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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 9 May 1925, p. 22

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te fd Sy NN E WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1925 2 SELL IT THROUGH A WANT AD -------- s-- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notices papers. the line. No black face type used. Deadline for Insertions Classified advertisements will be charged only y . to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates 10 cents per line in one paper. MINIMUM CHARGE 350c. Rates for Display type on application. Cassin advertisements will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 20 cents per line in all three Average of five words to 1 REAL ESTATE 1 REAL ESTATE WINNETKA S. E. WINNETKA--7 RM. BR. HOME built by owner; priced for immedi- ate sale; lge. and well landsc. lot; open for inspection. 208 Sunset Rd. Ph. Winnetka 1845. NEW BR. RES, 6 rms.; 3 bedrms.; 2. baths; 2 car gar. nr. trans. and schools. Will sacrifice at $27,000. GLENCOE BEAUT. HOME, E. GLENCOE, 4 BED- rms.; 2 baths; 2 car gar.; open for offer. VACANT BARGAINS GLENCOE--2 WOODED LOTS, S. W. cor. Woodlawn and Lake, 50x140 ft. Linden Ave. S. of Woodlawn, 75x 165 ft., surrounded by new homes. Both for sale for less than market value. Reasonable offer accepted. 60x187 ft. Ash St, Winnetka, $55 i A7%128 ft. Brier St., Kenilworth, 50x187 ft. Cherry St, Winnetka, $60 ft. ACRE BARGAINS 100x660 FT. DUNDEE RD. $2,000. Fine site for nursery. 2 acre homesites, opp. Sunset Ridge Golf Club, $2750 acre. In- vestigate this money making oppor- tunity. See us on other acre prop- erties ripe for investments. Nr. North Shore Extension. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. Winn. 1800 1LTN32-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--UNUSUALLY attractive buy in a 7 rm. house, lo- cated in choice N. E. section; con- venient to trans. schools and churches; huge liv. rm.; 4 cheery bed chambers; ex. lav. 1st floor; gar- age; nicely landscaped lot; sale price $18,500. New 7 rm. brick colonial, just completed; typical colonial reception hall; huge liv. room; attrac. fireplace; spacious din. rm.; break. nook; dan- dy bright kitchen with latest built- in features; 4 lge. chambers; ex. lav. 1st floor; decorations of highest or- der; water heat; priced to sell quick. See us for particulars. List your property with us. We have big connections. Our offices are all along the North Shore. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 424 Linden Ave. Wil. 3450-3451 1LTN32-1te WANTED EVANSTON BUSINESS property or corner up to $25,000; can pay $10,000 cash; also SIX ROOM BUNGALOW IN WIL- mette, Kenilworth or Winnetka, price around $20,000; can pay $10,000 cash. Submit what you have to : Kenny Bros. 740 Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. 1LT32-1tp McGregor Bay, Ontario SUMMER HOME ON A 33 ACRE island. Living room, kitchen, 3 bed- rooms, bath. All large rooms. Two porches offering unusual view of hills, waterways, and islands. Care- taker's house and island. Excellent pump house and island. Excellent fishing. Bass, pike, lake trout, muskies. Deer and duck hunting in season. For information phone Glencoe 775. 1LTN32-1tp FOR SALE -- ENGLISH COLONIAL house in Winnetka; six rooms and bath; living sroom and one bedroom, very large; porch; heated garage; hot water heat; automatic water heater; heat regulator and water control; one block from school and three blocks from station; 65 ft. frontage; wooded lot; built for a home but removal from city puts this desirable property on market. Address Winnetka Talk A-512. 