WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 13 1925 Portals of Learning Ground was broken last Saturday for Harrison hall, the $500,000 building which is to house the National Kindergarten and Elementary college on the new campus at 2970 Sheridan road, at the Wilmette-Evanston boundary line. Above is illustrated the entrance to the beautiful structure which, it is expected will be ready for occupancy January 1, 1926. HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER WORK BEGINS JUNE 22 Summer school will be in session at the New Trier High school from June 22 to August 14. Classes will be held in the morning from 8 to 12:30 o'clock. The preliminary enrollment indicates that about 500 students will be in at- tendance. Students of the "flunker" type are rapidly being replaced by the ambitious student who is desirious of taking up work which he could not crowd into his: course during the regular school year, it is explained. Then, too, the tendency on the part of colleges and universities to pick their prospective students, requires more thorough pre- paratory work. Each year more par- ents realize that to loaf - for three months is demoralizing, and that it is no hardship for the normal boy or girl to study one or two subjects for a per- iod of eight weeks, under ideal condi- tions. The instruction is given by the mem- bers of the regular faculty, which guarantees the quality of the work. The regular semester's credit towards grad- uation is given in the subjects com- pleted during the summer session. "Villa Venice" Calls to Pleasure-Seekers The "Villa Venice," formerly the "House That Jack Built," situated on Milwaukee avenue at the Desplaines river, has been entirely remodelled and lavishly furnished and equipped, mak- ing it one of the most delightful show places in this part of the country, it is said. The Villa Venice is now open with a New York production under the personal direction of Albert Bouche with music by Charles Kerr's Philadel- phia Social orchestra. French, Italian and American dishes are served and table d'hote dinner is always available. American Beauty' ELECTRIC IRON the best iron made You are living in an electrical age; make the most of it. Come in and let us show you the wonderful time and labor saving devices we carry in stock--Irons, Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners, Toasters, Grills, Percolators, Water Heaters, Stoves, Radiant Heaters, Lamps; Fixtures, Sewing Machines--anything and everything electrical. ELECTRIC SHOP NORTH SHORE JOHN C. WELTER, Prop. 554 Center St. Phone Winn. 4 Winnetka, Ill. If electrical and good, we sell it. The first dinner show is at 8 o'clock and dancing music and vaudeville art- ists entertain between shows. The sec- ond show is at midnight and music con- tinues until 4 o'clock. In the ballroom and main dining room, where under the tutelage of Victor Victoroff, and Mr. Bouche pre- sents his vivid "Venetian Carnival", bright lights and colorful embellish- ments prevail. In the spacious grounds about the villa cool fountains spread their many colored sprays and thous- ands of colored electric lights add to the brilliancy of the entire ensemble. The management of the Villa Venice will open another high-class establish- ment in New York during the early fall, having entered into negotiations for the purchase of the most celebrated cafe-restaurant site in. New York City, formerly under the management of Charles Rector, and situated at 44th and Broadway. PICNIC TIME AT HAND The Sunday school of the Wilmette English Lutheran church will hold its annual picnic in Lake Front park, Sat- urday afternoon, June 27. "Chief" Davies Prepares Camp for Winnetka Boys J. W. F. "Chief" Davies and Mrs. Davies made a brief visit to Indian Hill camp, Lake Hamlin, Mich., this week to inspect the camp and make some final preparations to receive the 30 Winnetka boys who will go to camp June 22. There is great rejoicing among the prospective "campers" now that the time for their departure is drawing near. A meeting of all who are going is called for Monday after- noon, June 15, in Community House when instructions and