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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 20 Jun 1925, p. 19

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x» ur WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1925 19 HOMELESS? JUST TRY OUR WANT ADS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Glencoe General Notices who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. - Rat 10 cents per line in one paper. es--, MINIMUM CHARGE 50c. papers. the line. No black face type used. Telephones: Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, Rates for Display type on application. { > Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline for Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. or 20 cents per line in all three Average of five words to 8 REAL ESTATE 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS VACANT BARGAINS 110x149 FT. (HARDING ROAD) E. new elec. extension and N. of netka ave. $27.00 per ft. 1 1/3 acre lot E. of new elec. ex- tension; last one left in Happ Sub- division; $3,750 per acre. Winnetka Manor, 4 lots 50x180 ft.; $62.50 per ft. Acre tracts along North Shore Ex- tension. Complete listings. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 10 Carlton Annex Winn. 1800 1LTN38-1tc MUST BE SOLD THIS MONTH "OWNER COMPELLED TO SACRIFICE almost new 7 rm. stucco with sun OF in- and slp. pches.; 2 tile baths; h. w. ht.; toilet and lav. 1st fir.; beaut. wded. grounds; nr. school, transp. and golf club. Asking $27,500; might trade for income-producing proper- Welneer & Kroll, Inc. 720 Elm St. Winn. 254 1LTN38-1tc FOR SALE--INDIAN HILL CHOICE COLONIAL HOME ON CLUB grounds with unobstructed view to S. West over this fine course; large grounds surrounded by magnificent homes; complete in its equipment and practically new; possession in RR further particulars and ppointments or inspection Winnetka office > See . HILL & STONE Exclusive Agents. Phone Winn. 1544 1T15-1te WASHINGTON AVE, Glencoe; opp. Skokie Country club; 8 rm. hse.; slpg. and liv. porch; ga- rage; lot 150x182; lovely grounds. Will divide and sell house with 75 FOR SALE--501 or 80 ft. Apply Mrs. . L. Davis 501 Washington Ave. Phone Glen. 207. 1LTN38-1tc FOR SALE -- SOUTH WINNETKA. year old solid brick 7 rm. house; 3 baths; 1 lavatory; screened porch; vapor heat; Rudd water heater; 2 gar garage; Reigate ice box; close eridan road; schools and t - portation. Tel Winn. 1098. fans 1LTN38-1tc FOR SALE--KENILWORTH'S MOST beautiful section; 164 Oxford Rd.; stucco; 9 rms.; 3 baths; 2 car gar.; lot 85x160. Terms as easy as possi- ble. Leo J. Dwyer, 7710 Sheridan Rd. Rogers Park 8500 or your own broker. 1LTN38-1tc FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW HOUSES; 5, 6 and 7 rooms; near lake, golf and transportation; large lots; price $16,000 and $21,000. Ww. Otten, Coun- ty Line Rd., Glencoe. Phone High- land Park 898-Y3. 1LTN26-tfe FOR SALE VACANT 60x197 Woodland Park subdivision, he field; streets in and water to curb line; will consider trade for proper- ty in Wilmette. Address Wilmette Life A-589. 