1T3-tfc HIGHLAND PARK FOR SALE BY OWNER--CORNER OF Ravine Drive and Hawthorne Lane; beautifully wooded lot in most select district in Highland Park; 190 feet on Ravine Drive and 120 feet on Hawthorne Lane; plans completed for an ideal home on this property, or owner will build to suit buyer. Price $16,000. Call Winnetka 2419, Win- netka 1696, or Harrison 3993. 1LTN32-1tc KENILWORTH FOR SALE BY OWNER--BEAUTI- fully wooded corner of Essex Ave. and Oxford Road; triangular in shape, with 220 feet on Essex Ave. and 287 feet ond Oxford Road; plans now completed for a beautiful Colo- nial home on this property, or will build to suit buyer. Price $14,000. Call Winnetka 2419, Winnetka 1696, or Harrison 3993. 1LTN32-1tc An Excellent Investment OWNER MUST SELL VACANT BUS- iness corner; the first west of Ravin- ia station; need money and will give real bargain to party with cash; also have residence lot 2 blks. to Ravinia station; will sell for $1200.00. Owner 5325 Lakewood ave., Chicago. 1LTN29-4tp Ridge Road--Bargain 63 FT. EAST FRONTAGE NEAR KEN- ilworth Ave., $25 per ft. below value; investigate quick. Phone owner, Ravenswood 0820 or address 1st apt. 4722 N. Rockwell, Chicago. 1LTN32-1te FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW HOUSES; 5, 6 and 7 rooms; near lake; golf and transportation; large lots; price $10,000, $16,000 and $21,000. W. Ot- ten, County Line Rd., Glencoe. Phone Highland Park 898-Y3. 1LTN26-tfc FOR SALE--WILMETTE, 5 RM. COT- tage type; in good section; house in splendid condition; beautiful lot 50x 235; many trees, shrubs, perennials, etc. Real value at $10,000. R. M. Johnston & Co. 340 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 68 1LTN32-1tc FOR SALE--COMFORTABLE WIN- netka home, near schools and trans- portation; choice high wooded lot 35 ft.; living and dining room; 2 bed- rooms and bath first floor; 2 rooms second floor; $13,500. Phone Winn. 1327. 1LTN32-1tc FOR SALE--2 10 ACRE TRACTS OF land about 1 mile from Glenview station; 30 acres about 2 blocks West of Waukegan Rd., near Techny, $1,000 per acre. Phone Wil. 1432 or University 2382. 1LTN32-1tp FOR SALE--AT A BARGAIN; 2 HSES. on one lot; 1-6 rm. stucco house; 3 bedrms.; H. W. heat; other house 3 rm. bungalow. Reas. terms. 887 Ash St., Winnetka. 1LTN32-tfc 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--FURNISHED HSE. FROM June 1st to Sept. 15, in Hubbard Woods. Beautiful grounds, large in- closed porch, 5 master bedrooms, 2 baths, servants' rooms, garage, near station. Favorable summer rental price. Phone Winn. 1532. 2T9-1te FOR RENT--7 RM. FURNISHED HSE.; summer season; $225 per month; or unfurnished, 1 or 2 year lease; $175 per month; corner lot; H. W. heat; 1 car garage; 2 blocks from station. Phone Glencoe 561. 2TN9-1te FOR RENT--JUNE 15-OCT. 15; FUR- nished 8 rm. hse.; 1 yr. old; 2 baths and lavatory; sun porch and sleeping porch; overlooking the Skokie; gar- age: $200.00 month. Phone Winn. 1502. 2T9-1te FOR RENT--AT ST. CHARLES, ILL, furnished 7 rm. summer cottage; gas; electric; city water; no bath- 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR RENT--A COZY 5 RM. APT, 1ST floor; fireplace; H. W. heat; best neighborhood; nr. trans.; poss. May 1. 752 Sunset Rd. Phone Winn. 573-R. 3T5-tfe FOR RENT -- SMALL FURNISHED apt.; delightful location; kitchenette and bath; heated; $70.00. Phone Winn. 690. TN9-1tc FOR RENT--4 RM. APT. AND SLEEP- ing porch; heated; 2 or 3 adults only. Phone Winn. 533-W. 3T9-1te FOR RENT--2 AND 4 RM. MODERN apartments; steam heat; janitor serv- ice. Phone Wil. 2399. 3LTN24-tfc FOR RENT--5 RM. APT. PHONE Me- Guire & Orr, Winn. 672. 3LTN32-1tc FOR RENT--5 RM. FLAT; NEWLY decorated; sun porch. Phone Wil. 866-M. 3LTN32-1tc FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED 4 rm. Kitchenette apt.; bath; space for car. Phone Wil. 300. 