10 WINNETKA WEEKLY TALK, SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1925 The I NORTH SHORE BOOTERY Announces Its SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE To make room for new Fall merchandise we have, in accordance with our policy, radically reduced every shoe in the store to the following attractive prices: FOR MEN $6.35 $7.35 $8.35 FOR WOMEN $4.35 $6.35 $7.85 $8.85 All White Linen Shoes... $6.35 All White Kid Shoes... $7.85 One can find all sizes in these lots but not in every style--an early attendance will be to your advantage. Although our regular CANTILEVER numbers are not included in this sale, we have sharply reduced some of the numbers we are discontinuing. | North Shore Bootery In the North Shore Hotel 529 Davis Street, at Chicago Avenue Phone University 6757 1 Drama Class Plans Social Affairs T° Playwriting class has guaranteed $1000 toward the fund to be raised by the Town and Gown organization of Northwest- ern university to support a director for Playshop plays during the coming year. Many prominent women of the north shore are lend- ing their gardens as well as their enthusiasm to make this venture a success. Wednesday, July 29, at 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon, Mrs. Harold Ickes of 900 Private road, Winnetka, will open her garden for a musicale, a reading of original poems by Louise Ayres Garnett, and a tea. Other parties will be announced at regular intervals. The Playwriting class is no longer solely an Evanston product. The whole north shore contributes through its members to the creative ability and the artistic success of this group. Several plays by Mrs. James Burrill of Wilmette have proved delightful this sum- mer while the class was enjoying its five meetings in Mrs. Harrison Riley's garden Tuesday mornings. The next regular season for the class will continue in October at the Evanston Public Library. Duncan Sisters Are Coming to Evanston HE Duncan Sisters, who need no introduction, are coming to the north shore with about 20 members of their company in an original performance in costume, at the Evanston's Woman's club Friday, July 31, at 3 o'clock, under the auspices of the Evanston King's Daughters. Following the performance, a reception will be held to introduce Topsy and Eva to their audience. In Wilmette, the tickets are on sale at Renneckar's Drug store, and in Winnetka, they may be purchased at the Winnetka Community Pharmacy. Sorority Sale to Display Latest Fashions I carrying out their steadfast purpose to raise funds for a new home, members of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority of North- western university will hold a sale of gowns and sports apparel from the McAvoy shop, Chicago, in the Fountain room of the North Shore hotel, Evanston, for a week beginning Monday, July 27. Miss Kath- erine Miller, the chairman, is just back from abroad where she studied fashions. There will be a with north shore girls, the model of the sorority who are interested Mrs. Arthur Forster entertained 16 guests at bridge and tea Wednesday afternoon, at her home at 270 Wood- land avenue, in honor of her sister. Mrs. Arthur M. Gohmann, who is visit- ing her from St. Louis, Mo. Several other affairs have been planned for Mrs. Gohmann during her three weeks' stay in Winnetka. Mrs. Frederick W. Henkel of 653 Walden road, entertained yesterday for her at the Sunset Ridge Golf club. Next Wednesday, Mrs. Richard Dean of Evanston will be hostess at a theater party in her hon- or, and tonight Mrs. May Linkman, also of Evanston, will give a dinner party at the Sheridan Beach hotel. --_--Q-- A party of young matrons formed a gay luncheon party at Skokie club Monday last, during the opening matches of the tennis tournament in play there for the championship of Illinois. Some of the kiddies were there to see their fathers participate. Mrs. Allanson Follansbee, Mrs. Bruce Macleish, Mrs. Edward Welles, Mrs. Preston Boyden, Mrs. Warren Agry, Mrs. John Coolidge, Mrs. Arthur Tuttle, and Mrs. Oliver Knode were among those at the club. -- QQ Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Crowell, 770 Humboldt avenue, enthusiastic sailors, and members of several yacht clubs, left last Sunday morning for a fort- night's cruise on the Perry Kay with a party of young Evanston friends on board. Their destination is Mackinac island, where they will stay for a short time. The Perry Kay is named for Mrs. Crowell who was Perry Kimball before her