Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 17 Jan 1925, p. 19

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WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1925 19 'WANT SOMETHING? USE A WANT AD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMEN TS ' Classified advertisements will be charged only General N otices to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE papers. 20 cents per line in all three 50e. Average of five words to 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--WHITE family; small house; ref. 384 Wood- lawn avenue, Winnetka. Phone Winn. 1366. 12TN45-1tc WANTED--WOMAN EVENINGS; TO get dinner for two adults. Address Winnetka Talk 437. 12T45-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; good cook; no laun- dry; own bath; 3 in family. Phone MAID; SMALL 17 FOR SALE--~HOUSEHOLD GOODS 24 LOST AND FOUND For Sale Baby's high chair--used 2 months, like new, $3.00. Phone Wilmette 3035. 17TLTN16-1tp FOR SALE--OAK DINING-ROOM SET the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. Glencoe 1039. 12TN45-1tc and buffet; bird's eye dressing a . table; water heater with stove at- Deadline for Insertions-- Classified advertisements will be ac- WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- tachment; child's sled; brown fur cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for eral housework; must be good cook. coat. 518 Sunset Rd.,, Winnetka. the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Phone Winn. 2028. 12T45-1te Phone 1611, 17TLTN16-1tc WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for 'he GLENCOE NEWS. . Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNEZKA 2000-2001. WANTED--WOMAN FOR CLEANING;| FOR SALE--RADIO SET IN BEAUTI- 2 or 3 half days per week. Phone ful console; encloses batteries and = EE Winn. 1783. 12T45-1te loud speaker; $87.50 complete; coast y to coast on loud speaker. Phone 1 REAL ESTATE 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS WANTED -- WHITE LAUNDRESS; Univ. 5859. 17TN45-1tc - 0) ref. req. TI'hone Glencoe 956. Make This Your Home |FOR RENT--TWO LARGE, LIGHT, 12LTN16-1te [FOR = SALE--VICTOR-MADE VIC- ITTW I furnished rooms, single or in suite; trola in large mahogany case; large NEW SHINGLE COLONIAL HOUSE; private bath; near transportation; SMITH EMPLOYMENT number of Red Seal records; reas. 5 rooms; h. w. heat; encl. slpg.| garage. Phone Winnetka 1543. Help supplied; day or week. Phone| Phone Winn. 2039. 17TN45-1tp porch; 2 car garage; 65 ft. corner 4LTN15-1tc University 6464. 12L.TN15-4te lot; close to schools and trans. FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO IN $19,500. Terms. FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED |WANTED -- EXPERIENCED DRESS- dark walnut case; very cheap. Phone A HOME AND INVESTMENT IN room suitable for one or two. maker by the day. Address Wil- Winn. 216. 17TN45-1tc ONE BUY Breakfast if desired. Phone Glencoe mette Life 428. 12L'TN16-1tp Two-yr. old 7-room shingle colon- 976. 4LTN16-1tc FOR SALE--FUMED OAK LIBRARY ial house on lot adjoining business table in ood condition; $10. 638 property for $15,000. Should show |CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE [13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND Ash haat Winnetka. 17TN45-1tc a good profit when zoned for busi- rooms; for transients and residents. FEMALE ness. 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. 3 FOR SALE--VICTROLA AND REC- VACANT FOR SPRING BUILDING 4LT15-tfc | WANTED--WHITE COUPLE OR 2 ords, table style cabnet, $35. Phone Five blocks to station, Winnetka. -- sisters; small house; 4 in family in- Winnetka 1066. 17TN45-1te Y00x102 corner... ...\... $70 per ft.|5 FOR RENT--STORES AND cluding 3 school children. 1171 Oak- $EXI00 0... vee. - 360 peor, It OFFICES ley avenue, Winnetka. Phone Winn. FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO, $100. 70x187 opp. new school $85 per ft. - - 1939. 13TN45-1tc Call at 228 Tenth St, Wilmette, Two restricted 100 ft. lots; well] FOR RENT--DESK SPACE OR PRI- Phone Wil. 2336. 