3LTN32-1te 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--SUMMER, 3 FURNISHED bed rooms with bath and kitchen privileges; 3 blocks from trans. $75 per mo. Single rooms $6 per week. Phone Winn. 622. 4LT32-1tc FOR RENT--1 FURNISHED RM.; 1 blk. from trans.; next door to res- taurant; 2 gentlemen. 556 Center St. Fhone Winn. 1588 after 6 p. m. 4T9-1te WANTED -- WHITE COOK; OTHER help kept; no washing. Phone Winn. 1137. 12TN9-1te WANTED -- MAID; GEN.; WHITE; best ref. required; $18. Phone Ken- ilworth 2317. 12TN9-1te WANTED -- WHITE MAID; GEN. hswk. or mother's helper. Phone Kenilworth 2060. 12TN9-1tc WANTED -- MOTHER'S HELPER. Phone Winn. 512-W. 12LTN32-1tc 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED--COUPLE; WHITE; MAN for vard work, cars, etc.; wife for cooking and housework; weferences required. Phone Wil. 1142. 13LTN32-1tc 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED -- CHAUFFEUR or houseman; English; married; now driving in Winnetka; 15 years exp.; desires position with rooms above garage; wife willing to work in house or laundry. 80 Locust Rd. Phone Wil. 889-Y2. 14LTN32-1tp SITUATION WANTED--EXP. MAR- ried chauff. desires position in pri- vate family; neat, honest, reliable; 7 yrs. in one place; references. Ad- dress Winnetka Talk A-55T7. 14T9-1tp EXPERIENCED GARDENER AND ALL around handy man wishes perma- nent position or work by the day or FOR SALE--PAINTED DINING ROOM furniture; table extended will seat 12; buffet; cupboard; 6 chairs, per- fect condition; exquisite and praec- tical color; $80.00; also mahogany dining table, both excellent bar- gains. Phone Glencoe 1189. 17TN9-1tp FOR SALE--6 PR. 60-INCH YELLOW sunfast curtains, $1.50 a pair; sold separately; 3 panel oak screen, $12.00; 4 double light parchment shields, $2.00 each; '2 Vuder porch shades, 10 ft. wide, $6.00 each. Phone Winn. 1450. 17TN9-1te FOR SALE--1 UPRIGHT PIANO IN good condition, $35.00; 1 solid ma- hogany table, 72 inches long, $18.00 if taken at once. Phone Glencoe 4217. 17TN9-1te FOR SALE--LIVING RM.; BEDRM. and din. rm. furniture. 615 Green- leaf Ave. Phone Glencoe 41. 17TN9-1te FOR SALE--7 FT. OVERSTUFFED davenport; excellent condition; gray velvet upholstery; bargain. Phone Glencoe 706. 17TN9-1te FOR SALE -- TAPESTRY COVERED davenport; gas range; 2 large leath- er chairs; like new. Phone Winn. 973. 17TN9-1te FOR SALE--KINGSBURY MAHOGA- ny upright piano and bench; like new. Phone Winn. 1165. 17LTN32-1tp FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY UPRIGHT hour. Phone Winnetka 639-W after piano; excellent condition; reason- FOR RENT SUITE OF ROOMS: BED- 6 p. m. 14T9-1tp able. 'Phone Wil. 2191. 17TN9-1te room and sunporch; newly decorated -- ee and furnished; adults only; 2 blocks AON ATED DLIapLR 13. WANTED-~HOUSEFROLD eooDs. {0.2ll. rans, ref. Joa. Phone Winn | nig 14LTN32-1tp | WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND . 4T9-1tc furniture and other honsenold E0008, 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE Highest price paid for same. ros POR RENT "LARGE. ROOM WITH Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Se oii, vin, eds; gentlemen | SITUATION WANTED -- STENO-SEC-| Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. . preferred. one University 2411. retary; college graduate; office, club, 1SLTN24-tfc T9-1tc church staff experience; correspon. ve wo SED FURNI 2 ON dence; personal aproach; travel.|N. FELL--NE A U - POR AUNT-LARGE MASTER BED.! dire Winnetka Foliijeny ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple n new house or one smaller 15TN9-1tp| Ave. Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. bedroom. 31% blks. from trans. 