information concerning the trin. will be given. Pros at Playfield Links Prove Expert Instructors John and Walter Stelzel, profession- als at the Playfield Golf course have been experiencing some fairly busy days instructing novices and perfecting the games of those who have been at the game for some time. The brothers are expert tutors and, in addition to attending to other duties of professionals on the course, find EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE DRIVE IN OR AT THE CURB WINNETKA EXIDE BATTERY SERVICE 552-554 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winnetka 1387 POOR OIL BURNERS have caused some against all oil burners. prejudice As well condemn hand writing because of forgery. Discriminate in selecting your burner. Get the most efficient and economical. Let me tell you about the HARDINGE FUEL OIL BURNER ERSKINE WILDER Sales Engineer 1011 Hubbard Lane Winn. 88 Oil Burner & Refrigerating Co. 508 Davis St. Evanston, Ill. Phone Winnetka 32 | 16 Prouty Annex WINNETKA TEAMING & SUPPLY CO. y L. J. HAYES, Prop. sENERAL TEAMING AND EXPRESSING, BUILDING MATERIAL, DRIVEWAYS, GRADING AND BLACK DIRT Residence Phone 426 Winnetka, Illinois Phone Winn. 225 FLAGGING for WALKS, FLOORS and TERRACES IN ALL COLORS Laid in straight or rustic style. Artistic and perfect work with a guarantee of satisfaction. WILLIAM L. WENTE Sheet Metal Contractor 874 Center St., Hubbard Woods SURELY ~ 750 Elm Street oe oe ob of ofe ole of of oe oe ob of oe of of of oi ofe of obs ole oe of oe of ode hod hooleok Bob ob oe We have something at our Fountain that will refresh you when you're hot and tired. Many people have found this out and make daily calls for Sodas and Sundaes, or other refreshing drinks and delicacies. Community Pharmacy C. R. PATCHEN, R. Ph. "Smiling Service" dhbbbbbbbbbdb db bbdd bbb bbb bbb ddd ddd bbb bb bbb bbb bbb LER LLL EL EEE LEE EEE EE EEE EE EEE EE LEE EL LL Phone Winn. 164 oo ood BoB of ole oe oe oe oF of ole oF ole os SB ole <b oe ode oe ole ob obo oe oi obo ob ob ole ob ob ample time to give instructions. Those who have "taken" from the pair testi- fy enthusiastically to their ability to convert beginners into effective play- ers. The instruction is held by many to be essential since it gets the novice started away in proper shape before he has a chance to get into "bad" goli- ing habits. Appointments may be made at any- time by communicating with the Play- field professional's house on the course. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ridgway, 207 Cumberland avenue, entertained their Evening Bridge club for dinner Mon- day evening. Kenilworth Happenings Mrs. Alexander W. Hannah, 256 Woodstock avenue, entertained the Kenilworth mah jongg club at lunch- eon on Wednesday. Cy Miss Florence Wheelock of 132 Ox- ford road, has been east this week at- tending her class reunion at Bradford academy in Boston. Read All the Want-Ads HABERDASHERY of the better qualities brings all the smart dressy men to buy at our store, and hosiery is one of their principal purchases, because comfortable, smart looking and very durable, yet soft to the feet. Silken hose a specialty with us. Other lines of furnishings equally attractive in quality and price. John H. Dethloff Men's and Boys' Furnishings 786 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 1077 CHILDREN'S PLAY OXFORDS GOOD LOOKING, LONG WEARING, NARROW IN THE HEEL COMFORTABLE 4 PLAY OXFORDS Tan or Smoked Elkskin 8!; to 11 ....$4.85 117; to 2 ....$5.85 2 to To $7.50 PaoL & PIPER | CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS 1608 Chicago Avenue EVANSTON. ILLINOIS DopnGe BROTHERS SPECIAL TOURING CAR Half the pleasure of buying a motor car rests in the conviction that you have exercised a sen- sible choice. That pleasure is shared byevery Dodge Brothers purchaser--not alone at the hour of purchase but ever afterward. His good judgment is confirmed by everything that he continues to hear about the car, and every- thing that it does. Five Balloon Tires TELEPHONE WINNETKA 165 DODGE WERSTED MOTOR CO. COMPLETE AUTOMOBILE SERVICE 562 LINCOLN AVENUE BROTHERS > y ' ¥ * 3 | > ] + | ; wy 3 -- I e----