A Raa " g ALTER DATE OF WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1925 FIFTH CONCERT Points out Dangers of Sleighing Behind Autos Bob-sleigh riding behind automo- biles should not be permitted, accord- ing to Dr. M. J. Bradley of the chem- istry department of the University of Illinois, unless the cars are provided PACKARD ESTABLISHES FINE SERVICE STATION The new Packard service station and salesroom on Railroad avenue at Clark street, Evanston, is now prac- Mrs. Homer Cotton to Give Lecture on Music In the absence of Miss Tina Mae Haines, music critic, who has been seriously ill, Mrs. Homer E. Cotton will present the first of a series of b ite is : re " : 3 > S sic appreciation Dasch Players to Appear on with a special exhaust pipe. The tically completed, the company an- three lectures oh msec Doze deadly fumes of carbon monoxide nounces, calling attention to the fact hefore the Woman's club of Wilmette Wednesday, Feb. 4 otherwise are inhaled by the occu- that it now nas. facilities. in keeping | at the club Monday afternoon, Feb- An unexpected change in the sched- ule of the Chicago Symphony orches- tra necessitates the postponement of the New Trier Township Orchestral Association's fifth concert from the pants of the sled, he explains, and if the rope is short enough, death may occur in a few moments because the exhaust is being breathed directly. The first symptom is generally a slight headache, then dizziness and suffocation with chills and numbness. with its remarkable growth of busi- ness. The service department of the new institution has been in operation since December 22, and the sales angle ruary 2, at" 1:30 oclock. The lecture had been postponed be- cause of Miss Haines' indisposition. It is planned to present the lectures on the days on which the Dasch Sym- will be stressed with the completion of the show room and offices. Players appear in concert at ter auditorium. IX will help the boy advance in his Any concentration of carbon monox- ide above four parts per 10,000 of air is dangerous if inhaled more than a few breaths. The exhaust from the The new station is intended f a Packard owners, especially those Tag- ing 1m north shore suburbs, to whom studies if you give him a radio set as a goal to . George Dasch, conductor of The Sym- Rudolph Reuter or'ginal date of Monday, February 2, to Wednesday, February 4, at New Trier high school. The afternoon young people's concert will also be civen on Wednesday. Programs of unusual interest are being arranged by phony Players of Chicago. The Orchestral association an nounces the engagement of Rudolph Reuter, world-famous pianist, for an appearance with the orchestra on the evening program. Mr. Reuter has just recently returned from a concert tour of the principal countries of Furove where he earned the pointed praise of the best critics of the old world's music centers. His brilliant technique, for which the leading journal in Vien- na used the term "sovereign," and the Huge extensions, planned to take care of the future needs of the fast growing communities which it serves, are planned by the officials of New Trier high school. The first item on this program will be the installation of a new heating system, which will be placed in a different position from the present one. A new oil burning furnace is being tried out, and if it roves satisfactory the entire new sys- em will be of that type. The moving of the heating plant will probably take place in the near future and the site will be the end »f the soccer field. The present boys' rymnasium will be occupied by the 'hops and this change will be fol- owed immediately by the construc- tion of new class rooms on the site now occupied by the heating plant. Principal Frederick E. Clerk has depth and imagination of his interpreta- tion make his appearances, which in this season will extend to all parts of the United States, musical events of the first order. One of the greatest masterpieces of piano literature, the Schumann concerto, will be Mr. Reuter's contri- bution to the New Trier program. The complete programs for both con- certs will be printed in next week's issue. Students Register for Semester at New Trier New Trier High school's class sched- ules for the next semester are now ready and the business