18LTN19-tfc Phone Winn. 555-J. 4T9-tfe B ton Sh : onton Shop 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS OR A ra NEWLY FURNISHED | pDRESSMAKING AND REMODEL- St. Wi ign args closets. 887 Oak ing. Patterns made to order. Best WINNETKA FURNITURE S TOR EB Sl.ygvinnetiza, one Winn. 2420. of North Shore references. 24 Prouty| buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, 4LTN32-2tc Annex. Winn. 2106. 15TN8-tfe pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash FOR RENT--2 FURNISHED ROOMS: Street. New Store, 1500 Willow Rd. kitchen privileges if desired; 2 men or couple. Phone Wil. 2764. 4LTN32-1tc FOR RENT--2 FURNISHED ROOMS and bath on 3rd floor; near station. Phone Winn. 1921. 4LTN32-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE RM. AND PRI- vate bath; 3rd floor in private hse. Phone Wil. 1253. 4LTN32-1tc FOR RENT--VERY DESIRABLE LGE. room in good home; east side. Phone Wil. 1940. 4LT32-1tc rm. newly decorated bungalow; lge. sun parlor; beautiful grounds; nr. Skokie; immediate possession; gar- age; long lease. 540 Jackson. Phone Glencoe 982. 2LTN32-1tc FOR RENT--KENILWORTH, 5 RM. house, furnished; year lease if de- sired; one block from station. 320 Richmond Rd., Kenilworth. Phone Kenilworth 1854 or Ravenswood 2759. 2LTN32-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED HSE. FOR summer months; $200 a month; 5 bed- rms.; 3 baths; sun porch; garage; nr. station. Phone Mrs. Paul Starr, Winn. 1765. 2LTN28-tfc FOR RENT -- SMALL FURNISHED house, screened porches; for the sum- mer months; good location, reason- able rent. Phone Winn. 1755. 2T8-tfc FOR RENT--9 RM. HOUSE; 2 BATHS; 995 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods. $100 per month. Phone Winn. 1066. 2TN9-1te FOR RENT--FURNISHED HSE.; SUM- mer months; 7 rms.; garage; $150 per month. J. T. Metcalf, 1082 Cher- ry St. Phone Winn. 1810. 2T9-1tec FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE HSE.; 7 rms. and sun parlor; 2 baths; good neighborhood; $140.00. Phone Winn. 690. 2TN9-1te FOR RENT--6 RM. HOUSE; CHEAP if taken subject to vacancy in case of sale. 887 Ash St, Winnetka. 2LTN32-tfc 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS Apartment of Unusual Attractiveness and Charm MUST SUBLEASE ON ACCOUNT of leaving the city, our beautiful 5-room apartment near Lake, "L" and Northwestern R. R. transpor- tation. Unusually attractive ar- rangement of rooms, large, light and airy, with pretty outlook due to surroundings. Large closets, tile bath with shower, real open fireplace. Best value in Evanston, For Information Phone University 10308 1LTN32-1tc FOR RENT--APT., 1169 SCOTT AVE, 2nd floor; 5 rms.; extra large liv. rm.; H. W. heat. Apply to owner, 1st floor or phone Winn. 1552. 3TN9-tfc FOR RENT--4 RM. APT. IN FRANK- lin bldg.; in-a-door-bed; gas range; ice box; immediate possession. Phone Winn. 62. 3LTN31-1tp room; large shady grounds; June|FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; 1st to Sept. 1, $300. Marion H. Cul- gentleman only. Phone Winn. 1549. ver, Glencoe, Ill 2TN9-1tc 4T9-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED HOUSE; | FOR RENT -- FURNISHED "ROOM. June 15-Sept. 15; facing park; 3 Phone Winn. 1333. 4TN9-1tc blks. from Hubbard Woods station; 4 bedrms.; 2 baths; large sun rm.} FOR RENT--1 RM. PHONE WINN. and sleeping porch; garage. Phone 533-M. 4L'TN32-1tc Winn. 1168 2LTN32-1tc 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND FOR RENT--GLENCOE MODERN 6 FFICES FOR RENT--STORE ROOMS AND OF- fices. G. F. Gonsalves. Phone Winn. 62. 5LTN31-tfc 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES ) FOR RENT--ONE CAR GARAGE; 798 Cherry Street. Phone Winn. 2087. AMERICAN DRESSMAKER SPECIAL- izes in work for young married la- dies and young girls; best Winn. ref. P. O. Box 117, Evanston, IIL 15T9-1tp SITUATION WANTED--EXP. WHITE woman desires cooking; serving dinners and lunches; also other day work. Phone Wil. 3129. 