1LTN38-tfp WINNETKA--FOR QUICK SALE 6 RM. STUCCO; S. E. WINNETKA: 1 Kin San ana brkfst. rm.; ga- , y i one Wi or see at 565 Elder $ etka 1300 1LTN38-1tc HUBBARD WOODS 7 RM. CLPBD.; 4 BEDRMS.: 2 BATHS; 1 yr. old; on wooded lot 50x160 ft. A real buy at $17,000. Phone Win- netka 1226. 1LTN38-1te WANTED--IN WILMETTE, KEN = worth or Winnetka, about 8-9 % house; Rust have 2 baths; with rip- rights. dress i Life A-590. MALIN FOR SALE--7 RM. HOUSE; 2 BATHS; 2 car garage; nr. trans. and school Price $12,500. Address Wilmette Life A-58%8, 1LTN38-1tc WANTED TO RENT--6 RM. HOUSE with garage; Wilmette to Glencoe; $100-$125 per month. Phone Winn. 236. 1TN15-1te WANTED--GOOD HOUSE: 7 RMS. ; 2 baths; east Winnetka. $20,000- $30,000. Phone Univ. 10388. 1TN15-1te FOR SALE--WILMETTE, EAST SIDE: rm. brick col.: 2 car brick earacge. Phone Univ. 4480-M. 1LTN36-3tp 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT--SUMMER COTTAGE AT Linden Hills, Mich.; $100 for July; running water, toilet, bath; fine beach; beau. location; 6 hrs'. drive from Chicago. Brewer. Phone Winn. 690. 2LTN38-1te FOR RENT--3 RM. MODERN FLAT, $25 per month; 3 blks. Kenilworth sta. Also rm. modern Winnetka home: very reas.; to May 1st. 1926, or longer. Write Box 106. Kenil- worth. 2L'TN38-1tp FOR RENT--FURNISHED HSE. FOR summer months; $200 a month; 5 bedrms.: 3 baths; sun porch: garage; nr. station. Phone Mrs. Paul Starr, Winn. 1765. 2ILTN28-tfc FOR RENT--DURING JULY AND AU- cust; 5 rm. cottage at Trout Lake, Wis. Address Winnetka Talk A-587. 2L.T38-1te FOR RENT--FURN. COTTAGE IN Estes Park, Colo.: all modern conv. If interested call Wilmette 1643. 2LLTN38-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED HOUSE July 1-Sept. 1 or 15. Phone Winn. 620-W. 2T15-1te FOR RENT--A COZY 5 RM. APT. 1ST floor fireplace; h. w. heat; best neighborhood; nr. trans. 752 Sun- set Rd. Phone Winn. 573-R. 3T5-tfe FOR RENT--JULY AND AUGUST; 4 rm. furn. apt. to responsible party. Phone Wilmette 866-M. 3LTN38-1te FOR RENT--MODERN 4 ROOM APT.; near trans.; h. w. heat; also garage. 353 Adams St., Glencoe. 3LT38-2tp FOR RENT--3RM. MODERN FLAT; furnace heat; $45 per mo.; 2 adults; positively no children. 222 Catalpa Pl, Wilmette. 3LTN38-1tp FOR RENT--2 AND 4 RM. MODERN apartments; steam heat; janitor service. Phone Wil. 2399. 3LTN24-tfc I-- 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS a FOR RENT -- NEWLY FURNISHED room; twin beds; for two gentlemen; 1 block from transportation; next door to restaurant, 556 Center Street. Phone Winnetka 1588. 4TN15-1te CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. 4T13-4tc FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED room in private family; one blk. from Hubbard Woods sta. Phone Winn. 2070. 4TN15-1te FOR RENT--FURN. HSKPG. ROOM; close to trans.; suitable for business people. Phone Winn. 2176 after 6 P. M. Sunday. 4LT15-1te FOR RENT--2 LGE. BEAU. FURN. bedrms.; also 1 furn. light house- keeping suite. 1021 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 2791. 4LTN38-1tc FOR RENT--TWO RMS. WITH BATH; single or double; private home; breakfast. Phone Glencoe 805. 4LTN38-2tp FOR RENT--LARGE, LIGHT, WELL- furn. room; priv. bath; nr. lake and trans. Phone Winn. 1543, 11 HELP WANTED--MALE 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 4LTN38-1tc FOR RENT--FURNISHED RM.; NR. trans.; gentleman preferred. 