of getting new students enrolled has begun. All students in the township who wish to register at New Trier for the first time this semester are urged to come early. "First come, first served," is the motto. In registering pupils should first consult the dean of men heen busy for some time studying other buildings for the purpose of deciding the best style of architecture and the most modern and practical arrange- ment for New Trier's addition. When these changes are complete the high school will be able to take care of more than 2500 pupils without crowd- ing. Country Club Minstrels to Perform January 30 The minstrels will be in town late next week at the Ouilmette Country club where the "Frivolities" will be presented by a cast of 40 members of the club. Friday and Saturday January 30 and 31, are announced as the dates of the performances. Patrons of the "Frivolities" are promised something "novel, new and up-to-date." Rehearsals are being held under the direction of W. Jack Higgins Tickets may be secured from members or the dean of women. of the club or at local drug stores. WE HAVE PLE Ra "COA TELEPHON TELEPHONE Av p BUILDING MATERIAL 128 FIRE PLACE WOOD "HUBBARD WOODS. ILL NTY OF GOOD NOW IS THE TIME to have your coal delivered at your home. A ton in your cel- worth two in a coal yard. not going | down, so you have no excus: lar is distant Prices ar ior delaying your orders. We can immediate deliveries now of good clean coal in any promise quantities, and all sizes, but we cannot tell how long our supply will last. S LWOOD.FEED ™ GE'BROTHERS nt 3 a automobile engine has many times| the main plant at 37th street, Chi, NAR I RR ; ig this concentration. cago, is fennvenlen: for the ordi ar = py fe spur his endeavors. ~ . services, other than major fePairs, n> Sawer The only way to prevent possible] which will continue to be dong 4 ed x R CARS This electric shop is al- gas poisoning is to extend the ex- The Evanston station is conveniét- Bs re Bi f S haust pipe from the muffler upward Iv siidated tevin = entrances both Fh i pW ae ds ways ready help until it reaches the top of the car Railroad avenue Bind Maple avenue. | j4 Ww < E : 1 & 1 thus exhausting the fumes and gases The Same. standard Paton PVCS a vou with your radio- high into the air where concentration available at the main station in Chi- ~@OMPLETE [= rroblems And air currents caused by the mows | cago will be rendered Packard owners AUTOMOBILE ing machine. Any car ot equipped at this plant, it is announced. SERVICE \/ in this way should not be permitted to draw persons on sleds, said Mr. JOIN AUTO SALES STAFF FOR ALL MAKES Y po Bradley. This sport is also dangerous A. L. Porter, familiarly known as | : > because of accidents which might oc-| "Porter", who for 10 years has been -- Biba cur with other passing vehicles and | private chauffeur in a prominent Win- ---- L. E » especially when turning corners. netka family, and Ernest Bartz, an 1 Jo] expert in the automobile sales busi- WERSTED MOTOR CO = 21:1: :1» DC ness, have taken positions with the : DHON WB N ANNOUNCE EXTENSION Evanston Motor Sales, distributors of Telephone Winnetka 165 NEC. W He rr the Maxwell, Chrysler and Pierce- . PLAN AT HIGH SCHOOL| "cv 2:0 Clip 1/5 v v Phone 12 Chicago Solvay Coke is a clean fuel. It does not fill the basement with grime. It burns with no smoke, no soot. There are few ashes to handle. All the disagreeable fea- tures of coal are eliminated in the processes of manufac- ture. Chicago Solvay Coke is the modern fuel for homes. If you are interested in cutting your fuel bill one-fifth, have your heating plantlooked over by one of our skilled Service Men and then order from your dealer the size of Chicago Solvay CoketheService Man recommends. Reliable subur- ban fuel dealers will furnish you genuine Chicago Solvay Coke if you specify it by full name. He will also arrange for the Service Man to call. CHICAGO olvay Coke Buy it Burn it Youll Like it E. C. WEISSENBERG your bill for fuel The efficiency of Chicago Solvay Coke is greater than that of hard coal and the price is 20% less. Those who burn Chicago Solvay Coke--made especially for home heating--find that they have clipped one-fifth off their fuel bills and enjoy greater satisfaction as well. Why not cut your bill one-fifth?