17TLTN16-1te wooded; in best location, Winnetka: vate room in real estate offices, WANTED--COUPLE; WIFE AS COOK; $115 per ft. Make offer. opened January 5 in new building man as chauffeur and houseman;| FOR SALE--BRAND NEW LOVE- > . . on s. w. corner of Elm and Linden, good home; private room and bath seat covered in silk mohair. Phone Kenilworth Bargain Winnetka. Fhone Winnetka 794| Phone Winn. 2293. 13T45-1tc Winn. 1206. 17LTN16-1tc 620 Abbottsford road; 8-room evenings or Sunday. S5LTN15-tfc | m Soy a RT ge home on 60 ft. lot; 5 bedrooms: 2 v v FO] h . -- 88-D 0 Of baths; slpg. porch. Owner leaving | FOR RENT--HALF ELEGANT LARGE |14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE piano; also violin. Fhone Wilmette for New York. Price $21.500. i store; Wilmette avenue; reasonable. | IE9N 17LTN16-1tc Phone Wilmette 2399. SLTN16-tfc | SITUATION WANTED--PUBLIC AC- | = EE ---------------- countant wants part time work; | 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES systems installed; books kept; Winnetka 1800 1LTN16-1tc 10 Carlton Annex Special Sale THREE DESIRABLE 5-ROOM BUN- galows; good location; $9,500; $11,000 and $11,200. Three new bungalows; near transp.; price $10,000-$21,000. Also desirable vacant on Wood- lawn avenue; $50 per ft. E. P. Maynard & Co. Phone Winnetka 236 1TN45-1te FOR SALE--HOME ON GREEN BAY in Glencoe; 2% blocks from 2 blks. from transp.; con- venient to Ravinia and Skokie; house old but in splendid condition; steam heat; 8 rooms; 2 baths; 2 fireplaces: oak floors. Lot 100x210 with many fruit trees, flowers and shrubs; large garage, chicken-house, etc. Owner leaving town; bargain for good cash payment. No agent. Phone 557. 1LTN16-1te Glencoe 5 OWNER MUST SELL 196 FT. VACANT; east side Winnetka; near transpor- tation; suitable for 3 homes; price reduced to 365 per foot. Address Wilmette Life 414. 1LTN14-3tp WANTED--WELL-BUILT 6 OR 7 RM. house on east side; not over $22,000. Address Wilmette Life 421. 1LTN16-1tc WANTED--50 OR 75 VACANT EAST or west side of Winnetka. Will pay cash §4,000-6,000 if suitable. Ad- dress Winnetka Talk 436. 1T45-1te WANTED TO RENT--MAY 1; UN- furnished house for 2 years; 3 or 4 master bedrooms; 3 baths. Mrs. G. E. Routh, Jr., 923 Michigan avenue, Evanston. Phone Univ. 8960. TT44-2tc WANTED -- SMALL FURNISHED house for 3-4 months from Feb. 1. 3 adults. Mrs. H. B. White, Library Plaza Hotel, Evanston. Phone Univ. 8000. 7T45-1te WANTED TO RENT--MODERN HOME in Winnetka by May 1; at least 5 rooms; moderate rental; will take 2 years lease; 2 in family. Address Winnetka Talk 425. TT45-1te WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED house in Winnetka; 7 rooms; sleep- ing porch; garage. May 1 to Oct. 1. Address Winnetka Talk 411. TT43-tfec Ss WANTED TO RENT---STORES AND OFFICES WANTED TO RENT -- BUILDING suitable for public garage; capacity at least 75 cars. Long term lease. Address Wilmette Life 433. SLTN16-1tc WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED--ROOM; WILL APPRECI- ate refined home; young people; no objection to children; prefer break- fast, some meals; best references possible; give particulars. Address Wilmette Life 429. 10LLTN16-1tp 10 11 HELP WANTED--MALR % wp NE WANTED--GROCERY CLERK; EX- FOR SALE---55 ACRES ON KOTZ perienced; steady position; good road north of Willow: sell as a wages; 1% day off a week. A. S. whole or in 5-acre tracts. Phone Van Deusen, 1154 Central Ave. Wil- Wilmette 3041. 1TN45-1te mette. Phone 510. 11LTN16-1tc FOR SALE--240 ACRES OPPOSITE | 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE golf club on Rand road just west of Despaines; $500 per acre. Phone Wilmette 3041. 1TN45-1te WANTED TO BUY--NEW HOUSE, 7- rooms. 2 baths; garage. About 25,000. Address Winnetka Talk 411. 1TN43-tfe ROOM BUNGALOW, FOR SALE--FIVE price $9,500. Phone Wilmette 3340 . <jday. 1LTN16-1tp = FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--6-ROOM HOUSE; BEAU- tiful rooms; glazed breakfast and sleeping porches: screened front porch; ideal location; near Ridge- Howard school; $105 per month. 