WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1925 9 TENTH DISTRICT CLUBS TO ELECT OFFICERS NEXT Glencoe Club Will Act as Hostess to Local Presidents HE Woman's Library Club of Glencoe has arranged for one of the most interesting programs of the vear on Thursday, March 12, the oc- casion of President's Day, when presi- dents of the north shore women's clubs will be guests. At this time FEdna Richolson Sollitt will give a lecture-re- cital on "Modernism in Music." For a number of seasons Mrs. Sollitt has received a great deal of publicity for her discussions and study of modern- ist music on which she is ranked as an authority. She has always believed and forcefully said that the really beautiful modernist works are a logical develop- ment from the great classics and that pianists of today must be in sympathy with the beauty of all times. So her programs, while built on a wide know- ledge of the standard concert repetory, also contain the most changing and most interesting novelties. Mrs. Sollitt made her debut several seasons ago with the New York Sym- phony orchestra and has made a number of tours. She studied with Joseph Shevinne, the composer. Music School Orchestra Gives Annual Recital HE Columbia School Symphony orchestra under the leadership of Ludwig Becker gave its annual con- cert Sunday afternoon, March 1, at the Eighth Street theatre, Chicago. The personnel of the orchestra is recruited from the student body, except the brass and wood sections. The rehearsals are very interesting, and the routine and ex- perience thus gained is of inestimable value to members and students who ap- pear as soloists. ; Howard Feiges, the talented and prom- ising 12 year old pupil of Walter Spry, was one of the soloists. He played the Beethoven Concert Number 3, in C minor, again on Monday afternoon, March 2, at New Trier, at. the Little Symphony concert under George Dasch. The program given on Sunday after- noon follows : Soloists Mildred Perlman, pianist; Howard Feiges, pianist; Bernice Fowler, con- tralto; Norna Bergman, soprano; Clif- ford Julstrom, violinist; Marion Laffey, violinist. 3 Program Orchestra: Overture, The Merry Wives of Windsor 0... .... Nicolai Piano: Concerto op. 40 D minor Ra ee ra .... Mendelssohn Allegro appasionata Mildred Perlman Aria: Che faro Senza Eurydice "Orfeo" Bernice H. Fowler Violin: Fantasie appasionata NE AR LS, Vieuxtemps Allegro-Miderato Variations Clifford Julstrom Orchestra: Symphony Lenore... .. Raff Allegro ; Marsch-Tempo Piano: Concerto No. 3 C minor re EE Se ER Beethoven Largo Rondo Howard Feiges Aria: Deh vieni non tardar "Marriage of Figaro" ..... 00, BF Mozart : Norna Bergman Violin: Concerto op. 64... Mendelssohn Andante Allegretto non troppo-Allegro Molto Vivace Marion Laffey Orchestra: Ballet Music "Feramors" EE PY Rubinstein ; Moderato L'istesso Tempo-Moderato con moto Evening College Group Meets Monday, March 9 HE Evening Group of the .Chi- caco Wellesley club will meet for dinner Monday evening, March 9, at the Woman's City club, Chicago. In continuance with the plan of gathering information about the pro- gress of vocational course in wom- en's colleges, the committee has se- cured as the speaker on this occa- sion, Dr. Katherine Blunt of Vassar, head of the home economics depart- ment of the University of Chicago, who will tell of Vassar's work in euthenics. This evening group was organized in November by Wellesley alumnae who cannot attend daytime meetings. "Anyone with a job is eligible," says a recent announcement. The group meets once a month for dinner and an informal meeting at the Woman's City club. There has been a steadily increasing attendance, and much pleasure as well as interesting information has been derived from these gatherings. Elizabeth Case, '14, 39 East Schiller street, telephone Superior 3102, is chairman. The executive committee comprises Helen Bennett, 98; Mar- garet Heath, "07; Annie Peaks Kenny, "96. Raphael M. Foran, '16, is secre- tary and treasurer. FRIDAY Noted Artist to Appear in Woman's Club Musical LARA M. Schevill, mezzo-so- prano, will give a delightful program at the Winnetka Wom- an's club, Monday evening, March 9, at 8:15 o'clock. Every club member may bring one guest. Acting as hostesses for the evening will be the members of the music com- mittee for this year and last: Mrs. Rudolph Matz, Mrs. C. Colton Daugh- aday, Miss Augusta Fenger,. Mrs. Charles Mordock, Mrs. Horace Ten- ney, Mrs. Darrell Boyd, Mrs. Gilbert Schriber, and Mrs. Norman Harris, chairman. Mrs. Schevill is the wife of Ferdin- and Schevill, professor of modern his- tory at the University of Chicago. She is well known in Chicago musical cir- cles for her delightful voice and per- sonal charm. Among her other professional ap- pearances last year were the follow- ing: in August a lecture recital on "Folk and Folk Songs of the He- brides" given in conjunction with Pro- fessor Schevill in Mandel hall, Uni- versity of Chicago; in October, a pro- gram in the Fine Arts Recital hall, and in November she was soloist with the St. Louis Symphony orchestra un- der Rudolph Ganz. Mrs. Schevill will sing these selec- tions : I Se Florindo e Fedele ....... Scarlatti O Cessate di Piagarmi ..... Scarlatti Vittoria, Vittoria Mio Core ....... ee A HS ee Carissimi Neyicata &.. oni. iia Respighi Nebbie ...... 4 Jlaans.. Respighi II Tres Berceanx ... 