___ WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1925 PUBLIC FORUM 'LESS MOSQUITOES HOPED FOR The WinNETKA TALk of Saturday, May 23, had no less than three items of interest about mosquitoes, our un- i welcome summer visitors. The first "galumn of the first part described the ¢hanged conditions in Panama and ended with the question if the "en- lightened Winnetkans care less for their comfort and well being than the cannibalistic San Blas Indians" of Panama? The answer is that they do care very much more for their per- sonal comfort than these Indians even if they are a bit more protected against the mosquitoes by clothes. {Last year, as most Winnetkans re- member, mosquito abatement work had ardly got well started in the Skokie region west of the town, as well as in the town itself, when the torrential rains of early August flooded the whole Skokie Valley and filled all the town ditches and all places where mos- iquitoes most easily breed and as we did not have the advantage of a Pan- ama Canal to carry off the floods the work for the year was ruined and the flooded area so large that the attempt ito control the mosquitoes under such unusual conditions was almost hope- iless. A start in the collection of funds 'for this year's defense was, however, made and enough was collected to -make a start on the work this year. The Village authorities have been fully wake to the desirability of mosquito abatement work this year and a start was made on some of the worst breed- fing places by a small force under Vil- lage Manager Woolhiser. iv Mr. John S. Miller, president, of the Village, also appointed a "volunteer" lor perhaps it would be more accurate to say a "Drafted" committee, as au- thorized by the council, to assist in fhe work. 'Later in the month, taking advan- knoe of the presence near us of Mr. 'Anselmo F. Dappert, assistant sanitary emgineer of the Illinois Department of . who, as noted 'in the TaLk, is pervising the very extensive work in Mlosquito abatement, which Mr. Louis [Hckstein has undertaken through the deion within a mile in every direction Ravinia Park, and Mr, Dappert was glled into consultation on our Win- tka situation. Mr. Dappert was good ough to spend a day meeting with ose interested in the mosquito situa- tion from Glencoe and Winnetka and fihother day in going in detail over the situation in Winnetka with Manager Noolhiser, and making detailed recom- tiendation for the conduct of the mos- fiito abatement work in Winnetka this year. In brief, Mr. Dappert's re- + port-is that the mosquitoes vexing us in Winnetka are not of the malarial kind and, therefore, the State Health Departiient, while cheerfully accord- ing us the very desirable expert ad- vice in the premises, is not warranted in undertaking to combat the mos- quitoes as primarily a health meance, and it, therefore, devolves upon the government. and citizens of Winnetka to combat this nuisance the same as any other disorderly and objectionable collection of individuals which may stray within its borders. This, he says, can best be done by stopping the breeding of the mosquitoes through the elimination of stagnant water, or oiling its surface so that the larvae can- not develop to the mosquito stage. He tells us too that such measures must be taken with all standing water at intervals not to exceed seven days or the crop which is permitted to get away will be with us for 30 days, A further fact in his report, which was rather a surprise to some of us, is that a practically ideal series of breed- SUDS AND DUDS «0 er ~ DUAMENT, © | ie A BT INE ED RW rmy wife ----- She Lo 1 Knows they shorten life | RS. DUDS has arranged to have Suds look after the family's laundry. Both she and her well-dressed hus- band are pretty well tickled about the way in which Suds cleanses their clothes. Purity and Promptness are Purposes Performed by this establish- ment. LLOOK FOR SUDS & DUDS ------ ing places for the mosquitoes is fur- nished by the standing water in the drainage catch basins along our princi- pal paved streets. As Mr. Dappert ex- pressed it, a mosquito in Winnetka would nowhere have to fly more than two blocks to find a new home and convenient breeding place. Of course the Village authorities will take action to abate this form of nuisance. The other principal sources of mosquitoes for Winnetka are, first, the ditches, particularly the so-called Kenilworth ditch, which runs through the south- western part of the village -and then through the grounds of the Indian Hill club, and the ditches along Willow road, and a trifle more remote is the stream of the Skokie itself, not so seri- ous in dry times as when large areas of its adjacent valley are flooded. The ordinary funds of the village are not available to do more than the catch basin work and the oiling of the ditches is expected to be met by a subscription from the citizens, or otherwise arranged for. Mr. Dappert estimates that there should be ex- pended about $4,000 in Winnetka for the mosquito abatement work during the current season. The forces will all be under the direction of the Vil- lage