15LT32-1tc SITUATION WTD.--LAUNDRESS DE- sires work at home; finished, rough dry; wet wash; will call for and de- liver. Phone Wil. 1351. 15LTN24-tfc WELL EDUCATED WOMAN WISHES position as French nursery govern- ess; knows fine needlework. Phone Winn. 1101, Mrs. Skinner. 15LTN32-1tp WANTED -- LAUNDRY TO TAKE home; curtains and blankets a spe- cialty. Phone Wil. 2130. 15LTN32-1tc AM AGAIN AVAILABLE TO CHAP- erone young ladies for foreign travel. Best of references. Mrs. H.,, Room 328, Evanston Hotel. 15LTN32-1tp 19LTNS8-tfc WANTED--A GOOD HOME FOR THE summer for a pet cat with someone fond of cats. Liberal board offered. Phone Winn. 1321. 19T9-1tp 20 FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--DETROIT ELEC. MODEL 75; thoroughly overhauled; new bat- teries and paint; cheap for cash. Mrs. C. C. More, 227 Delaware Place, Chicago. Phone Superior 5525. 20LTN32-1tc Used Cars--AIll Makes OPEN AIR SALES + c-- Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 20LTN24-tfe FOR SALE--CADILLAC LIMOUSINE; 7 passenger; splendid condition; model 55; $600. Call at garage, 615 Elm St. Phone Winn. 1180. 20TN9-1te SITUATION WANTED -- PRACTICAL nurse; or housekeeper in motherless home. Phone Winn. 1160. 15LT32-1tp FOR SALE--A GOOD ROADSTER; looks good; runs good; a bargain at $200. Phone Mr. Thompson, Wil. 90, between 8 and 4 20LT32-1tc 6T9-1tc 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT -- ANYWHERE between Kenilworth and Highland Park; small house or bungalow; fur- nished, with porch; rent, $125 per month. Address H. Landauer, 5326 Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago. TLTN32-1tp WANTED TO RENT--1 YEAR OR more, house with 4 or 5 bedrooms and sleeping porch; must be reason- able. Address Wilmette Life 556. TLTN32-1tc WANTED TO RENT--7 RM. MODERN unfurnished house; 2 yr. lease or longer; responsible party. Phone Winn. i: TT9-1te 11 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED--YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE work. Should have fair bookkeep- ing experience. Good chance for ad- vancement. Apply in writing to Post Office Box 155, Winnetka, Illinois. 11TN32-1te GARDEN; good wages; Phone Winn. 414. 11T9-1te WANTED--YOUNG MAN TO WORK in hardware store; drive truck and do general work. Eckart Hardware Co., Winnetka, Ill 17LTN32-1tp WANTED--REAL ESTATE SALES- man for Heinsen & Kroll's new of- fice. 720 East Elm St. Phone Winn. 254. 11LTN32-1tc 12 HELP WANTED---FEMALE WANTED--GIRLS FOR TELEPHONE operating; permanent position with good pay. Come in and talk it over with the Winnetka Chief Operator. 12T9-1te WANTED--SECOND MAID; WHITE; family of 5; 3 children; must be good cleaner; neat; competent and willing; nrivate room and bath. Phone Winn. 2265. 12T9-1te WANTED -- GENERAL MAID FOR gen. hswk.: 4 adults; no laundry; ref- erences. Phone Glencoe 737. 12LTN32-1te WANTED -- HSE. MAN; over 30; white; exp.; refs. required. SITUATION WANTED--POSITION AS nurse girl or second work; refer- ences. Phone Winn. 1224. 15T9-1te SITUATION WANTED -- LAUNDRY work or gen. cleaning by the day. 1009 Emerson. Phone University 7208. 15T9-1te SITUATION WANTED_DAY WORK, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Phone Winn. 2288. 15T9-1te DRESSMAKING SHOP--T746 ELM ST. Phone Winn. 1758. Johanna B. An- dersen. 15T9-1tp WANTED -- WORK BY THE DAY. Emma Marcort. Phone Winn, 2288. 15LTN32-1te FOR SALE--STUDEBAKER TOURING car; light 6; like new; price $375.00; Ford in trade. Phone Winn. 2338. 20TN9-1tp FOR SALE--FORD CHASSIS; SUIT- able for a speedster body, $25. Phone Winn. 1439. 