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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 9 May 1925, p. 18

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} } f a WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1925 Woman's Society Gives Its Birthday Luncheon HE, accompanying report of the at- tractive luncheon given Wednesday by the Woman's society, has been written by Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty, newly elected publicity chairman. So long as your Ideals are real and lasting, you are not old; So long as your enthusiasms are vivid you are young; So long as the evergreen tree of love is in your heart, you are alive. "These words closed the program of the annual meeting of the Woman's society Wednesday, May 6. More than 225 women had enjoyed the beautiful decorations at the tables named for the 12 months of the year: had shared the delicious food and the good cheer of their companions of the same birth- month. Then came the reports of sec- retary, treasurer, and revisions com- mittee. "It was an innovation to have the reports of the year's work of all de- partments read by one person, but Mrs. Myron T. Harshaw easily held the attention of all, and the various reports revealed a marvellous record of 'esprit du corps', vision, and unself- ish work. Think of sending away more than 500 newly made garments. besides money gifts in large amount! Consider the faithful luncheon com- mittees serving 1700 people! 'Tt is rumored that the lengths of spaghetti used would encircle the globe three times ' "Remember there are now 19 cir- cles,--two born this vear, and all are eager to make their neighborhood the pleasantest ever. (Real estate men should take notice!) "When business matters were dis- posed of, a delightful program was given. Mrs. William Sherman Hay played three violin solos with exquisite tone and feeling. Mrs. Albert Veeder read a group of original poems, so varied as to appeal to everyone. "The 'surprise' promised came when Mrs. Edwin E. Brown revealed the horoscope of each birthday month, with advice to those born therein. Mrs. Frederick Dickinson concluded the program with the inspiring tribute to 'Youth,' the last lines of which are quoted above. "The newly elected officers, a list of whom follows, were called to an or- ganization meeting, Wednesday, May 20, at 10:30 in the morning. For 1925-1926, the society has chosen to serve them: president, Mrs. David S. Lasier; first vice president, Mrs. Al- bert Smith; second vice president, Mrs Percival Hunter; recording secretary, Mrs. James P. Fleming; correspond- ence secretary, Mrs. Frank A. Windes ; treasurer, Mrs. Charles T. Moon. Executive members-at-large: Mrs. George W. Gordon, Mrs. Charles R. Jacobs, and Mrs. George T. French. Chairmen of committees: work, Mrs. A. W. Converse, associate, Mrs. Hugh B. McKenzie; luncheon, Mrs. Freder- ick Thomas, associates, Mrs. William D. Truesdale, Mrs. Charles H. Thom- son; world friendship, Mrs. Charles F. Karnopp; flower, Mrs. Douglas Smith, associate, Mrs. Frederick Burl- ingham; circles, Mrs. E. J. Allsebrooke, associate, Mrs. Fred H. Sterling; house, Mrs. Ralph T. Childs; social, Mrs. Ayres Boal; finance, Mrs. Arthur Barrett; program, Mrs. Norman K. Anderson; publicity, Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty; business woman's council, Mrs. James Clipper." --Q-- The Ash Street circle will join the New Trier circle in a "get together" meeting at Community House on Tuesday afternoon, May 12, at 2 o'clock. It is hoped that all members will be present at this time to meet and become acquainted with their new neighbors. The nominees for new of- ficers will be elected. Mrs. Edwin Thompson, Mrs. Arthur Kloepfer, Mrs. William Fischer, Mrs. Charles Coyle, and Mrs. Bruno Menzen will be the hostesses in charge. --Q-- The Alicia Pratt Dancers will pres- ent "Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp" on Saturday evening, May 16, at 7:30 o'clock at Skokie school. Sev- - eral members of the Chicago Sym- phony orchestra will provide the music, and there will be four or five vocal solos. The pupils, many of whom have had several years of experience, have been in busy preparation for the event for some time. --_--0-- Mrs. Herman Jaedecke, mother of C. P. Jaedecke, 518 Rosewood avenue, whose home is in Los Angeles, will be the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jae- decke for the next two weeks prior to her departure to her summer home, Island Lake, Mich., where she will re- main all season. : Chicago Winnetka £ £ £ . : CLEANER I Lake Forest Highland Park The Chicago Bradford club met Tuesday for luncheon and bridge at the home of Mrs. Donald Jeffris on Bryant avenue. The hostesses were Mrs. Donald Jeffris, Mrs. Warren Agry of Winnetka, Mrs. Baker of Glencoe, Miss Elizabeth Merrill, of Evanston, recently elected president, and Mrs. Gordon Wheeler of Chicago. it Qt Mrs. Gertrude Lieber, a member of the National Kindergarten and Ele- mentary college, last Thursday at- tended the annual dinner for the sen- ior and normal classes given by the college at the Piccadilly tea room. Fol- lowing the dinner, a springtime sketch was given by faculty members under the direction of Wilmina Townes. 