Manager. The Indian Hill club, when the matter was brought to their attention, promptly authorized the work to be extended along the ditch in its grounds and said it would meet the expense for this portion of the work, and a syndicate of land owners outside of the village but near it on the southwest, has also requested that similar action be. taken in their un- occupied property at their expense. The floods of last year were such a menace to the community of Win- netka aside from the intolerable mos- quito condition that they brought about, that a committee from Winnet- ka and a committee from Glencoe, which is also interested in the mos- quito abatement movement, this year appeared before the Engineering com- mittee of the Sanitary District direc- tors on May 22 and to their represent- ations the Sanitary board later voted a substantial sum to clear away vegeta- tion and débris from the Skokie chan- nel and thus aid in the mosquito cam- paign, as was also noted in the last issue of the TALK. From the above brief outline it may be seen that atleast an effort will be made by Winnetka, and also by Glen- coe, to have this year a better one for the citizens in their gardens and a worse one for the mosquitoes than last year, but having neither the funds AVN] "Just alittle pi Drink" Moanalichtes Roses Ly A new Brunswick Record RAY MILLERS Ores Vocal Chorus by WRIGHT-BESSINGER ALN 95 - Winnetka SBrunswick . Shop 564 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka Phone Winnetka 2129 BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS RECORDS AND RADIOCLAS THE MAN AND HIS SHIRT What is closer to you than your shirt --unless it's your underwear or paja- And about the design, the color, the fit, and mas? are you not particular the wearing, laundry-proof qualities? All these things are cared for in our shirts. John H. Dethloff Men's and Boys' Furaishings 786 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 1077 of the United States Government, nor its unlimited forces to bring about complete sanitation, as at Panama, no promises are made that the elimina- tion will be absolute, but it is certain that with the efforts put forth there should be a very material reduction in the numbers of the pests. oo A Citizen. FRENCH CLUB MEETS New Trier French club held its regu- lar meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Auguste IL. Babize, 484 Sheri- dan road, Glencoe. Officers were elect- ed from those members nominated from the present Junior class. American Beauty' ELECTRIC IRON the best iron made You are living in an electrical age; make the most of it. Come in and let us show you the wonderful time and labor saving devices we carry in stock--Irons, Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Toasters, Grills, Percolators, Water Heaters, Stoves, Radiant Heaters, Lamps; Fixtures, Sewing Machines--anything and everything electrical. NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC SHOP JOHN C. WELTER, Prop. 554 Center St. Phone Winn. 44 Winnetka, Ill. If electrical and good, we sell it. Marcus Richards' Father Passes Away in Chicago J. T. Richards, father of Marcus Richards, 1240 Tower road, passed away at his residence, 1236 Madison park, Chicago, Friday, May 22. Funer- al services were conducted Monday, May 25, at the home and burial was in Oakwoods cemetery. Mr. Richards was born in Tuscola, I1., in 1852. He was a member of the Union League club. He is survived by his widow and two sons, George D. and Marcus. NO MAN EVER TIRES OF A WIFE WHO FEEDS HIM WELL Phone Winnetka 920-21-22 Yes, Mr. Careful, I am just on my way to the village to do my shopping for dinner. Happy telephoned me that he is bringing company home night and won't have to go over to to- time the market for me. You better stop at PETERS MARKET. 1 just came from there and they have just received a fresh shipment of sea foods and fancy dressed broilers, and, of course, have their usual stock of quality beef, and spring lamb. You can always depend on their quality meats. ZIT A777 ATT ZT 2d ZZ Zl, ro ------------ dividend? cash ofa GET IN LINE FOR JULY Ist Holders of the 7% Preferred shares of this Com- pany will receive their regular quarterly dividend checks on that day. HOW ABOUT YOU? If you are not already a member of our large family of share-holders, why not get in touch with us now so that you may participate in the July 1st These shares May be. had for 'monthly savings plan. They are non-taxable to residents of Illinois. See any of our employes or send us the attached coupon and our representative will call and give you full details. DO IT NOW! NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY COUPON Gentlemen: a rrr rrr, Tl a La ZL 7 2 FE ZL L777 N \ N formation investment. Al lepaa ALUreSs N77 7777727777777 77777772 72 zzzrzirriiizzrizzziz 7d Zi dd dda dd dd ddd ddd ddd ddd a Tr $100.00 Meith a Please have your representa- tive call and furnish me with in- regarding your LZ 7% rr irradi rr rrrzrzidriirrrrriririiiriirriziaizirriiiiiizzzzzzzzzizziziziiiiiiiiiiiiiidddiidid 277 227727 2d Ze Zi a daddy Za ie a di dei iz. N \ N By