0p Faure lest Roses d'Ispahan............ Faure Mfnelled =... si Brahms O Wouesst ich doch den Weg....... ZUGUCCK. SF. soos sa bnis Sah iimens Brahms Meine Liebe ist grum'........ Brahms III : Yasmin food hihi Sibi Dobson Come Be my Valentine -..... Treharne Japanese Death Song ........,% Sharp Yung-Yang .... 00. 00 ig Bantock AvFeast of dianterns io... 0. Bantock Mary McCaughan will accompany Mrs. Schevill. Critics on the Hearth Will Meet on Thursday HE "Critics on the Hearth," a club of Kenilworth --girls; met last Thursday for a picnic lunch around the fire at Mrs. V. K. Spicer's. The readings for, the day consisted in "Our Friend the Dog" by Maurice Maeter- linck and "Dogs and Men" by Henry Merwin. The members enjoyed the con- trast in the philosophies of the two men as shown in their attitude towards man's humble but most faithful of friends. The next meeting will be on March 12 at 2:30 in the afternoon, an the topic will be the "Stories and Poetry of James Stephens." This program will be given in preparation for the visit of the distinguished Irishman to Chicago the last of this month. The New Brownleigh Club 153 North Michigan Exclusive Refined Down Town Service Club for Women Invites inspection of their newly decorated rooms. A few memberships open Local Representative wanted-- Dearborn 4371. COMPETENT | OMPETENT ser- vice that relieves the situation of its bitterness is guar- { anteed on every oc- casion. We do every- thing on a high eth- ical and professional basis. We Understand Ward & Buchholz FUNERAL DIRECTORS nRl2 CHICAGO AVE. 600 Lapy AssISTANT Evanston Philanthropic Sewing at Wilmette Club Today HIS morning marks the first of the monthly sewing meetings of the philanthropy department of the Woman's club of Wilmette. The work in March will be for the Mary Bartelme home and all women of the village are invited to meet at the club from 10 o'clock until 4, to help aid in this Phil- anthropic work, which is now in charge oi Mrs. Allan M. Rossman. The occasion of the next all-day sew- ng meeting will be March 20, a meeting not announced in the club Year Book. Music Theme of Next Wilmette Club Program T the next meeting of the Wom- an's club of Wilmette on March 18, Mrs. Emmet I. Snider will give a reading of Victor Herbert's opera, "Sweethearts," at 11 o'clock in the morning. Mrs. Ralph W. Moody will be the soloist, Mrs. David Hall the pianist, and Miss Thelma Holmes will give a Dutch dance. The Girls Glee club of New Trier high school will give the program in the afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends in Council to Postpone Meeting WING to the fact that the next meeting of the Tenth District clubs falls on March 13, the day scheduled for the meeting of the Friends in Council, this organization has decided to postpone its meeting day for another week at least. The time and program will be announced Teo Loht \¥ "i Ns 4d The First Thing Necessary when your eyes fail you, is the time to consult with optometrist qualified by study and training to properly examine you. Ours is an expert, dependable service. 15 years of successful practice Dr. 0. H. Bersch Optometrist 1177 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette For Appointment Phone Wil, 2766 HOLD HEALTH CONFERENCES The regular health conferences con- ducted by the Chicago Tuberculosis institute will be held at the Health Center in the Evanston City hall on March 12 and 24. A public health nurse will be in charge. The hours of the conference are from 10 o'clock in the morning until 2 o'clock in the af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Hardy of 1039 Private road are traveling in Cali- fornia for five or six weeks. THT see ourselves on the counter. We to be Shr VAR We 702 Church Street, Evanston Phone University 1848 Our Success is due to being able to HATS 'OM & SANDERS cientific & Manufacturing Opticians the other side of serve you as we served. i Opposite Orrington Hotel Open Sat. Eve. till 8 p. m. Hm dry cleaning. would like to have dyed. job 1215 Washington Avenue own plant--so you save the middieman's profit-- and get your work first hand. RAUSS CLEANING @W& DYEING Phone Wilmette 3400 -- 4 trunk lines Easy to Remember You'll soon be housecleaning. Your Oriental rugs and carpets, your draperies, lace curtains, table covers and many. items of clothing will require GET OUR ESTIMATE! You may find a few things that you When you are ready give us a ring, and Mr. Krauss will call and make an estimate on the whole and we believe it will save you considerable money. You see we are not jobbers-- we have our Wilmette, Illinois 4 Ti NaN aS SERS SS OE ESSERE SOS SSS 1567 Sherman Avenue NaN nm Bo SO 4 | a i == Open Evenings Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 7:30 to 9:30 Rrotumn Umlandt "ge NAN AA A A AN A AN AA NA NN AN AN NNN NW AN NN A NN NNN NNN NNN AN NNN NNN ND) MY COLONIAL CLOCK Stored sion! Fountain Square, EVANSTON SAA AN eee eee NE NAN AN NN NN SS SNS NS SN NNN NNNNNKN How beautiful it is! How many friends admire it. What charm its mellow tones add to my living room. At dusk, how iriendly its presence. In the firelight, how the ma- hogany glows. with memories years, it is a very part of the family circle. How proud I am of its posses- \ of the NN NN SN AAA AAA AA AANA ANAL NS SN NNN TT TEN NSSENSSNNN Phone University 6300 é ATR