| . become 22 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1925 NEWS OF INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING FIELDS BUILDERS HAVE CODE OF ETHICS Base Home Exposition Upon High Standards A remarkable document, designed to raise the standard of American homes built in the future, has been prepared by the Licensed National "Own Your Home" expositions, aided by some 40 national trade organizations and associations in the building and allied industries, build- ing, city planning and other experts and interior decoration authorities, and will be used as a guide in staging the exposi- tions to be held this Spring in Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia and Buffalo. The recommendations in this Code of Ethics will be brought before the at- tention of at least a half million people who will. visit these annual expositions, as steps are being taken to publish the code so it will be available to the public throughout the country. Many Agencies Interested Never before in the history of busi- ness have great national interests gather- ed around a table and put on paper ex- pert opinion on how an important phase of our national life could be improved. Yet such organizations as the American Society of Civil Engineers, The Ameri- can Institute of Architects, The Society for Electrical Development, The Ameri- can Face Brick association, The Master Plumbers' association, The Warm Aair and Ventilating association, The Nation- al Electric Light association, The Associ- ated Tile Manufacturers, The Portland Cement association, The United States League of Local Building and Ioan associations, The American Fuel Oil Burner Manfacturers' association, The National Lumber Manufacturers' associ- ation, The Wall Paper Manufacturers' association, The National Retail I,umber Dealers' association, The National Wholesale Lumber Dealers' association, The American Gas association, The As- sociated Metal Lath Manufacturers, The American Society of Heating and Ventil- ating Engineers and many others, have joined hands to teach the public how to home owners instead of rent payers and then how to build better loimes and so protect their investments. Banish Unscrupulous Builders In this connection, officials of these trade organizations state that a wide dis- semination of the principles included in this code will in time banish unscrupulous contractors, building supply dealers, and firms engaged in selling shoddy and flimsy material. In addition, it is also stated, that this will not only benefit the general public by giving them better homes, but be of assistance to the re- putable firms engaged in selling build- ing materials, plumbing equipment, heat- ing and ventilating systems and other products. In other words, in the opinion of the experts engaged in the preparation of this unijue paper, the public is often apt to blame the exterior stucco used when it cracks or the wall paper when it tears, though faulty construction and defective frame work may be entirely responsible. ~~ Similarly, the uninformed are apt to hold guilty the contractor of a well built house if a poor heating plant makes trouble for the owner. The education of the public on correct meth- ods and the use of good materials will, therefore, also protect reliable contrac. tors and reliable firms. Following are some of the "high points" of the code that have caused widespread comment among the allied trades: Cite Code "Points" 1. The Exposition cannot recommend the purchase of homes built for specula- tion unless such homes have been built from properly executed plans, and honestly constructed under the advice of competent authority. 2. The Exposition opposes the exploi- tation of the public through the selling of flimsily built, improperly planned structures, or materials and equipment which do not comply with recognized standard specifications of manufacture. 62% on Investments. The unusual service rendered our clients has been rewarded by a constantly growing Bond and Mortgage business. RT 2 MEE University 285 Rogers Park 0272 3. In standing for honest construction the Exposition realizes the possibilities of substitution of shoddy for good ma- terials ; that poor workmanship will weak- en a house, increase the upkeep and re- duce its useful life to a very few years; that failure to properly insulate the house will greatly add to the fuel consumption ; that the home builder or home buyer should learn the fundamental principles of good construction methods n order that he may not be misled into building or buying a badly planned, poor- ly constructed home. 4. The Exposition does not approve exhibits of any real estate firm or cor- poration unless it is in position to offer with the purchase of the lot a definite proposition for the financing of the home. For Harmonious Planning 5. The Exposition believes that the laying out of subdivisions or building development sites should be in keeping with a harmonious plan of city or sub- urban community development along scientific city planning lines, that proper restrictions be provided, including zon- ing laws to prevent the damaging of property due to the encroachment of factory and business sections or residen- tial property. 6. The Exposition believes that the prospective purchaser of a home or a homesite is entitled to what is generally known as the unearned increment due to the gradual development of the com- munity after the purchase has been made, and that the sale prices of all property, at all times, should be based on its value at the time of the purchase. Encourage Home Savings 7. The Exposition believes that home savings accounts should be encouraged by trust companies, savings banks, and savings and building loan associations, and that the funds established through such savings accounts should be used ex- clusively for the financing of homes and that due recognition should be given good construction by granting higher loans. 8. The Exposition, while recommending the use of standard building materials, encourages the production and use of other suitable materials, when such ma- terials have, through test under proper engineering supervision, proven of sub- stantial value. 