1516 Spencer Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil, 1426. 2LTN16-1tc 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS WILL SUB-LEASE 4-ROOM APART- ment on Lincoln Park; antique ma- hogany furniture, $200. Phone Mrs. Reynick, Diversey 4400. 3LTN16-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED KITCHEN- ette apartment; bath; $65. WwW. Ww, Grant, 726 11th St. Wilmette, 3LTN16-1tp FLAT WITH 969 Willow road. 3TN45-1tp FOR RENT--APARTMENTS AND OF - fice rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Phone Winnetka 62. 3LTN43-tfc FOR RENT--4-ROOM bath and laundry. Winnetka. WANTED--YOUNG LADY; ENTRY or bill clerk; must be plain penman and accurate at figures; steady posi- tion; 1% day off a week. A. S. Van Deusen, 1154 Central Ave. Wilmette. Phone 510. 12LTN16-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework or as mother's help- er; small house; 3 in family; ref. req. Phone Wilmette 3165. 12LTN16-1te WILL GIVE ROOM AND BOARD TO refined middle-aged employed woman who will assist elderly woman with light housework morning and night. Phone Wilmette 253. 12LTN16-1tc monthly statements and income tax. Address Wilmette Life 341, " 14LTN16-1te Dance Music For All Occasions Booking Agent for TED MORSE'S ORCHESTRA E. E. BIGELOW. Tel. Wil. 3035 14LTN4-tfp SITUATION WANTED--MAN WANTS housecleaning and odd jobs; good ref. Phone Univ. 9667. 14LT16-1tp 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE COL- like SITUATION WTD.--REFINED, lege trained girl of 22 would position in high class home. Well qualified to instruct in music or academic subjects or to direct edu- cation of children. Is free to travel. Address Winnetka Talk 435. 15TN45-1tc SITUATION WANTED--WELL EDU- cated, cultured woman with know- ledge of real estate, bookkeeping and filing wants clerical work; full or part time. Address Wilmette Life 432. 15LTN16-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- LAUNDRESS wants work at home; finished, rough dry, wet wash. Will call for and deliver. Phone Wilmette 1351. 15LTN9-tfc SITUATION WTD.--EXPERIENCED woman wants day work; laundry or cleaning. Phone Ella Evans, Vic- tory 7153. 15LTN16-1tp SITUATION WTD.--FIRST CLASS colored laundress has 4 days free; ref. Phone Sallie, Univ. 5045 be- tween 6-6:30 P. M. 15TN45-1tp SITUATION WTD.--YOUNG SCOTCH nurse seeks position on the North Shore. Fhone Fairfax 7515. 15T45-1te SITUATION WTD.--EXPERIENCED woman will do cooking and serving. Phone Wilmette 3129. 15T45-1te 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WANTED--EXPERIENC- ed colored couple in private family. Phone University 3425-R. 16LTN-3tc TELEPHONE permanent, interesting and it over with the { 740 ELM STREET is a desirable occupation for young women. The work is are well paid. They like their work and associates. Va- cations (with pay) are given each year. A liberal benefit plan is provided. Come to the telephone office and talk WINNETKA CHIEF OPERATOR [llinois Bell Telephone Company OPERATING near home. Our operators 12T44-2tc FOR RENT--APT.; 4, 5 or 7 rooms. Phone Wilmette 1183. 3LTN16-1tp 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- LARGE, LIGHT, FUR- nished room; private family; near transp.; woman preferred. Phone Wilmette 832-R. 4LTN16-1tc FOR RENT--FOUR ROOMS; H. WwW, heat. Inquire in rear of 892 Ash street. Phone Winn. 1401. 4T45-1te FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. WARM room; two blocks from all trans- portation and restaurants; reason- able. Phone Winn. 730. 4T45-1tp FOR RENT--ROOM. CALL AT 975 OAK street. Phone Winnetka 2103. 4T44-1te FOR RENT--ROOM; 2 BLOCKS FROM transportation; woman preferred. Phone Winn. 2258. 4T45-1tp FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. ROOM; convenient to transp. Phone Winn. 1769. 4TN45-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE laundress; Mon. preferred; electric washing machine. 303 Fairview Ave, Winn. Phone 852. 