} 16 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1925 == CHEVROLET CUTS ASSEMBLING COST Build Body Plants Near Own Factories A plan begun by the Chevrolet Motor company in 1922 to cut down freight costs of shipments by paralleling each of their assembly plants with a factory for the Fisher Body corporation, which builds all Chevrolet closed bodies, will be complete soon when the final factory for the Fisher Body corporation will be in operation at the Tarrytown, N. Y,, assembly plant. A factory for the Fisher Body cor- poration to build Chevrolet bodies is now in operation at six of the seven Chevro- let assembly plants. The one at Tarry- town, N. Y,, is the last to be completed. There has been a close connection be- tween the establishment of Chevrolet assembly plants and the gradual reduc- tion in price of the Chevrolet car in the last five years, particularly since the Fisher Body corporation factories have been established at each Chevrolet as- sembly plant. Chevrolet assembly plants were first established at Flint, Mich., St. Louis, Mo., Tarrytown, N. Y., and Oakland, Cal, from 1917 on. In 1923 assembly plants were established by Chevrolet at Janesville, Wis, Cincinnatti, O., and Buffalo, N. Y., and plants for the Fisher Body corporation were built at these pomits at the same time. The year previ- ous, however, Fisher body building plants had been established at the Chey- rolet assembly plants at Flint, Mich., St. Louis, Mo., and Oakland, Cal. During this period has come about a number of reductions in the price of Chevrolet cars, due in great measure to the economies effected by such assembly plants, which included also the body building factories. From early in 1920 through 1924, a period of five years, there have been reductions in the price of the Chevrolet cars, totaling approxi- mately 35 per cent. In addition to the economies effected and the consequent price reduction, there has also been a steady market improve- ment in the quantity of the Chevrolet cars. New features have been incor- porated from time to time which added to the comfort and convenience of the owner, , The new factory for the Fisher Body ==" corporation at Tarrytown, N. Y., has already been completed, equipment 1 : will shortly be installed, and it should be in operation at the beginning of the year. SMALL BUT BIG The smallest pair of leading players in dramatic motion picture work is found in "Forty Winks," the screen version of the David Belasco-Henry C. DeMille £3, Sagcess, The pair is composed of Viola Dana and R Griffith. gymend Miss Dana is an even five feet in height and weighs 100 pounds. Ray- Pond Griath is five feet six--he in- sists he 1s five feet seven--and i 130 pounds. elon Both have made excellent reputa- tions for dramatic acting despite the fact that such honors usually are ac- credited to players of greater height. Griffith says that although little men do not predominate in dramatic work they are far from being unknown and points out E. H.Sothern, Ernest Truex, George Hackathorne, Henry Walthall and Roland Young as examples. Miss Dana names Maude Adams Gloria Swanson, Mary Pickford, Nazi- mova and Marguerite Clark among the women who have succeeded de- spite--or because of their slight stat- ure. In addition to Miss Dana and Griffith the featured players in "Forty Winks" include Theodore Roberts, Cyril Chad- wick and Anna May Wong. Announce Record Quotas of Republic Service Dealers The Republic Truck Sales company, distributors for the Republic trucks in Detroit, Michigan, has made an enviable record for the establishment of Service Dealers in Detroit territory, according to announcement made by the Republic Truck Co., Inc, Alma, Michigan. Since October first, the Republic Truck Sales company has appointed ninety-eight service dealers, which is considered a remarkable accomplishment, and one that will be hard to equal. Believing in the policy of the Republic Motor Truck Co., Inc, to establish dealers at strategic points for the as- surance of really intelligent service to every Republic owner in their territory, the Republic Truck Sales company has succeeded in its purpose in a highly sat- isfactory manner. Mr. David Clamage, manager of the Republic Truck Sales company, said, "I believe in real honest service to every Republic truck owner in our territory, and with the appointment of new dealers throughout our territory, every owner is assured that his truck, or fleet of trucks, will be kept in continuous opera- tion." Well Known Health Worker in County Taken by Death Mrs. Theodore B. Sachs, superin- tendent of the Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, states that it is with great regret that the Institute has received news of the death of Charles W. Farr, country life director for Cook county. Mr. Farr has been so much inter- ested in the public health work in this vicinity and particularly in that pro- vided through the schools that he has been a true friend to the nurses in charge. 'Watch Plumbing Uncle Sam Cautions! Hoover Issues Standard Code Washington, D. C.