marriage. Henry P. Crowell, Sr., is remaining in the village for the summer. ---- pr The Ash and Cherry Street circles entertained 40 children from the Chi- cago Commons Wednesday, July 22. The guests were met with automobiles and taken for a drive along the north shore. They returned to the Winnet- ka beach for a picnic lunch and to spend the afternoon. On this occasion, about eight mothers accompanied their little tots who were too young to be out of their care. Mrs. Charles Kreger and Mrs. A. Walgren were in charge of the picnic. ys Mr. and Mrs. Carol N. Cheney of Philadelphia, are the guests for a month of Mrs. Cheney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Clark of 76 Warwick road. Mrs. Cheney was one of last June's brides, and is making her first visit to Winnetka since her marriage. The Cheneys were called west a little earlier than they had intended to come by the death last week, of Mr. Cheney's mother, Mrs. Frederick Cheney of Rogers Park. SN, "Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dalzell, 1057 Vine street, have as their house guest for a fortnight, Mrs. Dalzell's sister, Miss Ruth Schmid of New Martins- ville, N. Y. Many affairs have been planned in her honor during her visit here. SO Mr. and Mrs. D. K. French of 503 Hawthorne lane, are leaving this week- end for an extended trip on the west coast and to Alaska. Mr. French will attend the convention of the American Chemical society at Los Angeles. style show as a special feature, s. Helen Pancoast and Virginia Bixby of Wilmette, and Virginia Ingram of Winnetka, are members in the affair. There will be a card party held Fri- day afternoon, July 31, beginning at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Ferdinand Wolter, Jr., 1377 Scott avenue. The proceeds of the affair are to go toward the Eastern Star bazaar, which is to be held September 30. Mrs. Wolter will be assisted by Mrs. Richard B. Webster of Provident avenue. Reser- vations should be telephoned to either +f these women before Thursday, July 30. --Q-- Miss Grace Stoddard and Miss Mary Alice Stoddard left Tuesday for a visit 'n Rockford, as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Les- ter Stoddard, 582 Provident avenue, have as their house guests for a week, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Browne and their son, Lewis, of Gelding, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Stoddard will accompany the Brownes to Belding for a brief stay when they return next week. CO The Garden committee of the Illinois Women's Athletic club was enter- tained at the home of the chairman, Mrs. Edgar Foster Alden, Tuesday, July 21, at a luncheon which was fol- lowed by a business meeting. Mrs. Alden, who resided at 352 Linden ave- nue, was expecting 30 guests, as her committee is a large one. The guest of honor was the president of the club, Mrs. C. Maria Seifert. Ot Two splendid boxes were packed full of useful gifts for the Christmas holiday festivities for the little girls and boys of China and India. They were shipped this week by the com- mittee in charge. These gifts were the results of the Christmas tree party given on the lawn of the Frank Ferry home on Sheridan road, some weeks ago, when children of Winnetka brought gifts for this purpose. i) Mrs. Palmer I. Randall and her daughter, Miss Elizabeth, of 442 Hill road, are leaving August 1, for an in- definite stay in California. Mr. Ran- dall will join his wife and daughter in September, and Miss Randall will prob- ably return to Winnetka in time for the opening of the fall term at North- western university, where she will be a junior. epi The friends of Mrs. Alanson Follans- bee and all Winnetka women who are interested in real French creations will be delighted to hear that she has just returned from France, and has brought with her many beautiful mod- els which she has on display at her "Chez Moi" at her home at 674 Hill road. Oe Miss Betty Ward of 112 Green Bay road has as her guest, Miss Ellen Carey of Belvidere, N. J., a classmate at Miss Wheelock's kindergarten school in Boston. Miss Carey has pre- viously visited Miss Betty Munro and Miss Doris Woodcock of Wilmette, who were also members of the grad- nating = class this" year . at Miss Wheelock's. os Mrs. R. L. Arey of 929 Tower road, has as her guests this week-end, Miss Edna Fletcher and Miss Mary Fletcher of Keokuk, Io. Miss Edna Fletcher, who is Mrs. Arey's cousin, plans to ex- tend her visit for some time longer. x