2p At the annual De Pauw university alumni meeting last Friday evening in at the Hotel La Salle, Mrs. Glen C. Bull of 500 Maple avenue was elected secretary. Dr. Samuel Merlin, presi- dent of the university, spoke, and Bis- hop Edwin Holt Hughes, United States Senator, Charles S. Deneen, and Roy O. West, were also on the program. i one Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Poff and their small daughter, Ruth, who left Thurs- day afternoon for Olney, Ill, where they were called by the death of Dr. Poff's uncle, will not return to Win- netka until the middle of next week as they plan to return by way of Peoria where Dr. Poff will attend the Dental convention. BE The Willow street circle will meet at the home of Mrs. H. Orwig, 548 Willow street, on Tuesday, May 12, at 11 o'clock in the morning, followed by a luncheon. The assisting hostess will be Mrs. George W. Atkins. The guests of honor will be Mrs. Clara In- gram Judson of Chicago, and Mina Hager. u --_---- On Wednesday afternoon there was a very interesting meeting of the Par- ent-Teacher association at the Hub- bard Woods school. Mrs. Ernst von- Ammon sang and Perry Dunlap Smith of the Country Day school gave a very interesting talk. Coffee was served after the meeting. --O-- The last meeting of the Scott Avenue circle will be held at the home of Mrs. John J. Desmond, 1414 Asbury avenue, Tuesday afternoon, May 12, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Edwin K. Lundy and Mrs. M. R. Gibbons will be the assist- ing hostesses. Mrs. Joseph R. Graff will read. --_--Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Goble, who returned recently from their Mediter- ranean trip, are stopping at the Or- rington hotel, according to recent re- ports. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ankrum, who rented the Goble home, will re- side there until the first of September. or Proceeds from the rummage sale held recently by Winnetka Chapter, number 942, O. E. S. amounted to $148. On Monday afternoon the committee chairmen for the bazaar the chapter plans to give in the fall, met with Mrs. Delbert W. Poff of 739 Walden road. --Q-- Marylyn Martin, 630 Rosewood ave- nue, was another little hostess last Friday afternoon when she entertained several of her young friends at a small party. --_--O-- Mrs. Thomas McLaren of 1004 Pine street, will have a special sewing meet- ing of the Pine Street circle next Thursday afternoon. Children's Play Shoes Desirable Dark Chocolate Washable Elkskin Non-Scuffable Long Wearing Sizes 8% toll ...$4.50 Sizes 11% to 2 ..$5.00 PaoL & PIPER CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS 1608 Chicago Ave. EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Roberts of 760 Prospect avenue, have as their guest, Mrs. Robert's brother and his family, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Stucke and their daughter, Marjory, of Chicago. They are planning to go to their home in Jacksonville in about two weeks. Oo The last meeting of the Winnetka Heights circle will take place Tuesday afternoon, May 12, at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Carroll Steinhoff, 1012 Fig street. It is hoped that there will be a large attendance for the closing for the circle's season. melee Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Rockwell re- turned this week to their home at 277 Chestnut street, after a trip to Ex- celsior Springs, Mo. --0-- Mrs. William Heuser of Oak street has her sister, Mrs. John McCloud of Minnesota as her guest for several weeks. ET) * THE SHOP OF EIIZABETH DUNCAN Gifts Many attractive coliections. Among new arrivals is an ex- quisite Poudreuse; also a qaint marble-topped end table. oe ole oe of of oe of ole oe ooo ol ode ob Bob col ol kok dol oR kek bob oR RR Boge of of oe oo obo oe oe oe ole obo of oe oo ode obo ole ood of ol oko ol ck lek ob dob oR bob of ole oo ole oe oF obo oF oo obo ode oe of ob oe of obo ke oe oe hol Bode Let a Real Artist Paint and Decorate Your HOME Your home has a charm, a personality, all its own. Only a true artist can har- moniously reflect this individual beauty, both inside and outside. Let us be your guide in working out a scheme of decorating and painting that will meet perfectly, and in every detail, your own particular requirements. And remember that while the results of our professional counsel and creative artistry are to be seen in some of the loveliest hemes on the north shore, our prices are moderate. North Shore Cooperative Painters and Decorators 556 Center St. ; Winnetka, Ill. Phone Winnetka 1762 or 1186 John Evans. Spacious, luxurious apartment residences of from four to seven rooms with three baths and larger. Modern--elegant--economical! Six rooms with three baths for an investment of as little as $10,400--the maximum cost per One of the Six Beautiful Entrances to John Evans Apartment Homes For You-- In Convenient Evanston A More Economical Apartment Home F you live in a misfit house-- one that is too costly to main- tain--if your present residence is year. old and worn--or if you are sell- ing--a new and thriftier home awaits you in Evanston in the month about $148--including all expenses--and this decreases each No taxes, no coal, no jani- tor or gardener expenses--and no maintenance worries. Ideal location--two blocks to lake, schools, churches, clubs and transportation. Fireproof seven story building. Eleven elevators Garage in sub-basement. Backed by builder of Orrington and Library Plaza hotels. Over 10% of apartments already spoken for. Investigate now! Send for book- let, visit us or telephone! 1600 HINMAN AVENUE AT DAVIS STREET Telephone Greenleaf 501 : Ohe OHN EVANS eApariment Homes CO~-OPERATIVELY OWNED A SUBSTANTIAL AND LUXURIOUS HOME WITHOUT HOME CARES

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