910 Elm St 4T15-1te FOR RENT--RM.; 1 BLK. FROM Hubbard Woods station. Phone Winn. 2322. 4TN15-1tp FOR RENT--LARGE, FRONT ROOM; furn. 615 Kenilworth Ave. Phone Kenil. 1146. 4TN15-1tp FOR RENT--UPSTAIRS FRONT RM.; one or two men. 903 Ash St. 4T15-1tp FOR RENT--2 ROOMS FOR COUPLE; lighthousekeeping privileges. Phone Winn. 2338 evenings. 4T15-1tc FOR RENT--NICELY FURN. ROOM; kitchen privileges if desired. Phone Glen. 976. 4LTN38-1tc FOR RENT--2 WELL-FURN. ROOMS in east side home. Fhone Wilmette 1940. 4L.TN38-1te FOR RENT--3 ROOMS AT 338 ADAMS St., Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 885. 4LTN35-tfc FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM; NEAR trans. Phone Winn. 1921. 4LTN38-1tc 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT--WINNETKA STORE, 563 Lincoln avenue. Ayres Boal, 122 So. Michigan avenue, Chicago. 5T13-3te FOR RENT--STORE ROOMS AND OF- fices. G. F. Gonsalves. Phone Winn. 62. 5LTN31-tfc 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT--GARAGE AT 458 SUN- set Road, Winnetka; $10 per month. Call Lee Walker, Randolph 2442, 6T14-2tc FOR RENT--2 GARAGES; ONE DOU- WANTED -- FLOORMAN FOR _GA- rage; hours 12 noon to 9 P. M. Hansen Motor Co. 11T15-1tp HELP WANTED--FEMALE THE VOICE WITH A SMILE is exemplified by Telephone Operators Because they are happy and well Paid Vacations with Pay Pleasant surroundings A liberal benefit plan We Need Operators Now Call in person and talk it over with the chief operator Day or Evenings [llinois Bell Telephone Co. 12LTN38-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT HIGH school girl to assist with work in small family; go home nights. Phone Winn. 2438. 12T15-1tc WANTED--COMPETENT MAID FOR gen. hswk.; good cook; refs. Phone Winn. 369. 12TN15-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 18LTN24-tfe N. FELL--NEW AND USED FURNI- ture bought and sold. 1644 Maple Ave.,, Evanston. Phone Univ. 103. 18LTN19-tfe SITUATION WANTED--EXPERIENC- ed gardener and all around handy man wishes permanent position or work by the day or hour. Phone Winn. 639-W. after 6 P. M. 14T15-1tp SITUATION WANTED--CHAUFFEUR; col.; 13 yrs. exp.; willing to do house work; will leave city; can do minor repairs; refs. T. Green. Phone Douglas 2839. 14T15-1tp SITUATION WANTED--YOUNG COL. man, exp. as houseman and garden- er in priv. family; ref. Phone Winn. 1432. 14LTN38-1te 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE BONTON SHOP DRESSMAKING AND REMODELING, patterns made to order. Best of North Shore references. 24 Prouty Annex, Winn. 2106. 15TNS8-tfc French native teacher gives private lessons and forms classes for adults and children. For in- Wilmette 763-M. 15LTN37-tfp formation call SITUATION WTD. -- MIDDLE-AGED lady, good cook and housekeeper; would like a position for small pay in a good Christian home. Address Wilmette Life A-576. 15LT38-1tp MRS. NORA GREER QUICK SERVICE HAND LAUNDRY; silk; linens and lace curtains a spe- cialty. 106 W. 59th St. Phone En- glewood 10281. 15LTN38-1tp SITUATION WTD.