was a great success. There were two groups of riders who left the stables at 7:45, Thursday morning, one group following the hounds across the country and the other taking merely a leisurely ride, getting glimpses of the hounds and their gay followers as they wound in and out across the Skokie fields, over fences and ditches. It was a sight long to be remembered. On the return, the riders stabled their horses and went in joyous an- ticiptation to the hunt breakfast given by Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey H. Atkin at their lovely home on Indian Hill road. This was the first really English hunt breakfast ever served in Win- netka and it was quite an alluring ex- perience. The following participated in the hunt: Mr. and Mrs. eC Daughaday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. William Wool- folk, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McPher- son, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Rush Butler, Mr. Heyliger de Windt, Mr. Arthur Cox, Mr. Mar- tin Lindsay, Mr. Godfrey Atkin and his daughter Adelaide. The annual meeting of the Riding cluub wil be held in the tack room of the club stables on Saturday af- ternoon, November 29, at 4 oclock. Tea wil be served after the meeting. --_--Q-- The North Shore MacDowell so- ciety will meet in the Boy Scout room, Community House, Winnetka, Wednesday evening, December 10, at 8 o'clock. Anita Willets Burnham will tell of her trip abroad with a "Paint Box and Family of Six," illus- trated by sketches from the paint box. Guest tickets may be procured from the treasurer, Dr. W. A. Colledge, of Kenilworth. ---- On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Dennis S. Kloepfer of 953 Spruce street, cele- brated their golden wedding anni- versary with a Solemn High Mass in the Sacred Heart church, followed by a reception and a Thanksgiving dinner at Sacred Heart hall for about 90 guests, included among whom were the Klopefer"s eight sons and one daughter and 17 grandchildren. ---- Mrs. Emory Andrews of 785 Wil- low road and her son, Wayne, have gone east for the Thanksgiving holi- days. They will visit Robert Andrews at Dartmouth, and spend some time in Atlantic City, returning to Win- netka next week. ---- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Noe of 1432 Asbury avenue entertained 30 of their friends at a costume party at their home on Wednesday. The guests came dressed in country costumes. Country games were played, and a box lunch- eon was served by the hostess. ry Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Coch of Chi- cago are remodeling their new home on Pine and Glendale streets. They expect to move in very shortly. snares Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jackson of 1195 Asbury avenue entertained several of their relatives from Chicago for Thanksgiving dinner. -