20T9-1te 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--AT VICKERY KENNELS, Barrington, Ill., Irish terrier puppies by the recent imported champion Mallow Rake; also nice selection of Wire Fox terriers, from 3 to 7 mos. imported Doborman pincher at Sud. Reasonable prices; inspection invit- ed. Dogs boarded and trimmed. A. Lapin, manager. Phone 60-J. 21LTN32-1tp 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--FURNITURE; MOVING; Oriental rug 8x10; bedrm. set; good gas stove; chairs; wicker porch fur- niture and bric a brac. 818 Ashland Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wil. 2135. 17LTN32-1tc FOR SALE--DINING RM. TABLE AND sewing board, rich dark oak finish; Italian carved console table and mirror; all pieces in excellent con- dition. Phone Winn, 1417. . 17LTN32-1te FOR SALE--FURNITURE; 3 PIECE parlor set; din. rm. set; 3 bedrm. sets; breakfast set; sewing machine; rugs; lamps and mirrors. Phone Rogers Park T7117. 17TN9-1tp FOR SALE--ROYAL VACUUM CLEAN- er with attachments; perfect con- dition, $18. Phone Winn. 44. 17LTN32-1te FOR SALE--GAS STOVE; SEWING machine; din. table; chairs; book case; dishes; dressers; refrigerator, etc. Phone Winn. 234. 17LTN32-1tc FOR SALE--CANARIES AT WHOLE- sale price, direct from large whole- sale breeder. Seifert and Andreas- burg rollers. Exceptional opportuni- ty to procure a high grade bird at big saving. Phone Winn. 263. 21LTN32-1tc FOR SALE--WILLARD B BATTERY, 90 volt and Tuungar charger almost new, $10; 1 slightly worn Oriental rug 9x12. Phone Wil. 1374. 21LTN32-1tc FOR SALE--YARD PLAYHOUSE, 7% ft. sq. with windows and door; make offer; lamp shade, $2. Phone Winn. 1158. 21LTN32-1te FOR SALE--OFFICE FURNITURE; one executive desk; one table; chairs; very reasonable. Phone Winn. 173. 21LTN32-1te FOR SALE--4x8 BRUNSWICK BABY Grand pool table. $150. Marion H. Culver, Glencoe, Ill 21TN9-1te FOR SALE -- BROWN LEATHER pouch; good condition; $10. Phone Winn. 397. 21TN9-1te FOR SALE--HOT AIR FURNACE; large size; in good condition. 816 Lake Ave. Phone Wil. 1527. 17LT32-1tp FOR SALE--VERY CHEAP; MAHOG- any davenport table; liv. rm. chairs; victrola; din. rm. furniture and rugs. Phone Wil. 1511. 17LTN32-1te WANTED--NURSE MAID; WHITE, exp., for child 3 yrs.; willing to assist with 2nd floor work. Phone Winn. 1137. 12LTN32-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL; EXP. FOR gen. hswk.: no laundry; good wages. Address Wilmette Life A-555. 12LTN32-1te FOR SALE--RADIANT FIRE GAS heater for fireplace; in perfect con- dition; $20. Phone Winn. 622. 17LT32-1te FOR SALE -- 2 IVORY ENAMEL nursery beds; good size: will sell either singly or together. Phone Winn. 1533. 17LTN32-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with hswk.; small familv. Phone Wil. 633. 12LTN32-1tc WANTED--W HIT E MAID: GEN. hswk:; cooking exp.; small house. Phone Winn. 904. 12LTN32-1te FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT PIANO. Phone Winn. 528-W, evenings. 17LTN32-1tc FOR SALE--LOOSE CUSHION SILK velour davenport. Phone Wil. 2999. 17TLTN32-1tc FOR SALE--MANURE. PHONE GLEN- coe 220. Largest dealer on the North Shore. 21TN4-tfe FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE: GOOD condition. Phone Winn, 604-W. 21T9-1te FOR SALE--SCOTCH TERRIER PUP- pies; pedigreed. Phone Wil 866-J. 21LTN32-1te FOR SALE--FINEST BRED WHITE Orpingtons; 20 hens; 2 cocks. Phone Winn. 1165. 21LTN32-1tp FOR SALE--22 SAVAGE RIFLE; $7. Phone Winn. 1385, 21LTN32-1te aE. i 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST ON NORTHWESTERN TRAIN, Monday, small package in brown paper; reward. Phone Winn. 2234, Sherman. MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 24 =

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