12LTN16-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; must be neat and willing; will consider one without experience. Phone Winn. 1474. 12LTN16-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL TO TAKE care of children; all day or half day. Phone Kenilworth 2010. 12LTN16-1te 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS Beautiful Large Console Victrola FOR SALE--HAND CARVED MAHOG- any. Also console radio; finest long distance set; walnut cabinet. These are new, being taken to settle ac- count. Will sell less than whole- sale. Phone Kenilworth 32886. 17LTN16-1tp FOR SALE--OVER-STUFFED DIVAN and slip cover; 1 set wicker porch furniture including divan, table and WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfc FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18LTN10-tfc 19 "ANTED--MISCELLANEOUS FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY WORK AT home. All fine linens washed and ironed by hand, dried outdoors. Make your clothes snow white and smell sweet. Called for and deliver- ed. 376 Jefferson Ave. Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 179. 19TN45-tfe N. Postage Stamps COLLECTOR WILL PAY CASH FOR collection of old stamps. Phone Univ. 6285. 19LTN-2tc WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash St. 19LTNS8-tfe 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--COMPARATIVELY NEW Electric in good running condition; will sell at a sacrifice. Can be seen at North Shore Auto Co., or phone Univ. 3636 evenings. 20LTN22-tfc Used Cars -- All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 20LTN24-tfc 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--BARLER OIL HEATER $3: Hoosier kitchen cabinet, $15; 2 moquette couch covers, $8; sanitary couch: cot; green wicker hamper; medium-sized Geyser washing ma- chine; man's tuxedo suit, size 42; woman's brown coat with marten collar and cuffs; 2 man's overcoats. Call Sundav. 375 Woodlawn avenue, Glencoe. Phone Glen. 985. 21TN45-1te FOR SALE--$400 PERSIAN LAMB jacquette with taupe fox collar and cuffs: size 42; worn 1 season; $125. Phone Winn. 1027 or Randolph 6872. 21T45-1tc FOR SALE--LONG DISTANCE HOM- ing pigeons; pedigreed record birds. 1520 Highland Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 966-W, 21LTN16-1tc FOR SALE--PEDIGREED PEKINESE puppy; fine black masks. 1014 Oak- wood avenue, Wilmette. Phone Wil. 753-M. 21LTN16-1tc FOR SALE--REASONABLE; THOR- oughbred, healthy collie puppy from pedigreed stock. Private party. Phone Wil. 1203. 21LT16-1te CAN SUPPLY A FEW MORE REGU- lar customers with strictly fresh eggs. Phone Wilmette 2327. 21LTN16-1te FOR SALE -- THREE EVENING gowns in excellent condition. Phone Winn. 580. 21LTN16-1te FOR SALE--RADIO SET; LOUD speaker volume; $28. Phone Univ. 5859. 21TN45-1te FOR SALE--CIVET CAT FUR COAT; full length; almost new; $95. Phone Winn. 1033. 21TN45-1tc FOR SALE--24-INCH LADDER; FIRE- place equipment; brass bed. Cheap. Phone Winn. 1428. 21T45-1te FOR SALE--NEW TUXEDO, WORN twice, $20. Phone Winnetka 1033. 21TN45-1te WANTED--WHITE WOMAN FOR 2 chairs; 1 laundry mangle; solid FOR SALE--STRICTLY FRESH EGGS. general housework; small house; mahogany library table. Will sell Phone Wilmette 708-M. 21LTN16-1tc home nights; no Sunday. Phone for small fraction of real worth. Winn. 1293. 12LT16-1tc Phone Glen. 306. 17LTN16-1tc| 24 LOST AND FOUND WANTED--COOK; ALSO SECOND | FOR SALE--JUDD ELECTRIC WASH-| LOST--ON JAN. 4, AIREDALE DOG maid to help with children; no| ing machine in 1st class condition, about 8 mos. old; answers to name colored. Phone Winnetka 986. $40. Phone Glencoe 711. of TLaddie; reward. Phone Winn. 12LTN16-1tp 17TN45-1tc 1169. 24TN45-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; adults; maid's room and bath; German preferred. Phone Glencoe 956. 12LTN16-1te FOR SALE--100 YR. OLD ANTIQUE, solid rosewood, Carhart Needham & Co. melodeon. For appointment phone Univ. 4182. 17LTN16-1tc FOUND--GOLD WRIST-WATCH ON Pine street. Owner may have same by identifying. Phone Miss Ryan, Winnetka 239. 