--LAUNDRESS DE- sires work at home; finished, rough dry; wet wash; will call for and de- liver. Phone Wil. 1351. 15LTN24-tfc SITUATION WANTED -- CATERING, cooking and serving; will also care for children. Phone Wilmette 1080. 15LT38-1tc SITUATION WANTED -- MIDDL E- aged woman wants gen. hswk.; good cook. Phone Winn. 2253. 15T15-1te SITUATION WANTED -- REFINED high school girl desires care of chil- dren; part time; good refs. Phone Winn. 1333. 15T15-1te SITUATION WTD. -- MIDDLE-AGED woman wants gen. hswk. and cook- ing; refs. Phone Univ. 7566, 15TN15-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- COOKING and serving meals or care of chil- dren. Phone Wil. 3285 morning or evening. 15T15-1te WANTED -- LAUNDRY WORK TO take home; wet wash; rough dry; or ironing. Phone Winn. 859 rage, 1010 Tower Rd. 617. 12LTN38-1tc WANTED--CHILD'S NURSE TO HELP with care of 3 children; previous exp. and refs. necessary; permanent position. 237 Walden Rd., Glencoe. Phone Glen. 82. 12LLT38-1tc WANTED COMPETENT WHITE maid for gen. hswk.; 3 adults in family. Apply 1101 Greenwood Ave. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 258. 12LTN38-1tc WANTED--EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR gen. hswk.; no laundry; priv. room and bath. 303 Fairview Ave. Phone Winn. 852. 12LTN38-1te WANTED--YOUNG WHITE GIRL OR middle aged woman to assist with house work. Tel. Winn. 1205. 12LTN38-1tc WANTED--BOOKKEEPER. CALL AT W. Schneider, 346 Park Ave. Glen- coe, or phone Glencoe 1. 12L'TN38-1te WANTED TO BUY--KIDDIE-KOOP in good cond. Phone Winn. 2193. 18T15-1te 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash Street. New Store, 1500 Willow Rd. 19LT8-tfe -. FOR SALE--AUTOMOBILES 20 Used Cars--All Makes OPEN AIR SALES Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Willys-Knight and Overland Dealers Evanston 140 20LTN24-tfe 1923 CHANDLER SPORT 7 PASSEN- ger sedan; reconditioned and re- painted; excellent condition through- out; $950. 1924 Moon touring; like new; $850. We recommend the pur- chase of either of these cars on the basis of good value and satisfactory service. Wersted Motor Co. Phone Winn. 165. 2LTN38-1te FOR SALE PAIGE AUTOMOBILE; 5 PASS. PHAE- ton; equipment, winter side curtains, spotlight, wind-shield wiper, bump- er, 5 nearly new semi-balloon tires; good cond. Inspection at Motor Service, Inec.,, 721 Main St., Wilmette. 20LTN38-1te FOR SALE--NASH RDSTR. IN GOOD cond. throughout; bargain. 421 Linden St., Winnetka. Phone Winn. 1131. 20LTN38-1tc FOR SALE--FORD 1-TON TRUCK; good cond. Phone Wilmette 534. 20LTN38-1tc 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FARROW CHIX AFTER JUNE 15TH, post paid; 100 lots Barred Rocks, S. C. Reds, Anconas, $9.50; White Rocks, R. Reds, $10.50; Wyan- dotes, Minorcas, Buff Orp., $11.50; Leghorns, $8.50. D. :T. Farrow Chickeries, Peoria, I11. 21LTN35-8tp FOR SALE--PORCH SWING; ICE box; girl's bicycle; baby carriage; sewing mach.; $mall ofice desk; chairs. Phone inn. . 21TN15-1tp FOR SALE--THOR WASHING MA- chine, motor needs repairing, price $15; Underwood typewriter, $15. Phone: Glen. 587. 21TN15-1te FOR SALE--SURE-FOOTED WEST- 'broken ern pinto pony; thoroughly to saddle. Phone Winn. 114. 