-- The Department of Commerce haveapproved a '"'people's plumbing code" with the hope that it may be adopted by states and munici- lities, it was announced. The bill is or the protection of the public "from insanitary plumbing, the use of defec- tive and cheap material and improper installation." The code was prepared by a special committee appointed b Secretary Hoover and headed by Will- iam C. FL i of Cleveland. ATT TTT Tes d | li = . Na NNN NNW Bath Room Outfit Complete as Illustrated 140 One of the wonderful bargains of B. KAROL & SONS CO., the most economical plumbing supply house in the West. You can buy all Plumbing supplies and home heating plants cheaper from KAROL and Save up to 40% Buy at Wholesale Prices! Material is all of superior quality, made in the very highest class manner --made to last as long and well as the most expensive sold and all new from factory. FREE DELIVERY--TIME PAYMENTS For Home Owners. KAROL Gives Service. We carry a large reserve stock and make im- mediate deliveries. No disappointments--no discourtesy --no used, defective or inferior equipment or material used or sold by us. All goods made to conformto the Hoover principle. WRITE OR CALL FOR CATALOG With Special Discount Sheet to Consumer. B. KAROL & SONS CO. L800 S. Kedzie Ave., Dept. 38 . Chicago S10 CHICAGO AVENUE Evanston, Ii1. Make yourself happy by eating good bakery products-- SEIDEL'S Macaroons and Lady Fingers! When you want guests a delicious dessert, order "SEIDEL'S" At all First class Grocers to serve: to your The Home of | Good Baking EVANSTO 120C FAMOUS FOR MACAROONS & LADY FINGERS REQ ENLIVENS SEDAN DEMAND Anniversary Model Achieves Popularity "Something more than just an enclos- ure is demanded by the American buyer who is a prospect for a closed car these days," says Ralph B. Smith of the Reo Evanston company, Reo representatives in this territory. "This fact has been impressed on us by the number of people who have called to see the new Reo Twentieth Anni- versary Sedan, the fist full-sized sedan selling at open car cost to be placed on the market. Practically everyone who has seen it, has declared that Reo has kicked over old standards of motor car values and has anticipated the demand of the motoring public, not merely for closed cars at open car prices, but for full-sized closed cars, at the moderate figures usually associated only with open models. "For the all-weather comfort to be derived from a closed car, people have put up with the inconveniences of di- vided seats, inadequate provision for en- tering and leaving the car and the short body interiors characteristic of the type See the New /CHEVRO Wells - Wescott Co. 1103 Chicago Avenue, Evanston Univ. 8856 which preceded the Twentieth Anniver- sary Sedan." Demand Is Active Now that it is possible to obtain a complete sedan with four doors and ample room for five people of full stat- ure at an attractive price, the demand for cars built on this pattern is becom- ing more active. As a matter of fact, reports from the Reo Motor Car com- pany convey the information that orders have exceeded production plans to such an extent that the factory will be rushed for months to meet the requirements of Reo distributors and dealers. "No small share of the popularity of this model may be attributed to the fact that it includes the well-known T-6 chassis, standard for all Reo models. This chassis carries the T-6 engine, a six-cylinder power unit that develops forty horsepower at 2,000 revolutions per minute. Its records of performance have made this engine one of the best known the world over, today. "Other Reo features such as the in- ner frame cradling of vital units, the Reo safety control, and genuine balloon tires are used in the Twentieth Anni- versary Sedan as well as in all other Reo passenger cars. Even the precision methods in manufacture that have caused Reo to be known as 'The Lowest Priced Quality Car' figure in the production of this popular new model." JOIN AUTO SALES STAFF A. L. Porter, familiarly known as "Porter," who for 10 years has been private chauffeur in a prominent Win- netka family, and Ernest Bartz, an expert in the automobile sales busi- ness, have taken positions with the Evanstqn Motor Sales, distributors of the Maxwell, Chrysler and Pierce- Arrow cars. | through. and thorough way. Makes 1215 WASHINGTON AVE. Special on Hats and Caps To better introduce our superior work in this line HATS cleaned and blocked $1.00 | | CAPS cleaned and pressed 50c | Not merely surface cleaning, but cleaned through and All work done in our plant in the most modern Gentlemen's Suits and Overcoats--Cleaned and pressed, | standard price of $1.50, and no more. Remember--We clean and dye anything and everything | that may be handled in.a most modern plant. CLEANING © & DYEING Phone Wilmette 3400--4 trunk lines Fasy to Remember old hats and caps new. USS WILMETTE, ILL. Reach Everywhere via Bell Lines ITY boundaries and state lines are no barriers to the long distance tele- phone, which reaches more than 70,000 HE problem of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company to-day is the one of growth. To take care of demands for new service we must build communities. In the Bell System are more than 15,000,000 connected for telephones service by 35,000,000 miles of wire. We stand ready,day or night, new plant constantly and this requires new capital in large amounts. To obtain such capital requires assurance of satis- factory return. ILLINOIS One Policy to put your home or office telephone In connection with any one of these. Long distance 1s the mod- ern, efficient way. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM e One System - Universal Service 44 p-