24T45-1tc WILL PARTY WHO FOUND LADY'S handbag at North Western station please communicate with Mrs. El- dora Schrader, Rockwell City, Iowa, or leave handbag at Police station, Winn, 24T45-1te LOST--SIX MONTHS OLD, BLACK Scotch terrier; reward. Address W. C. Van Horne, 757 Locust street, Hubbard Woods. Fhone Winn. 1096. 24T45-1te LOST--AT INDIAN HILL ICE CAR- nival, boy's scout knife and small pearl knife attached to round key- ring; reward. Phone Winn. 167. 24LT16-1tc 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE Fuller Brushes SOLVE EVERY CLEANING PROB- lem. Phone University 6964 for a demonstration in your home, 27LTN16-1tp NORTH SHORE WINDOW & HOUSE- Cleaning Co., 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winnetka 1994. Winnetka, Ill 27T31-tfe BUSINESS SERVICE Winnetka Detective Service Civil and Criminal Investigations R. H. Fjellman, Phone Supt. Winnetka 800 31T45-1tp BOYS TO VIE IN AIR RACE Challenge Paris in Miniature Plane Contest North shore boys may compete with boys of Paris, France, in flying minia- ture airplanes. The Chicago Y. M. C. A. have radiographed a challenge to the boys of Paris for a contest in flying. Raymond Poincare, former Premier of France, has written Terence Vincent, director of the minature flyers, approv- ing of the project and expressing the hope for "the development and retention of friendship of the children of our two nations" and hoping that the proposed international contest "will fortify inter- national concord and universal peace." William E. Schweitzer, Armour Insti- tute, of station 9ZW at 4264 Hazel ave- nue, Chicago, sent the following radio message to the Y. M. C. A. of Paris, on behalf of the Chicago Y. M. C. A. "To {foster international good will, Chicago challenges Paris to boys' minia- ture airplane contest. Letter follows. Glenn D. Adams, 19 South LaSalle street." The plan is, according to Mr. Adams, for the Chicago "Y" to conduct tryouts for the week ending January 31 at each of ten local departments. These tryouts will be open to all boys in Chicago and suburbs who have not reached their fif- teenth birthday, and who wish to compete. The contest will be for indoor dura- tion of flight for planes not exceeding twelve inches in length or width and powered with rubber bands. Each con- testant will be allowed to fly his plane officially three times and the total time will be his score. Fach plane must be complete and made by the contestant. Plans for making an indoor duration plane may be obtained from the Minia- ture Aircraft Fliers, 746 Monadnock Block. A self-addressed, stamped en- velope sent there, will bring an answer to your query. A. W. Hanson, of the overseas depart- ment of the national council of the Y. M. C. A, who has recently returned from Europe, says that the French youth are more keenly interested in aircraft than Americans. "Chicago boys will have to go some to defeat the French youth in anything connected with aero- nautics," says Mr. Hanson. Results of the contest will be sent by amateur radiocasters between the two countries. SOURCE OF EPIDEMICS The reason why epidemics come and go is plain to the fellow who under- stands that every living thing upon the earth is incessantly engaged against other living things in the struggle for existence. An epidemic always follows when the causative disease germs, for one reason or another, acquire an advantage over the other forms of life to which they are related. The advantage may be extremely tem- porary or it may be prolonged. It may be due to weather conditions, or to a lack of resistance on the part of man, or to a strong, robust fam- ily of germs or to a multitude of other things too numerou: to mention. -- Public Health Service. -- --_-- A Cn 40,000 TOURIS! 7 Traffic counts on the » ucoln High- way, just completed, indilate that by the end of the season not less than 40,000 tourist cars will have passed through North Platte, Neb. Between 10% and 12% of all the cars passing through spend a night at the local camp ground; the number generally there every night averages 60.

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