4 21LTN38-1te FOR SALE -- TALKING PARROT; cheap; JRENIng ne large cage. h Kenilwort A Phone oii 21LTN38-1tp FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- terations call Miss Carlsten, Winn. 2213. 15TN10-tfe SITUATION WANTED WOMAN wishes work by day. Phone Winn. 2254. 15T15-1te SITUATION WANTED--YOUNG WOM- an wants position as nurse. Phone Winn. 1769. 15TN-1te 15TN15-1te FOR SALE--MARIGOLDS, 20c a doz. WANTED -- REFINED WOMAN OR 1618 Spencer Ave. Wilmette. Phone high school girl afternoons by the|SITUATION WANTED--COL. WOMAN| Wil. 821-W. 21LT38-1te week; simple dinner for 2; baby's| with small boy for gen. hswk.; exp. | === 1avthdrys prefer SEperienceds, but| $12. Phone Wilmette 1441. Sibit 22 FINANCIAL will give bright gir ene of my 15TN15-1tp college training in domestic science. HAVE $3,000 TO $5,000 FOR MONTH- 1082 Cherry St. Phone Winn. 1810.| SITUATION WANTED -- 2 HIGH ly payment second mortgage on a 12T15-1tp school girls for gen. hswk.; refs. residence property from Wilmette Phone North Chicago 1214-M. to Waukegan. Address Wilmette WANTED--YOUNG LADY FOR OF- 15TN15-1tp Life A-570. 22LTN37-tfc fice work; Burroughs operator pre- - -- ferred but not necessary; salary|SITUATION WANTED--HOUSEWORK | 23 PERSONAL $25 to start. Hubbard Woods Ga- by the week. Phone Glen. 1044. Phone Winn. 15T15-1te SUMMER ART CAMP MISS MARIE ARNOLD, INSTRUCTOR of art in the Madison Public schools, is organizing a camp for young girls who are ESPECIALLY INTEREST- ED IN ART. Several openings are still A AI Ess Ld reason- le. Phone il. -M. anie 23LTN38-1te LOST AND FOUND SERGE COAT_BE- 24 LOS T--BOY'S SITUATION WANTED--SECOND GIRL wishes position in family of adults. Phone Winn. 50. 15LTN38-1tc SITUATION WANTED--DAY WORK, tween Hawthorn Lane and Indian laundry or cleaning. Phone Univ. Hill station; reward. Phone Winn. 3261-W. after 6 P. M. 15TN15-1tc 1219. 241. TN38-1te SITUATION WANTED ORN BY 26 GARDENING the day; cleaning, aundry, etc. Phone. Univ. 3556. 15LTN38-1tp | LANDSCAPE GARDENING, HAULING Pho Glencoe 885. Xe 26LTN28-tfc 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE black dirt. 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--5 PCS. OF MAH. FURN,, light hswk. and children; no laun- dry. Phone Wilmette 2619. 12LT38-1tc WANTED--GIRL TO ASSIST WITH dresser and chiffonier to match; 2 colonial chests and 1 dressing table with mirror; all in excellent cond.; magnificent 2-panel lacquered Jap- NO. SHORE WINDOW AND HOUSE Cleaning Co. Yes, we have men for anything that is to be done around the house. Place your order now. Prompt service. 10 Prouty Annex. Phone Winn. 1994. 27Té6-tfe SANITARY HOUSE CLEANING BY ble, $8: one single, $10. 989 Spr anese screen with inlaid ivory fig- the hour; Winnetka refs. Call St. ir Winn, 503.0, 6T14-tfo WANTED--EXP. MAID FOR GEN. ures; 2 handsome mirrors with North Chicago 1527-W.; reverse hswk.; own room and bath; small handroaryed frames; 3 Ei ntact charges. 27T15-1tp FOR RENT--GARAGE; 984 CHERRY family; refs. Phone Winn. 1254. small antique alian tables. one St. Phone Winn. 1114. 