9. The Exposition recommends that home builders do not attempt to econo- mize in the construction of their homes by selecting poor equipment because it is cheap, and that true economy is in care- ful planning and then buying good ma- terial as cheaply as possible and seeing to it that they are properly installed. 10. The Exposition believes that the love of home is largely. begotten and maintained by using good taste in the decoration of the rooms, choice of furn- ishings and proper lighting. 11. The Exposition believes that an appropriate landscape development, such as involves no extraordinary expense, either in initial outlay or in upkeep, is a very real insurance against deterioration of the home property. For Sale Winnetka Modern 7 Room Frame Home. 4 Bedrooms, Sun and Sleeping Porch, Hot Water Heat, Ga- rage, Beautifully wooded 75 foot lot. Located in fine section. Price $18,000. HILL & WHEELER, Inc. REALTORS "Homes for Particular People" WILMETTE OFFICE 334 Linden Avenue Tel. Wilmette 93 WINNETKA OFFICE 736 Elm Street Tel. Winnetka 142 From Coal Mn to Oil N ool in 3 Wl in od Hours 70H 3 ol i s I 5 . - (> sou r : When you buy an oil . burner from us you also 30Ri| buy a complete heating » service maintained by a 20H|| staff of experts who are i at your call day and night. 10H As far as our burner is = concerned--Ask the man o who owns one. "4 HART HEAT For information call AYRES-TEFFT CO. Tel. 1146 566 Center St. Winnetka Brokers Will Study Subdivision Control Methods of control which American cities are now .exercising over the subdivision of land, particularly in territories outside of their corporate limits, was the principal topic before the Homebuilders and Subdividers division at the real estate meeting at Dallas, Texas recently. The discus- sion brought out the experience of subdividers present that the allotment of a portion of each new development to community use as a play ground, park, or recreational center is alto- gether offset in cost by the lessening of advertising and other selling ex- pense. Stress Responsibility of Local Realty Boards The Secretaries division of the Na- tional Association of Real Estate boards, in the program of activities adopted for 1925, has emphasized the responsibility of local real estate boards in the work for real estate ad- vancement led by the National asso- ciation. : Applicability of the co-operative ownership plan of apartment house financing to medium sized or small cities was brought out in the discuss- ions of the Co-operative Apartment section of the Mortgage and Finance division. Managers to Consider Business Area Growth The Property Management division of the National association of Real Estate boards has authorized a study of the developments of secondary, dis- trict and suburban business areas. The study will take up the {factors which lead to such development, the effect which suburban business cen- ters have on the central business cen- ters of their cities, and the kinds of businesses which can profitably be located in outlying centers. LET US MAKE MONEY FOR YOU Your bonds can't touch this; we will sell you 5 acres of the most beautifully wooded land on the north shore, less than 34 miles from station, adjoins high class subdivision with city improvements. Price only $9,000.00 with reasonable terms. This is absolutely the best buy we know of. We will then subdivide this for you. You will have 1300 ft. of frontage. Adjoining proper- ty is selling for $36 per ft. Figure this out for yourself, then call us at once. CLORE,BUDINGER & SMITH Real Estate--Insurance 1173 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wil. 1750 Builder Joins Staff of Gleason and Perrin Co. Myron H. Erickson, who has been for a number of years, a well-known builder on the north shore, has become associated with Gleason and Perrin, real estate dealers in Winnetka at 554 Lincoln avenue, and will devote a great part of his time to the sale of north shore real estate through their office. Mr. Erikson is also a representative of the Lake County Construction com- pany, financiers, and builders of homes on the north shore. Chicago Dentist Buys Residence in Wilmette Announcement fo the sale of the James H. Picken residence, 426 Laurel avenue, Wilmette, to Dr. Friend Ec- cles, a dentist, with offices at 1006 Wilson avenue, was made by the North Shore Real Estate company, 418 Linden avenue, this week. ; Dr. Eccles expects to occupy his new home by the first of next month. Rail Crossing Tie-ups Bring Many Complaints A large number of motorists who have been held up at railroad cross- ings have complained to the Chicago Motor club and these complaints have been turned over to the railroads. The club advises motorists, how- ever, that railroads are not allowed to block the crossing jor more han ten i es, and in such a case the crew ie Hable to a fine of from $10 to $100. The fine instead of going to the state will go to the person filing suit. Read the Want-Ads iii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizy REPRESENTATIVES Winnetka Office Mr. Ralph M. Jaeger Mrs. Josephine L. Seyl ULL LL Ed dd ZEEE 2777277777 777 7, NZ A A 2 2 2 El arrzzzzzzzzrzzzzzzzzizzz; 4 FREDERICK B. THOMAS & CoO. 10 South LaSalle Street CHICAGO Specialists in Real Estate from Evanston to Lake Forest Announce the Opening of a Winnetka Office at Linden and Elm Streets (Entrance from Linden Street) Telephone Winnetka 2350 7777777777 7777777777777277277777 277777 2727 2222220 727727 27 ddd dd ddd ddd ddd lll dd ddd ddd ddd Ld dd irda 7 LL We have materially in- creased our ability to be of service. with selling ability, and wide acquaintance on North Shore--to sell on commission, First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds underwritten by nationally known institution. Wonderful Opportunity for Earning. Phone Wilmette 1672 ILI] Hil nnms BOND SALESMEN Men or Women--who can give part or full time-- adds | | i 5 1 1 I | t i | | | | H i i | i i 4 f | | t i | { § i | | | § "Clean as the Sun's Heat" value to his opinions. FOR SALE BY His experience as a fuel merchant Daily increases in our long list of satisfied users justifies his guarantee. Winnetka 643 Winnetka 734 Tn ---- C--O -- ---- -- -- ---- fw ---- -------- ---- -- -- ---- ---- Nc er -- uy Shad ae 3 to , EE an oe ~~