WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1925 LEGION SHOW T0 G0 ON THE AIR Station WTAS to Send Rol- licking "Married at 3" Throughout the Country MUSIC BIG FEATURE "First Chair" Symphony Players to Be There If you've ever witnessed the hodge- podge screen features, you'll no doubt feel quite at home with this story, for i'll be just a bit of everything about the forthcoming Legion show, "Married at First off, Chairman Tom Brown and his "right bower," S. Edwin Earle, held conversation with Charley Erbstein the other day and that worthy gentleman of broadcasting fame announced, after hear- ing about the show, that he would sure enough pick it up for his legion of "lis- teners." And so the fame of Winnetka and Winnetka's Legion Post once agam spreads throughout the land. We said the music would feature this production. Well, there'll be some 20 musical numbers arranged by Hoyt and Rosenthal and a good-sized orchestra of real symphony players on hand to pro- vide the background for the songs and dances. Three big hits are scheduled, namely: "I Love You," "The Hindu Moon," and "Oriental Blues." Reservations may be secured through- out the afternoons between now and the days of the performances. The offices of WINNETKA TALK on Lincoln avenue will be open for reservations this eve- ning from 6 to 9 o'clock and specially again on Wednesday evening, the night before the first performance. On Thursday afternoon the Legion- naires will pilot an automobile with a "bride and groom" perched on the back seat, through the north shore from Evanston to Lake Forest, advertising the fact that the pair will be formally "Married at 3." Don't miss this parade. There will be other surprise features in the procession. Any member of Winnetka Post of tnc American Legion will be glad to serve as mesenger in the matter of taking care of your reservations. Have him do it, for it is a favor to him. He wants the houses sold out because he wants to do everything possible to help his disabled buddies--and, after all, that's the reason for holding the show. OPENS BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Carrie Payberg announces the opening of a beauty parlor in the Ait- ken block at Hubbard Woods. "Ex- pert work and efficient service" will be the watchword of the enterprise, Mrs. Payberg announces. Read All the Want-Ads SCHELL AGAIN PRESIDENT OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE R. H. Schell was reelected president of the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce at its annual meeting and election of officers, held Wednesday, April 28, at the Community House. William T. Wer- sted was reelected secretary and Gustav Nelson continued as treasurer. Five vice presidents were elected. They are: FE. C. Weissen- berg, Earl I. Wein- stock, Herbert Paul- son, H. A. Peters and George Park. Many of these were former- 'v officers of the association. This is R. H. Schell's second term as president. Mr. Schell announced that the mem- bership drive which is being carried on by the Chamber of Commerce is R. H. Schell progressing very satisfactorily. The amendment to the constitution of the organization, reducing the membership fee to a minimum of $10 was passed at the Wednesday evening meeting, and many new members have signed up, according to the president. It is hoped to get a 100 percent membership among the Winnetka business men. ATTEND EDUCATION MEET Superintendent of Schools Carleton W. Washburne and Principal W. W. Beatty of Skokie school, Miss Hazel Hartwell of the Horace Mann school and Mrs. Ruth Martin of the Greeley school attended the convention of the Princi- pals' and Superintendents' of Northern Illinois, held at DeKalb, Ill, this week- end. Keep Your EYES At Their Best To mak. 'he most of their natui- | charm and sparkle, use Murine. This harm'ess lotion instantly re- freshes and invigorates dull, heavy EYES, and encourages a clear, bright, healthy condition. Write Murine Company, Dept. 45, Chicago, for book on Eye Beauty. RINE EYES Always Something New on Brunswick Records Five Special Releases To-Day Moonlight and Roses (Fox Trot) 2866 Vocal Duet by Wright and Bessinger 10-30} Just a Little Drink (Fox Trot) Toe Vocal Duet by Wright and Bessinger Ray Miller and His Orchestra 2854 Swanee Butterfly (Fox Trot) 10-inch | River Boat Shuffle (Fox Trot) 5c Isham Jones' Orchestra 2874 . ; : i 105inch | Oh, How I Miss You Tonight (Fox Trot) 75¢ Ah-ha! (Fox Trot) Oriole Orchestra 2958, Lucky Kentucky (Fox Trot) 750 ' |Flag That Train (Fox Trot) Oriole Orchestra 2827 I've Named My Pillow After You 10-inch | If I Can't Have You Voice and Guitar 75¢ Nick Lucas @ Winnetka Brunawicl Shop 564 LINCOLN AVE. WINNETKA. PHONE WINNETKA 2129 The History of Any Failure in Life will be found to be a history of a man who spent as he earned, with never a thought of tomorrow and the day after. And the history of a success in life will be just as regularly found to be the history of one who saved and had the money to take advantage of the opportunities that came his way. Saving represents the road to success; spending is the down-hill road that 1s easy to travel but ends in disaster always. You can take your choice--but after you've got too far along the down-hill path, it's impossible to turn back! WINNETKA TRUST and SAVINGS BANK ELM STREETAT CENTER = 1S) B)IS 9 State Bank" I Business Change We have purchased the Black and White Cab and Garage Service and will endeavor to conduct the business to the very best interests of our patrons. Winnetka Exide Battery Service has been moved from its old location in the Carlton Block to the Black and White Cab and Garage Service Building 552-554 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka, where we will continue to render you the most efficient Battery Service. U. C. ABEL, Manager The Winnetka Exide Battery Service and Black and White Cab and Garage Service RR RR RRR ECCS SSSESSSSSSSSSSSSSR ARAN NN A A AA A Phones Winnetka 1387-72-73-74 NNN PAA AAALAC NNN SNNRERNSESNNSENSNNENNENNN NN NN NNNN NN NNNNNNNRNNNNA FOS SNS NNN NN NSS SN NAN NANG NNN NN NAN NN NAN NN NN ANN AN NAN NAN ANN NA . ; / ; 4 ¢ 4 4 / 4 ; : é 4 ¢ é ¢ / ¢ 4 ¢ 4 ¢ 4 ¢ g g g ¢ ¢ é 4 ¢ / 4 g 4 g g ¢ ¢ # ¢ g x *