6T15-1te 12TN15-1te Winn. 17LTN38-1tc | 28 PIANO TUNING ; WANTED -- MAID FOR COOKING|FOR SALE--DINING RM. SET; 2 PIANO TUNING--REPAIRING 10 | WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS and downstairs work; 4 in family;| antique clocks; some odd chairs.| FOR SALE--UPRIGHT PIANO, $50. ref. req. Phone Winn. 1956. : Mrs. R. L. Davis, 501 Washington I. W. Foster, 1306 Wilmette avenue. WANTED TO RENT--TWO FURN. 12TN15-1te Ave. Phone Glencoe 207. Phone Winnetka 509-7. rooms or Aires room two beds, for 17TLTN38-1tc 28LTN36-tfc two gentlemen during July; also|WANTED--GIRL (WHITE) TO WASH garage ong sar, if possible. Phone| dishes and Sait in HAE Apply BOR 1 ALE~0AS RANGEL RIgHY 29 PAINTING AND DECORATING innetka 648. 10LT38-1tc il T R ' i % and oven; splendi aker; } los a pombe Line Ye sideboard, $10. Phone Wilmette [ITF YOU HAVE ANY PAINTING OR WANTED -- YOUNG GIRL WANTS 701-R. 17LTN38-1tp decorating Ht IpD%, Sone, IL pay room in Winn. or Hubbard Woods| WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. vou to get in touc wi 5. . in return for 2 hrs. work each day. hswk.; no laundry; pleasant sur-|FOR SALE--$185 SIMPLEX WASHER, Brandt. Best references. Phone Phone Winn. 2232. 10T15-1te roundings; best wages; must have Fimost new, 2130; 23 Want, Doms Glencoe 971. 29TN4-tfe 4 i - or angora Kitten. one encoe I TR refs. Phone Winn. 324. 12T15-1te for g ITLTN38-1te | 32 KENNELS £35 WANTED -- COMPETENT STENO- > granher. Address Wilmette Life| FOR SALE--FIELD'S DOUBLE DAY- DOGS FOR SALE WANTED -- EXPERIENCED BANK A-5T710 12LTN38-1te bed, Simon's make; mattress; good - i teller for savings cage in north cond. Phone Winnetka 1385. BEAUTIFUL POMERANIANS SIRED shore bank. Permanent position| wANTFD -- COMPETENT WHITE 17LTN38-1te by ch. Radium of Dara, dam with good salary to right person.| oir for gen. hswk. Phone Winn. McNabb's Ruffles: from show stock; Must have pleasing personality and| 1ggs, 121 TN38-1tc | FOR SALE--SINGLE BED AND CHIF-| home reared. 2716 Calumet Ave. come well recommended. State par- fonier to match; white enamel; in Phone Vietorv 8354. 32TN15-1tp ticulars and give references. Ad- | WANTED--YOUNG GIRL DAILY FOR A-1 cond.; very cheap. Phone Wil Ee dress Glencoe News A-581, hswk.: for summer. Phone Winn. 2810. 17TN15-1te ; 11T15-1te| 1910. 12TN15-1tc | = = Miss Constance Hannah, 256 Wood- WANTED -- LARGE, STRONG BOY |WANTED_WOMAN OR GIRL TO BOR SAL A ee" "Wil. | stock avenue, entertained for a number for 1 or 2 days a week: ith exp. "holn care for sick girl. Phone} 2739. 17TN15-1te of fey fring at a luncheon at her cutting grass. Apply 54 ashing- i 5 S 4 5-1 home Monday. ET neo Dior: HoT 2 | meviun, 1506 Sunday 121 Se FOR SALE -- BLUE REED BABY S02 N15- « TRL ho] buggy; ; one ; oly AD RL. EPR OR a 17TN15-1tc| John Bellows of Toronto, Canada, WANTED -- BRICKLAYERS. APPLY| Chestnut St, 19T15-1te : formerly of Kenilworth, was a visitor to fhupbard, Woods 3chool aot Chat EOR SA ECRAPYS FE BD ON here over the week-end while enjoying e an urr avenues, innetka. | WANTED -- GIRL FOR WAITRESS. wheels ne . . p . . James Shedden & Co. 11LTN38-1te Annlv at 748 Elm St. 12T15-1tp 17L/TN38-1te [a stay with his parents in Evanston.

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