2 'FOLLIES' ARE DUE HERE SOON Stupendous Extravaganza Is Booked for Performances in Indian Hill JOE BRENN, DIRECTOR Indian Hill Association Spon-. sors Event 'At the regular 'monthly meeting of the Indian Hill Improvement associa- tion, held in the New Trier school hall, Monday evening, December 15, it was unanimously voted that the as-| sociation put on a combination mins- trel musi¢al comedy show similar to that produced with such signal suc- «ess two years ago. . Those who attended the previous show were apparently well reward- «d, judging by the repeated inquiries from residents along the north shore as to when the association contem- plated repeating their former sucess, therefore it is anticipated that this year's performance will be even bet- ter attended than the last and will prove to be a form of good entertain- ment, Indian Hill Follies "The Indian Hill Follies" will be produced by the Joe Brenn Produc- tion company which handled the last show and, judging by the plans in the making, the new production will be, to use a phrase from the circus people "bigger and better than ever." Further announcements regarding the date of the show will be made later but at this time tentative plans are for its being put on about the third week in February. Last Monday's meeting was very well attended there being in the neighborhood of 150 members present and after a short business session the members enjoyed the usual social hour of daneing and refreshments. . _ Students Entertain During the course of the meeting WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1924 PLAY AT SCKOOL TELLS TRUE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT Those whe went to the Christmas play at the North "Shore Country Day school heard beautiful music and came away with a rich thought about vesterday some he Christmas spirit. "The Way" was written and given the ninth grade. Ft was the story of many people, a. merrymaker, an un- a mother, a beggar, a rich merchant, who meet by chance at the forking of the ways be- cause they do not know which road to ake. A pilgrim at the deserted wayside shrine, hears their thoughtless and cruel conversation, and," upon being asked the way, replies that he will tell them. "Not only have ye lost the way to your ancient city, but ye have lost the road of love and joy, for which, as-all good' folk believe, Christ was born into the world 'to show us." : The Pilgrim then asks if 'they will listen first to "an ancient story," for then they "will know truly how to choose the shining way." Held by his compel- ling personality and deep sincerity, these oddly matched travelers of such varied walks of life stay to "hear with their souls." The sweet old story is then told by this strange pilgrim and to the listeners the shepherds themselves seem to walk past on their way to Bethle- hem. Wonderingly these folk speak of the vision they have seen, but the marvel has not ceased. The wise men and at last the Virgin herself, with Joseph, both gazing into a manger from which the Holy Light shines before them. Love and kindness, reverence and adoration have displaced the cruelty and selfishness of the listeners. In the soft blue light of the old fourteenth century town the little group kneel before the vision, as the pilgrim repeats the pro- phesy, "For unto us a Child is born; unto us a Son is given....and He shall teach us of His ways and we shall walk 'n His paths." by believer, nd selfish KATHERINE HEDGLIN PIANO Sight Reading Keyboard Harmony Columbia School of Music Winnetka Branch . the members were given a vocal treat | furnished by two students of the New Trier High school. | The association was fortunate in be- | ing privileged 'o hear Thomas F.]| 1. Henderson, a.dean of the LaSalle Extension university, whose subject | was "Success." Mr. Henderson is a| Winnetka 974 KATHLEEN AIR Specialist in Child Training for Piano Study Principal of Winnetka Branch of the very entertaining and convincing | Columbia School of Music : speaker and the audience was de-| Phone Winnetka 974 lighted wtih his talk. ! RI 0 J J SE yy 0 J J Nh JO Th JB) JR J tJ Th JN J Ty JT J J 20 u 3p IR Tn Ra <a Te i i RR an RR RE BR RE BR Eo BR RR Re a a 3 AR | Ih : The ¥ = ARR. 2X1 ~ 82 ® 48 3Y AR NE Ax Wr : - PHONOCRAPHS AND RECORDS gh. 7 . = % SF a 13) A . A is A Present for the Whole Family # v 4 ug I oF IK IR ) For the old folks, young folks, f:. Ng the children--a gift that never ; & tires. ah LF AR 3 Today, see the Brunswicks at bi ¥g our store. It will be a pleasure to = Ba demonstrate them for you. / hiv on \ wh A p We are pleased to announce 1 Res 2 that we now have a complete S¥ line" of the new Brunswick ¥F Radiolas. 47 3 Wf A small deposit will ¥g place one in your home, g balance on monthly y payments to suit your convenience. To 3 o - Na ¥ Winnetka Brunswick Shop 8g 576%; Lincoln Avenue Winnetka, Ill. Na Phone Winnetka 1811 Nf OPEN EVENINGS OPEN EVENINGS 2! Nod NS Sf % ~ NOPE XN x " 0 > " « A Last Minute Christmas Gift Christmas when every one is busy doing last min- ute shopping, Just before to save you time and worry, may we suggest that a savings account book with one : of our: "HOUSE: SAVINGS BANKS" is a very attractive and appreciated gift. ' It takes but a few minutes to | deposit a dollar or more and any d one can open as many accounts as ] they care to for their friends. " WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK ELM STREETAT CENTER 9 State Bank" rctagrne Mili SN ( RD N Zz | ( N OMT 4-6 TTY md 1 S += ah i =| ; ISS LLIL LS LLLLISSLLLLLLSLLL SILL LLSSSSSSS SIS SLL SSS SLS SSSI LLL LSLLS LSS SSLLL SSIS SSS S SS SSLS SSS L SSIS SSSI SSS SSS SSIS LISS SS SSIS SSSI SSSI SSIS SS ILISS LIS SILLS SSS S SSL LLLS ISLES SL SSS LSS 11S 4 ZL. R77 rrr 7r77, T2777 2s 27727 Zl 2dr dd rdiZrrrziiizrrzzizzzzzzzizz Getting the Best Depends Upon the Direction in Which You Walk! Well, Happy, there is only one place to get your Babe 21 meat and poultry for 4. W Se ars - having . Christmas and that is family reunion ; at PETERS MARKET. our house Christ- They have on sale for A mas, and Mrs. Hap- py has put it up to me to do the shop- ing for dinner for sixteen people. Holiday trade a big stock of fancy Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens and three prize Cattle from the Stock Show specially prepared for them by Ar- mour & Company. Bet- ter give them your order to-day. PETERS MARKET Winnetka 7777777777777 rid did ddd ddd lid ddd ddd ddd iddiiiriiite diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidisidddiiddidd dddiddddddddddddllddddlllibdddddddididdddiiiiiiiiiiiziiniizrriziz pu idiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lili iiidi ili dd didi didi ddd ddl 2 dd ddd Ed dd ddd L777